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Organizational Design and Dynamics be effective because strategically valuable resources

By: BEZT (Alisna Yanni. Felicia Tamara) give an organization a competitive edge.
Kalo mau sebar bilang dlu yaaaa, love :) Indicators:
Kemungkinan besar yang ini keluar (yang distabiloin •Bargaining position—​the ability of the
kemungkinan besar keluar jd mohon di hafal gais) organization to obtain from its environ- ment

BAB 1 
scarce and valued resources, including
tangible resources such as a prime location,
financing, raw materials, and quality
1. 4 Value Effective Halaman 76 employees, and intangible assets such as a
strong brand or superior knowledge
•The abilities of the organization’s decision
makers to perceive and correctly in- ​terpret
the real properties of the external
environment and supply forces
•The abilities of managers ​to use tangible
(e.g., supplies, people) and intangible (e.g.,
knowledge, corporate culture) resources and
capabilities in day-to-day or- ganizational
activities to achieve superior performance
•The ability of the organization to respond
to changes in resource sectors of the
1.Goal Approach
Usefulness​. The resource-based approach is valuable when
The Goal Approach to effectiveness consists of
other indicators of performance are difficult to obtain.
identifying an organization’s output goals and
assessing how well the organization has attained
Internal Process Approach
those goals
internal process approach ​effectiveness is measured as
internal organizational health and efficiency.
● Profitability​: The positive gain from business
•​A strong​, adaptive corporate culture and positive
operations or investments after expenses are
subtracted work climate
● Market Share: ​The proportion of the market •​Confidence and trust between employees and
the firm is able to capture relative to management
competitors •​Operational efficiency​, such as using minimal
● Growth: ​The ability of the organization to resources to achieve outcomes
increase its sales, profits, or client base over •​Undistorted horizontal and vertical communication
time •​Growth and development of employees
● Social Responsibility: How well the
•​Coordination among the organization’s parts​, with
organization serves the interests of society
as well as itself conflicts resolved in the interest of the larger
● Product Quality: The ability of the organization
organization to achieve high quality in its
products or services
Usefulness. The internal process approach is important
because the efficient use of resources and harmonious internal
Usefulness​. The goal approach is used in functioning are good ways to assess orga- nizational
business organizations because output goals effectiveness.
can be readily measured.
Strategic Constituent Approach
2.Resource-Based Approach The strategic constituents ​approach is related to the
resource-based approach looks at the input side of stakeholder approach.The strategic constituents approach
the transformation process shown in Exhibit 2.10. It measures effectiveness by focusing on the satisfaction of key
assumes organizations must be successful in stakeholders, those who are critical to the organization’s
obtaining and managing valued resources in order to ability to survive and thrive.
A Framework for Interorganizational Relationships


Usefulness. Research has shown that the assessment of

multiple constituents is an accurate reflection of
Cara untuk mengendalikan interindependence:
organizational effectiveness, especially with respect to orga-
nizational adaptability.
● Resources Dependence​: keadaan di mana suatu
organisasi mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap
2. 6 Horizontal Organic Halaman 100
organisasi lain. Ketergantungan yang dimaksud:
Across department bisa kerja bareng (Organik itu berarti
pemasukan bahan baku yg dibutuhkan dalam proses
flexible ga harus pake SOP segala)
- ​Acquisition/Merger​: Akuisisi merupakan
bentuk hubungan yang menawarkan bentuk kontrol
terbesar. Merger merupakan penggabungan antara
dua perusahaan atau lebih yang menjadi satu
- Joint Venture​: pembentukan sebuah
organisasi baru yang lebih besar, kreatif serta
innovative yang dibentuk oleh dua organisasi atau
lebih. Contoh: HULU hasil dari joint venture disney,
news corporation dan comcast.
- Strategic Alliance​: collaborative agreement
yang dilakukan antara 2 perusahan atau lebih. Tapi
Horizontal Linkage​: refers to communication and coordination tetap berkompetisi sehingga kontribusi yang
horizontally across organizational departments. dilakukan dibatasi oleh perjanjian. Contoh: Skyteam:
- Relational Coordinations gabungan dari gardua indonesia, air france, china
- Teams: permanent, sesuai fungsi (virtual teams) southern airlines, dll. Dengan adanya aliansi skyteam
- Full Time Integrators: tidak report ke functional akan mempermudah setiap penumpang yang ingin
department full time, hanya mencangkup sebagian melakukan transfer penerbangan.
divisi. (Product Manager) -Supply Sourcing: ​kerjasama kontrak antara
- Task Force: Temporary committee dari semua divisi perusahaan dan supplier agar supplier tersebut
untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah/project menyediakan bahan baku yang tidak dimiliki
- Liaison Roles: seseorang yang ditempatkan untuk perusahaan tersebut. Contoh: SCA (Svenska
tujuan berkomunikasi Cellulosa Aktiebolaget) yang mensupply toilet paper,
- Information Systems: computerized tissue untuk restoran, perkantoran, sekolah dan
Makin ke atas (effective horizontal design) makin kerjanya institusi yang lain.
fulltime/ permanent. Makin ke bawah makin ga full time. - Trade Association: ​sebuah perkumpulan

