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Australopithecus anamensis is a hominin species The tall bodies and large brains of Homo

that lived approximately four million years ago. erectus individuals required a lot of energy on a
Nearly one hundred fossil specimens are known regular basis to function. Eating meat and other
from Kenya and Ethiopia, representing over 20 types of protein that could be quickly digested
individuals made it possible to absorb nutrients faster.

Homo habilis is thought to have mastered the Lower Homo naledi, very little is known about the ecology
Paleolithic Olduwan tool set, which used stone and life of this species. Its teeth, in fact, differ from
flakes. H. habilis used these stones to butcher and other Homo species that lived around the same
skin animals. These stone flakes were more time. So, it may be that Homo naledi inhabited a
advanced than any tools previously used, and distinct environment from that occupied by
gave H. habilis the edge it needed to prosper. other Homospecies.

Homo rudolfensis may have used stone tools Homo floresiensis, tools are broadly similar to
process their food. However, because more than those found earlier on Flores and throughout the
one species of early human lived at the time tool human evolutionary career (i.e., Lower Paleolithic
manufacture and use originated, it’s hard for tools in Asia or Oldowan tools in Africa). There is
scientists to be certain which species is responsible also evidence that H. floresiensis selectively
for the making and using the first stone tools. hunted Stegodon (an extinct type of elephant)
There is evidence that Homo heidelbergensis was Prehistoric Homo sapiens not only made and used
capable of controlling fire by building hearths, or stone tools, they also specialized them and made a
early fireplaces, by 790,000 years ago in the form variety of smaller, more complex, refined and
specialized tools including composite stone
of fire-altered tools and burnt wood at the site of
tools, fishhooks and harpoons, bows and arrows,
Gesher Benot Ya-aqov in Israel. spear throwers and sewing needles.

There is evidence that Neanderthals were

specialized seasonal hunters, eating animals were
available at the time. Scientists have clear evidence
of Neanderthal hunting from uncovering sharp
wooden spears and large numbers of big game
animal remains were hunted and butchered.

A part of H. luzonensis—mentions that a deer

bone found in the same sediments bears what
look like stone-tool cut marks. Takes the bone as
a sign that H. luzonensis was a proficient
toolmaker and hunter.

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