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how do you shine?

These prompts are here to explore our self confidence in light of beautiful Leo season.
We'll explore what might be the root cause of why we want to hide ourselves and the
gifts we have to offer the world. Why we so badly want to be seen and recognized, but
hold ourselves back...

These are meant to be done three prompts a week, or do them as you like. You can pull
1-3 cards on each prompt. Give yourself a day or two between them for digestion and
don't forget to journal or write it down somewhere where you'll remember it!
1. Where in my life is my lack of confidence most dominant?

2. Where did this lack stem from and show me what the root of it looks like (this can be
2-3 cards here.

3. How can I gently begin working with the discovery and understand of the root cause?

4. How can I release negative stories I tell myself about being seen and even celebrated?

5. What crippling self belief gets in the way of feeling more confident in myself? (this
can be aimed in the realm of work, love, making more stability for yourself, radical shifts
in your life, etc.)

6. What would it (or I) look like if I dropped limiting inhibitions? & How can I do this?

7. What is the gift that I have to share with the world?

8. How can I feel safe in sharing the expression of this gift?

9. How can I inhabit brazen confidence in myself, moving forward?

10. Bonus: what is the grand take away from all this?
Be well, and enjoy!

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