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What is importance of reducing our

use of plastic?

plastic is one of the biggest causes of pollution, its

degradation is 100 1000 years on land and oceans. In many countries
the use of plastic bags, the use of plates, cups and even plastic cutlery
has already been forbidden, since This material is not suitable for the
environment due to its degradation that takes many years. in the
current community they do not realize the damage they cause when
using plastic because a glass only uses it for a moment and we throw it
away but it remains on the planet for hundreds of years. the need to
reduce the plastic is due to the number of animals that die from eating
plastic, or get entangled, every year the ocean reaches any amount of
garbage between 70 and 80 percent is made up of garbage.

marine animals are trapped and even consume all that amount of
plastic that is the reason why hundreds of animals are dying, since
there are more than 200 marine species in the ocean including whales,
dolphins, seals and turtles.
In addition, not only to marine animals, but also to wild animals, as
birds are trapped until they reach death.

garbage is generated through the streets, forests, sewers, beaches,

lakes and pollutants in the air.

To avoid causing so much contamination with plastic it is advisable to

drink water in glass cups, use stainless steel bottles, use wooden or
metal cutlery, buy wooden toys or recycled material, use ceramic
dishes, carry cloth bags when we go to shopping at the supermarket,
composting organic waste, buying groceries in glass containers

Plastic makes an impact because its compounds can be organic,

synthetic or semisynthetic. It also has compounds of oil and gas.

In addition, people do not realize the benefits of reducing plastics. For

example, oil extraction is avoided, energy consumption is reduced, the
death of wild and marine animals is avoided, solid waste is reduced, if
we try not to Using plastic we could better the environment and there
would not be so many deaths of animals.
In short, the importance of reducing plastic is to keep wild life safe also
better the life of every human being, reducing plastic not only save but
also avoid getting sick because the plastic has a few tiny particles that
we ingest and not we realize, in addition to using so much plastic we
do not realize that the planet suffers and expresses it in serious
consequences, and if we continue like this in 2030 the production of
plastic will be 619 million tons globally. also when using both plastic is
more likely to cause a problem by specific phenomena such as
tsunamis and even drought. In addition, problems arise when we no
longer want something and we throw it out. Plastic is taken care of
because it is easy and cheap to manufacture, so people look at it as a
saving of time or even money

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