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Cantilever Slab and Beam Design The Beam is simply supported at supports for vertical loads and fixed

l loads and fixed for torsion.

Width of Beam = 300 mm x Depth = 600 mm
Live Load 1.5 KN/m
Floor Finish 0 KN/m2
Size of Column 300 mm x 600 mm
Material concrete M 20 N/mm
Steel Fe 415 N/mm2
( 1) Design of slab
Assume slab thickness 170 mm at support A and 100 mm at free end B Span =
Loads on Slab :- A B
Slab self 4.25 KN/m 0 KN/m2
0 KN/m2 2.5 KN/m2
Live Load 1.5 KN/m2 1.5 KN/m2
Total 5.75 KN/m2 4 KN/m2
Factored Load 8.625 KN/m2 6 KN/m2
Vu = 13.16 KN
Mu = 11.14 KNm
Cover 15 mm
Use Bar Dia 8 mm
d= 151 mm 81 mm
2 2
Mu / bd = 0.488 N/mm
Pt = 0.14
Ast = 210.48 mm2
Minimum Steel = 0.12 % 204 mm2
Ast = 210.48 mm2
Area of One bar = 50.27 mm2
Spacing = 238.00 mm c/c
Provide 8 mm dia @238 mm c/c 211.20 mm2 safe
Distribution Steel :
Use Bar Dia 6 mm
Minimum steel = 0.15 %
Area of One bar = 28.27 mm2
Ast = 202.5 mm2
Spacing = 139.00 mm c/c
Provide 6 mm dia @139 mm c/c 203.41 mm2 safe
Shear Check
τv = 0.087 N/mm2
100 As / bd = 0.140
τc = 0.28
k = 1.26
k τc = 0.35 N/mm2 safe
Development Length Check
Ld = 47 φ
= 376 mm
Provide anchorage = 500 mm The bars are anchored in beam
Deflection Check
Basic Span / d ratio = 7
100 As /b d = 0.140
Service Stress = 239.88 N/mm2
modification factor = 2.16 2

Allowable span / d ratio = 14

actual span / d ratio = 11.92 safe
( 2 ) Design of Beam
Load from slab = 8.78 KN/m
Self weight of Beam = 4.5 KN/m
Total = 13.28 KN/m
Factored Load = 19.91 KN/m
Torsional moment = 13.11 KNm/m
Maximum Shear Force at support Vu = 49.78 KN
Maximum Positive B.M. at centre = 62.23 KNm
Maximum torque at support = 32.78 KNm
At Support
Mu = 0 b= 300 mm
Vu = 49.78 KN D= 600 mm
Tu = 32.78 KNm d= 562 mm
Cover = 30 mm
Bar dia use = 16 mm Area of one bar = 201.06
Equivalent shear Ve = Vu + 1.6 Tu / b
= 224.61 KN
Equivalent shear stress τve = 1.33 N/mm2
Minimum Steel = 0.205 % Maximum Steel = 7200 mm2 4
Assuming tension reinforcement = 0.5 %
τc = 0.48 N/mm
Design for torsion is necessary
Longitudinal reinforcement :
Equivalent bending moment Me1 = Mu + Mt
= Mu + Tu ( 1 + D/b ) / 1.7
= 57.85 KNm
reversal of moment shall be considered and therefore steel on compression side is required
Me2 = Mt - Mu
= 57.85 KNm
At support the beam behaves as a rectangular beam.
Me2/bd2 = 0.610 N/mm2
Pt = 0.176
Ast = 296.01 mm2
Minimum Area of Steel = 345.63 mm2
Ast = 345.63 mm2
Provide 2 No. 16 mm dia bar. 402.12
At Centre
Mu = 62.23 KNm
here moment is small ,the effect of ell beam may not be taken into account,consider a rectangular beam.
Mu / bd2 = 0.657 N/mm2
Pt = 0.189
Ast = 319.38 mm2
Ast = 345.63 mm2
Use bar dia = 12 mm Area of One Bar = 113.10 mm2
Provide 4 No. 12 mm dia bar. 452.39
These bars are utilised at support to resist the equivalent moment due to torsion Me1 = 57.85 Knm
As the depth of beam is more than 450 mm , side face reinforcement should be provided
side face reinforcement should be provided
Minimum area on each face = 0.1 % of gross c/s
= 90 mm2 on each face.
Provide 1 No. 12 mm dia bar. 113.10
spacing = 263 mm
Spacing < 300 mm
< Web thickness 300 mm safe
Check for development length
For positive moment reinforcement

