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A gamebook system by Stuart Lloyd

Text copyright © 2018 by Stuart Lloyd
All illustrations in this book, including the cover are public

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of Gamebooks and of course my lovely wife Nicky and my
adorable children.

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Welcome to SCRAWL! SCRAWL is short for Solo CRAWL and that’s what you will
be doing lots of in this game. Whether it’s hexes or dungeons or cities, you’ll be
crawling all over them to split skulls and steal treasure. If you’re looking for a
simulationist experience in a realistic representation of some historical period, then
you might need to look elsewhere.
Rule 1 – The rule of simplicity and serendipity
In the interest of not getting bogged down in minutiae, I’ve sacrificed a lot of
complexity for the sake of quicker and easier play. For this reason, there may be a
situation which is not covered in the rules. For these situations, the rule of simplicity
and serendipity reigns supreme. The rule is:
If there is something in the rules that does not explicitly cover a situation that
you are in, just assume you are able to take the most favourable result for your
Rule 2 – The rule of voluntary complexity
To make this game accessible, a lot of detail has had to be sacrificed. For example,
in real life, food rots away after a certain amount of time, yet in the game, you could
buy some food and leave it in your backpack forever. If you prefer a more
simulationist experience, or if you want a greater challenge, you may add whatever
rules you like. That’s fine too. So, rule 2, the rule of voluntary complexity is:
If you feel the rules do not work to your liking, feel free to rule what you think
should happen, even if it is to your detriment.
Feel free to apply rules 1 and 2 as much as you like, at the same time and as
consistently or inconsistently as you like. After all, this is a solo game experience, so
“cheating” isn’t going to affect anyone else and I won’t be there to complain. I would
prefer that you have an entertaining experience by bending the rules than have a
miserable one by following them.

Creating your character ...................................................................................................................... 10
Abilities ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Classes and their abilities .................................................................................................................... 14
Spells................................................................................................................................................... 16
Creating your own character .............................................................................................................. 17
Starting characters checklist ............................................................................................................... 18
Rules of SCRAWL ................................................................................................................................. 19
The core mechanic .......................................................................................................................... 19
Ability tests ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Combat ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Multiple opponents ........................................................................................................................ 20
Avoiding combat ............................................................................................................................. 21
Battle of Wills...................................................................................................................................... 22
Exploring the dungeons ...................................................................................................................... 23
Recording your adventures ................................................................................................................. 23
Leading bands of people ..................................................................................................................... 24
Abilities for groups .......................................................................................................................... 24
Mass combat................................................................................................................................... 24
Battle of wills for groups ................................................................................................................. 24
Equipment, services, weapons, armour and crafting .......................................................................... 25
Buying, selling and haggling ............................................................................................................ 25
Weapons ......................................................................................................................................... 25
Melee, melee/ranged or ranged ..................................................................................................... 25
Armour............................................................................................................................................ 26
Equipment ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Herbal preparations ........................................................................................................................ 28
Alchemical preparations ................................................................................................................. 29
Services ........................................................................................................................................... 30
Group items and services ................................................................................................................ 31
Crafting your own items ................................................................................................................. 32
Trade goods .................................................................................................................................... 33
Ships and wagons............................................................................................................................ 33
Treasure .............................................................................................................................................. 34
Loot ................................................................................................................................................. 34
Special ............................................................................................................................................. 34

Special key ...................................................................................................................................... 34
Potions ............................................................................................................................................ 35
Scrolls.............................................................................................................................................. 35
Quest treasures............................................................................................................................... 35
Permanent magical items ................................................................................................................... 36
Wondrous items ............................................................................................................................. 36
Enchanted items ............................................................................................................................. 37
Enchanted weapon ......................................................................................................................... 37
Enchanted armour .......................................................................................................................... 37
Staves .............................................................................................................................................. 38
Artefacts ......................................................................................................................................... 39
Experience and advancement ............................................................................................................. 40
Poisons, magical attacks, healing and blessings .................................................................................. 41
Monsters............................................................................................................................................. 42
Monster special abilities ................................................................................................................. 43
Humanoids ...................................................................................................................................... 44
Wildlife............................................................................................................................................ 46
Undead ........................................................................................................................................... 48
Outsiders......................................................................................................................................... 49
Monsters ......................................................................................................................................... 50
Constructs ....................................................................................................................................... 51
Traps ................................................................................................................................................... 52
Example Battles of Wills...................................................................................................................... 52
Exploring the lands of SCRAWL ........................................................................................................... 55
Generating the land for SCRAWL ........................................................................................................ 57
Temperate land generator .............................................................................................................. 59
Hot land generator.......................................................................................................................... 60
Cold land generator ........................................................................................................................ 61
SCRAWL Overland encounters ............................................................................................................ 62
Plains............................................................................................................................................... 63
Forest .............................................................................................................................................. 65
Hills ................................................................................................................................................. 67
Jungle .............................................................................................................................................. 69
Swamp ............................................................................................................................................ 71
Desert ............................................................................................................................................. 73
Mountains ....................................................................................................................................... 75

Ice ................................................................................................................................................... 77
Ocean .............................................................................................................................................. 79
Encounter summaries ..................................................................................................................... 80
Minor quests ....................................................................................................................................... 89
Business quest ................................................................................................................................ 90
Challenge quest .............................................................................................................................. 91
Crime quests ................................................................................................................................... 92
Hunting quests ................................................................................................................................ 93
Research quests .............................................................................................................................. 94
Social quests ................................................................................................................................... 95
What can you find on each hex? ......................................................................................................... 96
Isolated sites ....................................................................................................................................... 96
Villages................................................................................................................................................ 98
Items and services to buy in a village .............................................................................................. 98
Work in a village ........................................................................................................................... 102
Quest treasures in a village ........................................................................................................... 102
Village quests ................................................................................................................................ 102
Random village events .................................................................................................................. 103
Towns ............................................................................................................................................... 105
Town powers ................................................................................................................................ 105
Town quests .................................................................................................................................. 105
Items to buy at a town .................................................................................................................. 106
Services in a town ......................................................................................................................... 109
Ships and wagons.......................................................................................................................... 110
Trade goods .................................................................................................................................. 110
Work in a town ............................................................................................................................. 110
Quest treasures............................................................................................................................. 111
Random town events .................................................................................................................... 112
Organisations in the town ................................................................................................................. 115
Gang towns ....................................................................................................................................... 116
Building contents in a gang town .................................................................................................. 116
Trap ............................................................................................................................................... 116
Hazard ........................................................................................................................................... 117
Encounters in the gang town ........................................................................................................ 119
The gang headquarters ................................................................................................................. 119
Sorcerer towns .................................................................................................................................. 120

Contents of a building in a sorcerer town ..................................................................................... 120
Trap ............................................................................................................................................... 120
Hazard ........................................................................................................................................... 121
The sorcerer headquarters ........................................................................................................... 124
Cult towns ......................................................................................................................................... 125
Trap ............................................................................................................................................... 125
Hazard ........................................................................................................................................... 125
Encounter ..................................................................................................................................... 127
Cult leadership .............................................................................................................................. 128
Castles............................................................................................................................................... 129
Quest ............................................................................................................................................ 129
Items and services to buy in a castle ............................................................................................. 129
Work ............................................................................................................................................. 131
Monasteries ...................................................................................................................................... 132
Services in a monastery ................................................................................................................ 132
Quest treasures............................................................................................................................. 132
Minor quest .................................................................................................................................. 132
Work ............................................................................................................................................. 132
Wizard abodes .................................................................................................................................. 133
Quest treasures............................................................................................................................. 133
Minor quest .................................................................................................................................. 133
Work ............................................................................................................................................. 133
Dungeons in SCRAWL........................................................................................................................ 134
Lairs .................................................................................................................................................. 135
Cult lair.............................................................................................................................................. 135
Generating rooms in a cult lair ...................................................................................................... 135
Room contents in a cult lair .......................................................................................................... 135
Light in a cult lair ........................................................................................................................... 135
Trap ............................................................................................................................................... 136
Hazards in a cult lair ...................................................................................................................... 136
Encounters in a cult lair ................................................................................................................ 139
The grand temple .......................................................................................................................... 140
Savage lair ......................................................................................................................................... 141
Generating rooms ......................................................................................................................... 141
Room contents .............................................................................................................................. 141
Light in a savage lair ...................................................................................................................... 141

Traps in the savage lair ................................................................................................................. 141
Hazards in the savage lair ............................................................................................................. 142
Monsters in a savage lair .............................................................................................................. 145
The throne room ........................................................................................................................... 146
Mad wizard’s lair............................................................................................................................... 147
Generating rooms ......................................................................................................................... 147
Room contents.............................................................................................................................. 147
Light in a mad wizard’s lair ............................................................................................................ 147
Traps in the wizard’s lair ............................................................................................................... 147
Hazards in the wizard’s lair ........................................................................................................... 148
Monsters in a mad wizard’s lair .................................................................................................... 151
The archmage ............................................................................................................................... 152
Caves................................................................................................................................................. 154
Generating caverns ....................................................................................................................... 154
Cavern contents ............................................................................................................................ 154
Light in a cave ............................................................................................................................... 154
Traps in a cave .............................................................................................................................. 154
Hazards in a cave .......................................................................................................................... 155
Monsters in a cave ........................................................................................................................ 158
Central cavern in a cave ................................................................................................................ 159
Ruins ................................................................................................................................................. 160
Generating sites ............................................................................................................................ 160
Site contents ................................................................................................................................. 160
Light in a ruin ................................................................................................................................ 160
Traps in a ruin ............................................................................................................................... 161
Hazards in a ruin ........................................................................................................................... 162
Monsters in a ruin ......................................................................................................................... 165
Central site in a ruin ...................................................................................................................... 166
Vaults ................................................................................................................................................ 167
Generating rooms ......................................................................................................................... 167
Room contents .............................................................................................................................. 167
Light in a vault ............................................................................................................................... 167
Traps in the vault .......................................................................................................................... 167
Hazards in the vault ...................................................................................................................... 168
Monsters in a vault ....................................................................................................................... 171
The treasure room ........................................................................................................................ 172

Forest “dungeons” ............................................................................................................................ 173
Generating clearings ..................................................................................................................... 173
Clearing contents .......................................................................................................................... 173
Light in a forest ............................................................................................................................. 173
Travelling in a forest ..................................................................................................................... 173
Traps in a forest ............................................................................................................................ 173
Hazards in a forest ........................................................................................................................ 174
Monsters in a forest ...................................................................................................................... 177
Central clearing in a forest ............................................................................................................ 178
Jungle “dungeons” ............................................................................................................................ 180
Generating clearings ..................................................................................................................... 180
Clearing contents .......................................................................................................................... 180
Light in a jungle ............................................................................................................................. 180
Travelling in a jungle ..................................................................................................................... 180
Traps in a jungle ............................................................................................................................ 180
Hazards in a jungle ........................................................................................................................ 181
Monsters in a jungle ..................................................................................................................... 184
Central clearing in a jungle............................................................................................................ 185
Making your own SCRAWL ................................................................................................................ 186
Hex record sheet ............................................................................................................................... 187
Character sheet................................................................................................................................. 189
Links to other wonderful stuff .......................................................................................................... 190

Creating your character
Your SCRAWL character is someone who will wander a fantasy world, encountering
dungeons, monsters and traps. It could be a mighty warrior, a cunning thief or a wise
magic-user, or it could be a simple peasant, or a non-human. Or you could just
create your own custom character. Here is an explanation of your stats.
Abilities: Your character’s abilities represent what they are good at. Throughout
SCRAWL, you will have ability tests (see page 19). Ability tests list abilities that will
be useful. For every ability you have that is listed, you get to roll an extra die and
then take the best roll. There are 36 abilities (See page 12) and each class has a list
of abilities that they have (see page 14).
Vitality: Your Vitality is a measure of your endurance. Vitality is reduced through
being wounded or doing something physically demanding. In game terms, having a
vitality of 0 means death. Your vitality cannot go above its initial score except by
spending experience points or through powerful magic. Your starting initial Vitality is
Will: Will is a measure of your mental fortitude. Will is reduced through mental
exertion such as stress, loss or intense fear. Having a Will of 0 means mental
exhaustion and any further loss of will results in loss of Vitality. Your Will can never
go below 0. If you are at 0 Will and your Will is further reduced, those points are
subtracted from your Vitality instead. Your starting initial Will is 6.
Fate points: Your Fate points represent how lucky you are. Some rolls you make
cannot be affected by your skills and abilities – only blind luck. These rolls are Fate
rolls. Fate rolls involve rolling 1d6 and you can affect Fate rolls only by spending
Fate points. If you spend a Fate point, you can reroll a Fate roll. If you still don’t get a
roll you want, you may spend another Fate point to reroll it. You may do this as many
times as you have Fate points. Your Fate points have no maximum – they can go to
any value. The minimum score your Fate points can get to is 0. Your Fate points
usually start at 3, but if you have the Luck ability (see page 18), they start at 6.
Experience points: You gain experience points for performing mighty deeds and
overcoming (note: not necessarily killing in combat) monsters and other opponents.
You can spend your experience points to improve yourself or you can use them for
ability tests. For a list of how you can use experience points, see page 40. You
usually start with 3 Experience points, but if you have the Insight ability (see page
18), you start with 6 Experience points.

Encumbrance: Encumbrance is a measure of how much you can carry. A character
can carry up to 12 encumbrance points worth of items, unless they have the
Packhorse ability. In that case, they can carry up to 18 encumbrance points worth of
items. This may not seem like much but take note that some items have an
encumbrance value of 0, such as your clothes and jewellery. You need to keep track
of the total encumbrance from all the items and treasure that your character is
carrying. If your character ever gets an item that takes them over their encumbrance
limit, then they must discard items until they are at the limit or below it.
Time: Time is measured in days. Your time will increase every time you travel, rest
or do other actions. Time is important as some quests may have a time limit and
some magic items can only be used a certain number of times per day. Your time
starts at 0.
Treasure: The typical currency for the game is the gold piece (gp). Treasures are
things such as coins, gems and jewellery. 50 gold pieces worth of treasures (or part
of 50 gold pieces) count as 1 point of encumbrance. Your character starts the game
with 25gp worth of treasure.
Notes: You may need to make notes of other things that need to be tracked. You
may also get codewords. You start the game without any notes.
Titles: You may get titles as your reputation spreads and you achieve great (or
notorious) deeds. Titles may give rerolls when you interact with certain characters, or
they may prove trouble. For example, having the title “Outlaw” may prove
troublesome with law enforcement, whereas the title “Knight” will prove
advantageous when interacting with royalty.

There are 36 abilities in SCRAWL. Most of the abilities are self-explanatory, but for
the sake of completeness, here is a quick explanation of all of them,
Melee Combat: The ability that grants a rerolls in hand to hand combat.
Ranged Combat: The ability grants a reroll when using ranged weapons.
Insight: This ability allows you to analyse your life experiences and get more from
them. If you have the Insight ability, you start with 6xp instead of 3xp. Also,
whenever you gain experience points, you gain 1 extra experience point.
Luck: You are an exceptionally lucky person. If you have the Luck ability, you start
with 6 Fate points instead of 3 Fate points. Also, whenever you gain Fate points, you
gain 1 extra Fate point.
Spellcasting: The ability to cast spells.
Packhorse: The ability to carry many objects. If you have the Packhorse ability, you
may carry 6 extra encumbrance points worth of items.
Darkvision: The ability to see in the dark. You do not need a light source when
travelling underground.
Magic Lore: This ability gives you a basic training in magic. This means you have
training in reading magical script and using magical items.
Perception: The ability to spot hidden things, such as secret doors and traps.
Strength: The ability to perform feats such as lifting, pushing and charging.
Dodging: The ability to get out of the way of things quickly.
Hardiness: The ability to resist the ill effects of poison, disease and hostile climates.
Lock Picking: The ability to open locked doors and chests.
Disarming: The ability to neutralise traps.
Stealth: The ability to sneak and hide.
Running: The ability to run both quickly and over long distances.
Resist Magic: The ability to prevent baneful magic affecting you.
Survival: The ability to find food and water in all terrains, spot traps in the wild and
track game.
Pathfinding: Knowledge of navigation, map reading and geography.
Inspiration: The ability to motivate people to do things and improve their morale.
Sleight of Hand: Deftness of hands that allows you to pick pockets and perform
magic tricks.

Nimbleness: The ability to jump long distances and balance well, such as on a
horse or a narrow beam.
Languages: An ability to translate spoken and written non-magical languages. It
also bestows the gift eloquence upon your speaking and writing.
Etiquette: The knowledge of the customs of people from different places. It also
helps to build a rapport with people from all walks of life.
Perform: The ability to perform in different ways, such as with storytelling, singing,
playing musical instruments or even creating art.
Swimming: The ability to swim.
Deception: An ability that covers several nefarious actions such as forgery and
Disguise: The ability to change your appearance to go about unnoticed or to pass
as another person.
Legend Lore: A knowledge of history, legend and philosophy.
Climbing: The ability to climb slopes without falling.
Ship Lore: The ability to pilot and work on water going vessels from canoes to
ocean going galleons.
Herbalism: The ability to identify useful plants and make herbal preparations from
Alchemy: The ability to concoct potions and alchemical preparations from minerals.
Craft: The ability to make and repair items.
Trading: The ability to evaluate items and work out which items will be more in
demand in certain areas. It is also the ability to negotiate a good price.
Tactics: The ability to direct groups of combatants in a large battle.
Remember that you may find someone who is willing to train you in an ability. It
would normally cost some experience points, money and take a long time, but it will
be worth it.

Classes and their abilities
The first, you must do is choose a class for your character (or, if you are feeling
daring, create your own class – see page 17). Your character’s class will determine
what they are good and bad at. There are 12 classes.
Fighter: A trained warrior who is good at fighting. Surprise. They are also good with
physical prowess. Fighters are more likely to hit in combat.
Fighter abilities: Melee Combat, Ranged Combat, Hardiness, Dodging, Strength,
Trickster: This is the class you play if sneaking, picking locks, looking for traps and
other nefarious deeds are your thing. Tricksters are good at all kinds of larceny.
Sure, they aren’t great at fighting, but they can sneak around monsters, disarm traps
and sometimes use their amazing luck to get out of sticky situations.
Trickster abilities: Stealth, Perception, Dodging, Running, Lock Picking,
Disarming, Climbing, Nimbleness, Deception, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, Luck
Magic user: This is the class if you want to use your brains. Magic users are great at
deciphering ancient languages, the liberal arts and knowing about the legends of the
world. They can also cast spells.
Magic user abilities: Spellcasting, Magic Lore, Languages, Legend Lore,
Alchemy, Resist Magic
Traveller: A traveller understands navigation and survival in any wilderness. They
are extremely fit and are expert hikers, climbers, swimmers and riders of all animals.
Travellers also know how to deal with wild animals and how to hide and sneak in the
wilds. They train with ranged weapons to aid their hunting.
Traveller abilities: Ranged Combat, Survival, Pathfinding, Hardiness, Running,
Nimbleness, Climbing, Packhorse, Languages, Swimming, Ship Lore,
Bard: The bard is the class you choose if you want to excel at making a connection
with people and gaining experience. Through entertainment and witty conversation,
bards make fast friends in any strata of society. They are also the best at taking their
experiences analysing them and turning them into heroic stories.
Bard abilities: Legend Lore, Magic Lore, Trading, Sleight of Hand, Perform,
Etiquette, Languages, Inspiration, Insight, Deception, Pathfinding, Resist
Commoner: Do you fancy a challenge? Well the commoner is for you. Sure, the
commoner has some skills – they are hardy folk with a lot of knowledge of the land –
but they have no skills in the arts of combat, magic or trickery.
Commoner abilities: Hardiness, Herbalism, Craft, Packhorse, Survival, Resist

Elf: A nimble, bow wielding, Spellcasting character with a long life. A cross between
a magic user and a traveller.
Elf abilities: Ranged Combat, Spellcasting, Darkvision, Nimbleness, Legend
Lore, Magic Lore
Dwarf: A dour, grumpy warrior who lives underground and loves treasure, fighting
and strong ale. A cross between a fighter and a trickster in ability.
Dwarf abilities: Melee Combat, Darkvision, Disarming, Hardiness, Craft, Trading
Half-orc: A powerful warrior, outcast for either being evil or being thought of as
being evil. A cross between a Fighter and a Traveller.
Half-orc abilities: Melee Combat, Strength, Darkvision, Running, Dodging,
Survival, Hardiness, Climbing, Swimming
Halfling: A nimble, happy go lucky character whose ability to get out of trouble is
only matched by their ability to find it. A cross between a trickster, commoner and a
Halfling abilities: Luck, Nimbleness, Running, Dodging, Stealth, Resist Magic,
Perform, Etiquette, Craft, Languages, Legend Lore, Trading
Planetouched: A strange creature with a heritage from outside creatures. Despite
(or perhaps because of) rumours that these creatures have demonic blood in them,
they are extremely charismatic and have an aura of raw power around them. A cross
between a magic user and a bard.
Planetouched abilities: Spellcasting, Darkvision, Resist Magic, Etiquette,
Inspiration, Languages
Gnome: Seekers of knowledge and creators of new things. A cross between a magic
user and a commoner.
Gnome abilities: Spellcasting, Craft, Alchemy, Languages, Magic Lore, Resist
Now you have chosen a class, you need to round out your character – you might
need to choose spells and you need to work out what your starting stats and items

Characters with the Spellcasting ability are able to cast spells and characters
starting with the Spellcasting ability may choose 3 spells from the list of 12 below.
Choose wisely! If you learn the Spellcasting ability later, it does not give you free
spells. You then have to spend time, xp and money learning the spells.
You may cast a spell at any point when you have a relevant ability test or, in the
case of Bolt, when you may use a ranged weapon. You may only use the Cure spell
when you are resting (when not in combat and not doing an ability test). When you
cast a spell, you must deduct 1 Will point. If you have 0 Will points, you can still cast
the spell, but you must lose 1 Vitality point instead.
Bolt: Creates a bolt of energy. This counts as a ranged weapon that automatically
hits and deals 2 damage.
Telekinesis: Gives you a free reroll on any Lock Picking or Disarming test.
Illusion: Gives a free reroll on any Perform or Deception test.
Nature Bond: Gives a free reroll on any Survival or Herbalism test.
Levitate: Gives you a free reroll on any Climbing or Nimbleness test.
Resistance: This spell can be cast to give you a free reroll to any Resist Magic or
Hardiness test.
Camouflage: Gives you a free reroll on any Stealth or Disguise test.
Scry: Gives you a free reroll on any Perception or Pathfinding test.
Charm: Gives you a free reroll on any Etiquette or Inspiration test.
Speed: Gives you a free reroll on any Dodging or Running test.
Strength: Gives you a free reroll on any Strength or Melee Combat test.
Cure: This spell heals wounds. It allows the caster to restore 1 Vitality point. It can
also be targeted at someone else to help cure their wounds.

Creating your own character
Don’t like the look of any of the classes? Create your own character! Just choose the
abilities that you want your character to have and get on with it. Obviously, you can
follow rules 1 and 2 (which basically boil down to do what you like), but here are a
few pointers.
If you want to make life hard, allow yourself 6 abilities/spells.
For a pretty standard adventure, allow yourself 9 abilities/spells.
For an easy life, allow yourself 12 abilities and spells.
You can’t choose spells unless you choose the Spellcasting ability first. After that,
each spell costs the same as an ability.
In general, the more skills the better, but you could just choose a small set of abilities
that make your character super focussed on one area. All of the Fighter’s abilities,
for example, are to do with combat.
One challenge could involve buying the 6 abilities that make your character super
awesome or the 12 most useless abilities to make your character super lame whilst
still having lots of abilities.

Starting characters checklist
You have chosen your character and their abilities. Some abilities change other stats
or give your character items (for more details on items, see page 25), so here is a
checklist to make sure you know what you have.
Starting characters have the following items and stats:
Classes: Choose 1 (or create your own!)
Abilities: Write down all the abilities that your character has.
Spells: If you have the Spellcasting ability, you choose 3 spells from the spell list.
Initial vitality: 6
Initial will: 6
Initial Fate: 3. If you have the Luck ability, you start with 6 Fate points instead.
Initial experience: 3. If you have the Insight ability, you start with 6 experience
points instead.
Starting items: A weapon of your choice, up to 3 provisions, 3 torches, flint and
If you have the Herbalism ability, you start with a herbalist’s kit and up to 3 herbal
preparations of your choice.
If you have the Alchemy ability, you start with an alchemist’s kit and up to 3
alchemical preparations of your choice.
If you have the Craft ability, you start one of the following – smith’s tools,
leatherworker’s tools or carpenter’s tools.
If you have the Craft ability you may start with 6 items from any combinations of the
following – iron, leather and wood. You may also turn these items into any item you
can as if you had the appropriate kit. For example, you may choose to start with 3
iron and 3 wood and then turn them into heavy armour, a large shield and a bow.
You do not need to add any time for this crafting. Of course, you may keep any raw
materials that you do not use.
Initial Encumbrance: Add up the encumbrance values of all the items and treasure
you have.
Initial time: 0
Initial treasure: 25gp (encumbrance 1).
Notes: None
Titles: None
You can fill in all these detail on the character sheet on page 188.

Rules of SCRAWL
The core mechanic
The mechanics of this system revolve around the 6-sided dice (d6). You will need to
roll 1d6 to determine the outcome of events. However, there are many situations
where you can get rerolls. If you are allowed to reroll, you may roll an additional 1d6
and take the best value from the dice you have rolled.

Ability tests
Ability tests have a difficulty value. In parentheses you will have the ability(s), item(s)
and codeword(s) that are relevant to the tests. For each of these things in the
brackets that apply to you, you may reroll the die once (so if you have 2 abilities
mentioned in the bracket, you may reroll the die twice).
Some of these things will be used up in the process of getting the reroll (for
example, food). In this case, an asterisk (*) will be by that thing’s name. If you use
something with an asterisk by it to get a reroll, you must remove it from your
character sheet.
To succeed at an ability test, you need to get equal to or over the difficulty on
a d6. If you have rerolls, you only need to succeed at 1 roll to succeed at the
Some ability tests can be automatically passed if you meet a particular condition.
This usually happens when you are performing a task in the absence of danger and
other distractions. For example, someone with the languages ability who is trying to
decipher an ancient tome in the comfort of their own tower will be able to do so
without having to make a roll.
Keep an eye out for what kind of ability the test is for. You may have an item or spell
that allows you to get a reroll for it. Any abilities that will give you a reroll will be
presented in bold. For example, it may say ‘Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4
(Climbing)’. If you can cast the levitate spell, you will get a reroll for this test.

