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Good morning, my name is Eduard Vasquez, let me introduce my colleagues he is Jose

Manuel, and the is Sergio, we are in charge of welcoming you to the animation area of Rio

well as first measure, and because all of you are spanish speakers scholars I want first to
give you some tips for get improve your skills and fit better to the team.

1 worbit: is an easy platform to learn english in a easy way, it work teaching you new words
every time you shut on or off your mobile phones
2 duolingo: is a free platform that provides an organic and a very popular way of online
3 edutin academy: is an online academy where you can find a lot of online courses form A1
level to c2 level
4busuu is like a social network focused on learning languages
5 also you must try to see movies or series, and listen music in english
you have also translators

deepl: is a translator who uses artificial intelligence to understand and translate text, his
translation can became very natural and close to how a human being wold

urban dictionary is not a translator, is a tool very practical to know the jargon of the street
and words with double meaning words

god morning mai neim is eduard vazquez let me introdius mai coligs je is jose manuel and di
is sergio, ui ar in charch of welcoming yu tu de animation eiria of riot games

wel as ferst meshur and bicaus al of yu are spanish spikers scolars ai want tu giv yu som
tips for get improv your skills and fit beter tu de tim

1 uorbit is an isi platform to lern inglish in an isi uai, it work tiching yu niu uords everi taim yu
shut on or of yur mobail fon
2duolingo is a fri platform tat provaids an organic and veri popular uai of online tiching
3edtuin academy: is an onlain academi uere yu can faind a lot of onlain corses from ai uan
level to si chu level
4busuu is laik a soshial network focus on lerning leguachis
5 olso yu mast trai tu si muvis or siries and lisen miusic in inglish

yu jab alsou transleitors

deepl: is a translator ju iuses artificial intelichens tu anderstand and transleit text jis
translation can biqueim veri natural and clous tu jou a jiuman bin wuld
urban dictionari is not a translaitor, is a tul veri practical to nou de llargon of de estret and
words uiz doubel mining uords

About inside riot

well, welcome again to riot games my name is Joseph, you can call me Jo, josh or josehp as
you want.
And my job here is to show you where we are inside of riot games and how we work on
I'm not talking about animation, how it works or the twelve principles of animation.
There is a lot of different sections inside the company, and you guys as animators are inside
of the art direction.
well to star you will have a animation director and if you have any issue or problem that you
can't find a clear solution you animation director is the one that you have to call.
You have to be polite with your working mates, they will be too.
We don't want any abuse.
Also riot games have a kitchen where you can order some food, and have relax zones where
you can listen music watch tv or play video games.
Hope you enjoy working with us.

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