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Alfred, Lord Tennyson 1809-1892

British Literature
March 19, 2019
Essential Question Explain the impact of Lord Tennyson on British Literature
What are key facts I. Biography
about his biography? A. Born in Lincolnshire, 4th of 12 children, passed over in
famiy inheritance father is Reverend
B. One of his brothers was kept in life in an insane asylum,
another had an addiction to opium
C. Father tutored him in classical and modern language
D. Published poems with brother at 17
E. Enrolled in Cambridge 1827, shy
F. Significant of all his friends is Arthur Hallam
G. Arthur became engaged with Tennyson’s sister Emily,
helped support him in poetry
H. Tennyson loses his best friend at 22
I. In memorium: losing his friend made him question
What work made spirituality
him question his J. 1850 he established himself as one of britains leading
spirituality poets with In memorium, became poet laureate, married
Emily Sellwood
K. Granted a peerage (a baronetcy) by Queen Victoria
II. Ulysses
A. Wanderlust
Explain the tropes in B. Pessimism, decay, things falling apart
Ulysses. C. Ulysses presents being brave and going out to
experience new land and culture, celebrating Victorian
idea of exploration
III. The Charge of the Light Brigade
IV. The Lady of Shallott
What was significant A. Weaving loom: industry, long hours, symbol of
in the Lady of technology that exist in Victorian England (power loom)
Shallott? B. Locked in the tower, locked in factories, isolated from
family, lamenting transition from agrarian to
C. Women is symbolic is a of a fully industrialized

Summary: 1850 he established himself as one of britains leading poets with In memorium,
became poet laureate, married Emily Sellwood. Born in Lincolnshire, 4th of 12 children,
passed over in famiy inheritance father is Reverend. Arthur became engaged with Tennyson’s
sister Emily, helped support him in poetry
Alfred, Lord Tennyson 1809-1892
British Literature
March 19, 2019

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