You will probably come across someone or something that you will have a
disagreement with on your adventures. Usually, they are disagreeing with your
desire to break into their homes and steal their treasure, but I’m not here to judge.
Anyway, you probably want to know how to resolve combat. Here are the steps.
1. Before combat, you will usually have the chance to perform one action. This
could be casting a spell, drinking a potion or making a ranged attack. To make
a ranged attack, make an ability test against your opponent’s difficulty
(Ranged Combat). If you succeed, you hit your opponent and deal damage
as normal. Then you enter the first round of combat.
2. Make an ability test equal to the monster’s difficulty (Melee Combat).
Remember to include any other rerolls you may have – for example, using a
light weapon gives you an extra reroll.
3. If you have succeeded in the ability test, you have hit your opponent and
adjust their Vitality accordingly. If their Vitality is now 0, you have won.
Otherwise, go to step 5.
4. If you have failed, you have been hit and you must adjust your Vitality
accordingly. If your vitality is now 0 or less, you have died and your adventure
ends here!
5. After the round, your opponent may be able to perform another action. If this
is the case, follow the instructions. If this is not the case, or after their action
has resolved, go to step 6.
6. You may escape if you wish. When you have made your decision, unless you
are escaping, you start a new round. Go back to step 2.

Multiple opponents
If you are fighting more than one opponent, then at the beginning of the round, you
must decide which one you are going to hit. Then you must make an ability roll
against all of them. If you succeed against the opponent you chose to hit, you hit
them as normal. If you succeed against an opponent you didn’t decide to hit, then
you inflict no damage. Any opponent you fail an ability test against hits you as

Avoiding combat
You might be able to sneak past the creature. If you do this, make an ability test
equal to the creature’s difficulty (Stealth). If there are multiple creatures, you need to
do this for each creature and it only works if you succeed for every creature you
face. If you avoid combat by sneaking, you get 1xp.
Persuasion (humanoids)
It might be possible to avoid combat by trying to convince your opponents that
fighting would not be worth it for them. To do this, make an ability test equal to the
creature’s difficulty (Etiquette, Deception, Languages, bribe*). The value of the
bribe is worth the creature’s experience value x5. If there are multiple creatures, you
need to do this for each creature and it only works if you succeed for every creature
you face. If you avoid combat by persuasion, you get 1xp. Bear in mind that some
humanoids will be spoiling for a fight or too loyal to their leaders to back down from
combat, so it won’t work all the time.
Calming (wildlife)
You might be able to calm the creature down long enough to avoid combat. If you try
this, make an ability test equal to the wildlife’s difficulty (Survival, meal*). A meal is
a number of provisions equal to the creature’s xp value. If there are multiple
creatures, you need to do this for each creature and it only works if you succeed for
every creature you face. If you avoid combat by calming, you get 1xp. Note that if
some animals have been driven mad or if they are being magically controlled, they
can’t be calmed.
If you have the option, you may escape from combat at any time. However, if you
do, your opponent may get a free hit against you. If you decide to escape, make an
ability test equal to the difficulty of your opponent (Running, Dodging). If you fail,
your opponent hits you as you escape. If you are fighting multiple opponents, you
must make this ability test against all of them. If you escape combat alive, you get

Battle of Wills
A battle of wills is not a physical combat, but rather an activity that requires mental
fortitude and willpower. A battle of wills could include translating a scroll, spotting and
disarming a trap or engaging in an argument.
If you are fighting a battle of Wills, approach it as a combat, but instead you need to
check which abilities are relevant and the loser of the round loses 1 Will Point. The Will
score for monsters is the same as their Vitality.
Some battle of wills are non-lethal.
Non-lethal: This battle of Wills cannot kill you. If you are in a non-lethal battle of wills
when your Will is 0, then you must give up as you are too exhausted to take part. Note
that you cannot enter a battle of wills with a Will of 0.
A battle of Wills may also be fought between you and an inanimate object. For example,
scaling a mountain is a battle of wills. So is translating a book. When engaging in a
battle of wills with an inanimate object, you may stop the battle at any time without
penalty. However, if you return to the battle, you will have to fight your “opponent” again
with “them” at full “strength”. You can get experience for succeeding at a battle of wills.
This is in addition to any other reward you may get for winning a battle of wills.
1. First, check which abilities the battle of wills has which are relevant.
2. Make an ability test equal to the opponent’s difficulty.
3. If you have succeeded in the ability test, reduce your opponent’s Will by 1.
Otherwise, go to step 4.
4. If you have failed, you must reduce your Will by 1. Go to step 6.
5. If your opponent now has 0 Will points, you have won! Continue as instructed. If
your opponent still has 1 or more Will point, go to step 7.
6. If your Will is now 0 and your opponent has the non-lethal characteristic, then you
have lost the battle of Wills and you must continue as instructed. If neither of
these apply, continue to step 7.
7. You may give up on the battle of wills and continue as instructed. Or you may
continue the battle. If you decide to continue, go back to step 1.
Here are some example battles of wills opponents:
Hike across plains
Difficulty: 3 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Mount, Provision*) Will: 3 Special:
None Experience: 1
Deciphering runes
Difficulty: 3 (Languages) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

Exploring the dungeons
Eventually, you might have to venture underground to get your treasure fix. That’s
great, but there are some issues. The main one is light. If you have the Darkvision
ability, you can see in the dark. Otherwise, you are going to have to provide and
carry your own light source. That means you need to use one hand to carry a light
source. This means that you won’t be able to use a two-handed weapon or a shield

Recording your adventures

How about keeping a journal of what you get up to? As each day passes, you could
write an entry saying what you did, where you went, what you saw, what you killed. It
would be a good way to bring life to your story and also to add your personal touch
to the travels. Maybe you went to a village where everyone pours ale over their
heads at the beginning of the day, or maybe everyone leaves an apple to the statue
of a god in the middle of the village every week. Go wild. Maybe you could write your
entries as a letter to a loved one, a friend or a family member. And if you like letter
writing, check out Quill by Scott Malthouse.

Leading bands of people
Sometimes, you may be in charge of a group of people. This group will have a set of
statistics and abilities, just like an individual.
Body: This is a measure of how many people are in your group. Body is reduced when
people are injured and killed. It cannot be restored, but you can increase it by hiring more
people. There is no maximum Body score.
Morale: This is the group’s equivalent of Will. It is a measure of your group’s happiness. If
the group has 0 morale and is told to lose morale, it instead loses points from Body instead
as people desert or become too demoralised to work to their full strength. Your group’s
maximum Morale is their Body score.
Damage: This is how much damage a group can do. A group armed with high quality
weapons has a higher damage. Your group starts with a Damage of 1 and you may increase
it if you buy them better weapons and armour.

Abilities for groups

Battle training: A group with this ability has a reroll when in Mass Combat.
Archery: A group with this ability has a reroll when using ranged weapons.
Sailing: A group with this ability knows how to work a sailing vessel and gets a reroll when
Discipline: A group with discipline gets a reroll on all morale rolls.

Mass combat
Mass combat plays out like individual combat. Remember that if you have the Tactics
ability, you will get a reroll when fighting a mass combat. Also, if you have the Ship Lore
ability, you will get a reroll when fighting a mass combat in ships.
1. Before combat, your unit may be able to make a ranged attack. To make a ranged
attack, make an ability test against your opponent’s difficulty (Archery, Tactics). If
you succeed, you hit your opponent and deal damage as normal. Then you enter the
first round of combat.
2. Make an ability test equal to the enemy’s difficulty (Battle Training, Tactics). If you
battle is taking place on seagoing vessels, then Sailing and Ship Lore also provides
a reroll.
3. If you have succeeded in the ability test, your band has hit the enemy and adjust their
Body accordingly. If their Body is now 0, you have won. Otherwise, go to step 2.
4. If you have failed, you have been hit and you must adjust your unit’s Body
accordingly. If your unit’s Body is now 0 or less, you have died with your unit and
your adventure ends here! Otherwise, go to step 2.

Battle of wills for groups

Groups may have battles of will, just as individuals can.
If you are fighting a battle of Wills, approach it as normal, but instead the loser of the round
loses 1 Morale Point. The Morale score for groups is the same as their Vitality. The combat
is over either when you reduce your opponent’s Morale to 0, or when you die (remember that
if your group loses 1 Morale when its Morale score is 0, then it loses 1 Body instead).

Equipment, services, weapons, armour and crafting

Buying, selling and haggling

The items below have a buying and selling price. Things that are very cheap (3gp or less)
cannot be sold. Items also have a haggling price. If you want to haggle over an item, make
an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Trading, Etiquette, Languages). If you succeed, the
price moves favourably for you (down for items you buy and up for items you sell). If you fail,
the price moves unfavourable for you (up for items you sell and down for items you buy).

Weapons are really great for avoiding long arguments. When an orc doesn’t want you
stealing its stuff, sticking it with a sword can really save time and tedious conversation. But
you don’t need to stick an orc with a sword. No there’s clubs, axes, maces, hammers, bows,
slings and all kinds of implements you could use instead. In fact, we have something here for
everyone. We even have little daggers for the little darlings in your life. Come and take a
Weapons are light, medium or heavy. Here is how they are different:
Light weapons (including unarmed attacks): These weapons deal 1 damage if they hit and
have an encumbrance of 1 (apart from unarmed attacks, which have an encumbrance of 0).
Light weapons allow 1 extra reroll if you use them in combat.
Medium weapons: These weapons deal 2 damage on a hit and have an encumbrance of 2.
Heavy weapons: These weapons deal 3 damage and have an encumbrance of 3. Heavy
melee weapons require 2 hands to use so you cannot use a shield whilst using them. You
also cannot use them if you need to carry a light source.

Melee, melee/ranged or ranged

Can you use this weapon in Melee Combat or Ranged Combat? Some weapons are melee
or ranged weapons which means that you can use them as a ranged weapon by throwing
them. However, you cannot use them during combat after you have thrown them although
you will be able to recover them if you win to win the combat.
Weapon Type Melee or
Encumbrance To To Haggle
ranged buy sell Modifier
(gp) (gp)
Unarmed combat Light Melee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dagger Light Melee/ranged 1 1 - -
Sling Light Ranged 1 1 - -
Spear/axe Medium Melee/ranged 2 5 3 +/-1
Sword/mace/warhammer/staff/club Medium Melee 2 5 3 +/-1
Bow Medium Ranged 2 5 3 +/-1
Two handed Heavy Melee 3 25 10 +/-5
Crossbow Heavy Ranged 3 25 10 +/-5

The downside with hitting monsters is that makes them want to hit you back.
However, there is plenty of helpful armour to deal with that problem. Armour in
SCRAWL increases your Vitality because that is the simplest way I could find. You
are allowed one suit of armour and one shield. Shields require one hand to use, so if
you are underground and you need to hold a light source, you cannot hold a shield. If
you have a two-handed weapon, you cannot use a shield.

Armour Encumbrance To buy (gp) To sell (gp) Haggle modifier

Light armour (+1 Vitality) 1 10 5 +/-2
Medium armour (+2 Vitality) 2 25 10 +/-3
Heavy armour (+3 Vitality) 3 50 25 +/-10
Light shield (+1 Vitality) 1 10 5 +/-2
Heavy shield (+2 Vitality) 2 25 10 +/-5

It’s not all about hitting monsters and trying not to be hit. You are going to need other stuff to help you.
You’re going to need to eat, you’re going to need light sources and you’re going to need ways to get

Item To buy To sell Haggle Encumbrance

(gold (gold pieces) modifier
1 provision 1 - - 1
Waterskin 1 - - 1 (full)
0 (empty)
Flint and steel (makes fire with 1 - - 0
wood, lights torches)
Torch (light source, 1 use) 1 - - 1
Lantern (light source, any 10 5 +/-2 1
number of uses)
Furs 3 2 - 1
Desert clothes 3 2 - 1
Shovel 2 1 - 2
Tent 10 5 +/-2 3
Pick 5 3 +/-1 2
Mirror 10 5 +/-2 1
Climbing gear (rope, grapple, 10 5 +/-2 2
mallet and iron spikes)
Chalk 1 - - 0
Charcoal 1 - - 0
Paper 2 1 - 0
Net 5 3 +/-1 1
Fishing line 5 3 +/-1 1
Iron 1 - - 1
Leather 1 - - 1
Wood 1 - - 1
Herb 5 3 +/-1 0
Mineral 5 3 +/-1 0
Carpenter’s tools 5 3 +/-1 2
Leatherworker’s tools 5 3 +/-1 2
Smith’s tools 10 5 +/-2 2
Herbalist’s kit 10 5 +/-2 1
Alchemist’s kit 25 10 +/-5 2
Mule (+12 encumbrance) 30 15 +/-7 N/A
Horse (Mount, +6 50 25 +/-10 N/A
Cart (can only be used with a 30 15 +/-7 N/A
horse or mule, +24
Camel (Mount, +6 50 25 +/-10 N/A
Dog 10 5 +/-2 N/A
Dog sled (Can only be used 75 35 +/-15 N/A
with 4+ dogs, Mount, +12
House (stores items) 100 50 +/-20 N/A

Herbal preparations
If you have Herbalism, you can identify useful plants and prepare them so that their
properties can aid others. To make a herbal preparation, you need 1 herb and a
herbalist’s kit. It takes 1 day of work to make a herbal preparation. All herbal
preparations have an encumbrance of 1. You can use healing salve and magebane
whenever you have the relevant ability test. You may use a revitalising potion when
resting (i.e. when not in combat and not doing an ability test).
Revitalising potion: Restores 1 Will point.
Healing salve: Allows 1 reroll on a Hardiness ability test.
Magebane: Allows 1 reroll on a Resist Magic ability test.
Item To buy To sell Haggle Encumbrance
(gold (gold modifier
pieces) pieces)
Revitalising potion 25 10 +/-5 1
Healing salve 25 10 +/-5 1
Magebane 25 10 +/-5 1

If you need a random herbal preparation, use this table.

Fate roll Herbal preparation
1-2 Revitalising potion
3-4 Healing salve
5-6 Magebane

Alchemical preparations
If you have the Alchemy ability, you can use minerals to make alchemical
preparations. To make an alchemical preparation, you need 1 mineral and an
alchemist’s kit. It takes 1 day of work to make an alchemical preparation. All
alchemical preparations have an encumbrance of 1. You may use acid whenever
you can use a ranged weapon. You can use Bladefire and Adrenaline whenever you
have the relevant ability test.
Acid: Acts as a ranged weapon. You need to make a Ranged Combat ability test to
get it to hit its target. If it hits, it deals 2 damage.
Bladefire: Allows 1 reroll on a Melee Combat ability test.
Adrenaline: Allows 1 reroll on a Strength ability test.
Item To buy To sell Haggle Encumbrance
(gold (gold modifier
pieces) pieces)
Acid 25 10 +/-5 1
Bladefire 25 10 +/-5 1
Adrenaline 25 10 +/-5 1

If you need a random alchemical preparation, use this table.

Fate roll Alchemical preparation
1-2 Acid
3-4 Bladefire
5-6 Adrenaline

Service Cost (gold pieces)
Day’s rest 0
Carousing/relaxation 5
Healer 5
Training 30
Increase Will 60
Increase Vitality 120
Learn ability 180
Learn spell 180

Day’s rest
Allows you to restore 1 Will point.
Increase your time by 1.
Allows you to restore 1 Will point.
Can be used any number of times
without increasing your time.
Restores 1 Vitality point. Can be
used any number of times without increasing your time.
If you spend 1 day with a trainer after paying the money, you get to gain 1xp. The
training can take any form you like from physical training to learning history etc.
Increase Will
If you spend 12 days training and 12xp, you can increase your initial Wil by 1 and
restore it to its new maximum.
Increase Vitality
If you spend 24 days training and 24xp, you can increase your initial Vitality by 1 and
restore it to its new maximum.
Learn ability
If you spend 36 days training and 36xp, you can gain a new ability.
Learn spell
If you have the Spellcasting ability, if you spend 36 days training and 36xp, you can
gain a new spell.

Group items and services
Service Cost (gold pieces)
Day’s rest 0
Carousing/relaxation 50
New recruits (+1 Body) 100
Normal melee weapons and armour (2 damage) 50
High quality melee weapons and armour (3 damage) 250
Slings (ranged weapon, 1 damage) 10
Bows (ranged weapon, 2 damage) 50
Crossbows (ranged weapon, 3 damage) 250
Battle training 400
Archery training 400
Discipline training 200
Sailing training 200

Day’s rest

Your group restores 1 Morale. Add 1 day to your time.


Your group restores 1 Morale. You may do this any number of times.

New recruits

Increase your group’s Body by 1.

Normal melee weapons and armour

Your group’s damage is 2.

High quality melee weapons and armour

Your group’s damage is 3.


Your group can make a ranged attack with a damage of 1.


Your group can make a ranged attack with a damage of 2.


Your group can make a ranged attack with a damage of 3.

Battle training

This takes 40 days to complete. Once it is complete, your group has the Battle Training ability.

Archery training

This takes 40 days to complete. Once it is complete, your group has the Archery ability.

Discipline training

This takes 20 days to complete. Once it is complete, your group has the Discipline ability.

Sailing training

This takes 20 days to complete. Once it is complete, your group has the Sailing ability.

Crafting your own items
If you have the Craft ability, you can make your own weapons, armour and tools. If
you have the Herbalism ability, you can make herbal preparations. If you have the
Alchemy ability, you can make alchemical preparations. Below is a list of things that
you can make, what you need to make them and how long it takes. If an item says
that it needs no resources to make, that means that the amount of resources you
need is so small then you could buy them for a negligible cost.
Item Resources Tools Time needed
dagger None Smith’s tools 1 day
Sling None Leatherworker’s 1 day
Staff/club/spear 1 wood Carpenter’s tools 3 days
Sword/axe/mace/warhammer 1 iron Smith’s tools 3 days
Bow 1 wood Carpenter’s tools 3 days
Two handed 2 iron Smith’s tools 7 days
Crossbow 2 wood Carpenter’s tools 7 days
Light armour 1 leather Leatherworker’s 7 days
Medium armour 2 iron Smith’s tools 35 days
Heavy armour 3 iron Smith’s tools 70 days
Light shield 1 wood Carpenter’s tools 7 days
Heavy shield 2 wood Carpenter’s tools 35 days
Pick 1 iron Smith’s tools 1 day
Shovel None Smith’s tools 1 day
Tent 3 leather Leatherworker’s 7 days
Mirror 1 iron Smith’s tools 3 days
Revitalising potion 1 herb Herbalist’s kit 1 day
Healing salve 1 herb Herbalist’s kit 1 day
Magebane 1 herb Herbalist’s kit 1 day
Acid 1 mineral Alchemist’s kit 1 day
Bladefire 1 mineral Alchemist’s kit 1 day
Adrenaline 1 mineral Alchemist’s kit 1 day

Trade goods
There are 6 types of trade goods – timber, stone and clay, textiles, food, metals and
luxuries. You cannot carry these items around and you must transport them in a
wagon or a ship. Trade goods are transported in cargo units. You are able to buy
and sell these items in different places. However, isolated areas would usually only
have food to trade whereas you could buy and sell all the items in cities. The cost of
different trade goods depends on the area you are trading in, but the most common
prices are given below. When trading, you may choose to haggle, which involves
making a battle of wills with the trader using the Trading, Etiquette and Languages
abilities. If you win, the price becomes more favourable to you (reducing the price of
goods you buy and raising the price of goods you sell). If you fail, the price becomes
less favourable to you (increasing the price of goods you buy and reducing the price
of goods you sell).
Trade good To buy To sell Haggle modifier
Food 120 100 +/-15
Timber 150 120 +/-25
Stone/clay 180 150 +/-25
Textiles 240 180 +/-45
Metals 300 240 +/-45
Luxuries 450 360 +/-75

Ships and wagons

You may become rich enough to buy a ship and crew or a wagon and a group of
servants. You may leave any items you like in a ship or a wagon. They are also big
enough to transport a certain number of trade goods.
Bear in mind that you may buy any number of wagons and connect them together to
form a caravan.
Land vehicle To buy To sell Haggle Capacity
Wagon 250gp 200gp +/-20 1

Sea vehicle To buy To sell Haggle Capacity

Barque 250gp 200gp +/-20 1
Caravel 450gp 360gp +/-30 2
Galleon 650gp 520gp +/-40 3

Eventually, you might be lucky enough to get some treasure. Sometimes you will be
instructed as to what treasure you will get and sometimes, you are able to roll
randomly for treasure. If you are told to roll randomly, roll on the treasure table,
Treasure table
Fate roll Treasure
1 Loot (5gp)
2 Loot (10gp)
3 Loot (15gp)
4 Loot (20gp)
5 Loot (25gp)
6 Special
Loot is usually found in the form of gold pieces or other treasure that you can spend
immediately. However, you can also find loot in the form of usable equipment.
Instead of taking all loot as gold pieces, you may pick any items from the weapons,
armour and equipment table up to the value of the loot given and take those instead
of money. You do not have to make all of your loot into items or treasure. You may
mix up the items and treasure as much as you want. You may not get living
creatures as part of loot (so no mules!).

Make a Fate roll. If you roll a 1-2, you get a special key. If you roll a 3-4, you get a
potion. If you roll a 5-6, you get a scroll.

Special key
You obtain a key which can only unlock certain doors. This key could be key shaped
or it could take many other forms, such as a circular amulet or a statuette. Special
keys have an encumbrance of 1.

Potions are small bottles of containing magical liquid. As potions are simply activated
by drinking, you don’t need to make an ability test to use a potion. All potions are
used up after 1 use. All potions have an encumbrance of 1.
Potion table
Fate roll Potion
1 Potion of Levitate
2 Potion of Speed
3 Potion of Strength
4 Potion of Camouflage
5 Potion of Resistance
6 Potion of Cure

Scrolls have the spell written upon them and require an ability test to use. When you
choose to use a scroll, make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Spellcasting, Magic
Lore). If you succeed, you cast the spell and the scroll crumbles to dust. If you fail,
you do not cast the spell, but the scroll can be used another time. Scrolls have an
encumbrance of 0.
Scroll table

Fate roll Scroll

1 Scroll of Illusion
2 Scroll of Scry
3 Scroll of Charm
4 Scroll of Nature Bond
5 Scroll of Telekinesis
6 Scroll of Bolt

Quest treasures
Quest treasures are not magical items, but they represent items of great value to
various people. Each time you find a quest treasure, gain 1 Fate Point. A quest
treasure could be a historical artefact or a rare gemstone, part of a rare animal or
plant or a finely made piece of jewellery. Several people may covet quest treasures
and you should be able to trade them for a lot of money or possibly other services.
All quest treasures have an encumbrance of 1.

Permanent magical items
There are very few permanent magical items in the world and you will never find any
of them in a random haul. Here is a list of the magical items

Wondrous items
Wondrous items do not fit into any other category of magic item. Any character can
use them. A wondrous item allows you to cast a particular spell once per day as long
as you can activate it. To activate a wondrous item, you need to make an ability test
with a difficulty of 4 (Spellcasting, Magic Lore). If you succeed, you activate the
wondrous item and may cast the spell without losing Will. If you fail, you do not
activate it, so you may attempt to activate it again. All wondrous items have an
encumbrance of 0. You may find a particular wondrous item, or you may be asked to
roll for a random wondrous item.
When you find a random wondrous item, first make a Fate roll to see what column
you need to roll on. Then make another Fate roll to see what your item is.
Fate roll 1-3 4-6
1 Belt of Levitation Robe of Illusion
2 Sandals of Speed Goggles of Scry
3 Armband of Strength Ring of Charm
4 Cloak of Camouflage Gloves of Nature Bond
5 Amulet of Resistance Hat of Telekinesis
6 Bracelet of Cure Wand of Bolt

Enchanted items
These items are more powerful magical items. Most enchanted items give you more
options than wondrous items. If an enchanted item requires you to cast a spell, it
requires you to make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Spellcasting, Magic Lore)
to use. If you succeed, you cast the spell without losing Will. If you fail, you do not
cast the spell, but you may try to cast the spell again.
When you find an enchanted item, you may be told what kind of item it is, or you may
be asked to determine it at random.
Fate Roll Enchanted item
1 Enchanted weapon
2 Enchanted armour
3 Staff of Mind
4 Staff of Deception
5 Staff of Evasion
6 Staff of Life

Enchanted weapon
When you find an enchanted weapon, you may choose any weapon you like.
Alternatively, you may choose to have enchanted gauntlets (encumbrance 0) which
give you a bonus with unarmed combat. An enchanted weapon allows 1 reroll in the
relevant ability test (Melee Weapon or Ranged Weapon). The weapon has the same
encumbrance and damage as the normal weapon of its type.

Enchanted armour
You may choose which armour or shield you like. Enchanted armour or shields
increase your Vitality by 2 more points than normal armour and shields of the same
type. The armour has the same encumbrance as the normal armour of its type.

All staves require an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Spellcasting, Magic Lore) to
use. If you succeed, you cast the spell of your choice without losing Will. If you fail,
you do not cast the spell, but you may try to cast the spell again. You may only cast
each spell once per day. Each staff has an encumbrance of 2 and counts as though
it is enchanted for combat (however, it does not provide any bonuses that enchanted
weapons normally give – it simply counts as being enchanted when fighting
creatures that can only be harmed by enchanted weapons).
The following staves cast the following spells:
Staff of Evasion
This staff allows you to cast Speed and Resistance once per day without losing Will.
Staff of Mind
This staff allows you to cast Scry and Telekinesis once per day without losing Will.
Staff of Deception
This staff allows you to cast Illusion and Camouflage once per day without losing
Staff of Life
This staff allows you to cast Cure and Nature bond once per day without losing Will.

Artefacts are extremely powerful items that can come in all shapes and sizes. You
are extremely lucky if you find one. Any character may use an artefact without having
to make ability rolls. They are just that powerful.
Die roll Item Encumbrance
1-2 Ring of the Fae 0
3-4 Ring of the Thief 0
5-6 Torc of Victory 0

Ring of the Fae

The ring allows you to cast Charm, Illusion and Nature Bond once per day without
losing Will.
Ring of the Thief
The ring allows you to cast Speed, Camouflage and Telekinesis once per day
without losing Will.
Torc of Victory
The torc allows you to cast Strength, Resistance and Bolt once per day without
losing Will.

Experience and advancement
You gain experience points for performing mighty deeds and overcoming (note: not
necessarily killing in combat) monsters and other opponents. Remember that
whenever a character with the Insight ability gains experience, they may gain 1 extra
experience point.
You can spend your experience points to improve yourself or you can use them for
ability tests.
If you spend 1 experience point, you can reroll a die for 1 ability test or you can act
as if you have an ability of your choice on 1 occasion – this means that you may
spend 1 experience to act as if you have the Craft, Herbalism or Alchemy abilities
and use the correct tools and materials to make an item. However, if you use it to act
as if you have the Spellcasting ability, you can’t cast spells because you also need to
learn the spells too.
You can train to increase your Will if you spend 12 experience points, 12 days of
training and 60 gold pieces. If you do this, you can increase your Will by 1 then
restore it to its initial level. Your natural maximum Will starts at 6 and cannot go
above 12. However, your maximum Will can go above 12 if you have items that
increase it beyond 12.
You can train to increase your Vitality if you spend 24 experience points, 24 days of
training and 120 gold pieces. If you do this, you can increase your Vitality by 1 then
restore it to its initial level. Your maximum natural Vitality starts at 6 and cannot go
above 12. However, your maximum Vitality can go above 12 if you have items that
increase it beyond 12.
You can train to learn a new ability if you spend 36 experience points, 36 days of
training and 180 gold pieces. If you do this, you can gain a new ability. Note that if
you learn the Spellcasting ability, you don’t learn any spells. You have to pay to learn
If you have the Spellcasting ability you can train to learn a spell if you spend 36
experience points, 36 days of training and 180 gold pieces. If you do this, you can
gain a new spell.
You start the game with 3 experience points, as you are not a green rookie. If you
have the Insight ability, you start the game with 6 experience points instead as you
have scrutinised your life and begun your heroic saga. You can use these for rerolls
or try to save them to increase your stats.

