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A Day Without Technology

Jericho Allen A. Dongaol

Look around you, almost all of what you see is a product of the constatly evolving
technology of us humans. From our basic necessities to large machines with a particular
purpose. One of the most revolutionizing product is our portable gadgets, from smartphones to
laptops. Truly, gadgets have been a part of my daily activities since the day I received them.
Communicating with my family and friends, entertainment (movies, music, games, social
media), as an alarm clock, notes, and other uses. If I were to take away my gadgets for a brief
time and not use them, it’ll be quite challenging but not that hard.

Spend 8 hours without the use of any technology: In order for me to accomplish this
activity, I planned what would I do in that span of time. What I did was, I worked out and
jogged then slept for the rest of the time. I’m one of those people that haves fun doing physical
activities, I did my basic work out and jogged for about 2km(?) without the use of my Bluetooth
earphones and my fitness watch. The difference were not that significant but I would choose to
do my activities with my gadgets. After my physical activities, I took a bath then prepared to
sleep. Even when I slept I didn’t use the electric fan, I opened the windows to let the wind do its
job. It was quite hot, I prefer sleeping with the fan on because of the temperature.

Just like what I said, it was challenging but it was not that hard for me. I know some
people that would have a hard time being separated from technology. We should not be too
dependent to technology, we should learn how to do things the old and natural way for when
technology disappear, we would know our way in this world.

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