Pt = 0.268 1 - √ 1 - ( 4.6 / fck) x ( M

Pt = 50
Mu1/bd2 = 0.914 N/mm2 fy / fck
Mu1 = 86.64 KNm
At support Ve = 224.61 KN
Lo = 12 φ
1.3 Mu1/Vu +Lo ≥ Ld
14.33 ≥ φ safe
Transverse Reinforcement
Assuming 8 mm φ two legged stirrups
Asv = 100.53 mm2
Asv = Tu Sv /b1 d1 (0.87 fy ) + Vu Sv / 2.5 d1 ( 0.87 fy )
b1 = c/c distance between corner bars in the direction of the width = 228 mm
d1 = c/c distance between corner bars in the direction of the depth = 528 mm
X1 = Short Dimension of the stirrups = 248 mm
Y1 = Long Dimension of the stirrups = 548 mm
100.53 0.754 Sv + 0.104 Sv
600 528
Sv = 117.00 mm --------- (1)
Also , Asv > (τve - τc ) b Sv / 0.87 fy
100 As / b d = 0.268
τc = 0.370 N/mm2 228
τve = 1.33 N/mm2 300
100.53 0.799 Sv
Sv < 125.00 mm - - - - - - ( 2 )
Spacing should < x1 248 mm
< ( x1+y1 ) /4 = 199 mm
< 300 mm
Sv < 199 mm - - - - - - ( 3 )
From ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) & ( 3 )
Sv = 117.00 mm
Provide 8 mm dia two legged stirrups @ 117 mm c/c
Minimum Stirrups Spacing Sv = 302.00 mm
Minimum shear resistance of stirrups Vus = 67.55 KN
shear resistance of concrete Vuc = τc b d = 62.41 KN
From equivalent shear diagram, this shear occurs at
x = 2.19 m
There is no meaning of changing the shear reinforcement , therefore
Provide 8 mm dia two legged stirrups @ 117 mm c/c throughout the beam. Otherwise
Provide 8 mm dia two legged stirrups @ 117 mm c/c upto 2.19 m from support and then Provide 302 mm c/c in cen

2 16 φ

4 12 φ
1 12 φ on each face

300 5000 300

ads and fixed for torsion. Note : if level of slab S1 and that of S2 were the same ,S2 could be canti
any torsion in beam it is assumed that reinforcement of s
if the main reinforcement of slab S2 is anchored in slab S1 through the
300 1800 point of contraflexure, S1 and S2 can be made continuous without

19.91 KN/m


A B 100 Shear KN
170 62.23 KNm


32.78 KNm

Torque 32.78

224.61 KN
62.41 KN 2.19 m

2.19 m 62.41 KN 224.61

Equivalent Shear diagram
2.5 2.5

Design shear strength ‫ﺡ‬c = 0.85 √ 0.8 x fck ( √ 1 + 5 x β - 1 )

β = 0.8 x fck / 6.89 Pt , but not less than 1.0
16.60293 16.60293
τc = 0.28 N/mm2

Overall depth of Value of k

slab, mm
< 150 1.3
150 ≤ D ≤ 300 1.6-0.002D
D>300 1

Table 7-6
Development length for single mild steel bars
fy N /
mm2 Tension bars Compression bars
15 20 15 20
250 55 26 44 37
415 56 47 45 38
500 69 58 54 46

For Compression development length

20 25 30
415 37.61 32.24 30.09
500 45.31 38.84 36.25

Design shear strength ‫ﺡ‬c = 0.85 √ 0.8 x fck ( √ 1 + 5 x β - 1 )