Poisons, magical attacks, healing and blessings
Sometimes in adventures, you will come across strange substances and weird magic
that will have a random effect on you.
Poison table
Fate roll Poison effect
1-3 Lose 2 Vitality Points
4-6 Lose 3 Will Points

Magical attack table

Fate roll Magical attack effect
1-2 Lose 1 Vitality point
3-4 Lose 2 Will points
5-6 Lose 1 Fate point

Healing table
Fate roll Poison effect
1-3 Gain 2 Vitality points
4-6 Gain 3 Will points

Blessing table
Fate roll Magical attack effect
1-2 Gain 1 Vitality point
3-4 Gain 2 Will points
5-6 Gain 1 Fate point

It’s not all exploration and treasure, you know. You’re going to have to deal with
some monsters eventually. On the plus side, deal with does not necessarily mean
fight. I mean, you might be one of those Trickster types who would rather sneak past
monsters whilst they sleep and steal their treasure. That’s perfectly valid, because I
want all classes to succeed here. Just don’t expect it to be easy. Or to work all the
The layout of a monster’s statistics are presented like this:
Monster name
Type: Tells you what group the monster belongs to. Some spells and items affect
particular groups of monsters.
Difficulty: The number you need to roll equal or above to hit the monster. Also tells
you which classes get rerolls.
Damage: The number of points of damage that the monsters deal with a successful
Vitality: The vitality of the monster.
Special: Any special abilities the monster might have.
Experience: The experience you get for killing or overcoming the monster

Monster special abilities
A lot of monsters have abilities and this bit explains what they are.
Summon (creature): At the beginning of combat with this creature, the creature
named in the ability also turns up to fight you.
Poison/Plague: Whenever you lose a combat round, in addition to taking damage,
make an ability test equal to the difficulty of the creature’s (Hardiness). If you fail,
lose 1 Vitality point.
Magical attack: At the end of every round, make an ability test equal to the difficulty
of the creature’s (Resist Magic). If you fail, lose 1 Will point.
First Strike: You may not sneak past this creature. At the beginning of combat,
make an ability test with a difficulty equal to the creature’s (Perception, Dodging). If
you fail, it hits you. You lose a number of Vitality points equal to its damage and you
cannot take an action before the combat.
Blast: This creature can blast you with damaging energy. It could be fiery breath, icy
breath or a magically created energy bolt. At the end of every round, make an ability
test with a difficulty equal to the creature’s (Dodging). If you fail, you lose 1 Vitality
Steal: At the end of each round, make an ability test equal to the difficulty of the
creature’s (Perception). If you fail, lose 10 gold pieces.


Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1


Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1


Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2


Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: Poison Experience: 2


Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 2

Apprentice wizard

Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 1


Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: Summon zombie. Experience: 1

Sorcerer /High Priest/head shaman

Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 3. Vitality: 10. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 5


Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 2


Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2 Vitality: 12 Special: None. Experience: 3


Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 5. Damage: 3. Vitality: 8 Special: None. Experience: 4


Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 5. Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 6


Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3

Ogre Mage

Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 6

Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 1. Vitality: 4. Special: Steal. Experience: 1

Faerie king

Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: First strike, magical attack Experience: 3


Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6 Special: First strike Experience: 2


Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 8 Special: First strike Experience: 4


Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality:4. Special: Summon wolf Experience: 1

Lizardfolk Druid

Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality:4. Special: Summon giant lizard Experience: 1


Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 6. Special: First strike Experience: 3


Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 4 Vitality: 10 Special: First strike Experience: 7

Plague Bearer

Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: Plague. Experience: 1


Type: Humanoid/Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: First strike. Experience: 3


Type: Humanoid/Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: Plague. Experience: 2


Type: Humanoid/Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: Plague. Experience: 4


Type: Humanoid/Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 10. Special: Plague. Experience: 6


Type: Humanoid/Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3


Type: Humanoid/Construct. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1


Type: Humanoid/Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1


Type: Humanoid/Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2 Vitality: 8 Special: First strike. Experience: 3


Type: Humanoid/Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: Plague. Experience: 2


Type: Humanoid/Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: Plague. Experience: 4


Type: Humanoid/Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 10. Special: Plague. Experience: 6


Type: Humanoid/Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3

Wolf/Dog/Boar/Horse/deer/giant centipede/Snow cat/Lynx

Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None Experience: 1

Warhorse/Giant Ape/moose/Stag

Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2 Vitality: 6 Special: None Experience: 2


Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 5 Damage: 3 Vitality: 15 Special: None Experience: 8


Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: 10 Special: None Experience: 4

Poisonous Snake/scorpion

Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 1 Vitality: 2 Special: Poison. Experience: 1

Giant Snake/ Giant Lizard

Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3 Vitality: 8 Special: None Experience: 2

Flock of bats/Giant rat/piranhas

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 1 Vitality: 3. Special: None. Experience: 1

Eagle/Giant Ant/Goat/Badger/Sapling/Young roc

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1


Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 3. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 3

Bear/Lion/Tiger/Velociraptor/Polar Bear

Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 10 Special: None. Experience: 4

Sabretooth tiger

Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 5 Damage: 3. Vitality: 10 Special: None. Experience: 5

Giant Beetle

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 2


Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2

Giant Spider/Giant Scorpion

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: Poison. Experience: 2


Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 16. Special: None. Experience: 6

Tyrannosaurus Rex

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 5 Damage: 3. Vitality: 14. Special: None. Experience: 7


Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 1

Plague Rat

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 1. Vitality: 3 Special: Plague. Experience: 1

Giant Wasp

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 1. Vitality: 3 Special: Poison. Experience: 1

Giant Fly

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 1. Vitality: 4 Special: None. Experience: 1

Fire Beetle

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 10. Special: Blast. Experience: 3

Ice Beetle

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 10. Special: Blast. Experience: 3

Poisonous Vines/Mould

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: Poison Experience: 1

Whip vines/Venus fly trap/Tentacle/catfish

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1


Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 12. Special: None Experience: 2

Shambling Mound

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: First Strike. Experience: 3


Type: Humanoid/Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1


Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3


Type: Undead. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None. Experience: 1

Skeleton Warrior

Type: Undead. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2

Giant Skeleton

Type: Undead Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3


Type: Undead. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 1

Giant Zombie

Type: Undead Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 14. Special: None. Experience: 4


Type: Undead. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 9. Special: Magical attack Experience: 3


Type: Undead Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 9 Special: Magical attack Experience: 2


Type: Undead. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 15. Special: Magical attack Experience: 8


Type: Undead Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2 Vitality: 10 Special: Magical attack Experience: 4


Type: Undead. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2


Type: Undead. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 12. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 4

Demon Servant

Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None. Experience: 1

Lesser Demon

Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2 Vitality: 6. Special: Blast. Experience: 2

Medium Demon

Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 9 Special: Blast. Experience: 3

Greater Demon

Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: Blast. Experience: 6

Demon Lord

Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 5 Damage: 3 Vitality: 15. Special: Blast. Experience: 10

Hell Hound

Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5. Special: Blast. Experience: 1


Type: Outsider Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2 Vitality: 6 Special: Blast Experience: 2

Fire Spirit

Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 8. Special: None Experience: 2

Earth Spirit

Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 12. Special: None Experience: 2

Air Spirit/Water Spirit

Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2

Fire Elemental

Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 4. Vitality: 12. Special: None Experience: 6

Earth Elemental

Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: 15. Special: None Experience: 6

Air Elemental/Water Elemental

Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 5 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 6


Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8 Special: Magical Attack. Experience: 3

Invisible Stalker

Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 5 Damage: 3 Vitality: 6. Special: None. Experience: 4


Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 1. Vitality: 3 Special: Magical Attack. Experience: 1


Type: Monster. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 4 Special: Magical Attack. Experience: 1


Type: Monster. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None. Experience: 1


Type: Monster. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: First Strike. Experience: 2


Type: Monster. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 10. Special: First Strike. Experience: 2


Type: Monster. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 8. Special: Magical attack Experience: 3


Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: 12. Special: Poison. Experience: 8


Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: 15. Special: Poison. Experience: 9


Type: Monster. Difficulty: 5 Damage: 3 Vitality: 8. Special: Blast. Experience: 5


Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: 12. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 6

Purple Worm

Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: 12. Special: Poison. Experience: 8

Ice Serpent

Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: 12. Special: Blast. Experience: 6


Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: 10. Special: None. Experience: 4


Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2. Vitality: 9. Special: Blast. Experience: 3

Young dragon

Type: Monster. Difficulty: 5. Damage: 2. Vitality: 12. Special: Blast. Experience: 4

Mature dragon

Type: Monster. Difficulty: 5. Damage: 3. Vitality: 15. Special: Blast. Experience: 8

Ancient dragon

Type: Monster. Difficulty: 6. Damage: 4. Vitality: 18. Special: Blast. Experience: 15

Flesh Golem

Type: Construct Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 2

Clay Golem

Type: Construct Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3

Ice Golem

Type: Construct Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 10. Special: Blast. Experience: 3

Stone Golem

Type: Construct. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 15. Special: First Strike. Experience: 5

Animated Armour

Type: Construct. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 9. Special: First Strike. Experience: 2

Iron Golem

Type: Construct. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 18. Special: None Experience: 7

Animated object

Type: Construct. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 1. Vitality: 3. Special: First Strike. Experience: 1


Type: Construct. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: First Strike. Experience: 2


Type: Construct. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 1. Vitality: 3. Special: Magical Attack. Experience: 1

Flying weapon

Type: Construct. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: First Strike. Experience: 3


Type: Humanoid/Construct. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1

Mechanical Trap

Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft). Trigger: Lose 1 Vitality point.

Natural Trap

Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft, Survival) Trigger: Lose 1 Vitality point.

Rune Trap

Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Magic Lore) Trigger: Lose 1 Will point.

Poison Trap

Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Hardiness, Craft) Trigger: Lose 1 Vitality point.

Example Battles of Wills

Here is a list of some battles of wills that you will come across.

Battle of Wills special abilities

Non-lethal: This battle of Wills cannot kill you. If you are in a non-lethal battle of wills when your Will is
0, then you must give up as you are too exhausted to take part. Note that you cannot enter a battle of
wills with a Will of 0.

Hike across plains

Difficulty: 3 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Mount, Provision*) Will: 3 Special: None

Experience: 1

Forest exploration

Difficulty: 4 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Provision*) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

Hike over hills

Difficulty: 4 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Climbing, Climbing Gear, Mount, Provision*) Will:
3 Special: None Experience: 1

Walking over a swamp

Difficulty: 4 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Provision*) Will: 4 Special: None Experience: 1

Climbing a mountain

Difficulty: 5 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Climbing, Climbing Gear, Provision*) Will: 4

Special: None Experience: 2

Desert walk

Difficulty: 5 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Desert clothes, Mount, Provision*, Waterskin*)

Will: 4 Special: None Experience: 2

Travail across ice

Difficulty: 5 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Furs, Mount, Provision*) Will: 4 Special: None
Experience: 2

Treasure Hunt

Difficulty: 5 (Survival, Perception, Shovel) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

Stout Wooden Door

Difficulty: 4 (Strength, Lock Picking) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

Tough Crowd

Difficulty: 4 (Perform, Inspiration, Etiquette) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

Intellectual debate

Difficulty: 4 (Legend Lore, Etiquette) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

Haggling with a merchant

Difficulty: 4 (Etiquette, Trading) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

Pulling off a con

Difficulty: 4 (Etiquette, Deception) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

Perform a magical ritual

Difficulty: 4 (Spellcasting, Magic Lore, Magic Lore) Will: 4 Special: None Experience: 1

Swimming a lake

Difficulty: 4 (Swimming, Hardiness) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

Digging a large hole

Difficulty: 3 (Strength, Hardiness, Shovel) Will: 4 Special: None Experience: 1

Pulling something out of the mud

Difficulty: 3 (Strength, Hardiness) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

Climbing a rocky slope

Difficulty: 4 (Hardiness, Climbing, Climbing Gear) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

Looking into a crystal

Difficulty: 3 (Spellcasting, Magic Lore, Magic Lore) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

Deciphering runes

Difficulty: 3 (Languages) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

Praying at a shrine

Difficulty: 3 (Magic Lore, Legend Lore) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

Magic Tricks

Difficulty: 3 (Perform, Sleight of Hand) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

Telling a story

Difficulty: 3 (Perform, Etiquette, Languages) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

Escaping some vines

Difficulty: 3 (Strength) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

Fighting off insects

Difficulty: 3 (Hardiness, Survival) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

Disbelieving an illusion

Difficulty: 4 (Resist Magic) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

Surviving a sandstorm

Difficulty: 4 (Hardiness, Survival, Desert clothes) Will: 4 Special: None Experience: 1

Walking through undergrowth

Difficulty: 4 (Strength, Hardiness, axe, sword, dagger) Will: 4 Special: None Experience: 1

Haggling with a trader

Difficulty: 4 (Trading, Etiquette) Will: 4 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

Collecting wood

Difficulty 3 (Axe, Survival) Will 4 Special: Non-lethal Experience 1

Traipsing through boggy ground

Difficulty 3 (Survival, Hardiness, Strength, Nimbleness) Will 4 Special: None Experience 1

Clearing rubble

Difficulty 3 (Strength, Hardiness, Shovel, Pick) Will 4 Special: None Experience 1

Mining from rock

Difficulty 3 (Strength, Hardiness, Pick) Will 5 Special: None Experience 1

Building a raft

Difficulty 3 (Craft, carpenter’s tools) Will 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience 1

Exploring the lands of SCRAWL
The land of SCRAWL is an interesting place full of busy settlements and dangerous
dungeons stuffed with treasure. You need to generate the land that you will explore.
When you do, you need to do the following things.
When determining the land you are in
1) Determine whether you want to use a map or not.
2) If you are using a map, determine whether you want a premade map or if you
want to make your own map.
3) If you want to make your own map, create your own map.
4) Determine whether you are in a hot, temperate or cold terrain.
5) Determine your starting terrain. If you want an easy life, the best terrain to
start at is a plains.
6) Determine the number and types of sites on your terrain.
7) Determine the number and types of dungeons on your terrain.
8) If you are keeping a record of what is on each hex, fill in a sheet for the
contents of the hex.
9) Decide whether you want to go to a site, a dungeon or move to another hex.
When moving to another hex using a premade map
1) Decide if you want to complete an action for the terrain, such as foraging.
2) Decide which hex you want to go to.
3) Engage in a battle of wills with the terrain that you are currently on to see if
you can traverse it (see below). If you give up, add 1 day to your time and do
not move from the hex.
4) If you succeed at the battle of wills, roll for a random encounter for the terrain
that you are currently on.
5) If you defeat the encounter or don’t have one, you have moved to the new
hex. Add 1 to your time.
6) Determine the number of sites and dungeons on your new hex.

When moving to another hex using a random map or no map
1) Decide if you want to complete an action for the terrain, such as foraging.
2) Decide which hex you want to go to (if you have a map)
3) Roll to determine what terrain that hex is.
4) Engage in a battle of wills with the terrain that you are currently on to see if
you can traverse it (see below). If you give up, add 1 day to your time and do
not move from the hex.
5) If you succeed at the battle of wills, roll for a random encounter for the terrain
that you are currently on.
6) If you defeat the encounter or don’t have one, you have moved to the new
hex. Add 1 to your time.
7) Determine the number of sites and dungeons on your new hex.
When moving between sites on the same hex
1) Decide if you want to complete an action for the terrain, such as foraging.
2) Decide which site on the hex you want to go to.
3) Engage in a battle of wills with the terrain that you are currently on to see if
you can traverse it (see below). If you give up, add 1 day to your time and do
not move to the new site.
4) If you succeed at the battle of wills, roll for a random encounter for the terrain
that you are currently on.
5) If you defeat the encounter or don’t have one, you have moved to the site.
Add 1 to your time.

Generating the land for SCRAWL
Here is a method you can use to generate your own lands to explore. The land in
SCRAWL is split up into hexes roughly 100 square miles in area. These hexes take
a day to travel between. When you begin your travels, you need to decide on the
size and the climate of the land you will travel in. Then you can start your journey…
No map, no memory
This is the method for those of you who want the minimum of fuss. No record
keeping for you. Why would you want to know what is present at hex 03.07, you
aren’t leaving until you’ve killed every monster there and looted every dungeon. And
when you have cut your bloody swathe through the hex, why would you want to
return? You would just go on to the next one.
With the no map method, you generate a hex. When you move on, you generate a
new hex as normal, but the old one is lost. You may never return there.
No map, with memory
This is a method for people who don’t want a map but who might want to return to
hexes. You generate a hex and keep a record of its contents, but instead of co-
ordinates, just number the hexes 1,2,3…etc. When you go to a new hex, its number
is 1 higher than the last one. The hexes you can move between are 1 higher or 1
lower than the current number. For example, when you move from hex 1, you go to
hex 2. You may move from hex 2 to hexes 1 or 3 etc.
Use a pre-made map
This is the next most simple method of generating the world, but it takes a little
control away from you. I have included some pre-made maps, made with
Hexographer, an awesome program. With these maps, you don’t need to roll what
terrain you will visit next, but you do need to roll what the contents of each hex are.
There is a pre-made map below.

Make a map as you go
This is a more complex method, but might it give more satisfaction to you if you want
to really explore. With this method, you roll for the size of the landmass, quickly
sketch out the shape of the landmass (finding a simple way of generating a coastline
was beyond me, so I leave it to your artistic abilities), roll your climate (warm,
temperate, cold), pick a random starting hex and off you go!
How big is the landmass?
Fate roll Landmass size
1 Small island (6-36 hexes)
2-3 Medium island (12-72 hexes)
4-5 Large island (24-144 hexes)
6 Continent (unlimited hexes)

What shape is the landmass?

I tried to think of simple and quick ways to generate the shape of the island and my
brain exploded, so it will be just better for you to draw the island yourself. No one’s
going to judge your artistic ability. After all, the game is called SCRAWL. You don’t
have to be perfect; you don’t have to trace around the lines of each hex and you
don’t have to get an exact number of hexes either. Just go crazy.
What climate is the land I am in?
Roll for hot cold or temperate.
1-3 temperate
4-5 hot
6 cold
If you wish, you may change one step (cold to temperate, hot to temperate or
temperate to either hot or cold) whenever you like. You will need to draw a horizontal
line on the map to mark this.
Stating your journey
Pick a hex on the land you are. It could be anywhere. Just to make things simple,
you will start on a plains hex. That can be a nice base of operations to start from.
You could always generate a random map with Hexographer, an awesome program.
You need one type of flatland, one type of forest, hills, mountains, desert, tundra,
swamp, jungle. Put them in any probabilities you like.

Temperate land generator
Temperate plains
If you are on a plains when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, the neighbouring hex
also has plains. If you roll 5-6, you have found a new terrain. Roll on the table below.

Fate roll Neighbouring terrain type

1-3 Forest
4-5 Hills
6 Swamp

Temperate forest
If you are in a forest when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, the neighbouring hex
also has a forest. If you roll 5-6, you have found a new terrain. Roll on the table below.
Fate roll Neighbouring terrain type
1-3 Plains
4-5 Hills
6 Swamp

Temperate hills
If you are on hills when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, the neighbouring hex also
has hills. If you roll 5-6, you have found a new terrain. Roll on the table below.

Fate roll Neighbouring terrain type

1-2 Mountains
3-4 Plains
5 Forest
6 Swamp

Temperate mountains
If you are on mountains when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, the neighbouring
hex also has mountains. If you roll 4-6, you have wandered onto some hills. That was
Temperate swamp
If you are on a swamp when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, the neighbouring
hex also has a swamp. If you roll 5-6, you have found a new terrain. Roll on the table below.

Fate roll Neighbouring terrain type

1-3 Plains
4-5 Forest
6 Hills

Hot land generator
Hot plains

If you are on a plains when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, the neighbouring hex also has
plains. If you roll 5-6, you have found a new terrain. Roll on the table below.

Fate roll Neighbouring terrain type

1-2 Jungle
3-4 Hills
5 Swamp
6 Desert

Hot jungle

If you are in a jungle when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, the neighbouring hex also has a
jungle. If you roll 5-6, you have found a new terrain. Roll on the table below.

Fate roll Neighbouring terrain type

1-3 Plains
4-5 Swamp
6 Hills

Hot hills

If you are on hills when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, the neighbouring hex also has hills.
If you roll 5-6, you have found a new terrain. Roll on the table below.

Fate roll Neighbouring terrain type

1-2 Mountains
3-4 Plains
5 Jungle
6 Desert

Hot mountains

If you are on mountains when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, the neighbouring hex also
has mountains. If you roll 4-6, you have wandered onto some hills. That was simple.

Hot swamp

If you are on a swamp when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, the neighbouring hex also has
a swamp. If you roll 5-6, you have found a new terrain. Roll on the table below.

Fate roll Neighbouring terrain type

1-3 Plains
4-5 Jungle
6 Hills

Hot desert

If you are on a desert when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, the neighbouring hex also has
a desert. If you roll 5, you have come to a plains. If you roll 6, you have found some hills.

Cold land generator
Cold plains
If you are on a plains when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, the neighbouring hex
also has plains. If you roll 5-6, you have found a new terrain. Roll on the table below.

Fate roll Neighbouring terrain type

1-3 Ice
4-5 Forest
6 Hills

Cold forest
If you are in a forest when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, the neighbouring hex
also has a forest. If you roll 5-6, you have found a new terrain. Roll on the table below.
Fate roll Neighbouring terrain type
1-3 Plains
4-5 Ice
6 Hills

Cold hills
If you are on hills when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, the neighbouring hex also
has hills. If you roll 5-6, you have found a new terrain. Roll on the table below.

Fate roll Neighbouring terrain type

1-2 Mountains
3-4 Ice
5 Plains
6 Forest

Cold mountains
If you are on mountains when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, the neighbouring
hex also has mountains. If you roll 4-6, you have wandered onto some hills. That was
Cold ice
If you are on ice when you travel, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, the neighbouring hex also
has ice. If you roll 5-6, you have found a new terrain. Roll on the table below.

Fate roll Neighbouring terrain type

1-2 Plains
3-4 Forest
5-6 Hills

SCRAWL Overland encounters
You may be wondering why only extreme weather is on the encounter table. You
may also be wondering why there are no encounters for the terrain. I originally
included things such as fog, rain, climbing, fever, wind and boggy ground, but then I
realised that these sort of things were included in the battle of wills with the terrain,
so I removed them.
When travelling on the terrain, Fire*, is included in the list of things that gives you a
reroll against it. It is also present in hunting animals. To get fire, you need a flint and
steel and 1 wood. The wood is consumed, but the flint and steel are not.
Whenever you encounter a hostile creature, remember that you have many options
to dealing with it. You may try to avoid it by sneaking. If it is wildlife, you may try to
calm it. If it is a humanoid, you may try to persuade it. If these all fail and you do not
wish to fight, you can still try to escape.
When you are travelling through a terrain, there are a number of actions that you
may take part in. These actions could include foraging for food, looking for water or
collecting wood. You may perform 1 action a day. The actions are listed for the

Each day you travel across a plains, conduct a battle of wills with the plains.
Difficulty: 3 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Mount, Provision*, Waterskin*,
Fire*) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
If you give up, you may not move off the plains hex.
Plains actions (you may perform 1 per day)
Collecting wood
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Axe). If you succeed, you get 1
Looking for herbs
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 6 (Survival, Herbalism). If you succeed, you
get 1 herb.
Looking for water
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival). If you succeed, you may refill all
of your water skins.
Foraging and hunting
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, ranged weapon, Stealth,
Running, Fire*). If you succeed, you get 1 provision or 1 leather.
Make a Fate roll. On a 1-2, roll on the encounter table. If you roll a 3-6, you
encounter nothing.

Fate 1-2 3-4 5-6

1 Ancient River Wolf!
2 Bandits! Trap Fire!
3 Friar Hunters Scholars
4 Ghost! Ruins Traders
5 Travellers Peasants Children
6 Tranquillity Starving Shrine

Sites on a plains
Types of site on a plains:
Fate roll Types of site
1 Isolated, Villages, town
2 Isolated, Villages, monastery
3 Isolated, Villages, wizard’s abode
4 Isolated, Villages, town and castle
5 Isolated, Villages, town and monastery
6 Isolated, Villages, town and wizard’s abode

Dungeons on a plains hex:

Fate roll Number of dungeons
1 1 ruin
2 1 ruin
3 1 lair
4 1 cave
5 1 ruin and 1 lair
6 1 ruins and 1 cave

Each day you travel across a forest, conduct a battle of wills with the forest.
Difficulty: 4 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Provision*, Waterskin*, Fire*)
Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
If you give up, you may not move off the forest hex.
Forest actions (you may perform 1 per day)
Collecting wood
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Survival, Axe). If you succeed, you get 1
Looking for herbs
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Herbalism). If you succeed, you
get 1 herb.
Looking for water
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival). If you succeed, you may refill all
of your water skins.
Foraging and hunting
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, ranged weapon, Stealth,
Running, Fire*). If you succeed, you get 1 provision or 1 leather.
Make a Fate roll. On a 1-2, roll on the encounter table. If you roll a 3-6, you
encounter nothing.

Fate 1-2 3-4 5-6

1 Boar! Wolf! Will-o-wisps

2 Fire! Poisonous River

3 Wild folk! Strange pool Shambling
4 Trap! Giant spider Peasants

5 Hermit Ghost! Travellers

6 Tranquillity Hunters Bandits!

Sites on a forest
Sites on a forest hex:
Fate roll Number of sites
1 Isolated and villages
2 Isolated and villages
3 Isolated and castle
4 Isolated and monastery
5 Isolated and wizard’s abode
6 Isolated, villages and castle

Dungeons on a forest hex:

Fate roll Number of dungeons
1 1 forest
2 1 forest
3 1 forest
4 1 forest and 1 ruin
5 1 forest and 1 lair
6 1 forest and 1 cave

Each day you travel through the hills, conduct a battle of wills with the hills.
Difficulty: 4 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Climbing, Climbing Gear, Mount,
Provision*, Waterskin*, Fire*)
Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
If you give up, you may not move off the hills hex.
Hills actions (you may perform 1 per day)
Collecting wood
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.
Looking for water
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival). If you succeed, you may refill all of
your water skins.
Foraging and hunting
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, ranged weapon, Stealth, Running,
Fire*). If you succeed, you get 1 provision or 1 leather.
Looking for minerals
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Alchemy, Pick, Shovel). If you succeed,
you get 1 mineral.
Looking for iron
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Pick, Shovel). If you succeed, you
get 1 iron.
Make a Fate roll. On a 1-2, roll on the encounter table. If you roll a 3-6, you
encounter nothing.

