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Aamreen is 14 year old and has been studying at NIF since one year.

She lives in
bawana. Her father is a plumber. Basically she is from poor family. She found out
about NIF organization through one of her friends. After joining this NGO, She
says that she had learnt a lot of new things that his speaking skills have improved
etc. she got 2nd rank in 9th class. She is very good in sprint but she never got an
opportunity to perform or boast up her skill. But here NIF give her to an
opportunity and she participated in that event and 2nd position. She is also
participated in quiz competition and got appreciation. Now with the help of NIF
she is able to remove and overcome his stage fear. She also felt her that NIF
faculty is very co operative and supportive. She wants to grow up in her life and
dedicated all her skills to her teachers or faculty at NIF (Navjyoti India

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