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Biugos, Rawan C.

October 13, 2019

BSP – 1B Purposive Communication

Reflection Paper

The ted talk – Connected, but alone? By Sherry Turkle gives us a more of a sad reality.
One thing that I’ve realized while watching the video is that I don’t want to stay on
virtual. I want to experience a better life and not on the internet. The sad part is that it is
real that the generations of today tend to create lesser conversations, that people would
prefer to text than actually socializing. I remember on my grade 11th year of High school,
I remember that we had an activity which is “camping” meaning it would take us 3 days
without phone. At first I was really hesitant on joining because I will be gone in virtual for
a couple of hours, however, when I got to experience those 3 days without phone, no
internet, no social media it is and it will be one of the memories that I will always cherish
because I felt so happy without using my phone, I felt lesser toxicity, I felt free and that
was when I realized that I shouldn’t allow myself to be surrounded by the virtual life all
the time. While watching, I see myself nodding and agreeing to most of what she said. I
agree that we are isolating ourselves from the people around us when we use our
phones all the time, but it isn’t supposed to be the case we should surround ourselves
with reality. Every now and then we should pause and try to make a conversation with
other people without the use of technology.

The speech of Gordon Brown relays a very powerful message to everyone. It talks
about using the ability of being able to communicate and to share our ideas globally
because of its easier and faster access. To me, what I really saw about this is that we,
people who has the ability to help in the simplest form just by communicating, people
will notice. People will get to see where should we lay our minds over or it’s simply just
what issue should we prioritize first. Points that I was able to see in the video was that
we should be united, every country with every faith, every religion has to have only one
goal and it’s to communicate for the betterment of our world because world problems
can’t be solved by only one country, it has to be global. Everyone should communicate,
everyone should help each other for our world. We should make use of our great
resources for the best and to help one another. I realized that each and one of us
should be a part of making the world a better place and we should at least try and find a
solution as a whole through communication, we are all one step ahead because we
have great technology already, it is on us on what should we do.
The video shows about how social media creates history and now that we are
connected with each other unlike before, we get to see the huge difference of the
technology. We get to see what is happening in other countries or how will it be
remembered, it is very fascinating how the communication of before and today is
completely different may it come from the telephone itself or the previous devices that
we had compared to all our gadgets today, it is a history, we create history every day.
We are now capable of communicating with one another even if miles apart, unlike the
old generation that everything is hard to do.

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