Fate 1-3 4-6

1 Miners Ruins
2 Crystal Boar!
3 River Giant
4 Rockfall Moose!
5 Hermit Cave paintings
6 Travellers Peaceful cave

Sites on hills
Sites on a hills hex:
Types of site on a plains:
Fate roll Types of site
1 Isolated, Villages, town
2 Isolated, Villages, monastery
3 Isolated, Villages, wizard’s abode
4 Isolated, Villages, town and castle
5 Isolated, Villages, town and monastery
6 Isolated, Villages, town and wizard’s abode

Dungeons on a hills hex:

Fate roll Number of dungeons
1 1 cave
2 1 cave
3 1 cave
4 1 cave and 1 ruin
5 1 cave and 1 lair
6 1 cave and 1 vault

Each day you travel across a jungle, conduct a battle of wills with the jungle.
Difficulty: 4 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Provision*, Waterskin*, Fire*)
Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
If you give up, you may not move off the jungle hex.
Jungle actions (you may perform 1 per day)
Collecting wood
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Survival, Axe). If you succeed, you get 1
Looking for herbs
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Herbalism). If you succeed, you
get 1 herb.
Looking for water
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival). If you succeed, you may refill all
of your water skins.
Foraging and hunting
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, ranged weapon, Stealth,
Running, Fire*). If you succeed, you get 1 provision or 1 leather.
Make a Fate roll. On a 1-2, roll on the encounter table. If you roll a 3-6, you
encounter nothing.

Fate 1-3 4-6

1 Fever Poisonous snake
2 Vines Giant snake
3 River Ancient Temple
4 Pitcher plant Ruins
5 Discarded junk Travellers
6 Poisonous plant Shambling mound

Sites on a jungle hex
Fate roll Sites on a jungle hex
1 None
2 None
3 Isolated
4 Isolated
5 Wizard’s abode
6 Isolated and wizard’s abode

Dungeons on a jungle hex:

Fate roll Dungeons on a jungle hex
1 1 jungle
2 1 jungle and 1 ruin
3 1 jungle and 1 lair
4 2 jungle
5 2 jungle and 1 ruin
6 2 jungle and 1 lair

Each day you travel across a forest, conduct a battle of wills with the swamp.
Difficulty: 4 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Nimbleness, Provision*,
Waterskin*, Fire*) Will: 4 Special: None Experience: 1
If you give up, you may not move off the swamp hex.
Swamp actions (you may perform 1 per day)
Looking for herbs
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Herbalism). If you succeed, you
get 1 herb.
Looking for water
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival). If you succeed, you may refill all
of your water skins.
Foraging and hunting
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, ranged weapon, Stealth,
Running, Fire*). If you succeed, you get 1 provision or 1 leather.
Make a Fate roll. On a 1-2, roll on the encounter table. If you roll a 3-6, you
encounter nothing.
Fate 1-3 4-6
1 Poisonous snake Crocodile
2 Shambling Mound Travellers
3 Ancient temple Giant snake
4 Undead hands Druid of decay
5 River Fever
6 Treasure chest Ruins

Sites on a swamp
Sites on a swamp hex:
Fate roll Sites on a jungle hex
1 None
2 None
3 Isolated
4 Isolated
5 Wizard’s abode
6 Isolated and wizard’s abode

Types of dungeon on a swamp hex

Fate roll Dungeons on a jungle hex
1 1 lair
2 1 lair and 1 ruin
3 2 lairs
4 2 lairs and 1 ruin
5 2 lairs and 1 ruin
6 2 lairs and 1 vault

Each day you travel across a forest, conduct a battle of wills with the desert.
Difficulty: 5 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Desert clothes, Mount, Provision*,
Waterskin*, Fire*) Will: 4 Special: None Experience: 2
If you give up, you may not move off the desert hex.
Desert actions (you may perform 1 per day)
Looking for water
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 6 (Survival). If you succeed, you may refill all
of your water skins.
Foraging and hunting
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 6 (Survival, ranged weapon, Stealth,
Running, Fire*). If you succeed, you get 1 provision or 1 leather.
Looking for minerals
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 6 (Alchemy, Pick, Shovel). If you succeed,
you get 1 mineral.
Make a Fate roll. On a 1-2, roll on the encounter table. If you roll a 3-6, you
encounter nothing.
Fate 1-3 4-6
1 Giant lizard! Discarded junk
2 Scorpion Ruins
3 Oasis Sandstorm
4 Ancient temple Desert caravan
5 Cacti Mirage
6 Skeleton attack Travellers

Sites on a desert hex
Fate roll Sites on a desert hex
1 None
2 None
3 Isolated
4 Isolated
5 Wizard’s abode
6 Isolated and wizard’s abode

Types of dungeon on a desert hex

Fate roll Dungeons on a jungle hex
1 1 ruin
2 1 ruin and 1 vault
3 2 ruins
4 2 ruins and 1 vault
5 3 ruins
6 3 ruins and 1 vault

Each day you travel across a mountain hex, conduct a battle of wills with the
Difficulty: 5 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Climbing, Climbing Gear,
Provision*, Waterskin*, Fire*) Will: 4 Special: None Experience: 2
If you give up, you may not move off the mountain hex.
Mountain actions (you may perform 1 per day)
Looking for water
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival). If you succeed, you may refill all
of your water skins.
Foraging and hunting
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, ranged weapon, Stealth,
Running, Fire*). If you succeed, you get 1 provision or 1 leather.
Looking for minerals
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Alchemy, Pick, Shovel). If you succeed,
you get 1 mineral.
Looking for iron
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Pick, Shovel). If you succeed, you
get 1 iron.
Make a Fate roll. On a 1-2, roll on the encounter table. If you roll a 3-6, you
encounter nothing.

Fate 1-3 4-6

1 Troll! Miners
2 Crystal Rockfall
3 Cave paintings Moose!
4 Tremor Peaceful cave
5 Nest Ruins
6 River Hermit

Sites on a mountains hex
Fate roll Sites on a mountain hex
1 None
2 Isolated
3 Isolated
4 Monastery
5 Wizard’s abode
6 Isolated and monastery

Dungeons on a mountains hex:

Fate roll Number of dungeons
1 1 cave
2 1 cave and 1 ruin
3 1 cave and 1 vault
4 2 caves
5 2 caves and 1 ruin
6 2 caves and 1 vault

Each day you travel across an ice hex, conduct a battle of wills with the ice.
Difficulty: 5 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Furs, Mount, Provision*, Waterskin*,
Fire*) Will: 4 Special: None Experience: 2
If you give up, you may not move off the ice hex.
Ice actions (you may perform 1 per day)
Looking for water
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Survival, 1 wood*, flint and tinder). If you
succeed, you may refill all of your water skins.
Foraging and hunting
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 6 (Survival, ranged weapon, Stealth,
Running, Fire*). If you succeed, you get 1 provision or 1 leather.
Looking for minerals
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 6 (Alchemy, Pick, Shovel). If you succeed,
you get 1 mineral.
Make a Fate roll. On a 1-2, roll on the encounter table. If you roll a 3-6, you
encounter nothing.

Fate 1-3 4-6

1 Thin ice Ancient temple
2 Bright snow Polar bear!
3 Ruins Lights in the sky
4 Travellers Snowstorm
5 Crevasse Discarded junk
6 Skeleton Crystal

Sites on an ice hex
Fate roll Sites on a desert hex
1 None
2 None
3 Isolated
4 Isolated
5 Wizard’s abode
6 Isolated and wizard’s abode

Types of dungeon on an ice hex

Fate roll Dungeons on a jungle hex
1 1 ruin
2 1 ruin and 1 vault
3 2 ruins
4 2 ruins and 1 vault
5 3 ruins
6 3 ruins and 1 vault

Each day you travel across an ocean hex, your crew must conduct a battle of wills
with the ocean.
Difficulty: 3 (Discipline, Sailing, Ship Lore, Inspiration) Morale: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
If you give up, you may not move off the ocean hex.
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Net, Fishing line). If you succeed,
you get 1 provision.
Make a Fate roll. On a 1-2, roll on the encounter table. If you roll a 3-6, you
encounter nothing.

Fate 1-3 4-6

1 Adrift Sea storm
2 Deserted Shipwreck
3 Favourable Still sea
4 Sirens Merchant
5 Tentacles Favourable
6 Pirate attack! Sea storm

Setting sail for a new land

If there is a town on a coastal hex, you may set sail for another island. This allows
you to have a new land to map. You could change the climate of the new island
(warm, temperate or cold) and you can have a fresh start. Remember to roll for an
ocean encounter when you do.

Encounter summaries
Someone is drifting on a piece of wood, barely clinging to life. If you wish to save them, you
need to swim out. Engage in a battle of wills with the sea.
Difficulty: 3 (Strength, Hardiness, Swimming) Will: 4 Special: None Experience: 1

Ancient Temple

You find a temple to a long-forgotten god. You may pray here, but the old ones are inscrutable and
you have no idea how they will react to you. If you pray here, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-2, roll on
the magical attack table. If you roll 3-4, nothing happens. If you roll 5-6, roll on the blessing table.

Two bandits (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None
Experience: 1) are on the path.
A boar (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None Experience: 1) bursts
out of the undergrowth.
Bright snow

The bright white snow is starting to get to your eyes. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4
(Hardiness). If you fail, you get snow blindness and have to wait it out in the cold before you
recover. Add 1 day and reroll an encounter.
You find several cacti in this area. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Survival). If you
succeed, you manage to squeeze enough water out from them to refill one waterskin (it will
taste disgusting but needs must).
Cave paintings
You come across a small cave with many paintings on the walls. If you wish to glean any
meaning from them, engage in a battle of wills.
Difficulty: 3 (Languages) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

You see a gang of children playing games and laughing. Upon seeing you, they ask if you
can do any tricks. If you do, engage in a battle of wills.
Difficulty: 3 (Perform, Sleight of Hand) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

Difficulty 3 (Axe, Survival) Will 4 Special: Non-lethal Experience 1

If you succeed, you get 1 wood. You may do this any number of times.
There is a crevasse in front of you. You need to cross it. Make an ability test with a difficulty
of 4 (Nimbleness) If you succeed, you make it across. If you fail, you fall. Lose 2 Vitality

You see a crocodile. It might be too lazy to attack you. Make a Fate roll. If you roll 4-6, it
eyes you lazily. If you roll 1-3, it attacks you. Its stats are
Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2
You find a lump of clear crystal in the earth. If you look into it to see a vision, engage in a
battle of wills.
Difficulty: 3 (Spellcasting, Magic Lore, Magic Lore) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal
Experience: 1
Desert caravan
You come across a caravan. The merchant offers provisions at 5gp each, full waterskins at
5gp each, furs for 10gp and desert clothes for 10gp. Very expensive, but there’s no one else
to buy them from.
Deserted island
You come across an island, untouched by people. You go to the island and look for food and
water. You may fill up your waterskins and gain 2 provisions. Your crew enjoy their shore
leave. Your crew’s morale increases by 1.
Discarded junk
You find lots of rusty, worn weapons and equipment scattered around the area. If you search
for it, make a Fate roll. If you roll a 1-2, you find 1 iron. If you roll a 3-4, you find 5 torches
and a flint and steel. If you roll 5-6, you find an axe and a dagger.
Druid of Decay
You see a man in a robe carrying a staff of black oak. It is a druid of decay (Type:
Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 2).
You find 4 explorers (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special:
None Experience: 1). They have 16 meals, 4 skins of water, 4 daggers and 4 axes between
them. They are making a map. If you wish to help them with the map, make an ability test
with a difficulty of 5 (Pathfinding). If you succeed, gain 1xp. You may also attack them if you
are feeling violent.
Favourable winds
The winds blow your ship in the right direction, the weather is very favourable and you and
your crew can take a quick rest. Restore 1 Will point.
You are overcome by a fever which gives you the runs. Engage in a battle of wills with the
Difficulty: 3 (Hardiness) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
If you give up against the fever, lose 1 Will and roll on the encounter table again.

There is a fire in the undergrowth! You run from it. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4
(Running). If you fail, you are burnt. Lose 2 Vitality points.
You meet a friar on your trip (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4.
Special: None. Experience: 1, no items). If you give him 5 gold pieces or more, he blesses
you. Gain 1 Will point.

A ghastly visage appears and speaks of great doom. Engage in a battle of wills with
the ghost.
Difficulty: 5 (Resist Magic) Will: 5 Special: None Experience: 2

Ghost ship

An ancient translucent ship appears on the sea. The temperature drops and fog rises from the surface
of the ocean. Your crew are shaken. Engage in a battle of wills with the ghost ship.

Difficulty 5 (Legend Lore, Discipline) Will 5 Experience: 2


You see a giant (Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3)
sucking the bones of a cow.

Giant fly

You hear a buzzing overhead. There is a giant fly diving towards you ready to digest
you. You may fight it, calm it or escape.
Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 1. Vitality: 4 Special: None. Experience:

Giant insect
A giant burrowing insect (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None Experience:
1) bursts out from the sand and scuttles towards you.

Giant lizard!

You encounter a giant lizard! (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3 Vitality: 8 Special: None
Experience: 2)

Giant spider

You come across a giant spider (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: Poison.
Experience: 2)!

Giant Venus Fly trap!

A giant Venus fly trap (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience:
1) attacks you. You may fight it, calm it or escape.

You find a hermit living in a cave, meditating. He has healing powers. He won’t accept money,
but he can heal 1 Vitality point for the following things: 1 provision or 1 torch or 1 flask of oil or
paper or chalk or charcoal.
You find 3 hunters (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None.
Experience: 1). They have 12 provisions and 6 full waterskins and 3 pieces of leather.
Giant snake!
A giant snake (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3 Vitality: 8 Special: None Experience: 2)
slithers towards you! You may fight it, calm it or escape.
Island with tower

You see a rocky island with a tower. If you wish to investigate it, make a fate roll.

Fate roll Result

1-2 There are 6 pirates (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6.
Special: None Experience: 1) here who attack you on sight. If you kill them all, roll
on the treasure table.
3-4 The tower is deserted, but you find some biscuits and water here. Gain 2 provisions
and 1 skin of water.
5-6 The tower is a lighthouse, kept by some friendly workers. They offer you food and
rest. Gain 1 Will point.

Lights in the sky

You see pretty lights in the night sky. They dance before you and calm you. Gain 1 Will point.
Mad man
You see a ragged man who is piling up stones. He asks you where his crown is. Make an ability
test with a difficulty of 4 (Inspiration, Etiquette). If you succeed, you convince him that you have
his crown and gain his favour. The man thanks you. Gain 1 Fate point. If you fail, he shouts at
you angrily.
Merchant ship

A ship passes by. You may stop and talk to the merchants. They can sell you any item of basic
equipment that costs 5gp or less. If you attack them, they have Difficulty 3 Damage 2 Body 12
Experience 2. If you win, you share the loot out. Roll on the treasure table.
You have come across three miners (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4.
Special: None. Experience: 1) who have too much equipment. They offer to sell you a shovel for
2gp and a pick for 5gp. They have 4 shovels and 4 picks.
You see a house in the distance, surrounded by a bountiful garden. Engage in a battle of wills
with the mirage.
Difficulty: 4 (Resist Magic) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

A moose is sniffing around (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2 Vitality: 6 Special: None
Experience: 2).
You see a nest with large eggs in it. If you try to take them, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3,
an eagle (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None.
Experience: 1) returns and attacks you. If you roll a 4-6, nothing attacks you. Add up to 4
eagle’s eggs to your character sheet. Each eagle’s egg is equivalent to 1 provision (1
encumbrance each).
You have found a pool of water! You may refill all of your waterskins.
You come across 3 peasants (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4.
Special: None. Experience: 1). They have been collecting wood and foraging. They greet
you. If you really want, you can attack them for the experience you psycho. However, they
have nothing but their axes, 6 wood, 3 full waterskins and 6 provisions. They are willing to
sell the provisions and waterskins for 2gp each.
Peaceful cave
You find a cave that you can rest in for a while. Restore 1 Will point.
Pirate attack!
Pirates (Difficulty 4 Damage 2 Body 6 Experience 2) threaten your vessel. You and your
crew must engage them in mass combat. If you win, you find some treasure and you share it
out. Roll on the treasure table.
Pitcher plant
You see a giant pitcher plant. You have heard stories that they contain treasure of previous
victims, but they are dangerous plants. Dare you put your hand in it? If you do, make a Fate
roll. 1-2 You are stung and cut. Lose 2 Vitality points. 3-4: You are cut. Lose 1 Vitality point.
5-6: You find some treasure. Roll on the treasure table.
Poisonous plants!
There are several poisonous plants and/or fungi in this area. Make an ability test with a
difficulty of 4 (Survival, Hardiness). If you fail, lose 2 Vitality points.
Poisonous snake
There is a poisonous snake here! (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 1 Vitality: 2 Special:
Poison. Experience: 1)
Polar bear!
You come across a polar bear! (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 10 Special:
None. Experience: 4)

Quicksand! There are patches all over the place. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4
(Perception, Survival). If you succeed, you notice the patch of quicksand. If you fail, you
are sucked in. Engage in a battle of wills with the quicksand.
Difficulty: 3 (Strength) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

You come across a river too deep to wade across. You could attempt to swim across it or
follow it until you find another crossing. If you swim across it, engage in a battle of wills with
the river.
Difficulty: 4 (Swimming, Hardiness) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
If you follow it, you must add 1 day and make another roll on the encounter table.
Rocks start falling from a slope and heading towards you. Make 2 ability tests with a difficulty
of 3 (Dodging). Each time you fail, lose 1 Vitality point.

You come across some ruins. If you decide to search them, make a Fate roll.

Fate roll Result

1 The ruins are cursed! Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Resist Magic). If you fail,
roll on the magical attack table.
2 A starving wild dog attacks you! Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special:
None Experience: 1. You may fight it, calm it or escape.
3 Some ruins collapse over you. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Dodging). If you
fail, lose 2 Vitality.
4 You find a shovel
5 You find a secret cache of food and water gain 2 provisions and a full waterskin of
6 You find a stone carving worth 5gp.


You are hit by a sandstorm! Engage in a battle of wills with the sandstorm.

Difficulty: 4 (Hardiness, Survival, Desert clothes) Will: 4 Special: None Experience: 1

If you choose to give up against the sandstorm, add 1 day and roll on the encounter table again.

There is a scorpion here! (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 1 Vitality: 2 Special: Poison.
Experience: 1)

Sea monster!
You chance upon a sea monster! It attacks your vessel. Your crew must fight it.
Difficulty 3 Damage 3 Body 8 Experience 2

Sea storm

A storm buffets your vessel. Your crew must engage in a battle of wills with the storm.

Difficulty: 4 (Ship Lore, Sailing, Discipline) Morale: 4 Experience: 1

If you choose to give up against the sea storm, add 1 day and roll on the encounter table again.


You find a group of 3 scholars (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4.

Special: None. Experience: 1). They engage you in intellectual debate. If you accept, enter
a battle of wills.
Difficulty: 4 (Etiquette, Languages, Legend Lore) Will: 4 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1


There is a shipwreck. If you investigate it, make a Fate roll.

Fate roll Result

1 The ship is cursed! Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Resist Magic). If you fail,
roll on the magical attack table.
2 A starving catfish attacks you! Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 6 Special:
None Experience: 1. You may fight it, calm it or escape.
3 The wood is rotten and you are in danger of falling off. Make an ability test with a
difficulty of 4 (Nimbleness). If you fail, lose 2 Vitality.
4 You find a lantern and a mirror
5 You find climbing gear
6 You find a pouch containing 10gp.

Shambling Mound!
There is a large pile of rotting wood and leaves nearby. It turns out to be a shambling
Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: First Strike. Experience: 3

You find an abandoned shrine. You may try to pray at it. If you do, engage in a battle of wills
with the shrine.
Difficulty: 3 (Magic Lore, Legend Lore) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1
If you win, roll on the blessing table.
Sirens sing to lure sailors. Your crew makes an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Discipline). If
you fail, you can’t help but let them lead you off course. Lose 1 Morale point and roll for
another encounter.
Skeleton attack!
You walk through a field of bleached bones. As you do a human skeleton (Type: Undead.
Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None. Experience: 1) gets up and runs towards
you, intent on adding your bones to the pile. You may fight or escape.

You are hit by a snowstorm! Engage in a battle of wills with the snowstorm.
Difficulty: 4 (Hardiness, Survival, Furs) Will: 4 Special: None Experience: 1
If you choose to give up against the snowstorm, add 1 day and roll on the encounter table
Starving traveller!
You find a starving traveller, lying worn and helpless on the path. If you can give them 3
provisions, they will be able to get home. Gain 1xp. If you carry them to a village, engage in
a battle of Wills.
Difficulty: 3 (Strength, Hardiness) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1.
Still Sea
There are no winds and your ship does not move. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4
(Ship Lore, Sailing, Discipline). If you fail, you stay where you are for hours. Add 1 day. Roll
on the encounter table again.
Strange pool
You find a pool of water. If you drink from it, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-2, you get ill. Roll
on the poison table. If you roll 3-4, nothing happens. If you roll 5-6, the water is refreshing
and you can roll on the healing table.
Strange runes
You see some runes carved into a rock. If you wish to translate them, engage in a battle of
wills with the runes,
Difficulty: 3 (Languages) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1.
A tentacle (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1)
comes out from the sea and thrashes at your vessel. You may fight it or calm it. You may not
escape or try to sneak past them.
Thin ice
Sometimes the ice is thin. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Perception, Survival). If
you fail, you fall into cold water. Lose 2 Vitality points.
You come across three traders (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4.
Special: None. Experience: 1). They have a cart full of goods. They can sell you anything
that costs 5gp or less. If you kill them, you may take 50gp worth of loot, but only as items
worth 5gp or less.
You enter a place where a sense of calm passes over you. The plants bear many fruits, the
stream water is clear and animals happily gambol. Restore 1 Will point

It’s a trap! Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft,
Survival). If you fail, lose 1 Vitality point.
You come across 3 travellers (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4.
Special: None. Experience: 1). They seek news of the outside world. If you wish to tell them
enough to satisfy them, engage in a battle of wills.
Difficulty: 3 (Perform, Etiquette, Languages) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1
These travellers have 6 provisions and 3 full waterskins.
Treasure chest
You see a chest half sunk in the mire. If you want to pull it out, engage in a battle of wills with
the chest.
Difficulty: 3 (Strength, Hardiness) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
If you succeed, you can roll on the treasure table.
There is an earth tremor just as you are walking on a narrow ledge. Can you hang on? Make
an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Nimbleness). If you fail, you lose 2 Vitality points from the
You come across a troll (Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special:
None. Experience: 3) feeding on the remains of some creature.
You push through some reeds and vines. They then move to entangle and trap you. You
have to force your way out! Engage in a battle of wills with the vines.
Difficulty: 3 (Strength, axe, sword, dagger) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
Wild folk!
Two wild folk (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None
Experience: 1) charge at you. You may fight them or escape.
Will-o-wisps tempt you off the path.
Difficulty: 3 (Resist Magic) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
A mad wolf (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None Experience: 1)

Minor quests
It’s not all about travelling around, slaying monsters and looting dungeons. You can
take part in minor quests – these quests are difficult, but they do not necessarily
involve lots of combat. Instead, they require non-combat skills.
There are 6 types of minor quests: Business quests, challenge quests, crime quests,
hunting quests, research quests and social quests.
If you feel that your character is not up to delving into dungeons, then they could
take part in a quest in order to gain some money, Fate points and experience without
risking their lives (too much).

Business quest
Possible hexes for business quests: Any hex with a town or villages or isolated sites.
You may wish to set up a business on the hex you are on. If you do, you need to invest
some money and put a lot of work in.
If you do a business quest, you must spend 20gp on investments, such as a building and
materials. You then spend 7 days working. On the 8 th day, engage in a battle of wills with the
Difficulty: 3 (Craft, Etiquette, Inspiration, Trading) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal
Experience: 1
If you succeed, repeat the process two more times – you need to pay 20gp for each attempt
you make. If you fail, you must start all over again from the beginning.
If you succeed in 3 consecutive business tasks, you may have built up a big enough
customer base to keep the business going. However, you may come across something bad.

Fate roll Event

1 Sabotage
2 Prestigious patron
3 Protection racket
4-6 None

A rival has sabotaged your business! You need to pay another 20gp to restore it or start from
the beginning.
Protection racket
Three thugs (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None
Experience: 1) tell you that you need to pay them 30gp to stop any “accidents” happening.
You may pay them. If you don’t, they will come to destroy your business. If you let them, you
must start from the beginning. You may also attempt to fight them.
Prestigious patron
Someone prestigious comes to your business. Engage in a battle of wills to convince them
that your business is awesome.
Difficulty: 4 (Etiquette, Inspiration, Languages) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience:
If you succeed, the patron tells everyone how amazing your business is and brings you
more. Gain 20gp. If you fail, the patron tells everyone how terrible your business is, and you
have to start from the beginning.
If you survive the encounter, your business is now running! Gain 1 Fate point. You also
make 100gp from your ventures. Also, if you ever work as a trader in this hex, you will get
10gp for 7 day’s work instead of 5gp.
Once you have completed a business quest, you may not attempt it again for the hex you
are in.

Challenge quest
Possible hexes for challenge quests: Any hex with a castle.
You challenge the greatest warriors in the hex to single (nonlethal) combat to decide
who is greatest.
You must travel the hex to find the warriors. It takes 7 days to travel the hex. On the
8th day, you find a warrior to challenge.
Challenge 1:
Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None.
Experience: 2
Challenge 2:
Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2 Vitality: 12 Special: None
Experience: 3
Challenge 3:
Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 5. Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None.
Experience: 6
This combat will not kill the losing combatant – as soon as they are defeated, a
nearby healer will tend to their wounds, so that they have a Vitality of 1. If you are
the loser, you also need to start the challenge from the beginning.
However, if you win the combat you still get full experience as if you had killed your
When you defeat the champion, you will have the attention of the lord of the area,
who will set you a tough physical challenge. You must engage in a battle of wills with
the challenge.
Difficulty: 5 (Strength, Hardiness, Dodging, Nimbleness,) Will: 4 Special: None
Experience: 2
If you succeed, you gain the favour of the lord who gives you a quest treasure
(remember to get 1 Fate point too!). If you fail, you must start again from the
beginning. Also, if you ever work as a soldier in this hex, you will get 10gp for 7 day’s
work instead of 5gp.
Once you have completed a challenge quest, you may not do another one again for
that hex.

Crime quests
Possible hexes for crime quests: Any hex with a town or villages.
If you choose to rob the population of a hex, you need to be very careful. You need
to find out where the valuables are and then scout out the places to see if you can
steal from them easily.
If you take part in a crime hex you need to spend 20gp on drinks, tools and bribes.
Then spend 7 days doing performances. On the 8th day, engage in a battle of wills.
Difficulty: 3 (Lock Picking, Stealth, Deception) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

If you succeed, you must repeat this process to more times. If you fail any of the
times, you must start over again. If you succeed at 3 successful battles of wills, you
may have found something very valuable. However, first make a Fate roll to see if
you encounter anything.
Fate roll Encounter
1 Guard dogs!
2 Militia!
3 Other criminal!
4-6 No encounter

Guard dogs!
There are 2 dogs 9 Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None
Experience: 1) guarding this house. You will have to deal with them somehow.
There are two militia (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None
Experience: 1) walking down the street right at you. You have to deal with them
somehow. If you escape from them, then they will describe you to the rest of the
militia. You will not be able to enter any village or town on this hex again.
Other criminal!
Another criminal is staking out the same place as you and ambushes you! You must
fight them (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6 Special: First strike Experience: 2)
If you succeed, you loot your mark. Gain a quest treasure (don’t forget the Fate point
that comes with it!). Also, if you decide to work as a thief on this hex, you may earn
10gp for 7 day’s work instead of 5gp.
When you succeed at a crime quest, you may not take part in another crime quest
for this hex.

