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What were the causes & effects of the War

of 1812?
1. George James Madison won the
Washington presidency in 1808 & 1812
2. John Adams
3. Thomas
Madison was the architect of
Jefferson the Constitution, was elected
4. James to Congress, & served as
Madison Jefferson’s VP
5. James Monroe Madison continued the
6. John Q. dominance of the
Adams Democratic-Republican
7. Andrew Party & tried to continue
Jefferson’s policies of
limited national gov’t
■ Unfortunately, the war between
England & France continued to
cause problems for Americans:
The War of 1812
– Embargo hurt US economy;
Madison repeals and replaces
it with Non-Intercourse Act
(trade with everyone except
GB & FR)
– England & France continued
to violate American free trade
– The British navy continued to
“impress” American
– Many Congressmen, called
“War Hawks” demanded
war with Britain to defend
U.S. honor
Causes of the
“W.I.N.E.” War of 1812
W: War Hawks Elected
Advocating for War

I: Impressment

N: Native American

E: Economic Problems
(interference of trade
and violating US
freedom of the seas)
1. Interference with trade & Violation of the seas (Economic
Neutral Rights- Madison main message to Congress was for the
respect of the US self-determination for trade. The British ( and other
European Nations, but mostly British) repeatedly violated and insulted
American shipping

Order in Council Napoleon's “Continental System”

➢ -set up a virtual blockade of ➢ set up virtual blockade and literal
Europe blockade of Europe
➢ Vessel heading for continental ➢ French blockade of the British
ports had to buy license to Isles
trade ➢ Any neutral ships that complied
➢ Ships had to accept British with the British regulations
inspections or be liable to would be subject to seizure when
seizure they reached continental ports
Interference with trade &
Violation of the seas continued…
• Macon’s Bill- France acknowledge and accepts US neutrality.
• GB no response until 2 days after US declares war.
3. Impressment
British boarded
American vessels and
forced British sailors to
serve in the British navy
to help fight the French
Chesapeake Incident-
when they refused to be
boarded, British fired
upon the US frigate,
Chesapeake, killing 3
and wounding 18
Americans furious and
call for war
4. Native American Attacks
Battle of Tippecanoe

o Shawnee leader, Tecumseh,

sought to unite Indian tribes
against the westward
expanding Americans.

o Gov. William Henry Harrison

of Indiana territory saw the
danger of untied Native
American force and struck out
against the Shawnee capital,
Prophet’s Town, while
Tecumseh was away on
pilgrimage, killing Tecumseh
brother Tenskawata; Tecumseh
sides with British in War of

o Upon defeating Shawnee,

Harrison learned British were
supplying Indians with arms to
attack Americans
4. War Hawk’s
o led the charge to declare war
against GB and to invade Canada.
o From South and West
o Why? Southern anger- Britain had
damaged their trade with Europe;
Western anger- they blamed
Britain for Indian attacks on the
o Leaders: Henry Clay & John C.
o Other interest: Florida.
War in the States: Burning
of the
❑ British attacked Washington,
D.C.. His orders were to destroy
everything in the path up to the
Capitol. Once they reached the
Capital they set fire to the
Capital Building, the Library of
Congress, the Treasury Building
, and the Executive Mansion.
(Retaliation for burning of
buildings in Canada).
❑ First Lady Dolley Madison
barely escaped the fire because
she was saving the portrait of
George Washington.
States: Battle of Baltimore/
Fort McHenry

❑ The British army marched 5,00

men from Washington, D.C.,
toward Baltimore. At Fort
McHenry, The United States held
its ground, forcing the British fleet
to withdraw.
❑ An American flag flew over the
fort the next day, signaling victory
for the United States, and
becoming Francis Scott Key’s
inspiration for The Star-Spangled
Star Spangled Banner
Federalist Opposition
Hartford Convention- Federalists met to discuss their opposition to the war;
threatened succession; Federalists looked unpatriotic when the war ended

Platform: Moderates propose constitutional


1.Repeal 3/5 compromise

2. 2/3 majority necessary to admit new states

3. No embargo may last longer than 60 days

4. 2/3 majority necessary to ban trade with

another nation

5. 2/3 majority necessary to declare war

6. Only natural-born citizens can hold office

7. One-term limit on President; no two

consecutive presidents can be from the same

Importance: led to the End of the Federalist

Battle of New Orleans
Britain wanted to capture
New Orleans and the
Mississippi River to cut
off trade
led by Andrew Jackson,
American troops beat the
Occurred 4 weeks after
the treaty was signed
This battle made Jackson
a national hero and
inspired nationalism
(patriotism) throughout
the country
■ Treaty of Ghent ended the Treaty of Ghent
war, but it did not address
trade rights or other causes
of the war
■ Effects of the War of 1812:
– Americans were united
in a sense of
nationalism, believing
that they had beaten the
– America entered an
“Era of Good Feelings”
with a popular president
& booming national
Recap- Causes and Effects
The War of 1812
Causes Effects
British Interfere with Am. •Revealed need for strong
Shipping standing army
British arm Native •Encouraged American
Americans, interfering
with western expansion
Southerners want Florida, • Brought an end to the
which is owned by Federalist Party
Britain’s ally, Spain •Shattered the strength of
War Hawks want to expel Native American Resistance
British completely from
North America •Paved the way for American
acquisition of Florida

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