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THIS RESEARCH AIMS TO SHOW A COMPARISON BETWEEN Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and Social Media Marketing Tactics
TWO WORLD-KNOWN ARCHITECT STUDIO ABOUT THEIR websites to promote a product or service. Social media marketing Ÿ Twitter
INFLUENCE IN SOCIAL MEDIA ON MILLENNIAL includes activities like posting text and image updates, videos, and and Twitter allows companies to promote their products in
GENERATION SPECIALLY IN ARCHITECTURE STUDENT other content that drives audience engagement, as well as paid social short messages limited to 140 characters. Tweets can
AND THE GROWTH OF ARCHITECTURE NOWADAYS. media advertising. contain text, Hashtag, photo, video, Animated GIF,
There are 2 strategies to social media marketing namely: Emoji, or links to the product's website and other
Ÿ Passive Approach
WOHA The passive approach Social media is used as a source of market Ÿ Facebook
social media profiles, etc.

Founder : Wong Mun Summ &Richard Hassell information and a way to hear customer perspectives. Marketers can use They allow a product to provide videos, photos, and
Founded : Singapore 1994 social media to obtain 'live' or "real time" information about consumer longer descriptions, and testimonials as other
WOHA has designed lots of influental projects behavior and viewpoints on a company's brand that is more accurate. followers can comment on the product pages for
that focused in sustainable design. Ÿ Active Approach others to see. Facebook can link back to the product's
Social media can be used not only as public relations and direct marketing Twitter page as well as send out event reminders.
Some Projects : tools but also as communication channels targeting very specific Ÿ LinkedIn
- Oasia Hotel Downtown, Singapore, 2011-2016 audiences and as effective customer engagement tools. They are known LinkedIn, a professional business-related networking
- SkyVille @ Dawson, Singapore, 2007-2015 for providing a short, fast, and direct way to reach an audience through a site, allows companies to create professional profiles
- CapitaMall Tianfu, , China, 2007-2015 person who is widely known. for themselves as well as their business to network
- The Grove at Baiyun, Guangzhou, 2011- 2016 and meet others.
- Goodwood Residence, Singapore, 2010-2013
- Parkroyal on Pickering, Singapore, 2010-2013
Instagram provides a platform where user and
From to the survey that we have done for the period of two week from the company can communicate publicly and directly,
4th November 2018 to 18th November 2018, we managed to garner 50 making itself an ideal platform for companies to
BIG rrespondent of Architectural students from the University of Atmajaya
Yogyakarta class of 2016. The result is a graphic showing the interest of
connect with their current and potential customers.
As Instagram is supported by Apple and android
Founder : Bjarke Ingels
Founded : 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark Millenial generation towards the official site of BIG and WOHA. Both firm system, it can be easily accessed by smartphone users. Moreover,
BIG, mainly focused on creating innovative and chosen as the case study because of their credentials, unique design it can be accessed by the Internet as well. Thus, the marketers see it
unique design for their project. approach that represent millenials and the fact that they actively engage in as a potential platform to expand their brands exposure to the
social media. public, especially the younger target group. Instagram has proven
itself a powerful platform for marketers to reach their customers and
Some Projects :
- Mountain Dwellings , Copenhagen, Denmark
1 Which Architectural firm is more renown prospects through sharing pictures and brief messages.
- 8 House in Ørestad, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Copenhagen Harbour Baths, 2002 WOHA
- Maritime Youth House,Copenhagen 2004 BIG
- Psychiatric Hospital, Denmark 2005 CONCLUSIONS
- VM Houses, 2006
2 Which firm has the more interesting social media and official Based on the surveys, we can conclude that the most
Architecture and Social Media site
effective social media for marketing design is Instagram, because
people tends to open Instagram a lot. The conceptual tactic of
Social media nowadays become a very important thing to millennial Instagram that use picture as the main attraction is great for design
generation. With the rise of the useage of social media in the present WOHA especially architecture that also communicate well through
age, social media has increasingly major impact in several fields such BIG pictures. The main target of this marketing design is the millennial
as commerce, politic, and way of life for people around the world, so it generation, who is now a generation that takes the lead as the new
is unsurprising that social media has a major impact on Architecture era. Therefore, we can conclude that Instagram is the most effective
too. for marketing design.
Examples of which can be seen on social media platforms such as 3 Which social media is more interesting
Instagram. On Instagram, people shared million photos and videos INSTAGRAM
each day and it is affecting our visual perception . Architecture is LINKEDIN JANE LIGAWAN 160116445
affected from the inside out, such as how the client’s expectation TWITTER ZESHEN 160116649
about the building, they want the building to look alive and FACEBOOK YONATAN KURNIAWAN 160116678
comfortable JUPITER SINDORO 160116690

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