Hunting quests
Possible hexes for hunting quests: Any. Even a hex with a town in it will have plenty
of wilderness.
A hunting quest is a quest where you look for a rare creature to kill either because
killing such a creature will bring you prestige or because parts of its body are
valuable. A hunting quest can take` place on any terrain and it follows the same
procedure no matter what terrain you are on. The only difference between terrains is
the type of creature you are hunting.
When you take part in a hunting quest, you must add 7 to your time. This represents
time you spend tracking your prey. On the 8th day, engage in a battle of wills with
whatever terrain you are in. You need to succeed in the battle of wills in order to
move onto the next stage.
Once you have completed this stage once, you need to repeat this twice more – add
7 days to your time, and on the 8th day, engage in a battle of wills with the terrain. If
you ever give up on a battle of wills, you have to start again from the beginning.
Once you have won the third battle of wills with the terrain, you have found your
prey. Your prey depends on the terrain you are on and you must kill it to get the
trophy. If you escape, you have to start the hunting quest over from the beginning.
Terrain Prey
Plains Moose (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2 Vitality: 6 Special: None Experience:
Forest Stag (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2 Vitality: 6 Special: None Experience: 2)
Hills Moose (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2 Vitality: 6 Special: None Experience:
Mountains Roc (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 3. Vitality: 8. Special: None.
Experience: 3)
Swamp Crocodile (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 8. Special: None.
Experience: 2)
Jungle Tiger (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 10. Special: None.
Experience: 4)
Desert Sandwurm (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None.
Experience: 3)
Ice Yeti (Type: Humanoid/Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None.
Experience: 3)

If you defeat your prey, you may take a trophy of proof of your hunting victory. Gain 1
quest treasure (remember to get 1 Fate point too!). Also, if you decide to work as a
hunter in this hex, you may get 10gp for 7 day’s work instead of 5.
Once you have completed a hunting quest on a hex, you may not engage in a
hunting quest on the same hex.

Research quests
Possible hexes for research quests: Any hex with a wizard abode or monastery.
You may spend time delving into the ancient tablets, codices and books with the aim
of learning new things. Engaging in a research quest requires time and money. To
access the material, its guardians would like a donation.
To engage in a research quest, you need to pay 20gp. Then you need to spend 7
days looking through books. On the 8th day engage in a battle of wills with the
Difficulty: 3 (Languages, Legend Lore, Magic Lore) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal
Experience: 1
If you succeed, repeat the process two more times – you need to pay 20gp for each
attempt you make. If you fail, you have to start all over again from the beginning.
If you succeed in 3 consecutive research tasks, you may have found something
interesting. First, make a Fate roll to see if you encounter anything bad.
Fate roll Encounter
1 Rune trap
2 Ghost
3 Summoning
4-6 No encounter

Rune trap
You read a page with a rune that has a curse. Make an ability test with a difficulty of
4 (Resist Magic). If you fail, roll on the magical attack table.
You summon a ghost (Type: Undead Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 9 Special: Magical attack
Experience: 2) that attacks you!

You accidentally summon a lesser demon (Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2 Vitality: 6.
Special: Blast. Experience: 4) that attacks you!

If you survive the encounter, you have either discovered some new piece of
knowledge or your research has lead you to a new conclusion about something.
Gain 6xp and 1 Fate point. Also, if you can work as a scribe on this hex, you will earn
10gp for 7 day’s work instead of 5gp.
Once you have completed a research quest for a hex, you may not do another
research quest on the same hex.

Social quests
Possible hexes for social quests: Any hex with a town or villages.
If you choose to entertain the population of a hex, you must spend time travelling
around the hex, making a name for yourself.
If you choose to entertain people, you need to spend 20gp on drinks, props,
instruments and bribing people to spread the word. Then spend 7 days doing
performances. On the 8th day, engage in a battle of wills.
Difficulty: 3 (Perform, Inspiration, Etiquette) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

If you succeed, you must repeat this process to more times. If you fail any of the
times, you must start over again. If you succeed at 3 successful battles of wills, you
may have won the hearts of the people of the hex. First, make a Fate roll to see if
you encounter anything.
Fate roll Encounter
1 Tough crowd
2 Rival
3 Unwanted attention
4-6 No encounter

Tough crowd
The crowd inexplicably has large amounts of rotten vegetables and is keen to boo
anything that you do. Engage in a battle of wills.
Difficulty: 3 (Dodging) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

There is another performer nearby and it’s taking your attention away. You have to
engage in a performance battle where you both belittle each other in front of a crowd
to gain their affections. Engage in a battle of wills.
Difficulty: 4 (Perform, Inspiration, Etiquette) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

If you fail this battle of wills, you have to start over from the beginning.

Unwanted attention
You start to get followed around by someone who is obsessed with you but is also
on the brink of turning violent and angry. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3
(Inspiration, Etiquette, Languages). If you fail, the fan attacks you (Type:
Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1).
If you succeed, you have won the hearts of the people of the hex. Gain 100gp and 1
Fate point. Also, if you choose to work as an entertainer on this hex, you may earn
10gp for 7 day’s work instead of 5gp.
Once you have completed a social quest, you may not complete another one on the same

What can you find on each hex?
There are different sites that you can find on each hex. Nicer terrains have more
civilisation. Some of these sites have special rules.

Isolated sites
Isolated sites covers remote farms, cottages of loners and hermits, wayside inns,
nomad camps, caravans and other abodes not near civilisation. They offer very basic
services and goods and they don’t experience events. There is almost no reason to
visit an isolated site if there is a village in the same hex (unless you don’t want a
village random event).
Equipment from an isolated site
Item To buy To sell Haggle Encumbrance
(gold (gold modifier
pieces) pieces)
1 provision 1 - - 1
Waterskin 1 - - 1 (full)
0 (empty)
Flint and steel 1 - - 0
Torch (light source, 1 1 - - 1
Mule (+12 30 15 +/-5 N/A
Horse (Mount, +6 50 25 +/-10 N/A
Cart (can only be 30 15 +/-5 N/A
used with a horse or
mule, +24
Furs1 3 2 - 1
Dog sled (Mount, +12 75 35 +/-15 N/A
Desert clothes2 3 2 - 1
Camel (Mount, +6 50 25 +/-10 N/A

1: Only on ice terrain.

2: Only on desert terrain.
Isolated site services
Service Cost (gold pieces)
Day’s rest 0

Isolated site group services
Group service Cost (gold pieces)
Day’s rest 0

Isolated site ships and wagons

Land vehicle To buy To sell Haggle Capacity
Wagon 250gp 200gp +/-20 1

Sea vehicle To buy To sell Haggle Capacity

Barque1 250gp 200gp +/-20 1

1: On coastal hexes only.

Isolated site trade goods
Trade good To buy To sell Haggle modifier
Food 120 100 +/-15
Timber1 150 120 +/-25
Stone/clay2 180 150 +/-25
Metals2 300 240 +/-45

1: On forest hexes only.

2: On mountain or hills hexes only.
2: On mountain or hills hexes only.
There is some work going in isolated sites. If you choose to work, decide what you
want to work as – a labourer or a hunter. You then add 7 to your time and gain 5gp.
You do not restore Will whilst working unless you pay for carousing. On the 8th day,
perform a battle of wills depending on the job you were doing.
Work Battle of wills
Labourer Difficulty: 4 (Hardiness, Craft) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
Hunter Difficulty: 4 (Survival, Pathfinding) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1

Isolated quests
If there is an isolated site on your hex, you may engage in a hunting quest.

Villages are dotted all over areas where land can be farmed, animals can be raised
or resources can be mined. Since medieval farming methods are nowhere near as
efficient as modern ones, a lot of people were needed to farm the land and so there
are villages all over any hex that has any resources.

Items and services to buy in a village

Weapon Type Melee or ranged Encumbrance To buy To sell Haggle
(gp) (gp) Modifier
Dagger Light Melee/ranged 1 1 - -
Sling Light Ranged 1 1 - -
Axe Medium Melee/ranged 2 5 3 +/-1
Staff/Club Medium Melee 2 5 3 +/-1
Bow Medium Ranged 2 5 3 +/-1

Armour Encumbrance To buy To sell Haggle
(gp) (gp) modifier
Light armour (+1 1 10 5 +/-2

Item To buy To sell Haggle Encumbrance
(gold (gold modifier
pieces) pieces)
1 provision 1 - - 1
Waterskin 1 - - 1 (full)
0 (empty)
Flint and steel 1 - - 0
Torch (light source, 1 1 - - 1
Lantern (light source, 10 5 +/-2 1
any number of uses)
Shovel 2 1 - 2
Tent 10 5 +/-2 3
Pick 5 3 +/-1 2
Climbing gear (rope, 10 5 +/-2 2
grapple, mallet and
iron spikes)
Chalk 1 - - 0
Charcoal 1 - - 0
Paper 2 1 - 0
Net 5 3 +/-1 1
Fishing line 5 3 +/-1 1
Iron 1 - - 1
Leather 1 - - 1
Wood 1 - - 1
Herb 5 3 +/-1 0
Mineral 5 3 +/-1 0
Carpenter’s tools 5 3 +/-1 2
Leatherworker’s tools 5 3 +/-1 2
Smith’s tools 10 5 +/-2 2
Herbalist’s kit 10 5 +/-2 1
Mule (+12 30 15 +/-5 N/A
Horse (Mount, +6 50 25 +/-10 N/A
Cart (can only be 30 15 +/-5 N/A
used with a horse or
mule, +24

Herbal preparations
Item To buy To sell Haggle Encumbrance
(gold (gold modifier
pieces) pieces)
Revitalising potion 25 10 +/-5 1
Healing salve 25 10 +/-5 1
Magebane 25 10 +/-5 1

Service Cost (gold pieces)
Day’s rest 0
Carousing/relaxation 5
Healer 5

Group items and services

Service Cost (gold pieces)
Day’s rest 0
Carousing/relaxation 50
New recruits (+1 Body) 100
Normal melee weapons and armour (2 damage) 50
Slings (ranged weapon, 1 damage) 10
Bows (ranged weapon, 2 damage) 50

Ships and wagons
Land vehicle To buy To sell Haggle Capacity
Wagon 250gp 200gp +/-20 1

Sea vehicle To buy To sell Haggle Capacity

Barque1 250gp 200gp +/-20 1
Caravel1 450gp 360gp +/-30 2

1: On a coastal hex only.

Trade goods
Trade good To buy To sell Haggle modifier
Food 120 100 +/-15
Timber1 150 120 +/-25
Stone/clay2 180 150 +/-25
Textiles 240 180 +/-45
Metals2 300 240 +/-45

1: On a forest hex only

2: On a hills or mountains hex only

Work in a village
There is plenty of work going in the villages. If you choose to work, decide what you
want to work as – a labourer, an entertainer, a thief, a scribe, a trader, a hunter or a
soldier. You then add 7 to your time and perform a battle of wills depending on what
job you are doing. If you succeed, you gain 5gp. You do not restore Will whilst
working unless you pay for carousing.
Work Battle of wills
Labourer Difficulty: 4 (Hardiness, Craft) Will: 3 Special: None Experience:
Entertainer Difficulty: 4 (Perform, Inspiration) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
Thief Difficulty: 4 (Stealth, Sleight of Hand) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
Scribe Difficulty: 4 (Languages, Legend Lore) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
Trader Difficulty: 4 (Trading, Etiquette) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
Hunter Difficulty: 4 (Survival, Pathfinding) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
Soldier Difficulty: 4 (Melee Combat, Tactics) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1

Quest treasures in a village

If you bring back a quest treasure to a prominent citizen of the village, they will
reward you by teaching you 1 ability for free. You still need to correct amount of xp
and you still need to put in the time, however. You do not need to do this straight
away. You can return at any time to get your training. You could also accept 100gp
instead of training. Note that you can’t pay people to learn abilities at a village so this
is the only way.
Abilities you can learn at the villages: Hardiness, Herbalism, Craft, Packhorse,
Survival, Resist Magic, Strength, Dodging, Running, Pathfinding, Nimbleness,
Perform, Swimming, Trading.

Village quests
If there is a village on your hex, you can take part in the following quests: Hunting
quest, social quest, business quest, crime quest.

Random village events
When you arrive at a village, make 2 fate rolls to determine a random event in the
village. Also if you stay in the village, roll for a new event every 28 days.
Fate 1-3 4-6
1 Sickness Tax
2 Hut for sale Travelling wizard
3 Ceremony Thief
4 Travelling armourer Brawl!
5 Bandits Fire!
6 Merchant Competition!

One of the villagers falls sick with a rare illness. The healer says that they need a lot
of uncommon plants. If you have 1 herb, you can give it to the healer. If you do, gain
1 experience point.
Hut for sale
There is a hut for sale in the village for 100 gold pieces. If you buy it, you may store
items and gold here.
The villagers need a religious ceremony to be performed. If you wish, you can try it.
Perform a battle of wills with the ceremony.
Difficulty 4 (Legend Lore, Magic Lore, Inspiration) Will 3 Special: Non-lethal
Experience: 1
Travelling armourer
An armourer comes to the village – they can sell you any weapon, armour or shield
for the next 7 days.
4 bandits (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None
Experience: 1) Demand tribute. If you fight them and kill them, you can have free
carousing on this hex for the rest of your life.
A merchant arrives at the village and begins to bewilder them with jargon and costs.
If you wish to negotiate a good deal, engage in a battle of wills with the merchant.
Difficulty 4 (Trading, Etiquette, Languages) Will 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience:

The local knight demands 25 gold pieces tax from everyone who hasn’t got a title. If
you don’t pay, you will have to leave this hex.
Travelling wizard
A wizard arrives in the village. Make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, the wizard has a
random potion to sell. If you roll 4-6, they have a random scroll to sell. It costs 100gp.
Some travellers come to the village. One of them is a thief. Make an ability roll with a
difficulty of 4 (Perception) If you fail, lose 10 gold pieces.
A massive tavern brawl breaks out. Make 3 ability tests with a difficulty of 3 (Melee
Combat, Strength, Dodging). Each time you fail, lose 1 Vitality. Gain 1 experience
Fire! One of the buildings catches fire. You may help put out the fire. If you do, make
an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Strength, Hardiness). If you fail, lose 2 Vitality
points from being burnt. Whatever happens, if you helped put out the fire, the people
thank you. Gain 1 xp.
There’s a cheese rolling competition. If you take part in the competition, engage in a
battle of wills with it.
Difficulty 3 (Running, Nimbleness) Will 3 Special: None Experience: 1

When you arrive at a new town, make a Fate roll. If you roll a 1-2, this town has a
dangerous organisation in power – this organisation might make your life difficult. Of
course, you could try to stamp it out if you dare. If you roll a 3-6, the town is quite

Town powers
If you rolled a 1-2 for the Fate roll above, there is a sinister organisation in charge
here and they make life unpleasant for the common folk of the town. They can be
stopped, but it won’t be easy. Make a Fate roll for what type of organisation rules the
Fate roll Organisation
1-2 Gangs – the town has been abandoned to the mercy of violent
gangs who battle each other over territory. Innocents get caught up
in the violence regularly.
3-4 Sorcerer – the town has a powerful cabal of wizards in it who care
less for the welfare of its inhabitants and more for their dark
experiments. Strange creatures are seen at night.
5-6 Cult – lead by the priest of a dark god, this cult sees the people as
livestock, only good for furthering the inscrutable aims of its leaders.

If there is an organisation in the town, you have to roll on an additional table when
rolling for a random event to see if this organisation causes you trouble (see below)
You may also try to take on this organisation in a similar manner to exploring a
dungeon (see below)

Town quests
If there is a town in the hex, you may engage in the following quests: Business
quests, social quests, hunting quests and crime quests.

Items to buy at a town
Weapon Type Melee or Encumbrance To To Haggle
ranged buy sell Modifier
(gp) (gp)
Unarmed combat Light Melee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dagger Light Melee/ranged 1 1 - -
Sling Light Ranged 1 1 - -
Spear/axe Medium Melee/ranged 2 5 3 +/-1
Sword/mace/warhammer/staff/club Medium Melee 2 5 3 +/-1
Bow Medium Ranged 2 5 3 +/-1
Two handed Heavy Melee 3 25 10 +/-5
Crossbow Heavy Ranged 3 25 10 +/-5

Armour Encumbrance To buy To sell Haggle
(gp) (gp) modifier
Light armour (+1 1 10 5 +/-2
Medium armour (+2 2 25 10 +/-5
Light shield (+1 1 10 5 +/-2

Item To buy To sell Haggle Encumbrance
(gold (gold modifier
pieces) pieces)
1 provision 1 - - 1
Waterskin 1 - - 1 (full)
0 (empty)
Flint and steel 1 - - 0
Torch (light source, 1 1 - - 1
Lantern (light source, 10 5 +/-2 1
any number of uses)
Shovel 2 1 - 2
Tent 10 5 +/-2 3
Pick 5 3 +/-1 2
Mirror 10 5 +/-2 1
Climbing gear (rope, 10 5 +/-2 2
grapple, mallet and
iron spikes)
Chalk 1 - - 0
Charcoal 1 - - 0
Paper 2 1 - 0
Net 5 3 +/-1 1
Fishing line 5 3 +/-1 1
Iron 1 - - 1
Leather 1 - - 1
Wood 1 - - 1
Herb 5 3 +/-1 0
Mineral 5 3 +/-1 0
Carpenter’s tools 5 3 +/-1 2
Leatherworker’s tools 5 3 +/-1 2
Smith’s tools 10 5 +/-2 2
Herbalist’s kit 10 5 +/-2 1
Alchemist’s kit 25 10 +/-5 2
Mule (+12 30 15 +/-5 N/A
Horse (Mount, +6 50 25 +/-10 N/A
Cart (can only be 30 15 +/-5 N/A
used with a horse or
mule, +24
House (stores items) 100 50 +/-20 N/A

Herbal preparations
Item To buy To sell Haggle Encumbrance
(gold (gold modifier
pieces) pieces)
Revitalising potion 25 10 +/-5 1
Healing salve 25 10 +/-5 1
Magebane 25 10 +/-5 1

Alchemical preparations
Item To buy To sell Haggle Encumbrance
(gold (gold modifier
pieces) pieces)
Acid 25 10 +/-5 1
Bladefire 25 10 +/-5 1
Adrenaline 25 10 +/-5 1

Services in a town
Service Cost (gold pieces)
Day’s rest 0
Carousing/relaxation 5
Healer 5
Training 30
Increase Will 60
Increase Vitality 120
Learn ability1 180
Learn spell2 180

1: You can learn all abilities in a town.

2: You can learn all spells in a town.
Group items and services
Service Cost (gold pieces)
Day’s rest 0
Carousing/relaxation 50
New recruits (+1 Body) 100
Normal melee weapons and armour (2 damage) 50
High quality melee weapons and armour (3 250
Slings (ranged weapon, 1 damage) 10
Bows (ranged weapon, 2 damage) 50
Crossbows (ranged weapon, 3 damage) 250
Battle training 400
Archery training 400
Discipline training 200
Sailing training1 200

1: Coastal hexes only

Ships and wagons
Land vehicle To buy To sell Haggle Capacity
Wagon 250gp 200gp +/-20 1

Sea vehicle To buy To sell Haggle Capacity

Barque1 250gp 200gp +/-20 1
Caravel1 450gp 360gp +/-30 2
Galleon1 650gp 520gp +/-40 3

1: On coastal hexes only

Trade goods
Trade good To buy To sell Haggle modifier
Food 120 100 +/-15
Timber 150 120 +/-25
Stone/clay 180 150 +/-25
Textiles 240 180 +/-45
Metals 300 240 +/-45
Luxuries 450 360 +/-75

Work in a town
There is plenty of work going in the town. If you choose to work, decide what you
want to work as – a labourer, an entertainer, a thief, a scribe, a trader, a hunter or a
soldier. You then add 7 to your time and perform a battle of wills depending on what
job you are doing. If you succeed, you gain 5gp. You do not restore Will whilst
working unless you pay for carousing.
Work Battle of wills
Labourer Difficulty: 4 (Hardiness, Craft) Will: 3 Special: None Experience:
Entertainer Difficulty: 4 (Perform, Inspiration) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
Thief Difficulty: 4 (Stealth, Sleight of Hand) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
Scribe Difficulty: 4 (Languages, Legend Lore) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
Trader Difficulty: 4 (Trading, Etiquette) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
Hunter Difficulty: 4 (Survival, Pathfinding) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
Soldier Difficulty: 4 (Melee Combat, Tactics) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1

Quest treasures
There are plenty of rich people in the town willing to buy quest treasures. You may
sell any number of quest treasures for 100gp each.
If you bring back a quest treasure to a prominent citizen of the town, they will reward
you by teaching you 1 ability for free. You still need to correct amount of xp and you
still need to put in the time, however. You do not need to do this straight away. You
can return at any time to get your training. You could also accept 100gp instead of
Abilities you can learn at the town: Any.

Random town events
When you arrive at a town, make 2 fate rolls to determine a random event in the
town. Also every 14 days you stay in a town, roll for another random event.
Remember that if there is an organisation in charge of the town, you must make an
additional Fate roll. If you roll 1-2, you get an event for that organisation.
Random town events
Fate 1-3 4-6
1 Pickpocket Trading
2 Zombie! Thieving opportunity
3 Entertainment! Taxed
4 Shady deal Festival
5 Muggers! Religious service
6 Travelling wizard Plague

Additional town events

If there is an organisation in the town, something else might happen. Make a Fate
roll. If you roll a 1-2, the event for that organisation happens.
Organisation Event
Gangs 2 gang members (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2.
Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1) approach you and
demand 20gp. If you can’t or won’t hand it over, they attack you.
Sorcerer 2 oozes (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6.
Special: None. Experience: 1) come out of the sewers and
attempt to drag you back to be digested.
Cult 3 cultists (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality:
4. Special: None. Experience: 1). Attempt to grab you and drag
you away to be sacrificed or worse.

There are pickpockets about. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Perception).
If you fail, you lose 10gp.
A zombie (Type: Undead. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None.
Experience: 1) breaks out of the graveyard and starts attacking people. To find it,
make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Survival, Perception). If you succeed, you
find it and you can fight it. If you kill it, you get a 20gp reward.
A crowd forms to see a competition for best entertainer. If you want to join in, engage
in a battle of wills with the competition.
Difficulty 4 (Perform, Sleight of Hand) Will 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1
Shady deal
A shady character in an inn says he can sell you a special key. If you give him 40
gold pieces now and go to a ruined cottage on the outskirts at dusk, you can come to
collect it. If you pay him, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, he never turns up. If you roll
4-6, he is good to his word and gives you the key.
You are accosted by 2 muggers (Difficulty 3, Damage 2, Vitality 6, 1xp). If you don’t
hand over 20gp, they attack you.
Travelling wizard
A wizard arrives in the town. Make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, the wizard has a
random potion to sell. If you roll 4-6, they have a random scroll to sell. It costs 100gp.
There are lots of items for sale in the market. Can you find valuable ones to sell on?
If you spend 50gp, engage in a battle of wills.
Difficulty 4 (Trading, Languages, Etiquette) Will 4 Special: Non-lethal Experience:
If you win, you get 75gp.
Thieving opportunity
You see a noble flashing their cash and not being careful with their valuables. If you
want to steal from them, make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Stealth, Sleight of
Hand) If you succeed, roll on the treasure table. If you fail, you are chased out of
town by the noble’s guards and you cannot return for 30 days until things calm down.

A group of six militia (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6.
Special: None Experience: 1) demand that you pay them 30gp as a tax. Either you
pay or they rough you up and throw you into gaol for a few days. Lose 4 Will points
and add 7 days to your time. Or you could fight them. If you do, and win (or escape),
you won’t be allowed back in the town.
A festival comes to the town and a lot of people are there. If you go, you must spend
10gp and engage in a battle of wills.
Difficulty 4 (Inspiration, Etiquette) Will 4 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1
If you succeed, you make a lot of friends. Gain 1 Fate Point.
Religious service
There is a big religious service in town. If you go, and make a 10gp donation, roll on
the blessing table.
Plague sweeps through the town. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4
(Hardiness). If you fail, you fall sick. Lose 3 Will Points. Add 3 days to your time.

Organisations in the town
The organisation in the town is sinister, power hungry and will probably because you
trouble You can stop this organisation by trying to take them on. Doing this is similar
to a dungeon where you explore the town, looking for buildings that the organisation
uses and clearing them out. An organisation has 3 buildings.
In addition to these buildings, each organisation has a headquarters. You can only
find the headquarters once you have experienced all of the buildings. This indicates
that you have enough clues to find the headquarters. You do not need to kill the
creatures in a building – you could sneak past them or persuade them to not attack
you. Of course, if you do this, you can’t get any treasure for the encounter. When
you roll the contents for a building, you may leave it and return to it later. You may do
the buildings in any order.
If you manage to deal with the creatures in the headquarters (killing them or coming
to terms with them), gain 1 Fate point.
Light in town exploration
You usually don’t need a light source to explore buildings in towns unless otherwise
stated – yay, shields and two-handed weapons for all!

Gang towns
In gang towns, the populace lives in constant fear of being violently beaten up and
robbed or being caught in the middle of some gang fight in the street. Thugs stalk the
streets with impunity looking for vulnerable prey to rob or houses to burgle. The
militia are too weak to stand up to them and now the violence is endemic. It can only
be stopped if someone takes out all of the gang’s buildings.

Building contents in a gang town

Fate roll Building contents
1-2 Trap
3-4 Hazard
5-6 Encounter and treasure

The house may have a trap or it may have a rotting floor that you could fall through
or an unstable ceiling. If you enter a building with a trap, engage in a battle of wills.
Building 1
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft) Will: 2 Special: Trigger
(lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 1
Building 2
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft) Will: 3 Special: Trigger
(lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 1
Building 3
Difficulty: 5 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft) Will: 4 Special: Trigger
(lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 2

Building 1
Fate roll Encounter
1-2 Beggars
3-4 Pickpocket
5-6 Burglary

Building 2
Fate roll Encounter
1-2 Ambush
3-4 Kidnap victims
5-6 Safe house

Building 3
Fate roll Encounter
1-2 Stolen Goods
3-4 Moonshine brewery
5-6 Gambling den

The building you go to is deserted. However, beggars in the pay of the gang watch the
comings and goings of people and report back to them. If they spot you poking around their
turf, there might be trouble. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Stealth). If you fail, the
beggars will report back and the gang will send some of its members to sort you out (roll on
the encounter table for building 1).

