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Warm-Up (Guess the Words) (10 minutes)

Put students into two groups. One from each will mime the words the Teacher gives, while the rest
members of the groups need to guess.


1. Eat medicine

2. Drug dealers

3. Outer space

4. Clothes dryer

5. Red button

6. Train station

7. Die

8. Activity 1 (15 minutes)

Show the students the picture below.

Ask them what happened to the characters. If they don’t know about the image, tell them it’s a
picture from a song called “Dumb Ways to Die”.

Give the first four characters from the cue cards to Students and make them guess how they
died. After that, listen to the first 20 seconds to check their answers.

They will watch the video again from the beginning until the end. After that, give the cue cards and
ask them to order the characters from the beginning of the song until the end, in groups.

9. Activity 2 (15 minutes)

Ask the Students what the video is about. The video is a train campaign in Australia about what
not to do near trains. Relate it to the commuter trains in Indonesia. Give the handouts and ask
them to list the Do’s and the Don’t’s at a train station, on the train, and near a train. Practice using
“must” and “mustn’t”.

10. Wrap-Up (Missing Lyrics)

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