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Aayesha is ten year old and has been studying at NIF since class second.

She is a
very brave and hardworking child. She belongs to poor family. She is not getting
proper direction of herself anywhere. She is not getting education. After enrolled
at NIF she was learnt to study and did well. She was improved herself. she did
great as she grew up. She is able to read and understand English and solve the
maths problems easily which was her greatest fear. She is a regular student at
NIF. NIF is the way to improve her in academics, sports and other activities. So she
actively participated in different activities and got prize and appreciation. Activity
based study improve her and also she is able to build up her confidence level. She
was learnt here computer, drawing, music etc. she is average in studies and now
able to grasp things easily during classes. Now she is very happy and grasp a hope
that her future will secure and bright. She wants to become a doctor.

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