The building is deserted, but you have garnered the attention of a pickpocket on the
street. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Perception). If you fail, you lose up
to 25gp to the pickpocket.
The building you go to is very affluent and it is being broken into by some members
of the gang (roll on the encounter table for building 1 to see who). You may attack
them. These burglars have no treasure, but the owner of the house may reward you.
Make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, the owner gives you nothing but their thanks and a
drink. If you roll 4-6, the owner gives you a reward – roll on the treasure table. Either
way, gain 1 Fate point.
The house seems deserted, but there are gang members in it who have seen you
coming. Roll on the encounter table for building 2. These creatures have first strike
because they are ambushing you. However, these creatures have no treasure.

Kidnap victims
There are gang members here (roll on the encounter table for building 2, but there is
no treasure). However, there are also a group of people here bound up and gagged.
If you beat the gang members in combat, you can free the victims who run out of the
building as fast as they can. Gain 1 Fate point and 1xp.
Safe house
This is where some gang members are hiding out after they have committed a crime
and things need to cool down (roll on the encounter table for building 2). The door is
locked. To get in, you need a special key or you need to succeed at an ability test
with a difficulty of 4 (Lock Picking). If you get in, you may attack the gang members.
If you beat them, you realise that there is a price on their heads. You may get 50gp
reward for taking them to the militia.
Stolen goods
This house contains a lot of the goods the gang have stolen. It is unguarded, but
locked. To get in, you need a special key or you need to succeed at an ability test
with a difficulty of 4 (Lock Picking) or you could break in. To do this, make an ability
test with a difficulty of 4 (Strength, Climb). If you get into the building, you find lots of
crates and boxes stacked about. Most of the goods are useless to you but you might
find something you like. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Perception). If you
succeed, you find some treasure. Roll on the treasure table.
Moonshine brewery
This is a large building filled with barrels, vats and brewing equipment. There are
some brewers here (roll on the encounter table for building 3) and people drinking. If
you defeat the brewers, the drinkers will have fled. You can help yourself to the
takings. Roll on the treasure table.
Gambling den
There are people here gambling and drinking. There are also gang members here
(roll on the encounter table for building 3). If you take them on, the gamblers all flee.
Roll on the treasure table.

Encounters in the gang town
Building 1
Fate roll Encounter
1-2 1 mugger (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality:
4. Special: None. Experience: 1)
3-4 1 thug (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6.
Special: None Experience: 1)
5-6 2 muggers (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality:
4. Special: None. Experience: 1)

Building 2
Fate roll Encounter
1-2 1 gang leader (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2.
Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2)
3-4 3 muggers (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2.
Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1)
5-6 3 thugs (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6.
Special: None Experience: 1)

Building 3
Fate roll Encounter
1-2 1 gang leader (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2.
Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2) and 2 muggers (Type:
Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special:
None. Experience: 1)
3-4 1 gang leader (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2.
Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2) and 2 thugs (Type:
Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special:
None Experience: 1)
5-6 1 gang boss (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 5. Damage: 2.
Vitality: 10 Special: None. Experience: 3) and 2 muggers (Type:
Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special:
None. Experience: 1)

The gang headquarters

The gang headquarters has a gang boss and 2 gang leaders acting as the boss’s
personal guards. The boss will offer 50gp to leave the gang alone. If you refuse, you
have to fight them all. If you kill them, the gang’s hold has been broken and you no
longer have to roll gang encounters. Gain 1 Fate Point. You also gain a quest
treasure and 50gp. If you have a way of transporting it, you can also claim the 1 unit
of luxury goods that the gang has accumulated.

Sorcerer towns
A mad sorcerer and their followers hold sway over the town. If there is a council,
then they are under the control of the sorcerer and make their decisions based on
their whimsy. The townsfolk are seen as nothing but resources to support the
sorcerer or their cabal. For the less fortunate ones, this means they might get
dragged away and used as experiments.

Contents of a building in a sorcerer town

Fate roll Building contents
1-2 Trap
3-4 Hazard
5-6 Encounter and treasure

The building contains a rune trap.
Building 1
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Magic Lore) Will: 2 Special: Trigger (roll on
the curses table) Experience: 1
Building 2
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Magic Lore) Will: 2 Special: Trigger (roll on
the curses table) Experience: 1
Building 3
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Magic Lore) Will: 2 Special: Trigger (roll on
the curses table) Experience: 1

Building 1
Fate roll Hazard
1-3 Kennels
4-6 Kidnap victims

Building 2
Fate roll Hazard
1-3 Alchemical lab
4-6 Library

Building 3
Fate roll Hazard
1-3 Ritual room
4-6 Magical vault

You open the door to find half-starved, crazed animals inside along with a lab and
jars full of animal parts. Make a Fate roll to see what attacks you.
Fate roll Animal attack!
1-2 2 plague rats (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 1. Vitality: 3 Special:
Plague. Experience: 1)
3-4 Wolf (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None
Experience: 1)
5-6 Horse (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None
Experience: 1)

If you put the animals out of their misery, you can destroy the lab and gain 1 Fate
Kidnap victims
There are some guards here (roll on the encounter table, but they have no treasure).
If you beat the guards, you can free the victims who were going to be experimented
on. Gain 1 Fate point.
Alchemical lab
You find 3 minerals here. You can attempt to make a potion with the ingredients in
the glassware (so you don’t need to use minerals to do so). If you do, engage in a
battle of wills with the lab.
Difficulty: 3 (Alchemy) Will: 3 Special: Trigger (lose 2 Vitality points) Experience: 1
If you trigger the lab, it explodes. If you succeed in the battle, you make 1 random
potion. Roll on the potions table.
There are many books and scrolls here. If you wish to find something useful to read,
engage in a battle of wills with the library.
Difficulty: 4 (Languages, Magic Lore, Legend Lore) Will: 4 Special: Non-lethal
Experience: 1
Ritual room
There is a room in this building with runes on the floor, braziers, candles and other
paraphernalia for magical rituals. If you are bordering on insane, you too can mess
with things beyond your understanding. If you do, engage in a battle of wills with the
ritual room.
Difficulty: 5 (Spellcasting, Magic Lore, Magic Lore) Will: 5 Special: None
Experience: 2
If you succeed, you talk with many powerful creatures. Gain 1 Fate point.

Magical vault
This is where the cult keeps its magical items. It is locked and requires a special key
to open. It also has a magical trap on the door. If you open the door with a key,
engage in a battle of wills with the trap.
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Magic Lore) Will: 2 Special: Trigger (roll on
the curses table) Experience: 1
If you survive the trap, you get a random wondrous item.
Encounters in the sorcerer town
Building 1
Fate roll Encounter
1-2 1 animated object (Type: Construct. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 1.
Vitality: 3. Special: First Strike. Experience: 1)
3-4 1 ooze (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6.
Special: None. Experience: 1)
5-6 1 apprentice wizard (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2.
Vitality: 4. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 1)

Building 2
Fate roll Encounter
1-2 2 oozes (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6.
Special: None. Experience: 1)
3-4 2 apprentice wizards (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage:
2. Vitality: 4. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 1)
5-6 1 wizard (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality:
8. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 2)

Building 3
Fate roll Encounter
1-2 2 wizards (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality:
8. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 2)
3-4 1 Stone golem (Type: Construct. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality:
15. Special: First Strike. Experience: 5)
5-6 1 Sorcerer (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 3. Vitality:
10. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 5)

The sorcerer headquarters
Fate roll Leader of the sorcerer cabal
1-2 Sorcerer (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 3. Vitality:
10. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 5) and 2 wizards
(Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special:
Magical attack. Experience: 2)
3-4 Medium Demon (Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality:
9 Special: Blast. Experience: 3) and 2 wizards (Type: Humanoid.
Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: Magical attack.
Experience: 2)
5-6 Lich (Type: Undead. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 12. Special:
Magical attack. Experience: 5) and 2 wizards (Type: Humanoid.
Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: Magical attack.
Experience: 2)

If you defeat the leader of the sorcerer headquarters, then you have stopped the
reign of terror on the town. Gain 1 Fate Point. You no longer need to roll encounters
for sorcerer towns. You can also get a random enchanted item and a quest treasure.

Cult towns
These towns are governed over by religious fanatics who constantly spew the tenets
of their religion to everyone all the time. If anyone even steps out of line slightly, they
are visited by the fanatics who drag them away and sacrifice them to their overlords.
Special rules for cultists: Since cultists are fanatically devoted to their beliefs, you
cannot persuade them to avoid combat.
Fate roll Building contents
1-2 Trap
3-4 Hazard
5-6 Encounter and treasure

The building has a poison trap.
Building 1
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Hardiness, Craft) Will: 2 Special: Trigger
(roll on the poison table) Experience: 1
Building 2
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Hardiness, Craft) Will: 3 Special: Trigger
(roll on the poison table) Experience: 1
Building 3
Difficulty: 5 (Perception, Disarming, Hardiness, Craft) Will: 4 Special: Trigger
(roll on the poison table) Experience: 2

Building 1
Fate roll Hazard
1-3 Healing house
4-6 Initiates

Building 2
Fate roll Hazard
1-3 Sacrifice victims
4-6 Training house

Building 3
Fate roll Hazard
1-3 Temple
4-6 Ritual room

Healing house
The building here is actually a place of healing where people are coming to get their
wounds treated. There are 2 cultists (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2.
Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1) here. If you kill them, you can take 3
herbs and 1 healing salve, but you must lose 1 Fate point as you will gain no favour
with the townsfolk. You could try to persuade the townsfolk that the cult is evil. To do
so requires you passing an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Inspiration). If you
succeed, the townsfolk turn on the cult. Gain 1 Fate Point. If you fail, the cultists
attack you and the townsfolk will turn on you if you kill them.
There are 3 Ley cultists (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4.
Special: None. Experience: 1) here, reading from the book of the cult. You could
attack them or try to persuade them to leave. If you succeed at an ability test with a
difficulty of 5 (Inspiration), you will convince the initiates to leave. Gain 1 Fate point.
Otherwise, they attack you. There is no treasure here.
Sacrifice victims
There are some guards here (roll on the encounter table for building 2, but they have
no treasure). If you beat the guards, you can free the victims who were going to be
sacrificed to demons. Gain 1 Fate Point.
Training house
Here is where the initiates go through different tests. One test involves looking into a
dark, jagged crystal to see your Fate. Make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, the image you
see frightens you. Lose 3 Will points. If you roll 4-6, you see something that will help
you in the future. Gain 1xp. If you smash the crystal, it will explode. Make an ability
test with a difficulty of 5 (Dodging). If you fail, you are hit by several shards and lose
2 Vitality points. If you do smash it, however, you have prevented the cult from using
the crystal. Gain 1xp and 1 Fate point.
This room has an altar and various religious paraphernalia here. There is a priest
(Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: Magical attack.
Experience: 2) and 2 cultists (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality:
6. Special: None Experience: 1) here. If you slay them, you could take the silver
candlesticks and other items to sell. You get 50gp worth of treasure, but you also
receive a curse. Roll on the magical attack table.

Ritual room
The room is laid out for communing with cosmic entities – the ceiling has a painting
of the planes on it and there are runes on the walls. There is an altar with incense on
it. You could attempt to remove the power of this room to summon beings by
defacing it. If you do, make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Magic Lore, Magic
Lore, Spellcasting, Legend Lore). If you manage it, you destroy the magical
properties of this room. Gain 3xp and 1 Fate point. If you fail, you accidentally
summon a lesser demon (Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2 Vitality: 6. Special:
Blast. Experience: 2) which attacks you.

Building 1
Fate roll Encounter
1-2 1 Ley cultist (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality:
4. Special: None. Experience: 1)
3-4 1 cultist (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6.
Special: None Experience: 1)
5-6 1 Priest (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6.
Special: Magical attack. Experience: 2)

Building 2
Fate roll Encounter
1-2 2 cultists (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality:
6. Special: None Experience: 1)
3-4 1 Fanatic (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2. Vitality:
8. Special: None. Experience: 2)
5-6 2 Priests (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality:
6. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 2)

Building 3
Fate roll Encounter
1-2 2 Fanatics (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2. Vitality:
8. Special: None. Experience: 2)
3-4 1 Fanatic (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2. Vitality:
8. Special: None. Experience: 2) and 1 priest (Type: Humanoid.
Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: Magical attack.
Experience: 1).
5-6 1 High priest (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 3.
Vitality: 10. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 5)

Cult leadership
Fate roll Leader of the cult
1-2 1 Greater Demon (Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality:
12. Special: Blast. Experience: 6)
3-4 1 High priest (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 3.
Vitality: 10. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 5) and 2
Fanatics (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2. Vitality: 8.
Special: None. Experience: 2)
5-6 3 greater fanatics (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 5. Damage:
2. Vitality: 10. Special: None. Experience: 3)

Reward: If you defeat the leadership, you have stopped the cult’s hold on the town.
Gain 1 Fate point. You no longer need to roll for encounters for the cult. You also get
a quest treasure, 5 herbal preparations of your choice and you can roll on the
treasure table 5 times.

Castles are usually places where a lord or lady resides, usually with other members
of nobility. The noble is surrounded by knights, soldiers and their servants. They may
have been taken over by some subhuman creatures. Make a Fate roll for the
contents of a castle.
Fate roll Castle contents
1-2 Savages! Treat this castle as a savage lair.
3-6 Humans! This is a place you can rest and buy things.

Quests are great ways to get rewards. If you bring back a quest treasure to the noble
of the castle, they will reward you by teaching you 1 ability for free. You still need to
correct amount of xp and you still need to put in the time, however. You do not need
to do this straight away. You can return at any time to get your training. You could
also accept 100gp instead of training.
Abilities you can learn at the castle: Melee Combat, Ranged Combat, Strength,
Hardiness, Running, Dodging, Nimbleness, Tactics, Inspiration.

Items and services to buy in a castle

Weapon Type Melee or
Encumbrance To To Haggle
ranged buy sell Modifier
(gp) (gp)
Unarmed combat Light Melee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dagger Light Melee/ranged 1 1 - -
Sling Light Ranged 1 1 - -
Spear/axe Medium Melee/ranged 2 5 3 +/-1
Sword/mace/warhammer/staff/club Medium Melee 2 5 3 +/-1
Bow Medium Ranged 2 5 3 +/-1
Two handed Heavy Melee 3 25 10 +/-5
Crossbow Heavy Ranged 3 25 10 +/-5

Armour Encumbrance To buy To sell Haggle
(gp) (gp) modifier
Light armour (+1 1 10 5 +/-2
Medium armour (+2 2 25 10 +/-5
Heavy armour (+3 3 50 25 +/-10
Light shield (+1 1 10 5 +/-2
Heavy shield (+2 2 25 10 +/-5

Item To buy To sell Haggle Encumbrance
(gold (gold modifier
pieces) pieces)
1 provision 1 - - 1
Waterskin 1 - - 1 (full)
0 (empty)
Flint and steel 1 - - 0
Torch (light source, 1 1 - - 1
Lantern (light source, 10 5 +/-2 1
any number of uses)
Shovel 2 1 - 2
Tent 10 5 +/-2 3
Pick 5 3 - 2
Mirror 10 5 +/-2 1
Climbing gear (rope, 10 5 +/-2 2
grapple, mallet and
iron spikes)
Mule (+12 30 15 +/-5 N/A
Horse (Mount, +6 50 25 +/-10 N/A
Cart (can only be 30 15 +/-5 N/A
used with a horse or
mule, +24

Service Cost (gold pieces)
Rest 0
Carousing 5
Healer 5
Training 30
Increase Will 60
Increase Vitality 120
Learn ability1 180

1: Abilities you can learn at the castle: Melee Combat, Ranged Combat, Strength,
Hardiness, Running, Dodging, Nimbleness, Tactics, Inspiration.

There is work going in castles. If you choose to work, decide what you want to work
as – a labourer, an entertainer, a thief, a trader, a hunter or a soldier. You then add 7
to your time and perform a battle of wills depending on what job you are doing. If you
succeed, you gain 5gp. You do not restore Will whilst working unless you pay for
Work Battle of wills
Labourer Difficulty: 4 (Hardiness, Craft) Will: 3 Special: None Experience:
Entertainer Difficulty: 4 (Perform, Inspiration) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
Thief Difficulty: 4 (Stealth, Sleight of Hand) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
Trader Difficulty: 4 (Trading, Etiquette) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
Hunter Difficulty: 4 (Survival, Pathfinding) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
Soldier Difficulty: 4 (Melee Combat, Tactics) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1

Make a Fate roll to see what kind of monastery you have found.
Fate roll Castle contents
1-2 Cult! Treat the monastery as a cult lair.
3-6 Human. The monastery contains humans who a friendly to you.

Human monasteries do not sell equipment, but they do have some services.

Services in a monastery
Service Cost (gold pieces)
Rest 0
Healer 5
Training 30
Increase Will 60
Learn ability1 180

1: Abilities you can learn at the monastery: Herbalism, Legend Lore, Languages.

Quest treasures
If you return a quest treasure to the monastery, the monastery will reward you by
teaching you 1 ability it can teach you for free (however, you still require the correct
amount of xp and you still need to put in the time). You do not need to do it straight
away – make a note that you can return at any time. You could also accept 100gp
instead of training.

Minor quest
You may perform a research quest in a hex with a monastery.

There is some work in a monastery. If you choose to work, decide what you want to
work as – a labourer or a scribe. You then add 7 to your time and perform a battle of
wills depending on what job you are doing. If you succeed, you gain 5gp. You do not
restore Will whilst working unless you pay for carousing.
Work Battle of wills
Labourer Difficulty: 4 (Hardiness, Craft) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
Scribe Difficulty: 4 (Languages, Legend Lore) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1

Wizard abodes
Wizard abodes are not very welcoming places unless you can help the wizards in
some way. Make a Fate roll to see what kind of abode you have found.
Fate roll Abode type
1-2 The wizard is mad – treat this place as if it is a lair for a mad wizard
3-6 This is a normal wizard abode. As normal as you can get.

“Normal” wizard abodes do not sell equipment, but they do offer services.
Service Cost (gold pieces)
Rest 0
Training 30
Increase Will 60
Learn ability1 180
Learn spell2 180

1: Abilities you can learn at a wizard abode: Alchemy, Magic Lore, Legend Lore,
2: Spells you can learn at a wizard abode: Any spell.

Quest treasures
You can return a quest treasure to the wizard. If you do, the wizard will reward you
by teaching you 1 ability or spell for free (however, you still require the correct
amount of xp and you still need to put in the time). You do not need to do it straight
away – make a note that you can return at any time. You could also accept 100gp
and instead of training.

Minor quest
You may perform a research quest in a hex with a wizard’s abode.

There is some work in a wizard’s abode. If you choose to work, decide what you
want to work as – a labourer or a scribe. You then add 7 to your time and perform a
battle of wills depending on what job you are doing. If you succeed, you gain 5gp.
You do not restore Will whilst working.
Work Battle of wills
Labourer Difficulty: 4 (Hardiness, Craft) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
Scribe Difficulty: 4 (Languages, Legend Lore) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1

Dungeons in SCRAWL
There are many different types of dungeons in the world of SCRAWL. This provides
a wonderful variety of dangers for you to fall foul of. The dungeon types are:
Lairs: Lairs are where the dangerous outcasts of society live, building up their
strength for raids and destruction. This is where you will find many opponents to
fight, but also plenty of treasure.
Caves: There are many colossal caves across the land with their own secrets. Not all
of them contain pirates, twisty little passages all alike and XYZZY, but there will be
lots of fun there anyway.
Ruins: You have to think of some excuse to have places to loot and what’s better
than tons of decaying buildings from advanced civilisations just lying around ripe for
the picking. There were several great ages of magic and technology blah blah blah
that were greater than this one blah blah blah and now their remains litter the world.
If you want to see this done with much more style and intellect than I could ever
manage, then you should check out Numenera. It really is the epitome of exploration
of the remains of a previous civilisation.
Vaults: Vaults hold something of great value. This might be a horde of gold coins, but
you must remember that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. The body of a
long dead king isn’t going to keep you fed through the long winter (unless you get
desperate, if you catch my drift). However, as a seasoned adventurer, you know that
there’s loads of risk involved and accept that risking your life for nothing is all part of
the job.
Forests: Forests hold many secrets deep within them and so that’s why they can be
treated as overland “dungeons”. I hope you branch out and decide to explore some.
Jungles: Jungles hold many secrets deep within them and so that’s why they can be
treated as overland “dungeons”. I hope you branch out and decide to explore some.
When you find a dungeon, first of all, if it is a lair, you need to make a Fate roll to
determine what kind of lair it is. Then you need make Fate rolls to determine the
contents of the room you are in. You can make notes on the contents of each room
with the hex record sheet (see page 186).
Each dungeon has a certain number of rooms. At the end of the dungeon is a room
where the final challenge of the dungeon lies. This is the mightiest task the dungeon
has. If you succeed at the task (success can count as killing the creature in the
room, getting any of the treasure in the room or succeeding at a battle of wills, if
there is one), gain 1 Fate point.

If you find a lair, make a Fate roll as to what type of lair it is.
Fate roll Lair type
1-2 Cult Lair
3-4 Savage Lair
5-6 Mad wizard’s lair

Cult lair
Generating rooms in a cult lair
Each cult lair has 3 rooms. In addition to these rooms, all cult lairs have grand
temples with their own special rules (see below).
When you go into a new room, you need to roll for its contents.
Cult lairs have a network of tunnels. If you come across a room where you don’t
want to face what’s inside, make a Fate roll. If you roll 4-6, you can find another
room and roll to see the contents of that room. If you roll a 1-3, the only way to the
next room is through this one.
You can only get to the grand temple when you have explored all of the rooms and
dealt with their problems. In the case of an encounter, this could simply mean
sneaking past the creature. However, this means no treasure for you!

Room contents in a cult lair

Make a roll to see if the room contains a trap, a hazard or an encounter
Fate roll Type of room in a cult lair
1-2 Trap
3-4 Hazard
5-6 Encounter

Light in a cult lair

Cult lairs have light sources so that the cultists can see what they are doing. There is
no need to carry your own light source in a cult lair.

The priests of the cult lair enjoy setting poisonous traps for their victims.
Room 1
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Hardiness, Craft) Will: 2 Special: Trigger
(roll on the poison table) Experience: 1
Room 2
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Hardiness, Craft) Will: 3 Special: Trigger
(roll on the poison table) Experience: 1
Room 3
Difficulty: 5 (Perception, Disarming, Hardiness, Craft) Will: 4 Special: Trigger
(roll on the poison table) Experience: 2

Hazards in a cult lair

It’s not all traps and guards. Cultists need to eat and sleep too. You might find some
delightful rooms that the cultists will live in.
Table 1
Fate roll Hazard
1-3 Herb room
4-6 Temple

Table 2
Fate roll Hazard
1-3 Sacrifice room
4-6 Living quarters

Table 3
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Prison
3-4 Testing room
5-6 Summoning room

Living quarters
These living quarters contain a kitchen, dormitories, larder and dining room. You
may search these rooms. If you do, you may take any number of provisions and
waterskins. You also find some silver cutlery, treasured items the cultists have
hidden so that they can keep and pouches or money. Make an ability test with a
difficulty of 4 (Perception). If you succeed, roll on the treasure table.
Herb room
There are several jars of herbs and mushrooms here. They are here to induce
visions in the cultists and bring on wisdom. However some have detrimental effects.
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Herbalism). If you succeed, you find 3
herbs. If you fail, you can’t identify any helpful herbs.
There is an altar here. If you wish, you may attempt to pray here. If you do, engage
in a battle of wills.
Difficulty: 3 (Magic Lore, Legend Lore) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1
If you win, gain 1 Fate point.
Sacrifice room
This is a simple room. With a blood-stained altar and the tools for sacrifice. There is
an ornate sacrificial knife worth 20gp here. If you take it, make a Fate roll. If you roll
a 1-3, the knife has picked up a curse from being used in dark rituals. Make an ability
test with a difficulty of 4 (Resist Magic). If you fail, roll on the magical attack table.
Even if you survive, no one will buy the knife. If you roll 4-6, nothing happens and
you can sell the knife.
There is a prisoner here behind bars. You can free them with an special key or by
making an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Lock picking). If you free the prisoner, they
will beg you to take them home. If you get the prisoner back to the nearest village
alive, you get 1xp. However, you have to take the prisoner back straight away as
they are in no fit state for raiding a dungeon. Or you could leave them here because
human life means nothing compared to your quest for gold and glory.
Testing room
There is a rock in the room with several cracks in it. The idea is that initiates put their
hand in the rock and face the judgement. If you wish to put your hand into the rock
hole, make a Fate roll. If you roll a 1-3, you are bitten by a giant centipede. Lose 1
Vitality point. You may try again. If you roll 4-6, you manage to pull out a gem worth
50gp. There is only 1 gem.

Summoning room
There is a pentagram on the floor with braziers and bowls full of powder. If you are a
complete nutter, why don’t you mix some powder and set it alight? If you do, engage
in a battle of wills with the pentagram.
Difficulty: 3 (Magic Lore, Spellcasting) Will: 3 Special: Trigger (summon lesser
demon) Experience: 1
If you summon a demon, you must fight a lesser demon (Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4
Damage: 2 Vitality: 6. Special: Blast. Experience: 2)
If you succeed, you summon a demonic spirit who agrees to give you luck in
exchange for letting it go. Gain 1 Fate point.

Encounters in a cult lair
Special rules for cultists: Since cultists are fanatically devoted to their beliefs, you
cannot persuade them to avoid combat.
Table 1
Fate roll Monster Treasure
1-2 1 Ley cultist (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. None
Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1)
3-4 1 cultist (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. None
Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1)
5-6 1 Priest (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. None
Vitality: 6. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 2)

Table 2
Fate Monster Treasure
1-2 2 Priests (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Roll once on
Vitality: 6. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 2) the treasure
3-4 1 Fanatic (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2. Roll once on
Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2) the treasure
5-6 1 Lesser Demon (Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2 Roll once on
Vitality: 6. Special: Blast. Experience: 2) the treasure

Table 3
Fate roll Monster Treasure
1-2 2 Fanatics (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2. Roll once on
Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2) the treasure
3-4 1 High priest (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: Roll once on
3. Vitality: 10. Special: Magical attack. Experience: the treasure
5) table
5-6 1 Medium demon (Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: Roll once on
2. Vitality: 9 Special: Blast. Experience: 3) the treasure

The grand temple
Fate roll Contents
1-2 Accidental summoning
3-4 Con artists
5-6 Genuine temple

Accidental summoning
You walk into a grand temple to find the scene of a massacre. A greater demon (Type:
Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: Blast. Experience: 6) stands in
the centre of the room, surrounded by a dozen bodies – the bodies of the hapless
priests who summoned it. If you manage to destroy the greater demon, you can help
yourself to some well-deserved treasures.
Treasure: You get a quest treasure. You also get a random potion, a random scroll, a
special key and 50gp in coins.
Con artists
You open the opulent double doors to the grand temple to find a room full of plush rugs,
tapestries and ornaments. Laying on soft couches are a group of people in silk robes.
However, they have ornate sharp swords at their sides. There is no god here. There
never was. The “high priests” are simply con artists who take money from desperate
people before taking off into the night. You must fight the three con artists. The leader is
a champion (Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 5. Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special:
None. Experience: 6) and then two warriors (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage:
2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2). If you do, you get their loot.
Treasure: There is lots of treasure that the “priests” had taken from their dupes. You get
a quest treasure. You also get 50gp in coins. There are tons of large valuable items
equivalent to 1 unit of luxury items. If you have a wagon, you can transport them.
Genuine temple
You walk in on the high priest who is praying at an altar along with two holy warriors. He
asks you what you want. When you tell him, he begs you to spare him as he is trying to
spread the word of his god and make the world a better place.
You may just leave the priest to their work. If you do, roll on the blessing table.
If you decide to attack the priest, you must fight the high priest (Type: Humanoid.
Difficulty: 4. Damage: 3. Vitality: 10. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 5) and 2
fanatics (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None.
Experience: 2).
Treasure: You get a quest treasure and 100gp in coins. There is also a large tome of
knowledge (encumbrance 2) here which you can take and study. You can study it for 7
days to get 1xp (you can reduce the time by 1 for each ability you have from the
following: Languages, Legend Lore, Magic Lore). You may do this 6 times.

