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good morning teacher. my name is emerson morales valdiviezo, I am a student of agronomic


In this oportunity, I will present my monograph entitled "the story behind the festival:
Tomorrowland", To obtain the certificate of the basic English course and to complement my
professional career

Why my topic is important?

because I think that if more people find out about this great festival, they could find an escape
from everything routine, since tomorrow is a place that breaks borders and is also for many
the perfect psychologist.

“Yesterday is history, today is a gift and tomorrow is a mystery” this phrase might not tell
you anything, but for millions of people in the world, it says it all.
It is the slogan of Tomorrowland, an electronic music festival
held annually (anyo͞oəlē) in Boom (Belgium), and which represents the most important
event for lovers of this type of music.
I have decided (diˈsīdid) to investigate a little more what is sure behind this festival.


Tomorrowland begum on August 14, 2005, to dedicate (diˈsīdid) a weekend to electronic

music and the party continues.

In 2005 the brothers Manu and Michiel Beers began to make their dreams come true; this
happened when they joined the ID&T Company to make the first Tomorrowland in Belgium.

During the first years of the festival the stages were very simple and were not even half as
attractive (əˈtraktiv) as they are now.

in 2011, it was completely changed to a much simpler and nature-related (riˈlātid) design.
The new logo had a tree with the face of a woman surrounded by a forest that simulated
(simyəˌlātid) a fairytale and fantasy.

The current (kərənt) version (ˈvərZHən) of the logo is much simpler. For this logo there are
many theories about its meaning, but the one that has caught my attention says that it
simulates an eye on a butterfly, which comes from the Egyptian god Horus and means that
Tomorrowland wants to enslave (enˈslāv) the world as He did the pharaohs

it’s said (sed) that the butterfly represents mind control and seduction; although it can also
symbolize (ˈsimbəˌlīz) death and just as the caterpillar (katə(r)ˌpilər) transforms into a
butterfly, people who attend the festival can become free souls.


The emergence (iˈmərjəns) of social networks and the massive use of its population made it
possible (ˈpäsəbəl) to change course in the right direction and marketing campaigns (online
and offline) were standard.

The channels in which the brand is currently (kərəntlē) located are: Web, Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube and Spotify to mention a few, but obviously(äbvēəslē) the "Tomorrowland" brand
is not simply a brand or service, but it is an experience since buying He has the option to
customize (kəstəˌmīz ) it on his website


Tomorrowland has an area( e(ə)rēə), DreamVille, designed so that attendees can camp with
all the necessary amenities. On its tenth anniversary, the festival designed two packages
that can currently (kərəntlē) range between 290 (Two hundred and ninety) euros and 3,650
(three thousand six hundred fifty )euros
The festival has its own La Perla currency (ˈkə-rənsē,) which is exchanged at the main
entrance of Tomorrowland, on DreamVille or on the website, which come in a BoozeBag
containing 35 coins, equivalent (iˈkwivələnt) to approximately (əˈpräksəmətlē) 50 euros.

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