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Name: ________________________ Period: _____ Date: ____________

Lost in Chronos
You poor soul. You’re the son or daughter of Ralph Diasyaphus, a man who has gained
the unpleasant reputation of being a fanciful madman. One who would prefer their father being
called fanciful over madman, you hold out hope that your father is simply a dreamer. This is
despite the countless hours that he normally spends in the garage working on what he hopes to be
a fully functioning time machine.
Sitting in your dining room, you’re satisfied that today he’s at least staying in the garage
and not trying to ascend into a low orbit with only balloons and a lawn chair. That contentment
disappears when you hear a painfully loud roar followed by a flash of light coming from the
garage. You cautiously approach the garage door. As you step closer, you notice the distinct
smell of burnt electronics mixed with charred wood. You open the door and everything was
black. Soot covered the floor, the garage door was charred and blown across the street, and the
ceiling—what’s left of it—consisted of charred wood beams that are currently falling apart.
Losing the feeling in your legs and blood in your head, you begin to collapse but luckily
you catch the top of your father’s work bench, as well as a notebook that somehow survived the
explosion—or whatever happened in the garage. Trembling, as you open to the last page, hoping
to find out what your father did to cause his sudden death, you find something else. Between the
back cover of the notebook and the final page is a laminated map. On the back was writing, it
“I made two.
Can’t wait to see you.
Your crazy Dad.

P.S. Bring a white sheet, togas are wonderful!”

Flipping to the prior page, you find something that’s more surprising than your father
accidentally blowing himself up, a personal invitation to join him… In ancient Greece! Glancing
back to the map for only a moment, you decide to head for the linen closet. Taking two white
sheets, you make your way to the second machine. Your dad needs you, and knowing him, he
probably forgot a toga too.
Directions: You need to clear your Dad’s name. Upon arrival in Ancient Greece, your dad sets
you on a quest to find out what the common Grecian thought of their gods and heroes, as well as
picking up some valuable artifacts along the way.
• You must research one hero or god from Greek mythology.
• Two sources or versions must be used when researching your character.
• From the knowledge of the character that you gathered, and your current knowledge of
the times, compare and contrast a character from Greek mythology with a modern
version of a hero.
• Only one additional source is required for the modern hero (Three sources total).
• Compare the themes and character development to your modern story and hero.
• i.e. compare and contrast the short comings of mythological characters or
argue their superiority.
• Your paper must be at least three pages long and in MLA format.
• Both your mythological and you modern character must be approved by me.

Character of Myth: ______________________________________________________________

Modern Character: ______________________________________________________________

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