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Okay,Assalamualaikum Wr,Wb

Good morning to judges,ladies and gentlemen now I’m here stand up in front of you all I want to
tell you a story but before I tell you about my story I would like to introduce my self my name is
Okay, and now I want to tell you about a story ‘TIMUN EMAS’ This is the famous story
Indonesia,you know what ?

Once upon a time,in a small village lived an old woman named mbok Rondho she lived
alone her husband had died,she doesn’t have a child,she wanted to have a child . One night, she
pray at heart “Oh god….I don’t have a child,when will I have a child?”said mbok Rondho in her
heart and then she called a supranatural giant whose named Buto Ijo she clek her hand and Buto
Ijo was coming,”Ha..Ha..Ha..Ha.. Why you called me Mbok Rondho?”ask buto ijo “Buto Ijo I
have one request to you it is been a long time i have no child, can you help me?”explained Mbok
Rondho “Ha..Ha..Ha..Ha..Of couse,I can give you a child but on one condition. You must give
the child back to me when she is sixteen years old.”replied Buto Ijo and then Mbok Rondho
agree with what buto ijo says then Buto Ijo gave her cucumber seeds.

At night,Mbok Rondho planted the cucumber seeds in front of the house,in the next day
she found a big cucumber in her yard and when she cut with her knife in the cucumber there was
a beautiful baby and she give her named timun emas and mbok rondho said”Its beautiful baby”.
Years passedd Timun emas has grown to be a very beautiful girl and don’ forget that she
was 16 years old which means Mbok Rondho has a promise that she must return timus emas to
buto ijo at the age of 16 and because of that Mbok Rondho becomes sad and prayed to
god,”What should I do now if Buto Ijo take Timun Emas back? I don’t want it happen.Please
help me god.” When Timun emas back home and then her mom say,”Timun mas come here i
want to say what will happened to you.Hmm…Actually before you were born i made a promise
with buto ijo.”said Mbok Rondho‘Woah.. who is buto ijo mom?”“He is a giant who helped me to
have a child,i must give you to him when you are 16 years old.Now,there are four little bags,
each of them containing there are cucumber seeds, needles, salt, and shrimp paste. You can use
these to protect yourself,and I will pray for your safety.”
After mbok rondho explained to timun emas buto ijo was coming and say,”Hahaha...
Mbok Rondho Now I will take her back.Where is timun emas mbok rondho?”shouted buto ijo
And mother says to buto ijo "buto ijo timun mas there is no in anywhere"replied mbok
rondho”You must keep your promise Mbok Rondho”Said buto ijo with angrily.
Buto Ijo was getting closer and closer, so Timun Emas opened the first bag and
second bag which is the inside there are cucumber seeds and needles but it didn’t work to make
buto ijo defeat and then Timun Emas take the third bag which the inside is salt and she threw it
and turned into a deep sea but before buto ijo get out from the sea timun emas take the last bag
which the inside is shrimp paste and she threw it then returne to a big swamp of boiling mud and
slowly drowned him.
Helpless, he roared out, “Help! Heeeeelp…!” Then Buto Ijo drown and died.
Timun Mas then immediately went home and live happily ever after with mbok rondho.

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