BAB 5 
dari beberapa organisasi atau perusahaan yang
berada dalam industri yang sama dan memiliki visi
serupa. Tujuannya adalah agar setiap perusahaan bisa
3. Interorganizational saling berbagi informasi serta pengalaman.
● Organizational Ecosytem - Board Interlock​: suatu keadaan di mana
Hubungan 4 organisasi dengan organisasi lain direksi dari suatu perusahaan akan menjabat menjadi
direksi juga di beberapa perusahaan lain guna
membangun hubungan antar perusahaan tersebut.
● Collaborative Networks​: gabungan dua atau lebih
perusahaan, individu atau entitas organisasi lainnya
yang memiliki kemampuan dan sumber daya yang
dibutuhkan untuk mencapai hasil tertentu. Membuat
suatu organisasi menjadi pada posisi terbaik untuk
memanfaatkan sumber daya yg ada dan menciptakan
nilai baru. Merupakan jaringan yang terdiri dari
berbagai entitas yang mandiri dan heterogen.
Diperlukan untuk menciptakan nilai melalui
kemampuan baru untuk mengatasi kebutuhan
inovasi, ketidakpastian, dan persaingan sengit.
Strategies for Global Versus Local Opportunities
● Population Ecology: studi ttg perubahan dinamis
dalam satu set organisasi. Menganggap pandangan
- Globalization strategy : Products are standardized
evolusi perubahan evolusi organisasi; organisasi turun
throughout the world
dari organisasi sebelumnya dan perubahan tingkat
Coca cola (only advertising & marketing program are
populasi dalam bentuk organisasi biasanya lambat
dan berkelanjutan.
Walmart (display & marketing strategy, and even
● Institutionalism: menjelaskan bagaimana organisasi
store characteristic are western style)
dapat bertahan dan berhasil melalui penyesuaian
- Multidomestic strategy : Competition is handled in
antara suatu organisasi dan ekspektasi dari
each country independently (​Global Geographic
Structure​) Divides the world into geographic regions,
Motivation for Global Expansion
with each geographic reporting to the CEO. (High local
- Economies of Scale
fit & reponsiveness low global uniformity) contoh:
- Economies of Scope
nasi dan ayam McD.
- Low cost Production Factors
McD & KFC (encourage product design, assembly, marketing
tailored to the specific needs of each country)
Stages of International Development

Domestic ​: domestically oriented, but managers are aware of

the global environment and want to consider initial foreign
International ​: Take export seriously & begins to think multi Global Product Structure
domestically, international div has replaced the export dept - Manager in each product division can focus on
and specialist are hired to handle sales, service and organizing for international operations
warehousing abroad - They are responsible for planning, organizing,
Multinational ​: the company has business unit scattered controlling all function for the production &
around the world. Extensive experience in a number of distribution of its products for any market around the
international markets and has establish marketing, world
manufacturing, or rnd facilities in several foreign countries. - International division : responsible for coordinators in
Strategic Orientation: ​multinational each region. The coordinators find ways to share
Stage of Development: ​explosion facilities & improve production & delivery across all
Structure:​Worldwide geographic product structure product lines sold in their region
Market Potential: ​ Very large, Multinational - Work best : ​company has opportunities for worldwide
Global ​: the company transcends any single country production & sale pf standard products for all
markets, thus providing economic of scale &
standardization of production, marketing, and
- Philips : has one worldwide product group responsible
for coordinating the global R&D, manufacturing,
marketing, and sales activities

Global Coordination Mechanisms

- Global Teams
- Headquarters Planning
- Expanded Coordination Roles

BAB 7 
4. Manufacturing and Service Technologies

Manufacturing Techonology​:
● Traditional Manufacturing Process
● Contempory Applications
○ Smart Factory
○ Lean Manufacturing : JIT (just in time). Perlu
memerlukan highly trained employees, six 3 Jenis basic Technology by Woordward
sigma, kaizen, paved the way for mass - Small batch & Unit Production (Kaya patung bikinnya
customization dikit”)​ ORGANIC
- Large batch & mass production ( nyuci 50 kg
langsung)​ MECHANIC
- Continuous Process (bikin produksi aqua trus
menerus) ​ORGANIC
1 Produk bisa punya banyak technology yang digunakan,
Botol aqua (botol di cetak dan ada berhentinya)
Ngisi air (continuous)