β = 0.8 x fck / 6.89 Pt , but not less than 1.0
4.644412 4.644412
τc = 0.48 N/mm2

ectangular beam.


mm2 on each face at centre. safe

( 4.6 / fck) x ( Mu / bd2 )

Design shear strength ‫ﺡ‬c = 0.85 √ 0.8 x fck ( √ 1 + 5 x β - 1 )

β = 0.8 x fck / 6.89 Pt , but not less than 1.0
8.65 8.65
τc = 0.370 N/mm2
n Provide 302 mm c/c in central portion
Distribution Bar
2 16 φ Provide 6 mm dia @139 mm c/c
Main Bar
Provide 8 mm dia @238 mm c/c

2 12 φ
Provide 8 mm dia two legged stirrups @ 117 mm c/c
4 12 φ

ere the same ,S2 could be cantilevered from S1 without inducing
ssumed that reinforcement of slab S2 is anchored in beam.
anchored in slab S1 through the beam B3, upto 12 φ beyond the
n be made continuous without inducung torsion in beam B3.


Design of Beam B3


5 B2 B3 76.50
600 2.5

300 300
Loading from slab = 8 KN/m
Self weight of beam and masonry wall above beam B3 = 10 KN/m
Beam BC Cantilevered from B3 having self weight and U.D.L. = 20 KN/m
Beam B3 is simply supported for vertical loads and restraint against torsion.
Concrete M 20 N/mm2 4.05
Steel Fe 415 N/mm2
slab thickness 100 mm
Solution :
Load on B3 from slab = 8 KN/m
Direct load on beam = 10 KN/m 98.10
Total = 18 KN/m
Factored Load = 27 KN/m
Factored Central point load from BC = 18 KN
Torque at centre of Beam = 0
Torque just at right or left of the centre of beam Tu = 4.05 KNm
shear force at support Vu = 76.5 KN
Maximum B.M. at centre = 106.88 KNm
At centre of the beam
Mu = 106.88 KNm
Vu = 9 KN
Tu = 4.05 KNm
b= 300 mm
D= 500 mm
Assume Cover = 30 mm
Bar diameter used = 16 mm Area of one Bar = 201.06 mm2
d= 462 mm
Equivalent shear Ve = Vu + 1.6 Tu / b
30.6 KN
τve = 0.221 N/mm2
Minimum steel = 0.205 %
minimum shear reinforcement shall be provided
There is no need of designing torsion reinforcement at centre.
Mu /b d2 = 1.67 N/mm2

Pt = 0.518 % 1 - √ 1 - ( 4.6 / f
Pt = 50
Ast = 718.28 mm2
Minimum Steel = 284.13 mm2
Ast = 718.28 mm2
Provide 4 No. - 16 mm dia bar. 804.25 mm2
Bar diameter used = 8 mm Area of one Bar = 100.53 mm2
Minimum Shear Reinforcement spacing Sv ≤ 0.87 Fy Asv / 0.4 b
minimum spacing = 302.00
At Centre Provide 8 mm dia two legged stirrups @ 302 mm c/c
Check for Development Length
Pt = 0.580 %

