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30 characters with spaces

Soon there will be more plasti


30 characters with spaces

Soon there will be more plasti


80 characters with spaces

Inexpensive, light and versatile – plastic fits into several aspects of our life


Plastic is killing our fish

Give up plastic now

You can help by giving up things like straws, polythenes and cosmetics.

Plastic is poisoning oceans

Give up plastic now

Microplastics enter our food chain. Give up cosmetics containing microplastics.

Plastic stays forever

Give up plastic now

It takes hundreds of years to decompose. Refuse or minimise your plastic use.


Our forests are disappearing

Give up paper now

Help save forests. Give up unnecessary printing and paper bills. Use FSC paper.
Paper can cost us wildlife

Give up paper now

Save our forests and wildlife by minimising your paper use. Use only FSC paper.

We need trees more than paper

Give up paper now

We are losing our forests. Save paper, refuse paper bills, cups and napkins.


We could face global water deficit

Give up water wastage now

Start small - give up long showers, use efficient flush systems and save water.

840 mn may lack water by 2050

Give up water wastage now

Help prevent the water crisis. Use water efficiently, conserve more and reuse.

Our water bodies are drying

Give up water wastage now

It starts at home - take bucket baths, reuse grey water and use rainwater too.


We could face global water deficit

Give up water wastage now

Start small - give up long showers, use efficient flush systems and save water.


30 characters with spaces

Soon there will be more plasti

30 characters with spaces

Soon there will be more plasti


80 characters with spaces

Inexpensive, light and versatile – plastic fits into several aspects of our life


Plastic is killing our fish

Give up plastic now

You can help by giving up things like straws, polythenes and cosmetics.

Plastic is poisoning oceans

Give up plastic now

Microplastics enter our food chain. Give up cosmetics containing microplastics.

Plastic stays forever

Give up plastic now

It takes hundreds of years to decompose. Refuse or minimise your plastic use.


Our forests are disappearing

Give up paper now

Help save forests. Give up unnecessary printing and paper bills. Use FSC paper.

Paper can cost us wildlife

Give up paper now

Save our forests and wildlife by minimising your paper use. Use only FSC paper.

We need trees more than paper

Give up paper now

We are losing our forests. Save paper, refuse paper bills, cups and napkins.


We could face global water deficit

Give up water wastage now

Start small - give up long showers, use efficient flush systems and save water.

840 mn may lack water by 2050

Give up water wastage now

Help prevent the water crisis. Use water efficiently, conserve more and reuse.

Our water bodies are drying

Give up water wastage now

It starts at home - take bucket baths, reuse grey water and use rainwater too.


Millions go hungry every day

Give up food wastage now

Order what you’d finish, don’t overstock groceries and start composting.

Food wastage is a global issue

Give up food wastage now

Don’t waste anything on your plate, shop smart and use leftovers.

800+ million people need food

Give up food wastage now

Plan your meals, use leftovers and compost all food waste.


Millions go hungry every day

Give up food wastage now

Order what you’d finish, don’t overstock groceries and start composting.

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