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1.1. Background
As social beings humans need other individuals to interact and communicate.
Language as a means of communication and interaction that only humans have, can be
studied internally and externally. Internal studies are studies conducted on elements in
languages such as phonological, morphological, and syntactic language structures. While
external studies are studies conducted on outside elements language, which is related to
the use of the language itself, the speech community or the environment.
Languages are diverse and varied. This diversity of languages occurs not only
because of the non-homogeneous speakers, but also because the social interaction
activities they carry out are very diverse. Chaer (2010: 62) divides language variations
based on speakers and their use. Based on the speaker means, who uses the language,
where he lives, how his social position in the community, what sex is, and when the
language is used. Based on its use, it means that the language is used for what, in what
field, what paths and tools and how the situation is formalized.
Language as a study of linguistics according to Ferdinand de Saussured is divided
into three, namely langue, langage, and parole. According to deSaussure, langue is one
language as a "system". Langage is a language as a characteristic of human beings, while
parole "utterance" is used concretely (Verhaar, 1996: 3).
As a langue, a language has a system that is understood by all speakers of that
language. However, because speakers of languages are not a homogeneous collection of
humans, even though they are and live in the same speech community, the concrete
language (parole) of language speakers is not uniform or varied. But it is not only
because of the collection of people or speakers of languages who are not homogeneous
but also because the interactions performed vary and vary
Language is the only human property that has never been separated from all
human activities and movements throughout human existence, as cultured and social
beings. There is no human activity that is not accompanied by language. Because of the
attachment and interrelation of language with humans, while in His life in the community
of human activities is not permanent and always changes, so the language also changes,
not fixed, becomes not static. That's why language is called dynamic.
Based on this, then in this paper will be explained about the notion of language
variations, what causes variations in language, and what types of language variations.

1.2. Formulation of the problem

• What is language variations and the causes of language variations
• What is dialect, the origin and the types of the dialect
• What is idiolect

1.3. Aim
• to know what is language variations and the causes of language variations
• to know what is dialect, the origin and the types of the dialect
• to know what is idiolect

2.1.1. Definition of language variations
Language variations are caused by the existence of social interaction
activities carried out by the community or groups that are very diverse and due to
the non-homogeneous speakers. In terms of variations in this language there are
two views.
First, the variation was seen as a result of the social diversity of the
speakers of the language and the diversity of functions of the language. So
language variations occur as a result of the existence of social diversity and
diversity of language functions. Second, the variety of languages already exists to
fulfill its function as a means of interaction in diverse community activities.
In the view of sociolinguistics, language is not only seen as an individual
symptom, but a social phenomenon. As a symptom of social, language and its use
not only determined by linguistic factors, but also by nonlinguistic factors.
Nonlinguistic factors that affect language use as below.
1. Social factors: social status, education level, age, economic level, gender,
and so on.
2. Situational factors: who speaks what language, to whom, when, where, and
about what problems.
According to Chaer (2010: 62) language variation is the diversity of
languages caused by the existence of social interaction activities carried out by the
community or groups that are very diverse and due to the speakers who are not
homogeneous. According to Allan Bell (in Coupland and Adam, 1997: 240)
variations in language are one of the most interesting aspects in sociolinguistics.
The basic principle of this language variation is that speakers do not always speak
in the same way for all events or events. This means that speakers have alternatives
or options to speak differently in different situations. This different way of
speaking can lead to different social motions. So, based on the opinion above, it
can be concluded that language variations are a kind of variety of languages whose
usage is adjusted to the function and situation, without ignoring the basic rules that
apply in the language concerned. This is because, language variations occur as a
result of the existence of social diversity and diversity of language functions.
The variety of languages varies depending on the basis of the classification.
Various opinions on various languages were expressed by experts, as for the
various languages described below.
1. Variety of languages based on media
Based on the media, the variety of languages is divided into 2, namely:

a. Variety of spoken languages, the variety of languages is characterized by
the use of pronunciation or pronunciation, intonsi or song sentence,
vocabulary, use of grammar in word formation and use of sentences, such
as; speech, discussion, poetry etc.
b. The variety of written languages, the variety of languages is characterized
by careful use of spelling and punctuation (which can accurately symbolize
intonation), vocabulary, use of grammar in the formation, compilation of
sentences, paragraphs and discourses.
2. Variety of languages based on time.
Based on time, there are a variety of old languages and new (modern)
languages. Old languages are commonly used in writing ancient or old
Furthermore, a variety of new languages (modern), characterized by the
use of new words, enhanced spelling, and expressing modern science and
technology such as the internet, networks, and cellular.
3. Variety of languages based on speakers.
Each individual has its own style of language. Language differences
between individuals are called Idiolek while differences in the origin of native
speakers also cause language variations called dialects.
4. Variety of languages based on the situation.
The situation at the time of the conversation will be very influential on
the variety of languages used, so the variety of languages in relaxed situations
will be different from the official situation.
5. Variety of languages based on Fields.
The variety of languages used in different fields has different
characteristics, for example journalistic languages are different from the variety
of literary languages.
6. Variety of languages based on their nature.
Based on the level of conformity (Martin Joos, in Abdul Chaer, 2010:
70), states that variations in language are divided into five types of styles:
1. style or variety of frozen (frozen)
2. official (formal) style or variety
3. style or variety of business (consulative)
4. casual style or variety
5. familiar style or variety (intimate)