Mu1/bd2 = 1.842
Mu1 = 117.94 KNm
Ve = 98.1 KN
Ld = 47 φ
1.3 Mu1/Vu +Lo ≥ Ld
44.66 ≥φ safe
At support Ve = 98.1 KN
τve = 0.708 N/mm2
100 As / bd = 0.580 %
τc = 0.51 N/mm2
Design for torsion is necessary
Vuc = 70.33 KN
Minimum shear resistance of stirrups Vus = 55.53 KN
This is occur at 1.576 m
The designed stirrups for torsion are required upto 1.576 m
Longitudinal Reinforcement
At support of the Beam
Mu = 0 KNm
Equivalent bending moment Me1 = Mu + Mt
= Mu + Tu ( 1 + D/b ) / 1.7
= 6.35 KNm
reversal of moment shall be considered and therefore steel on compression side is required
Me2 = 6.35 KNm
Me2/bd2 = 0.10
Pt = 0.028 %
Ast = 38.32 mm2
Minimum steel = 0.205 %
Minimum Ast = 284.13 mm2
Ast Required = 284.13 mm2
Use Bar Diameter = 12 mm Area of One Bar = 113.10 mm2
Provide 3 No. - 12 mm dia bar. 339.29 mm2 at Top , this bars will be used anch
As the depth of beam is more than 450 mm , side face reinforcement should be provided
side face reinforcement should be provided
Minimum area on each face = 0.1 % of gross c/s
= 75 mm2 on each face.
Provide 1 No. 12 mm dia bar. 113.10
spacing = 213 mm
Spacing < 300 mm
< Web thickness 300 mm safe
Transverse Reinforcement :
Assuming 8 mm φ two legged stirrups
Asv = 100.53 mm2
Asv = Tu Sv /b1 d1 (0.87 fy ) + Vu Sv / 2.5 d1 ( 0.87 fy )
b1 = c/c distance between corner bars in the direction of the width = 224 mm
d1 = c/c distance between corner bars in the direction of the depth = 426 mm
X1 = Short Dimension of the stirrups 248 mm
Y1 = Long Dimension of the stirrups = 448 mm
100.53 0.118 Sv + 0.199 Sv
Sv = 317.00 mm -------- (1)
Also , Asv > (τve - τc ) b Sv / 0.87 fy
100 As / b d = 0.580
τc = 0.507 N/mm2
τve = 0.71 N/mm2
100.53 0.166 Sv
Sv < 603.00 mm - - - - - ( 2 )
Spacing should < x1 248 mm
< ( x1+y1 ) /4 = 174 mm
< 300 mm
Sv < 174 mm - - - - - ( 3 )
From ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) & ( 3 )
Sv = 174.00 mm
Provide 8 mm dia two legged stirrups @ 174 mm c/c
No of stirrups = 11 No.
If There is no meaning of changing the shear reinforcement in central portion, therefore
Provide 8 mm dia two legged stirrups @ 174 mm c/c throughout the beam. Otherwise
Provide 8 mm dia two legged stirrups @ 174 mm c/c upto 1.576 m from support 11 No. and then Provide 302 mm
Check for deflection :
Basic span /d = 20 Cantilever 7
100 Ast / b d = 0.580 simply supported 20
service stress = 214.97 N/mm2 continuous 26
modification factor = 1.300
Permissible Span / d ratio = 25.99
Actual Span / d ratio = 10.82 safe

3 12 φ
4 16 φ
1 12 φ on each face


Provide 8 mm dia two legged stirrups @ 174 mm c/c upto 1.576 m from support 11
18 KN

27.00 KN/m


9 KN

9 KN 76.50
Shear KN

106.88 KNm



Torque 4.05 KNm

55.53 30.6 1.58 m

1.58 30.6 55.53 KN 98.10 KN

Equivalent Shear diagram
2.5 2.5

Design shear strength ‫ﺡ‬c = 0.85 √ 0.8 x fck ( √ 1 + 5 x β - 1 )

β = 0.8 x fck / 6.89 Pt , but not less than 1.0
11.32783 11.32783
τc = 0.33 N/mm2
1 - √ 1 - ( 4.6 / fck) x ( Mu / bd2 )
fy / fck

Table 7-6
Development length for single mild steel bars
fy N /
mm2 Tension bars Compression bars
15 20 15 20
250 55 26 44 37
415 56 47 45 38
500 69 58 54 46

Design shear strength ‫ﺡ‬c = 0.85 √ 0.8 x fck ( √ 1 + 5 x β - 1 )

β = 0.8 x fck / 6.89 Pt , but not less than 1.0
4.001973 4.001973
τc = 0.51 N/mm2

Spacing of Stirrups Sv = 0.87 Fy Asv d / Vus

op , this bars will be used anchor bars.

mm2 on each face at centre. safe

No. and then Provide 302 mm c/c in central portion

3 12 φ
2 12 φ

4 16 φ

upto 1.576 m from support 11 No. and then Provide 302 mm c/c in central portion

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