Savage lair
This lair is occupied by savage humanoids such as goblins, orcs and ogres.

Generating rooms
Each savage lair has 3 rooms. In addition to the rooms, all savage lairs have throne
rooms with their own special rules (see below).
When you go into a new room, you need to roll for its contents. Savage lairs have a
network of tunnels. If you come across a room where you don’t want to face what’s
inside, make a Fate roll. If you roll 4-6, you can find another room and roll to see the
contents of that room. If you roll a 1-3, the only way to the next room is through this
one. You can only get to the throne room when you have explored all the other

Room contents
Make a roll to see if the room contains a trap, a hazard or an encounter
Fate roll Type of room in the lair
1-2 Trap
3-4 Hazard
5-6 Encounter

Light in a savage lair

The monsters in a savage lair have darkvision, so, apart from the odd fire for
cooking, there is no light source in the savage lair. You’re going to have to take your

Traps in the savage lair

Monsters in a savage lair rig simple traps such as pit traps, arrow traps and spear
traps to catch the unwitting intruder.
Room 1
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft) Will: 2 Special: Trigger
(lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 1
Room 3
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft) Will: 3 Special: Trigger
(lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 1
Room 3
Difficulty: 5 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft) Will: 4 Special: Trigger
(lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 2

Hazards in the savage lair
It’s not all traps and guards. Orcs and goblins have very specific needs. Very simple
needs, but also very specific.
Table 1
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Pool
3-4 Latrine
5-6 Larder

Table 2
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Training room
3-4 Living quarters
5-6 Forge

Table 2
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Temple
3-4 Arena
5-6 Treasure room

There is a pool in this room. If you drink from it, make a Fate roll.
Fate roll Pool result
1-2 The water is disgusting, probably because orcs and goblins have
been sitting in the pool. Lose 1 Will point.
3-4 The water is very refreshing.
5-6 The water is magical and heals you. Gain 1 Vitality point. You guess
that it is poison to the creatures that live here.

Living quarters
You find several chambers where the creatures eat, sleep, cook and play. If you
search them, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, you disturb 2 giant rats (Type: Wildlife.
Difficulty: 4. Damage: 1 Vitality: 3. Special: None. Experience: 1), which you have
to fight. If you roll 4-6, you find no creatures. Then make an ability test with a
difficulty of 4 (Perception). If you succeed, roll on the treasure table.
This place is disgusting. To get through it, engage in a battle of wills with the latrine.
Difficulty: 3 (Hardiness) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
The food here is disgusting. Make a Fate roll. If you roll a 4-6, you find a live human
here who begs you to help them escape. If you leave now and go back to the
nearest village, gain 1 Fate Point. Of you could leave them here whilst you explore.
Treasure room
There are some monsters guarding the treasure here (roll on the table for that room).
If you kill them, you find a locked chest. It requires a special key or you need to
succeed at an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Lock Picking). If you succeed, roll on
the treasure table.
This is where the monsters watch each other fight. There is an ogre (Type:
Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3) here
that assumes that you are its next victim when you enter the room and attacks you.
There is an orc warrior (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 2. Vitality: 8.
Special: None. Experience: 2) here working the metal. Upon seeing you, he
launches himself at you with his hammer. If you kill him, you may take a sword, axe,
dagger, two handed sword or hammer from here.

There is an orc shaman (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6.
Special: Magical attack. Experience: 2) here. If you kill it, you may take the temple’s
treasures. Roll on the treasure table. If you do, however, make a Fate roll. If you roll
a 1-2, the god of the orcs curses you. Roll on the magical attack table.
Training room
The room is full of dummies and swords. You may take a sword if you wish.

Monsters in a savage lair
Roll for monsters in the savage lair.
If you roll monster a treasure, if you kill the monsters, you may roll on the treasure
table to see what you find.
Table 1
Fate roll Monster Treasure
1-2 1 giant rat (Type: Wildlife. None
Difficulty: 4. Damage: 1 Vitality:
3. Special: None. Experience: 1)
3-4 1 goblin (Type: Humanoid. None
Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2.
Vitality: 4. Special: None.
Experience: 1)
5-6 Orc (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: None
3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6.
Special: None Experience: 1)

Table 2
Fate roll Monster Treasure
1-2 3 orcs (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Roll once on the
Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None treasure table
Experience: 1)
3-4 1 ogre (Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: Roll once on the
3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3) treasure table
5-6 2 Orc Warriors (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Roll once on the
Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. treasure table
Experience: 2)

Table 3
Fate roll Monster Treasure
1-2 2 orc warriors (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Roll once on
Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2) the treasure
and an orc shaman (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. table
Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: Magical attack.
Experience: 2)
3-4 2 ogres (Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Roll once on
Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3) the treasure
5-6 2 orc warriors (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Roll once on
Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2) the treasure
and an orc battlemage (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. table
Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: Magical attack.
Experience: 2)

The throne room
Fate roll Monster
1-2 A big nasty orc
3-4 A troll
5-6 An orc shaman

A big nasty orc

There is an orc boss here, with two orc warriors (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4.
Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2). You must fight them all at
Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 5 Damage: 3 Vitality: 8 Special: None Experience: 4
Treasure: You get a quest treasure and 75gp. Also, roll on the treasure table 5 times.
A troll
There is a troll boss (Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: 12 Special:
None Experience: 4) here, with two orc warriors (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4.
Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2). You must fight them all at
Treasure: The troll likes collecting shiny things. You get a quest treasure and 75gp.
Also, roll on the treasure table 5 times.
An orc shaman
There is an orc shaman here, with two orc warriors (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4.
Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2). You must fight them all at
Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 3. Vitality: 10. Special: Magical attack.
Experience: 5
Treasure: You get a quest treasure and 75gp. There is also a codex (encumbrance
1) here which you can take and study. You can study it for 7 days to get 1xp (you
can reduce the time by 1 for each ability you have from the following: Languages,
Legend Lore, Magi Lore). You may do this 3 times.

Mad wizard’s lair
This lair is occupied by undead, monsters and insane magic users.

Generating rooms
There are 5 rooms in a mad wizard’s lair. In addition to the rooms, all wizard’s lairs
have the room for the archmage.
When you go into a new room, you need to roll for its contents. The wizard’s lair has
several tunnels and you can go into any room you like. Mad wizard’s lairs have a
network of tunnels. If you come across a room where you don’t want to face what’s
inside, make a Fate roll. If you roll 4-6, you can find another room and roll to see the
contents of that room. If you roll a 1-3, the only way to the next room is through this
one. You can only get to the archmage’s room when you have explored all the other

Room contents
Make a roll to see if the room contains a trap, a hazard or an encounter.
Fate roll Type of room in the lair
1-2 Trap
3-4 Hazard
5-6 Encounter

Light in a mad wizard’s lair

The wizard and apprentices need light. In fact, they have glowstones instead of
torches to light their dungeon. You do not need you own light source here.

Traps in the wizard’s lair

As you will expect, the wizards favour rune traps over mechanical ones.
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Magic Lore) Will: 2 Special: Trigger (roll on
the curses table) Experience: 1

Hazards in the wizard’s lair
Being a mad wizard is hard work. Those extradimensional beings don’t just summon
themselves you know.
Table 1
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Living quarters
3-4 Game room
5-6 Storeroom

Table 2
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Library
3-4 Classroom
5-6 Divination chamber

Table 3
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Kennels
3-4 Morgue
5-6 Lab

Living quarters
This contains several rooms – bedrooms, a dining room, a kitchen – where the
apprentices sleep and eat. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Perception). If
you succeed, roll on the treasure table.
Game room
A room containing many games for the apprentices to enjoy. There is an enchanted
chess board that plays anyone who wants. If you choose to play it, engage in a battle
of wills with the chess board.
Difficulty: 3 (Perception, Tactics, Magic Lore) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal
Experience: 1
Each time you fail an ability test, the spirit in the board appears and laughs and
screams at you in an unnatural way.

There are many introduction to magic books in here. If you stay and read them,
engage in a battle of wills with the book.
Difficulty: 3 (Spellcasting, Magic Lore) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1
If you read the books, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, 2 apprentices (Type:
Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: Magical attack.
Experience: 1) come in ready for a lesson. You must deal with them. If you roll 4-6,
you are undisturbed.
This room is full of books, many written in different languages. There is a lot to learn
here, but it will require a lot of effort. If you choose to read them, engage in a battle
of wills with the books.
Difficulty: 5 (Spellcasting, Magic Lore, Languages, Legend Lore) Will: 4
Special: Non-lethal Experience: 2
You find 3 minerals here. You can attempt to make a potion with the ingredients in
the glassware (so you don’t need to use minerals to do so). If you do, engage in a
battle of wills with the lab.
Difficulty: 3 (Alchemy) Will: 3 Special: Trigger (lose 2 Vitality points) Experience: 1
If you trigger the lab, it explodes. If you succeed in the battle, you make 1 random
potion. Roll on the potions table.
This is where the dead are kept. It has also been enchanted so that any corpses
here animate. Make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, you are attacked by 2 zombies (Type:
Undead. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 1). If you
roll 4-5, you are attacked by 1 zombie (Type: Undead. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2.
Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 1). If you roll 6, no undead attack you.
Divination chamber
A large crystal ball is in the middle of the room. If you try to use it, engage in a battle
of wills with the crystal ball.
Difficulty: 5 (Spellcasting, Magic Lore) Will: 5 Special: None Experience: 2
There is a basilisk in this room! It is for experimentation, but you have disturbed it.
Despite being behind bars, you might still look at it. Make an ability test with a
difficulty of 3 (Resist Magic). If you fail, you lose 3 Vitality points as your body
begins to turn to stone.

This room is locked. It requires a special key or you need to succeed at an ability test
with a difficulty of 4 (Lock Picking) to open. Inside is lots of food and other mundane
goods. You may take a total of 25gp worth of equipment (look at the equipment list)

Monsters in a mad wizard’s lair
Table 1
Fate Monster Treasure
1-2 1 Animated object you (Type: Construct. Difficulty: 4. None
Damage: 1. Vitality: 3. Special: First Strike. Experience: 1)
3-4 1 Zombie (Type: Undead. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. None
Special: None. Experience: 1)
5-6 1 Apprentice Wizard (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. None
Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: Magical attack.
Experience: 1)

Table 2
Fate Monster Treasure
1-2 3 Skeletons (Type: Undead. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Roll once on
Vitality: 6. Special: None. Experience: 1) the treasure
3-4 1 Wizard (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Roll once on
Vitality: 8. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 2) the treasure
and 2 Zombies (Type: Undead. Difficulty: 3 Damage: table
2. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 1)
5-6 2 Wizards (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: Roll once on
2. Vitality: 8. Special: Magical attack. Experience: the treasure
2) table

Table 3
Fate roll Monster Treasure
1-2 1 Banshee (Type: Undead Difficulty: 4 Roll once on
Damage: 2 Vitality: 10 Special: Magical attack the treasure
Experience: 4) table
3-4 1 Stone Golem (Type: Construct. Difficulty: 3 Roll once on
Damage: 3. Vitality: 15. Special: First Strike. the treasure
Experience: 5) table
5-6 1 Sorcerer (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Roll once on
Damage: 3. Vitality: 10. Special: Magical attack. the treasure
Experience: 5) table

The archmage
The archmage has the following stats:
Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 3. Vitality: 10. Special: Magical attack.
Experience: 5
The archmage also has an unbalanced personality. Make a Fate roll to see what it is.
Fate roll Archmage personality
1-2 Hoarder
3-4 Pontificator
5-6 Experimenter

The archmage wants artefacts to boost their magical power and they never have
enough. If you do not attack him, he will offer gold for wondrous items. If you sell him
a wondrous item, make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Trading, Etiquette,
Languages). If you succeed, you get 300gp for the wondrous item. If you fail, you get
150gp for the wondrous item.
Treasure: You get 1 random wondrous item, a quest treasure, 50gp and roll on the
treasure table 5 times.
If you do not attack the archmage, he will chew your ear off about magic and his
research. If you want, you may stay with him. For every day you stay with him, you
get 1xp. Then make a Fate roll. If you roll a 1, the wizard decides that you are
tiresome or that you are trying to steal secrets and attacks you. If you roll a 2-6,
relations remain cordial and you can either sneak off or stay again. You can do this a
maximum of 6 times before the archmage attacks you anyway (you can sneak off
after day 6 though to get all 6 rolls before the archmage attacks you).
Treasure: You get a quest treasure and 50gp. There is also a large tome of
knowledge (encumbrance 2) here which you can take and study. You can study it for
7 days to get 1xp (you can reduce the time by 1 for each ability you have from the
following: Languages, Legend Lore, Magic Lore). You may do this 6 times.
Difficulty: 5 (Spellcasting, Magic Lore, Languages) Will: 5 Special: Non-lethal
Experience: 2

The archmage wants to test a method of increasing strength and stamina on you. If
you don’t want a mad wizard near your internal organs, you are going to have to
fight. If you let him experiment, lose 1 vitality point permanently, then make a Fate
Fate roll Effect
1 The experiment went wrong! Permanently lose 1 Vitality point. You will
probably want to kill him.
2 Muscles! The experiment increases your strength. You now get a free
reroll on all Strength ability tests.
3 Springy step. You can jump further than normal. You now get a free
reroll on all Nimbleness ability tests.
4 Sprinter. You can run faster than most people. You now get a free reroll
on all Running ability tests.
5 Constitution! You are more able to stand up to punishment now. You
now get a free reroll on all Hardiness ability tests.
6 Reactions! You now have faster reactions. You now get a free reroll on
all Dodging ability tests.

Note that you don’t gain the ability – so you can still gain the relevant ability and still
have a bonus reroll.
Treasure: A quest treasure, 5 random herbal preparations, 3 random potions, 50gp
and roll on the treasure table 5 times.

Generating caverns
Caves contain 5 caverns. In addition to the caverns, caves have central caverns with
their own special rules (see below).
When you go into a new cavern, you need to roll for its contents. Caves contain a
large network of tunnels. If you do not overcome the problem in the cavern, make a
fate roll. If you roll 4-6, you find another tunnel that leads to another cavern. If you
roll 1-3, you have to overcome this cavern to go to another one. You can only go to
the central cavern once you have explored all caverns before it.

Cavern contents
Make a roll to see if the cavern contains a trap, a hazard or an encounter.
Fate roll What does the cavern contain?
1-2 Trap
3-4 Hazard
5-6 Encounter

Light in a cave
All caverns require you to carry a light source. For this reason, unless you are able to
create one with magic, you cannot use a shield or a two-handed weapon.

Traps in a cave
Traps in a cave aren’t necessarily traps – they are just the result of the hazardous
structure of the cave itself.
Cavern 1
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft) Will: 2 Special: Trigger
(lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 1
Cavern 2
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft) Will: 3 Special: Trigger
(lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 1
Cavern 3
Difficulty: 5 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft) Will: 4 Special: Trigger
(lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 2

Hazards in a cave
There are plenty of hazards in a cave, both natural and caused by people poking
Table 1
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Rubble
3-4 Fungus
5-6 Chasm

Table 2
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Flood
3-4 Gas pocket
5-6 Abandoned mine

Table 3
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Archaic writing
3-4 Deposit of valuables
5-6 Glowing crystals

Rocks and other debris are piled up in the cavern. You can try to dig through it to find
something. If you do, engage in a battle of wills with the rubble.
Difficulty 3 (Strength, Hardiness, Shovel, Pick) Will 4 Special: None Experience 1
The cavern is filled with mould and mushrooms and you have to be careful not to
poison yourself. To get through the cavern, engage in a battle of wills with the mould.
Difficulty 3 (Hardiness, Survival, Herbalism) Will 4 Special: None Experience 1
If you lose Will in this battle of wills, it is because the spores from the fungus irritates
your skin or poisons you. If you succeed at the battle of wills, make an ability test
with a difficulty of 4 (Herbalism). If you succeed, you find some mushrooms with
medicinal properties. Gain 1 herb (encumbrance 0).

Archaic writing
The cavern here contains much runic writing written on the walls. You may try to
understand its meaning. If you do, make a Fate roll.
Fate roll Writing
1-2 The writing contains a rune trap! Make an ability test with a difficulty of
4 (Resist magic). If you fail, roll on the magical attack table.
3-6 Ancient wisdom. Engage in a Battle of Wills.
Difficulty: 3 (Languages) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience:

Abandoned mine
Old mining equipment and rubble is strewn about the place. Make a Fate roll to see
what you find.
Fate roll Contents
1-2 A lantern
3-4 A pick
5-6 A gold nugget worth 10gp.

Gas pocket
Explosive gas fills this area. Unless you have the Darkvision ability or you are using
magical light, you must make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, your flame sets off an
explosion. Lose 3 Vitality points. If you roll 4-6, you don’t set off the gas.
Vertical shaft
There is a vertical shaft here going down. If you wish to climb down it, make an
ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Climbing, climbing gear). If you fail, you fall and lose
2 Vitality points.
There is a chasm across the room. To get across, you need to make an ability test
with a difficulty of 4 (Nimbleness, Climbing gear). If you fail, you lose 3 Vitality points
from the fall. If you succeed you get across without a problem.
Deposit of valuables
There are precious metals and gems in the walls. You can try to get them out.
Engage in a battle of wills.
Difficulty 3 (Strength, Hardiness, Pick) Will 5 Special: None Experience 1
If you succeed, you find 30gp worth of treasure.

Glowing crystals
There are strange glowing rocks in this cavern. If you inspect them, make a Fate roll.
Fate roll Effect
1-2 The magic of the crystals is having an ill effect on you! Make an ability
test with a difficulty of 5 (Resist Magic). If you fail, roll on the Magical
attack table.
3-4 The crystals glow with pretty colours, but there is nothing else to do
5-6 One crystal looks loose. Maybe you can prise it free. Make an ability
test with a difficulty of 5 (Strength, pick). If you succeed, you get a
glowing crystal with an encumbrance of 1 that can function as a
magical light source. You don’t need to use a hand to have a light

The cave section is flooded, slowing you down. There might be something in the
water too. Make a Fate roll. If you roll a 1-3, you are attacked by a school of piranhas
(Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 1 Vitality: 3. Special: None. Experience: 1)! If
you roll 4-6, they don’t attack. After that, the cold might get to you. Engage in a battle
of wills with the flood.
Difficulty 3 (Swimming, Hardiness) Will 3 Special: None Experience 1

Monsters in a cave
Table 1
Fate Monster Treasure
1-2 1 flock of bats (Type: Wildlife. None
Difficulty: 4. Damage: 1 Vitality: 3.
Special: None. Experience: 1)
3-4 1 Giant spider (Type: Wildlife. None
Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6.
Special: Poison. Experience: 1)
5-6 1 Ooze (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 3 None
Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special:
None. Experience: 1)

Table 2
Fate Monster Treasure
1-2 2 giant centipedes (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Roll once on the
Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None Experience: 1) treasure table
3-4 1 Giant beetle (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Roll once on the
Damage: 2. Vitality: 12. Special: None. treasure table
Experience: 2)
5-6 1 Gargoyle (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 3 Damage: Roll once on the
2. Vitality: 10. Special: First Strike. Experience: 2) treasure table

Table 3
Fate Monster Treasure
1-2 Basilisk (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Roll once on the
Vitality: 8. Special: Magical attack Experience: 3) treasure table
3-4 Bear (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Roll once on the
Vitality: 10. Special: None. Experience: 4) treasure table
5-6 Lich (Type: Undead. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Roll once on the
Vitality: 12. Special: Magical attack. Experience: treasure table

Central cavern in a cave
Large creatures make homes in the caves. They have probably done so in the
largest building and have accrued all kinds of treasures either because the cavern
had them, they were offerings from worshippers or they have collected them. The
monsters have some treasures that you can roll for. You also get a certain number of
rerolls per treasure you find and a bonus treasure.
Fate Monster Treasures Bonus
roll treasures
1 Chimera (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 5 Damage: 3 5 1
Vitality: 8. Special: Blast. Experience: 5)
2 Iron golem (Type: Construct. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. 6 1
Vitality: 15. Special: None Experience: 6)
3 Manticore (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 6 1
Vitality: 12. Special: Poison. Experience: 6)
4 Young dragon (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 5. Damage: 2. 6 1
Vitality: 12. Special: Blast. Experience: 6)
5 Tyrannosaurus Rex (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 5 7 2
Damage: 3. Vitality: 14. Special: None. Experience: 7)
6 Hydra (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: 8 2
15. Special: Poison. Experience: 8)

Bonus treasures in the cave

Fate roll Bonus treasure
1-3 1 unit of stone/clay
4-5 1 unit of metals
6 Quest treasure

Generating sites
Ruins contain several sites of interest. They may be open spaces, crumbling
buildings, quite intact buildings or underground parts of the ruin. There are 5 sites in
a ruin.
In addition to the sites, ruins have central sites with their own special rules (see
When you go into a new site, you need to roll for its contents. You are able to get to
any point in a ruin with enough time and patience. For this reason, you never need to
overcome a site in a ruin before you can go on to the next one. You can simply
explore another site. However, since ruins cover a large area, it takes 1 day to
explore a new site. Also, you cannot go to the central site until you have explored all
the other sites.

Site contents
Make a roll to see if the site contains a trap, a hazard or an encounter.
Fate roll What does the site contain?
1-2 Trap
3-4 Hazard
5-6 Encounter

Light in a ruin
Some parts of a ruin are overland and some are either in buildings with no windows
or underground. When you roll for the type of site in a ruin, make another Fate roll.
On the roll of a 1-3, the site is dark and you need a light source to explore it,
meaning that you cannot use a shield or 2 handed weapon. On a roll of 4-6, the site
has enough light for you not to need a light source.

Traps in a ruin
Traps in a ruin aren’t necessarily traps – they may just be the result of the decaying
structures creating a hazardous environment. However, runes created by great
sorcerers of the past will remain after centuries.
Site 1
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft) Will: 2 Special: Trigger
(lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 1
Site 2
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft) Will: 3 Special: Trigger
(lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 1
Site 3
Difficulty: 5 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft) Will: 4 Special: Trigger
(lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 2

Hazards in a ruin
There are plenty of hazards in a ruin, either left behind by the civilisation that built it
or caused by the process of the ruins forming.
Table 1
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Rubble
3-4 Unstable stairs
5-6 Water pool

Table 2
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Ghost
3-4 Altar
5-6 Tablets

Table 3
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Sarcophagus
3-4 Trapped time traveller
5-6 Machine

Rocks and other debris are piled up in the cavern. You can try to dig through it to find
something. If you do, engage in a battle of wills with the rubble.
Difficulty 3 (Strength, Hardiness, Shovel, Pick) Will 4 Special: None Experience 1
A ghost appears to you. It has a frightening visage. Make an ability test with a
difficulty of 4 (resist magic). If you fail, lose 3 Will points. If you survive, make a Fate
Fate roll Result
1-2 The ghost is insane and tries to drain your life away. Make an ability
test with a difficulty of 4 (Nimbleness, Dodging, Running). If you
fail, lose 2 Vitality points.
3-4 The ghost wants to give you a message. Make an ability test with a
difficulty of 4 (languages). If you succeed, gain 1xp.
5-6 The ghost wants to know about the events since it died. It wants to
know if its life meant something. Make an ability test with a difficulty
of 4 (Legend Lore, Inspiration, Perform). If you succeed, you tell it
something it likes. Gain 1 Fate point.

Unstable stairs
You go up or down some stairs, but they are slippery and crumbling. Make an ability
test with a difficulty of 5 (Nimbleness). If you fail, you fall and lose 2 Vitality points.
After going up or down the stairs, you can search the site. Make an ability test with a
difficulty of 5 (Perception). If you succeed, you find some treasure. Roll on the
treasure table.
Water pool
There is a pool of water here that seems to run clearer than the other water here.
You may drink from it if you wish.
Fate roll Pool result
1-2 The pool is poisoned, cursed or contains a nasty disease! Make an
ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Hardiness, Resist magic). If you fail,
roll on the poison table.
3-4 You have found some normal water.
5-6 The water is very refreshing – either through natural minerals, a
blessing from a priest or god or through magic, it has a great effect on
you. Roll on the Healing table.

An ancient altar stands here to a long-forgotten god. There are some valuable items
on the altar which you might take, or, you could pray to the god, but is the god still
watching and listening?
If you take the treasure: Make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, the god is still watching and
curses you. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Resist Magic). If you fail, roll on
the Magical attack table. If you roll a 4-6, nothing happens. Whatever happens, you
get 25gp worth of treasure,
If you pray to the god: Engage in a battle of wills with the altar.
Difficulty: 3 (Magic Lore, Legend Lore) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1
If you succeed, roll on the Blessing table.
You find stone tablets here covered in ancient runes. You may try to understand its
meaning. If you do, engage in a Battle of Wills.
Difficulty: 3 (Languages) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

Trapped time traveller
You see a figure in white robes trapped in some kind of crystal box in the site. If you
wish to free them, make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Magic Lore,
Spellcasting). If you succeed, you free the person, who thanks you and tells you
about where they came from before disappearing. Gain 1xp and 1 Fate point.
There is a large machine with gears, levers and cogs in this site. You have no idea
what it does. You can try to start it up. If you do, make an ability test with a difficulty
of 4 (Craft). If you succeed, make a Fate roll.
Fate roll Machine effect
1-3 The machine plays music of the type that has not been heard for
many centuries. Gain 1xp and 1 Fate point.
4-5 The machine creates a gold nugget (worth 25gp) for you before
6 The machine pours some liquid into a bottle. It has made a
random potion. Roll on the potions table.

There is a sarcophagus here. Dare you open it? If you do, make a Fate roll.
Fate roll Machine effect
1-2 Skeleton! (Type: Undead. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6.
Special: None. Experience: 1). In this case, the skeleton has first
strike as it surprises you.
3-4 Curse! Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Resist Magic). If
you fail, roll on the magical attack table.
5-6 Treasure! Roll on the treasure table.