2.1.2. Cause of Language Variations.

Some of the causes of variations in language are as follows:
1. Interference
Chaer (1994: 66) provides a limitation that interference is carried by the
entry of other language elements into the language being used, so that there
appears to be a rule deviation from the language used. Regional language
became the main proportion in official communication, so that the love of the

national language was defeated by the local language. Alwi, et al. (2003: 9)
states that many elements of levies from the Javanese language, for example
the enrichment of Indonesian, but the inclusion of elements of English
language collection by some people are considered to contaminate the
authenticity and purity of our language. This is the reason for interference. In
addition to regional languages, foreign languages (English) for a small number
of Indonesians are placed in the Indonesian language. The use of English in
public spaces has become an inevitable habit. This resulted in the fading of
Indonesian language and culture which was slowly but surely had become the
excellent language. For example, people are more likely to use the word "pull"
for "push" and "push" for "pull", and "welcome" for "welcome".
2. Integration
Besides Interference, integration is also considered as a polluter of
Indonesian. Chaer (1994: 67), states that integration is an element of another
language that is carried in and has been considered, needed and used as part of
the language that receives or enters it. This integration process certainly takes a
long time, because the integrated elements have been adjusted, both
pronunciation, spelling, and form. Examples of words that integrate like a
mechanic, driver, jack.
3. Code Transfers and Code Interfaces
Chaer (1994: 67) states that code switching is the transfer of a code
(either a language or a variety of specific languages) into another code (another
language). Mixed codes are two or more codes used together without reason,
and usually occur in casual situations (Chaer, 1994: 69). Among the two
symptoms of the language, both code switching and mixed symptom codes that
often damage the Indonesian language are mixed codes. Usually speaking in
Indonesian is mixed with elements of regional languages, and vice versa. In
educated people, Indonesian is often mixed with elements of English.
4. Slang language
Slang is one branch of Indonesian as a language for association. This
term began to appear in the late 1980s. At that time slang was known as the
language of street children. The use of slang is becoming better known to the
general public after Debby Sahertian collected the vocabulary used in the
community and published a dictionary called the dictionary slang in 1999.
Examples of the use of slang are like: Father (father), Mother (Nyokap), Me
(Me), and others.

2.2.1. The Origin of the Dialect
According to the Center for Language Development and Development
(1983) the growth and development of dialects is very much by linguistic and

outside language factors, such as natural conditions such as influencing movement,
local residents, facilitating the population to communicate with the outside world
and reducing the possibility (Guiraud, 1970) in line with the existence of nature, it
can be seen that the existence of political boundaries is a bridge to the occurrence
of cultural exchange. This has become one of the means for language exchange.
Likewise economic problems, ways of life and so on. Also reflected in the dialect
in question (Guiraud, 1970).
According to Guiraud, the occurrence of a variety of dialects was caused by
the existence of the relationship and the superiority of the language that was carried
out when there was population movement, raiding or colonization. The thing that
should not be forgotten is the role of dialect or language that opposes the process of
the occurrence of that dialect. From dialects and languages that contradict the
vocabulary, structure, and method of pronunciation or pronunciation.
After that, there are among the dialects that are appointed as standard
languages, so the role of the standard language must not be forgotten. While in turn
the standard language is still affected by both the dialect and the neighboring
language. Furthermore the dialect develops in two directions, that is, development
improves and development worsens.
According to the Center for Language Development and Development
(1983) Sundanese in Bandung is used as a school language which is considered
standard Sundanese. This is based on objective and subjective factors. Objectively
it must be admitted that the Sundanese language of the city of Bandung gives a
greater possibility of being used as a school language then as a standard language.
This is a Sundanese dialect that has improved.
According to the Center for Language Development and Development
(1983), examples of deteriorating dialect development are as follows. In the past
five years residents of Legok village (Indramayu) still speak Sundanese, now the
villagers can only use Javanese-Cirebon language. In other words, the Sundanese
in the village are now gone and disappearance is the worst condition. This fact is a
deteriorating development of a language or dialect.

