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Optimal Areas for Further Highway Development for South Jersey Shore Routes

onm e ntalSc ie nc e ,Ad vanc e d GI
S(EN VL3303)
one ,Stoc kton Unive r
DanikaHashe r
stc o
<allothe rvalue s>

MGT_NAME The obje c tive of thispr

oje c tisto find suitable ar
e asforfur
the rhighway d e ve lopm e ntto
ic ultur
od uc tion Ar
ea Figur e 1showsthe stud y c onne c tr
oute 55to the Gar d e n State Parkway.
Fe d e r
y Fac ility ar e aalong with the
e stAr
ea c lassfie d land use sof the

Pine land s
Pine land sTown
Pine land sVillage
e se r
vation Ar
Re gionalGr
owth Ar
ea In the sum m e rtraffic going towar d sthe Je rse y Shor e isagr owing is sue .W ith the one of the
alDe ve lopm e ntAr
two be s twaysto ge tto the J erse y Shor e be ing atollr oad the ne e d forar oute withouttollsis
Spe c ialAG Pr
od uc tion Ar
ea 0 15 30 60Mile s
± im por
J er
tant.Asof rightnowr oute 55goe ss
se y,butthe highway stopsjusts
to bac k up on the s id e r
outh towar
outh of Millville ar
oad sbe twe e n r
d the s

oute 55and the Gar

outhe r
ound Por
n pe ninsulaof N e w
tElizabe th.Thisc aus
d e n State Par
e straffic
kway d own to the
s outhe rn-m ostshor e are as

Figur e 2showsland use BARREN LAN D
c lassific ationsforthe stud y are a, FOREST
asc lassifie d by the wate rshe d
W ETLAN DS The goalof thiss tud y wasto s e e whatar e aswould have alowe rc os tof highway
m anage m e ntar e as.
TURE d e ve lopm e nt.By d e ve loping e ithe rr oute 55d own to the par kway orc r e ating m or e lane son
W ATER pr e- e xisting route ss om e shor e tr affic issue sc ould be alle viate d .The ar e aswhe r e found by
cr e ating ale as tc ostanalys isc r e ate d from land us e and slope d atas e ts. Anothe rr oute was
found us ing pre- ex isting r oad sand using spatialse le c tion toolsin or d e rto spe c ially loc ate
road sthatwould be the e asie s tto d e ve lop furthe r.The r e sultsof the le as tc oas tanalys is
c am e up with m any d iffe r e ntwaysthatahighway c ould be d e ve lope d ,while the s e le c tion
us ing pr e- existing r oad sys te m sm e thod c am e up with one r oute thatinte r se c te d with both

± 0 12.
5 25 50Mile s
route 55and the Gar

d e n State Par kway.

Legend Legend
Dataforthisstud y wasfound on the N e wJ er
s e y De par tm e ntof Environm e ntalPr ote c tion
RT55 RT55
GI Sd ownload page ,along with infor m ation fr om N JGI N and Stoc kton’ sGI Sd atabas e .The
kway Par
infor m ation use d to c re ate the le astc os tpath wasd ownload e d fr om the N JDEPwe bsite
and the n puttoge the rinto one lar ge d atas e tso thatthe s lope c ould be fac tore d into the
De lawar
e _ Bay_ W S
lowe r
_ d e lawar
e _ ws POP2000
e at_ Egg_ har
_ ws 64285-146438
analys is.The land use d atawasfound in d atafr om the d iffe re ntwate rshe d m anage m e nt
146439-297490 are asaffe c te d by the d e ve lopm e ntof the highway.W he n the le as tc ostanalys iswasr an,
297491-423394 the r es ultwass e ve r
ald iffe r
e ntpathsthatc ould be take n be twe e n r oute 55and the
Par kway.The othe rpossible r oute of d e ve lopm e ntwasfound using pr e-e xisting r oad
± ±
0 5 10 20Mile s 615302-8841
18 0 5 10 20Mile s sys te m s.Thisr oute wasfound by us ing the se le c tby attr ibute tooland the n se tting the
spatialse le c tion m e thod to find allr oad sthatinte r se c tats om e pointwith r oute 55and the
Figur e 3showsthe wate r she d se ffe c te d by highway Figur e 4showsthe populationse ffe c te d by highway par kway.
d e ve lopm e nt.Both the Gar d e n State Par kway and route 55 d e ve lopm e nt.
ar e shown s o c ur
re ntim pac tsar e shown.

Results and Conclusion:
RT55 The r es ultsof the le ast c ost analysiss howe d m any d iffe r e nt waysthat r oad sc ould be
leastcostpath d e ve lope d to c onne c t r
oute 55to the par kway.W ith the le ast c os t analys isfac torssuc h as
Value land us e we nt into the c onsid e ration of whe r e the r oad would go.Figur e 5s howsthe final
1-144 res ultsand in thism ap we tland swe r e avoid e d asm uc h asposs ible .The r e wassom e
0000001-405 ove r lap with pr e-
e xisting road s,but thos e we r e not fac tor e d into the or iginal le as t c ost
oad s analys is.The re wasone r oute thatwasid e ntifie d asaposs ible route ford e ve lopm e ntthatis
tc o alr e ad y ar oad ,and thatwasRoute 47.Thatisthe only r oute thatinte r se c tswith both r oute
55and the Par kway.Both the le astc os tpath c r e ate d and the r oute found thr ough se le c tion
go thought Pine land sfor est are as,but the land us e d atafr om the wate r she d m anage m e nt
ar e ass howsthe le as tc ostbe ing the be tte rroute sto d e ve lop asbe tte rbe c aus e thos e paths
d o notinc lud e asm uc h we tland s.

Data Sources:

e 5showsthe le astc ostpathsc r
oad sin the stud y ar
e aar

e ate d along with the r

e shown to m ake any ove r

oute c hose n with pr

lapsvisible .

e xisting r
oad s.Allpr
e-e xisting
60Mile s
N J.
gov/ GIS
pine land s
ope nd ata
Stoc kton Unive r sity GI
Sd atabase

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