Core Organization Service technology

Joanna Woodward

Non core departmental technology

- Variety: unexpected event contoh di kelas tiba” ada
yang keserupan dosen harus bisa langsung talangin
- Analyzability : uda ada SOP kaya pesawat
- Framework: The two dimensions of departmental
technology and examples of departmental activities
that would fit on Perrow’s framework
- ​Overall performance​: goals are growth and
output volume. Reflected in terms of net
income, earnings per share, or return on
- ​Resources: ​pertain to the acquisition of
needed material and financial resources
from the environment.
- ​Market​: making changes in marketing and
selling approaches to win over more
-​Employee development​: pertains to
training, promotion, safety, and growth of
employees, ,maintain a motivated,
committed workforce
- ​Innovation and change​: ​innovation goals​:
internal flexibility and readiness to adapt to
unexpected changes in the environment.
Innovation: concern to the development of
specific new services, products, or
production processes. ​Innovation and
change goals​: may cause decrease in profit
but important.
- ​Productivity​: concern the amount of output
achieved from available resources.
Relationship Between Technical Complexity and Structural
● Selecting Strategy and Design
- Strategy​: a plan for interacting with the
competitive environment.
Model to formulate strategy:
- Porter’s Competitive Strategies -> ​sudut pandang
industri ​(PASTI MASUK!!!!!)

BAB 2 
5. Strategy, Organization Design, and Effectiveness BAB
2 - Differentiation focus on uniqueness
- Cost leadership focus on efficiency, low cost
● Strategic intent​: organization’s energies and - Fokus di industri besar: cost leadership,
resources are directed toward a focused, unifying, differentiation.
and compelling goal. - Fokus di industri kecil: focus cost, focus
-​Mission​: tujuan apa yang mau dicapai. differentiation.
-​Competitive advantage​: keunggulan
bersaing, keunggulan yang dimiliki yang tdk - Miles & Snow’s Strategy Typology -> ​sudut pandang
dimiliki oleh bisnis lain. organisasi ​(INI JUGA!!!)
-​Core competenc​e: apa yang paling ahli yang Managers should seek to formulate strategy that
perusahaan dapat lakukan. matches the demands of the external environment.
● Operating goals​: provide employee direction and ○ Prospector:
motivation, offer decision guidelines, and define - Learning orientation, flexible, fluid,
standards of performance. decentralized structure.
- Values creativity, risk-taking, and
○ Defender​:
- Efficiency orientation; centralized
authority and tight cost control.
- Emphasis on production efficiency,
low overhead.
○ Analyzer​:
- Balances Efficiency and learning;
tight cost with flexibility and
- Emphasis on creativity; research;

BAB 8 
risk-taking for innovation.
○ Reactor​:
6. No Clear organizational approach; design
characteristics may shift abruptly depending on 8. Technology for Control, Social Business, and Big Data
current needs.
● Balanced Scorecard: ​comprehensive
7. Perbedaan Divisional, Matrix, Horizontal management control system that balances
traditional financial measures with
operational measures relating to a
Jenis Keterangan company’s critical success factors.

Horizontal Ilmunya bisa dipake ke departemen lain tapi

lebih efisien kalau sendiri. Contohnya:
Design buat ​business development​.

Matrix Ilmunya dibutuhin didepartemen macem”

contoh: dosen prasmul (ngajar beberapa
program). Di posisikan karena skills dia di
perluin di beberapa projek. Jadi resourcenya
bisa dimana mana.

Divisional Produknya biasa heterogen (contoh: SBE

dan STEM).
+ Fast change customer satisfaction, high
coordination, large organization,
- no economic of scale poor coordination in
product, no knowledge transfer, poor

Melalui balanced scorecard bisa identify key

performance indicators (KPIs) yang akan di track oleh
sebuah organisasi.

BAB 1 
Fungsional Biasa produknya homogen. di buat 9. Historical Perspectives
berdasarkan fungsi contohnya: RnD
+knowledge transfer few products,
economic of scale
- slow response, hierarchy overload, less
innovation, poor horizontal coordination
1. Explain 4 approaches to effectiveness value & give
2. Explain 6 horizontal coordination mechanisms & give
3. Explain 4 framework of interorganizational
4. What is globalization strategy? What structure is
suitable for this strategy? Explain clearly and draw the
5. Explain 3 types of technology based on joan
woodward theory and give example!

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