2.2.2. Definition of Dialects

Dialects is the variation of language from a group of speakers whose
numbers are relative, which differ in one place, region or area. Because this dialect
is based on the area or area where the speaker lives, then this dialect is commonly
called area dialect, regional dialect, or geographic dialect.
Nutritionists in a dialect, even though they have their own idiots, but they
have similar characteristics that indicate that they are in a different dialect from
other groups of speakers, who are in their own dialect with other characteristics
that mark their dialects as well.
For example, the Javanese dialect of the Banyumas dialect has its own
characteristics that are different from the characteristics possessed by the Javanese
Pekalongan dialect, the Semarang dialect, the Surabaya dialect. Speakers of these

languages can communicate well even though their dialect is different, because the
dialects still include the same language, namely Javanese. Indeed the
understanding between members from one dialect with other dialect members is
relative; can be large, can be small, can also be very small. if there is no mutual
understanding at all then it means that the two speakers of the two different dialects
are not from the same language but from two different languages.
In the case of the Javanese language of the Banten dialect and the Javanese
language of the Cirebon dialect, the two languages actually stand alone, as
languages that are no longer Javanese. But because historically both are derived
from Javanese, both can also be regarded as dialects of the Javanese language.
The use of dialect or language terms in the general public is indeed often
ambiguous. Linguistically if the speech community still understand each other,
then the communication tools are two dialects of the same language. However,
politically, even though the two speech communities can understand each other,
both are still regarded as two different languages. For example, Indonesian is in
Malaysian, which is linguistically a language, but is politically considered as two
different languages.
The field of linguistic study that studies these dialects is called
dialectology. Dialectology seeks to map dialect boundaries of a language by
comparing the forms and meanings of vocabulary used in those dialects. But
dialectology more broadly also maps the boundaries of language.

2.2.3. Dialect Type

Based on language usage, dialects are divided into the following:
1. Regional dialects.
Language variants used in certain areas.
For example, Malay dialect Ambon, Jakarta dialect, or Medan dialect.
2. Social dialect.
Dialects used by certain social groups or that mark certain social strata.
For example, youth dialects.
3. Temporal dialects.
Dialect used at a certain time period.
For example, the Malay dialect of the Srivijaya era and the Malay dialect of the
Abdullah era.

2.3.1. Definition of Idiolect
Idiolect is a unique variety of languages for an individual. This is
manifested in a pattern of vocabulary or idiom, grammar, or pronunciation that is
unique to everyone. Idiolect is the overall language characteristics of a human

When we compare a person's language with the language of another, it will
appear that everyone has some features that no one else has, even though they are
members of a language community. Doni in his daily habits likes to say the word
"right," while his friend Nunung doesn't like such habits. The choice of words in
expressing things is different from one person to another, but they are actually
using one language, the treasury of one language. Speeches for each member of a
language community marked by such small differences is called Idiolect.
Idiolect is a variety of personal language. According to the Idiolect concept,
each person has his or her language variety, or each Idiolect. Idiolect is concerned
with sound color, word choice, language style, sentence structure, and so on. But
the most dominant is the color of sound, so that if we are quite familiar with
someone, only by hearing his voice without seeing the person, we can recognize it.
Recognizing someone's Idiolect from his speech is indeed easier than through his
writing. Each person has a different Idiolect. But if we often read famous writers'
literary works, then at one time when we see a piece of their work, even though
their names are not included, we can recognize who the work is.
Because we have a distinctive linguistic characteristic, creating an Idiolect
difference, the difference is evident in the oral variety. Because of these differences
we can recognize someone just by hearing his voice. We can also find Idiolect
differences in the writing style. Every well-known selection has a unique speech
style. If observed, the pattern of language between the carpen by other people will
show differences in the style of speech even though both wrestle in the same field
of writing.
Idiolect differences are also seen in gender (male and female). Men are
basically not reliable communicators. For men, talking is only to convey
information. Therefore men speak with short sentence, clear words and what they
are. While women consider talking as a bridge to establish a meeting. Women talk
at length without direction. They can also give a better feeling of empathy to the
other person than the other person.

3.1. Conclusion
The term idiolek, dialect and sociolek are actually still the same in discussions
about language. The very close equation of the three words is that all three are still a
language. More precisely the concrete language that comes from language speakers.
Idiolek is someone's language and Dialect is an idiolek that shows similarities with
other idiots.
Language variations occur because of several factors including because the
speakers of languages are diverse, and also because of the variety of activities and
functions of the language itself. While the type of language arises because of the
relationship between language and other factors related to language, such as sociology,
politics and so on. The existence of variations in language itself shows the level of
diversity and wealth of a nation.

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