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Start in the name of Allah

Table of contents

● field work
● introduction
● effects on society
● case study area
● population
● data collection
● analysis

Street begging

⮚ Begging is the practice of imploring

others to grant a favor , often a gift of
money ,with little expectation of
A person doing such is called a beggar ,panhandler or mendicant. street beggar may found
in public places such as a transport route urban parks and near bus markets .Beside money they may
also ask for food drink cigarettes or other small things

In modern age beggars are more advanced .the best example of this internet beggar .it is the new face

of beggars .they asking people to give money to other over internet. but we should talk about the street
begging in Pakistan .In Pakistan people adopt this as a profession .In Pakistan lots of people are join in
this profession .they earn 1000 to 1500 easy in a day . In Pakistan 39 percent people living in poverty .In
this poverty level 170 million people are professional beggar .(ACCORDING TO THE GENERAL SURVAY OF

Effects of street begging on our society

street begging cause negative effects on our society

⮚ The visitor will take fallacy about the country and

they will never come again.
⮚ There are great chance that the children of beggar
family can involve their children in begging .
⮚ Their children can also involve in begging.
⮚ They do not know about their future.
⮚ Some beggars are involve in different street crimes.

⮚ They are the course for society .

⮚ People do not like his.
⮚ There relative do not like his .
⮚ They can not do any work out of this.
⮚ these peoples are mantle disturbed.

(These are the negative effects of street begging)


‘ street begging cause negative effects on the
society ;

‘ Street begging do not cause any negative
effects on the society ;

significance level : 0.5 %

study area

selected area ;
GTS station Faisalabad GC University
Faisalabad and allied hospital Faisalabad which are the big
place where are most of
street beggar are sitting in every day.

⮚ In all of these places around about 1000 to 1200 street

beggars are sitting .
⮚ Most of the people are uneducated .
⮚ There main source of income only begging .
⮚ Inn all of these people most of peoples are belongs to a
good family .but begging is profession of these people .


A set of individual in which a research is primarily interested is called

population .I choose the population of GC University and GTS station.

sample are the part of population, which is population selected by a
researcher which represent the whole population

I choose 20 sample from GC University and GTS station.

Data Collection

Data collection is the important part of research .If there are any
mistake of data collection you can not find the true result of their
research . I choose the question are method of data collection .

MY question are given below who I asked the different people

during my research

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