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-Write 5 sentences with Apostrophe + S.

1. - This is my husband´s briefcase.

2. – That pizza is my daughter´s favorite.

3. – My husband loves car racing that´s his passion.

4. –These are my family´s pets a Rottweiler and a Schnauzer.

5. –The closing of the module is Saturday.

- Write 10 sentences with the verb “To have”.

1. – I have a great husband and daughter.

2. – I have a nice and big house.

3. – I have an Infonavit credit house.

4. – My friend has beautiful and educated children.

5. – My stepdaughter has pretty phone case.

6. – I have a busy life.

7. – I have a habit of taking sedalmerck.

8. – My cousin has a visa to the United States.

9. – My dog has very large eyelashes.

10. – My husband has a toolbox.

- Write 10 sentences with “There is/are + preposition on/at/in”.

1. – There is a very rich bread near my house.

2. – There are two super in the corner of my house.

3. – Are there 6 chairs in my kitchen?

4. – There isn’t $100 in the bank.

5. – How many writers are in your house?

6. – There is rice for food.

7. – Is there coffee and sugar in the office?

8. – How many customers are in the car lot?

9. – There isn’t music in the business.

10. – Is there electricity in the municipality of Jesus Maria?

Cover Page
Name: Miriam Del Carmen Torres Murillo.
Module Name:Idioma Extranjero 1 v2.
Name of the homework: Assignment 4 Text file.
Date: Tuesday 8 de October del 2019.

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