Monsters in a ruin
Table 1
Fate Monster Treasure
1-2 1 Whip vines (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: None
6. Special: None Experience: 1)
3-4 1 flock of bats (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 1 None
Vitality: 3. Special: None. Experience: 1)
5-6 1 Plague rat (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 1. Vitality: None
3 Special: Plague. Experience: 1)

Table 2
Fate Monster Treasure
1-2 3 skeletons (Type: Undead. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Roll once
Vitality: 6. Special: None. Experience: 1) on the
3-4 Gargoyle (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: Roll once
10. Special: First Strike. Experience: 2) on the
5-6 Basilisk (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 8. Roll once
Special: Magical attack Experience: 3) on the

Table 3
Fate Monster Treasure
1-2 Wraith (Type: Undead. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 9. Roll once
Special: Magical attack Experience: 3) on the
3-4 Stone golem (Type: Construct. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Roll once
Vitality: 15. Special: First Strike. Experience: 5) on the
5-6 Manticore (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: Roll once
12. Special: Poison. Experience: 6) on the

Central site in a ruin
Large creatures make homes in the ruins. They have probably done so in the largest
building and have accrued all kinds of treasures either because the site had them,
they were offerings from worshippers or they have collected them. The monsters
have some treasures that you can roll for. You also get a certain number of rerolls
per treasure you find and a bonus treasure.
Fate Monster Treasures Bonus
roll treasures
1 Lich (Type: Undead. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 4 1
12. Special: Magical attack. Experience: 4)
2 Chimera (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 5 Damage: 3 5 1
Vitality: 8. Special: Blast. Experience: 5)
3 Iron golem (Type: Construct. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. 6 1
Vitality: 15. Special: None Experience: 6)
4 Tyrannosaurus Rex (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 5 7 1
Damage: 3. Vitality: 14. Special: None. Experience: 7)
5 Vampire! (Type: Undead. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. 8 2
Vitality: 15. Special: Magical attack Experience: 8)
6 Hydra (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: 8 2
15. Special: Poison. Experience: 8)

Bonus treasures in the ruins.

Fate roll Bonus treasure
1-3 1 unit of stone/clay
4-5 1 unit of metals
6 Quest treasure

Vaults hold something of great value. This might be a horde of gold coins, but you
must remember that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. The body of a long
dead king isn’t going to keep you fed through the long winter (unless you get
desperate, if you catch my drift). However, as a seasoned adventurer, you know that
there’s loads of risk involved and accept that risking your life for nothing is all part of
the job.
Vaults are supposed to be sealed away from the world until the treasure’s rightful
owner returns, or potentially, forever. For this reason, vault’s defences consist of
traps and guardians which do not require food, water or sleep – usually undead and
constructs. Knowing this, you can prepare appropriately.

Generating rooms
There are 5 rooms in a vault. In addition to the rooms, all vaults have treasure rooms
with their own special rules (see below).
When you go into a new room, you need to roll for its contents. You cannot go into
another room until you have overcome the problem of the room you are in.

Room contents
Make a roll to see if the room contains a trap, a hazard or an encounter.
Fate roll Number of rooms in the vault
1-2 Trap
3-4 Hazard
5-6 Encounter

Light in a vault
Vaults have no light sources and a sealed away from sunlight. This means that you
will need a light source to descend into the vault. If you cannot create one with
magic, this means using a hand to hold one. No two-handed weapons or shields for

Traps in the vault

Whoever built the vault has laid plenty of traps to keep potential robbers out. There is
no limit to the sadistic imagination of the people who laid these traps.
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft) Will: 2 Special: Trigger
(lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 1

Hazards in the vault
Some people find traps and monsters just a little bit blasé, so they add a few extra
surprises to keep things interesting.
Table 1
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Locked door
3-4 Puzzle
5-6 Chasm

Table 2
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Flood
3-4 Arcane writing
5-6 Sentry

Table 3
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Maze
3-4 Gauntlet
5-6 Darkness

Locked doors
You cannot go any further into the vault until you open these doors. These doors are
made of heavy iron and cannot be forced. They need an appropriate key to open.
You have a chance to make one ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Lock Picking). If
you fail, the only option is to open the door with a special key, which you will need to
find from elsewhere.
A statue of a grotesque creature stands in the room. It has glowing eyes, indicating
that it is watching everything. To get past it, engage in a battle of wills with the
Difficulty: 3 (Stealth) Will: 3 Special: Trigger (summon monsters) Experience: 1
If you fail, it opens its stone mouth and screams, summoning monsters. Roll on the
monster tables.

It is a riddle or logic game in the room. There is a heavy portcullis blocking your path
and it won’t be raised until you solve the puzzle. Engage in a battle of wills with the
Difficulty: 3 (Legend Lore, Tactics) Will: 3 Special: Trigger (Lose 2 Vitality)
Experience: 1
If you fail the puzzle, you get an electric shock. You cannot go on until you have
solved the puzzle. The puzzle answer changes with each attempt, so with each
attempt, the battle of wills starts at full will.
Arcane writing
The wall of this room is covered in writing. There is a stone door before you. The
password is one of the words on the wall. Engage in a battle of wills with the walls.
Difficulty: 3 (Languages) Will: 3 Special: Trigger (Lose 2 Vitality) Experience: 1
If you set off the trigger, the room fills with poison gas. You then have to try again.
The password changes with each attempt, so each battle of wills starts at full Will.
The door is on the other side. You have to make an ability test with a difficulty of 4
(Nimbleness). If you fail, you fall in. Lose 3 Vitality points. Then you get to the other
side. If you succeed, you get to the door without injury.
The cave section is flooded, slowing you down. There might be something in the
water too. Make a Fate roll. If you roll a 1-3, you are attacked by a school of piranhas
(Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 1 Vitality: 3. Special: None. Experience: 1)! If
you roll 4-6, they don’t attack. After that, the cold might get to you. Engage in a battle
of wills with the flood.
You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. Engage in a battle of wills with
the maze.
Difficulty: 5 (Pathfinding, Chalk*, Charcoal*, Paper*) Will: 4 Special: None
Experience: 2
You cannot move on until you have beaten the maze in a battle of wills.

You come across a long narrow corridor. There are holes in the walls. You throw a
pebble across the floor and your suspicions are confirmed when an arrow flies out of
a wall. You have to be quick. Engage in a battle of wills with the gauntlet.
Difficulty: 3 (Running, Nimbleness, Dodging) Will: 3 Special: Trigger (Lose 2
Vitality) Experience: 1
If you trigger the gauntlet, you have to start again with the gauntlet at full Will.
The room is full of cold darkness. You feel that there some kind of malevolent
intelligence in here. You need to get out quickly. Make a Fate roll. If you roll a 5-6,
you find the door. If you roll 1-4, you don’t find the door and the cold gets to you.
Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Resist Magic). If you fail, lose 2 Vitality
points. You then have to make another Fate roll to find the door.

Monsters in a vault
Table 1
Fate Monster Treasures
1-2 1 Animated object (Type: Construct. Difficulty: 4. Damage: None
1. Vitality: 3. Special: First Strike. Experience: 1)
3-4 1 Skeleton (Type: Undead. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: None
6. Special: None. Experience: 1)
5-6 1 Animated Armour (Type: Construct. Difficulty: 3 Damage: None
2. Vitality: 9. Special: First Strike. Experience: 2)

Table 2
Fate Monster Treasures
1-2 1 Clay golem (Type: Construct Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Roll once
Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3) on the
3-4 1 stone golem (Type: Construct. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Roll once
Vitality: 15. Special: First Strike. Experience: 4) on the
5-6 1 Invisible Stalker (Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 5 Damage: 3 Roll once
Vitality: 6. Special: None. Experience: 4) on the

Table 3
Fate Monster Treasures
1-2 1 Medium demon (Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Roll once
Vitality: 9 Special: Blast. Experience: 3) on the
3-4 1 Iron golem (Type: Construct. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Roll once
Vitality: 15. Special: None Experience: 6) on the
5-6 1 Fire elemental (Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 4. Roll once
Vitality: 12. Special: None Experience: 6) on the

The treasure room
First of all, treasure rooms are sealed away behind mighty iron doors. They require a
special key to open (no lock picking roll can get you into a vault – it has to be a
special key). Then you are in. This is what the vault was built for. But is it what you
Fate roll Contents
1-2 Vampire lord!
3-4 Lich!
5-6 Treasure!

Vampire lord
There is a sarcophagus in the middle of the opulently furnished room. As you enter
the room, the lid comes off and a vampire sits up. You have to fight a vampire
((Type: Undead. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 15. Special: Magical attack
Experience: 8) to get the treasure.
Vault treasure: 3 units of luxuries, 1 quest treasure and 100gp. Roll on the treasure
table 5 times.
A skeletal figure sits on the throne wearing ancient purple robes and a crown. As you
enter, it stands up and raises its arms to cast a spell. Then you see two armoured
and armed skeletons either side of the lich charge at you. You must fight a lich
(Type: Undead. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 12. Special: Magical attack.
Experience: 4) and 2 skeleton warriors (Type: Undead. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2.
Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2)
Vault treasure: 1 random enchanted item, 1 quest treasure and 100gp. Roll on the
treasure table 5 times.
There are hundreds of coins, pieces of jewellery and gems scattered around the
room. The total value of this treasure is 1500gp. Since every 50gp has an
encumbrance value of 1, you will need a lot of return journeys to empty this vault.

Forest “dungeons”
Forests hold many secrets deep within them and so that’s why they can be treated
as overland “dungeons”. I hope you branch out and decide to explore some.

Generating clearings
There are 3 clearings in a forest. In addition to the clearings, forests have central
clearings with their own special rules (see below).
When you go into a new clearing, you need to roll for its contents.

Clearing contents
Make a roll to see if the clearing contains a trap, a hazard or an encounter.
Fate roll What does the clearing contain?
1-2 Trap
3-4 Hazard
5-6 Encounter

Light in a forest
Since forests are over ground, you do not need a light source to explore them.

Travelling in a forest
The clearings in forests are accessible from many points, though it may not be easy
to get to them. They don’t have well defined path and there might be a lot of
undergrowth to get through. For this reason, every time you explore a new clearing,
add 1 day to your time. You do not need to empty one clearing to get to the next one,
but you have to explore all clearings before you get to the central clearing.

Traps in a forest
All kinds of people leave traps – hunters, bandits, wild folk, fae and you might be
lucky enough to fall into one.
Clearing 1
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft, Survival) Will: 2 Special:
Trigger (lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 1
Clearing 2
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft, Survival) Will: 3 Special:
Trigger (lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 1
Clearing 3
Difficulty: 5 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft, Survival) Will: 4 Special:
Trigger (lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 2

Hazards in a forest
Clearing 1
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Mushrooms
3-4 Water pool
5-6 River to cross

Clearing 2
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Lights and music
3-4 Thieving pixie
5-6 Maze

Clearing 3
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Elves
3-4 Talking tree
5-6 Shallow grave

There are several mushrooms growing here. You can try to eat them if you fancy a
gamble. If you eat them, make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (survival,
Herbalism). If you succeed, you find some beneficial mushrooms. Gain 3 herbs.
Water pool
There is a pool of water here that seems to run clearer than the other water here.
You may drink from it if you wish.
Fate roll Pool result
1-2 The pool is poisoned, cursed or contains a nasty disease! Make an
ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Hardiness, Resist magic). If you fail,
roll on the poison table.
3-4 You have found some normal water.
5-6 The water is very refreshing – either through natural minerals, a
blessing from a priest or god or through magic, it has a great effect on
you. Roll on the Healing table.

River to cross
You come across a river too deep to wade across. You could attempt to swim across
it or follow it until you find another crossing. If you swim across it, engage in a battle
of wills with the river.
Difficulty: 4 (Swimming, Hardiness) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
If you follow it, you must add 1 day and lose 1 Will Point.

Lights and music

There are lights and pleasant sounds coming from off the path. Dare you follow
them? If you do, make a Fate roll.
Fate roll Lights and music result
1-2 The lights have been created by malicious fae to lure unsuspecting
travellers. You follow them for an hour before the fae appear to mock
you and curse you before leaving you alone and lost in the forest. Roll
on the magical attack table.
3-4 The lights dance around you for a few minutes before flying off.
5-6 Standing in the lights produces a pleasant effect. Roll on the Blessing

Thieving pixie
Tiny malicious fae are trying to steal your money. Make 3 ability tests with a difficulty
of 4 (Perception). Each time you fail, lose 10gp.

The paths and trees twist in a confusing manner. Engage in a battle of wills with the
Difficulty: 3 (Pathfinding, Chalk*, Charcoal*, Paper*) Will: 4 Special: None
Experience: 1

There are 3 elves (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special:
None Experience: 1) in the clearing. They may or may not be friendly. Make a Fate
roll to see what they do.
Fate roll Result
1-2 The elves want to drive you away and fire arrows at you. Make 2
ability tests with a difficulty of 4 (Running, Dodging, Nimbleness).
Each time you fail, lose 2 Vitality points.
3-4 The elves give you hard looks. You decide to get out of their clearing
before you make things worse.
5-6 The elves seem quite friendly. Make an ability test with a difficulty of
3 (Languages, Etiquette, Legend Lore, Magic Lore). If you
succeed, the elves entertain you. Gain 1 Will point.

Talking tree
You speak to the ancient tree. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Legend
Lore, Languages, Inspiration, Survival). If you succeed, the tree blesses you. Roll
on the Blessing table. If you fail, the tree curses you. Roll on the magical attack
Shallow grave
Someone was buried here. If you investigate, make a Fate roll.
Fate roll Result
1-2 An insane ghost (Type: Undead Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 9
Special: Magical attack Experience: 2) rises up and attacks you!
3-4 The dead remain resting.
5-6 A spirit rises up and asks you to complete some business it had in life.
If you return to this dungeon with a quest treasure, you have freed the
spirit. The spirit then blesses you. Gain 1 Fate point, 2 experience
points and 2 Will points.

Monsters in a forest
Table 1
Fate roll Monster Treasures
1-2 Boar (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None
None Experience: 1)
3-4 Poisonous snake (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 1 Vitality: None
2 Special: Poison. Experience: 1)
5-6 Whip Vine (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. None
Special: None Experience: 1)

Table 2
Fate roll Monster Treasures
1-2 2 wolves (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Roll once on the
Vitality: 5 Special: None Experience: 1) treasure table
3-4 Treefolk (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Roll once on the
Vitality: 12. Special: None Experience: 2) treasure table
5-6 Shambling mound (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4 Roll once on the
Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: First Strike. treasure table
Experience: 3)

Table 3
Fate roll Monster Treasures
1-2 Elf druid (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3 Damage: Roll once on the
2. Vitality:4. Special: Summon wolf. treasure table
Experience: 1) and elf archer (Type: Humanoid.
Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6 Special: First
strike Experience 1)
3-4 Centaur (Type: Humanoid/Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Roll once on the
Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: First strike. treasure table
Experience: 3)
5-6 Bear (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Roll once on the
Vitality: 10. Special: None. Experience: 4) treasure table

Central clearing in a forest

Fate roll Monster

1-2 Faerie king
3-4 Mighty tree
5-6 Manticore

Faerie king
The Faerie King is fickle. You may wish to attack him or listen to what he has to say.
He offers you to go on a challenge. If you accept the challenge, you have to bring
him a quest treasure within 30 days (not any quest treasure you are carrying right
now, though), the Faerie king will bestow a magical amulet upon you (encumbrance
0). It will allow you to roll on the blessing table once per day. If you fail the quest, the
Faerie king will curse you. You must roll on the magical attack table once per day for
the next 12 days.
If you attack him, he will fight with 2 pixies (Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 4 Damage:
1. Vitality: 4. Special: Steal. Experience: 1). He has the following stats (Type:
Humanoid. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: First strike, magical attack
Experience: 3)
Treasure: You gain a quest treasure, 50gp and roll on the treasure table 5 times.
Mighty tree
The mighty tree is laden with wisdom of the ages and fruit with powerful magic. You
may climb the tree to get it.
If you do, engage in a battle of wills with the tree.
Difficulty: 3 (Climb, climbing gear) Will: 3 Special: Trigger (lose 1 Vitality point)
Experience: 1
If you fail, you must try again and engage in the battle of wills with the tree at full
strength. If you succeed, you get a large fruit. The fruit can do two things. If you eat
it, you can roll on the healing table. If you plant it and leave it for 7 days, the fruit will
grow into a treasure (roll on the treasure table). The fruit has an encumbrance of 1
and the tree has 6 fruits to take.

A manticore (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: 12. Special: Poison.
Experience: 8) sits here sound asleep. It is surrounded by 10 treasures and a quest
treasure. You may try to steal the treasures from it. When you steal a treasure, make
an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Stealth). If you fail, you wake up the manticore
and you must fight it. If you succeed, you may either attempt to steal another one or

Jungle “dungeons”
Jungles hold many secrets deep within them and so that’s why they can be treated
as overland “dungeons”. I hope you branch out and decide to explore some.

Generating clearings
There are 3 clearings in a jungle. In addition to the clearings, jungles have central
clearings with their own special rules (see below).
When you go into a new clearing, you need to roll for its contents.

Clearing contents
Make a roll to see if the clearing contains a trap, a hazard or an encounter.
Fate roll What does the clearing contain?
1-2 Trap
3-4 Hazard
5-6 Encounter

Light in a jungle
Since jungles are over ground, you do not need a light source to explore them.

Travelling in a jungle
The clearings in jungles are accessible from many points, though it may not be easy
to get to them. They don’t have well defined path and there might be a lot of
undergrowth to get through. For this reason, every time you explore a new clearing,
add 1 day to your time. You do not need to empty one clearing to get to the next one,
but you have to explore all clearings before you get to the central clearing.

Traps in a jungle
All kinds of people leave traps – hunters, bandits, wild folk, fae and you might be
lucky enough to fall into one.
Clearing 1
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft, Survival) Will: 2 Special:
Trigger (lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 1
Clearing 2
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft, Survival) Will: 3 Special:
Trigger (lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 1
Clearing 3
Difficulty: 5 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft, Survival) Will: 4 Special:
Trigger (lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 2

Hazards in a jungle
There are plenty of hazards in a jungle, both natural and caused by people poking
Table 1
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Water pool
3-4 River to cross
5-6 Maze

Table 2
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Quicksand
3-4 Shrine
5-6 Magical fruit

Table 3
Fate roll Hazard
1-2 Shallow grave
3-4 Lost treasure
5-6 Talking tree

Water pool
There is a pool of water here that seems to run clearer than the other water here.
You may drink from it if you wish.
Fate roll Pool result
1-2 The pool is poisoned, cursed or contains a nasty disease! Make an
ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Hardiness, Resist magic). If you fail,
roll on the poison table.
3-4 You have found some normal water.
5-6 The water is very refreshing – either through natural minerals, a
blessing from a priest or god or through magic, it has a great effect on
you. Roll on the Healing table.

River to cross
You come across a river too deep to wade across. You could attempt to swim across
it or follow it until you find another crossing. If you swim across it, engage in a battle
of wills with the river.
Difficulty: 4 (Swimming, Hardiness) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1
If you follow it, you must add 1 day and lose 1 Will Point.
Magical fruit
There is a golden apple hanging from a tree. If you want it, you need to climb the
tree. Engage in a battle of wills.
Difficulty: 3 (Climbing, Climbing gear) Will: 3 Special: Trigger (Lose 1 Vitality point)
Experience: 1
You may engage in the battle of wills if you fail, but if you do the tree will be at full
If you succeed, you get the golden apple (encumbrance 1). For its effect, roll on the
random potion table.
The paths and trees twist in a confusing manner. Engage in a battle of wills with the
Difficulty: 3 (Pathfinding, Chalk*, Charcoal*, Paper*) Will: 4 Special: None
Experience: 1
You find an abandoned shrine. You may try to pray at it. If you do, engage in a battle
of wills with the shrine.
Difficulty: 3 (Magic Lore, Legend Lore) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1
If you win, roll on the blessing table.
Quicksand! There are patches all over the place. Make an ability test with a difficulty
of 4 (Perception, Survival). If you succeed, you notice the patch of quicksand. If
you fail, you are sucked in. Engage in a battle of wills with the quicksand.
Difficulty: 4 (Strength) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

Shallow grave
Someone was buried here. If you investigate, make a Fate roll.
Fate roll Result
1-2 An insane ghost (Type: Undead Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 9
Special: Magical attack Experience: 2) rises up and attacks you!
3-4 The dead remain resting.
5-6 A spirit rises up and asks you to complete some business it had in life.
If you return to this dungeon with a quest treasure, you have freed the
spirit. The spirit then blesses you. Gain 1 Fate point, 2 experience
points and 2 Will points.

Lost treasure
There is treasure nearby. Engage in a battle of wills to find it.
Difficulty: 3 (Perception, Survival, Strength, Shovel) Will: 3 Special: None
Experience: 1
If you succeed, you can roll on the treasure table.

Talking tree
You may speak to the ancient tree. If you do, make an ability test with a difficulty of 4
(Legend Lore, Languages). If you succeed, the tree blesses you. Roll on the
Blessing table. If you fail, the tree curses you. Roll on the magical attack table.

Monsters in a jungle
Table 1
Fate roll Monster Treasures
1-2 Poisonous snake (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: None
1 Vitality: 2 Special: Poison. Experience: 1)
3-4 Whip Vine (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. None
Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1)
5-6 Crocodile (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. None
Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2)

Table 2
Fate Monster Treasures
1-2 Giant beetle (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Roll once on the
Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 2) treasure table
3-4 Giant snake (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3 Roll once on the
Vitality: 8 Special: None Experience: 2) treasure table
5-6 Shambling mound (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4 Roll once on the
Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: First Strike. treasure table
Experience: 3)

Table 3
Fate roll Monster Treasures
1-2 Basilisk (Type: Monster. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: Roll once on the
8. Special: Magical attack Experience: 3) treasure table
3-4 Tiger (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 10. Roll once on the
Special: None. Experience: 4) treasure table
5-6 Velociraptor (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Roll once on the
Vitality: 10. Special: None. Experience: 4) treasure table

Central clearing in a jungle
Fate roll Monster
1-2 Lost temple
3-4 Tyrannosaurus Rex
5-6 Ancient city

Lost temple
There is a hidden treasure surrounded by ancient traps. You must traverse 6 traps to
get to the treasure. Engage in a battle of wills with each trap.
Difficulty: 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft, Survival) Will: 2 Special:
Trigger (lose 1 Vitality) Experience: 1
If you get past all 6 traps, you can get 1 unit of luxuries, 50gp, 5 treasures and a
quest treasure. However, if you take anything, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, some
ancient god still watches over this place and curses you. If it does, make an ability
test with a difficulty of 5 (Resist Magic). If you fail, roll on the magical attack table.
Tyrannosaurus rex
The tyrannosaurus rex (Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 5 Damage: 3. Vitality: 14. Special:
None. Experience: 7) is here sound asleep. It is surrounded by 10 treasures and a
quest treasure mixed in with the bones of its victims. You may try to steal the
treasures from it. When you steal a treasure, make an ability test with a difficulty of 5
(Stealth). If you fail, you wake up the tyrannosaurus rex and you must fight it. If you
succeed, you may either attempt to steal another one or leave.
Ancient city
You have found a vast ancient city. After some searching, you find some treasure.
Gain a quest treasure and roll on the treasure table. You may now also explore this
city as a ruin dungeon.

Making your own SCRAWL
I would love it if any of you lovely readers out there wanted to make your own SCRAWL adventures
or supplements and share them with the world. I want anyone to be able to make their own SCRAWL
adventures and share them, even for profit, just so SCRAWL fans can get a richer SCRAWL

For this reason, I’ve licensed SCRAWL under the Creative Commons 4.0 licence, which means that
you can do all of those things as long as you provide a link to the original SCRAWL. All you need to do
is copy and paste the following phrase to your work:

This book was made using the SCRAWL solo RPG system. You can get the SCRAWL rulebook and Pay
What You Want from DriveThruRPG. You can find all of the SCRAWL products by Stuart Lloyd on his

Here are some more details, if you want:

SCRAWL is made under the Creative Commons 4.0 (attribution licence). This means that you are able
to do the following:

Share – copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.

Adapt – remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

Under the following terms:

Attribution – you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to SCRAWL and indicate if any changes
were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
endorses you or your use.

Basically, you can make your own SCRAWL adventures or even change the rules and then distribute
them, even for profit. The only thing that you have to do is link back to the original SCRAWL.

Remember to copy and paste the following phrase into your work:

This book was made using the SCRAWL solo RPG system. You can get the SCRAWL rulebook and Pay
What You Want from DriveThruRPG. You can find all of the SCRAWL products by Stuart Lloyd on his

Hex record sheet
Co-ordinates of hex
Terrain of hex
Types and number of sites on the hex

Site type Notes on that site

Types and number of dungeons on the hex

Dungeon type Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Central room Complete?

Quests on the hex
Quest type Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Complete?







Work on the hex Town and village sheet

Job Available? Wage Date of last event

Items in house






Character sheet
Name_______________ Character name____________Class________________

Vitality Will Treasure Experience Fate points Time

Initial__________ Initial__________

Current________ Current________

Abilities Items (encumbrance)


Notes and codewords

Links to other wonderful stuff

If you think that a great gamebook, RPG, blog or resource should appear on this list,
let me know at
Westward Dystopia
Destiny’s Roll
Two Fisted Fantasy
Destiny Quest
Click Your Poison
Steam Highwayman
Fabled Lands
Can you Brexit?
Lots more gamebooks by Dave Morris, Jamie Thomson, Mark Smith and Oliver
Fighting Fantasy
Lone Wolf (all of them are free here!!!!)
Random Solo Adventures
Tales of Qanharren
Shinte Warrior series
Killing Hitler with Praise and Fire
Midnight Legion
Dangerous Worlds gamebooks
Heroes of Urowen
Grailquest series
Ace Gamebooks

Tunnels and Trolls

Trollish Delver games by Scott Malthouse

Advanced Fighting Fantasy
Heroes against Darkness and Hero Kids
Journey to the Overland
Low Fantasy Gaming

The Gamebook Authoring Tool

Awesome gamebook sites and blogs to follow
Gamebook News
Fighting Fantazine
The Tao of DnD
Against the Wicked City
Emily Short
These Heterogeneous Tasks
Fabled Lands
Malthus Dire
Known World, Old World
Fighting Fantasy Fan
Jonathan Green
Renga in Blue
Planet Interactive Fiction
Adventure Gameblog

Computer games and apps based on gamebooks
Warlock of Firetop Mountain from Tin Man Games
Gamebook Adventures
Fighting Fantasy Classics
Appointment with F.E.A.R
Fighting Fantasy Legends
Warlock of Firetop Mountain roguelike game
Cubus Games apps
Choice of Games

Explore strange new places, meet
interesting creatures, kill them and
steal their stuff!

Welcome to SCRAWL! Short for Solo CRAWL, SCRAWL is the OSR

type solo game for people who want some good honest murder hobo,
dungeon looting stuff with a minimum of time and fuss.
This is the rulebook for SCRAWL. For more SCRAWL products, go to
my DriveThruRPG page.
For more news and articles on gamebooks, visit


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