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Department of Education


Sto. Cristo, Tarlac City


Problem Solving

1. There are 11 boys and 6 girls in a birthday party. How

many children are there in the party?

What are the given facts?

What do you need to know?
What do you do to solve the problem?
Show your work.
Did you answer the question?

2. There are 13 birds on the electric wire. 4 birds flew

away. How many birds were left?

What are the given facts?

What do you need to know?
What do you do to solve the problem?
Show your work.
Did you answer the question?

3. Jomar is 6 years old now. How old will he be 4

years from now?

What are the given facts?

What do you need to know?
What do you do to solve the problem?
Show your work.
Did you answer the question?
Department of Education
Sto. Cristo, Tarlac City


Problem Solving

1. Budong helps his mother at the flower shop twice a

week. One week he sold 65 pieces in one day and 24
pieces the next day. How many flowers did he sell in
two days?

What are the given facts?

What do you need to know?
What do you do to solve the problem?
Show your work.
Did you answer the question?

2. A triangle has 3 sides. If you are asked to draw 17

triangles and count the sides, how many sides will
there be?

3. For the “Bantay-Bata” fund drive, Grade 2 Red

collected P164.00 in one month; Grade 2 Blue
collected P131.00. How much more did Grade 2 Red
collect than Grade 2 Blue?

4. Mother made sandwiches for Jomar’s birthday party.

She cut each sandwiches into 2 so that she had a total
of 20 sandwiches. How many whole sandwiches did
she have before she cut them?
Department of Education
Sto. Cristo, Tarlac City


Problem Solving

1. Mr. Bean has poultry with 864 chickens. Of these

chickens, 241 lay eggs. How many chickens do not
lay eggs?

What are the given facts?

What do you need to know?
What do you do to solve the problem?
Show your work.
Did you answer the question?

2. Jomar and Budong rode on bikes from opposite

directions. Jomar traveled 45 kilometers. Budong
traveled 32 kilometers. How many kilometers did the
two boys travel?

3. The librarian received 110 Science books, 140 Math

books and 90 English books. How many books did he
receive in all? If the librarian ordered a total of 450
books, how many more books have not arrived?

4. During the feast day of Saint Sebastian, a vendor has

58 red balloons and 85 green balloons. He sold 118
balloons and 5 burst. How many balloons remained?
Department of Education
Sto. Cristo, Tarlac City


Problem Solving

1. Dennis has six P50-bills and five P20-bills. How

much money has he?

What are the given facts?

What do you need to know?
What do you do to solve the problem?
Show your work.
Did you answer the question?

2. Mr. Lopez sold 1 284 seedlings. He gave 120 pieces to

the school and put the rest in boxes of 12 pieces. How
many boxes of seedlings he make?

3. Mr. Cruz bought a house for P350 000. He spent

P120 000 for its repair. Then he sold the house for
P670 000. How much was his profit?

4. Victor needs 189 nails to make a bookcase. He has 2

boxes of 42 nails each. How many boxes of 35 nails
each must he buy?
Department of Education
Sto. Cristo, Tarlac City


Problem Solving

1. Mr. Masipag sold chickens worth P50 000 an a month.

The next month, he sold P44 687 worth of chickens.
How much was the decrease in sales?

What are the given facts?

What do you need to know?
What do you do to solve the problem?
Show your work.
Did you answer the question?

2. A team of volleyball players solicited donations for

their uniforms. Each of the 15 players was ale to
collect P1 020. How much did they solicit in all?

3. The PTA board donated P8 625 to buy books for the

school library. How many books can the library buy
if a book costs P95?

4. From the sale of the old newspapers, the H.E. girls

were able to get P986. Then, they bought 3 sets of
kitchen tools at P158 a set. With the money left, they
bought 2 sets of pots and pans. What is the cost of
each set?
Department of Education
Sto. Cristo, Tarlac City


Problem Solving

1. Edmond gathered 985 eggs in poultry house and 857

in another. How many in all did he gather?

What are the given facts?

What do you need to know?
What do you do to solve the problem?
Show your work.
Did you answer the question?

2. A store keeper bought 6 boxes of balloons with dozen

balloons in each box. How many balloons did he buy?

3. A man bought 40 delicious apples at P15.00 each.

He sold them at P20 each. How much did he earn if
7 were spoiled and he sold the rest?

4. A boat owner together with 9 fishermen caught 395

crabs were divided equally among themselves. Any
extra crabs were added to the boat owner’s share. How
many crabs made up the boat owner’s share?
Worded Problem Key

Grade I

1. 1. 11 boys and 6 girls

2. Number of children who attend the party

3. Add

4. 11 + 6 = 17

5. Yes, there are 17 children’s attended the party.

2. 1. 13 - number of birds on the electric wire

4 - number of birds that flew away

2. Number of birds left

3. Subtract

4. 13 - 4 = 9

5. Yes, there are 9 birds left on the electric wire

3. 1. 6 - age of Jomar at present

4 - number of years from now

2. Age of Jomar 4 years from now

3. Add

4. 6 + 4 = 10

5. Yes, age of Jomar is 10 years old.

Worded Problem Key

Grade II

1. 1. 65 - number of flowers sold on the first day

24 - number of flowers sold on the second day
2. number of flowers he sell for two days
3. add
4. 65 + 24 = 89
5. Yes, Budong sold 89 flowers in two days

2. 1. 3 - sides of a triangle
17 - number of triangles
2. number of sides of 17 triangles
3. multiply
4. 3 x 17 = 51
5. Yes, there are 51 sides out of 17 triangles drawn

3. 1. P164.00 - amount of collection of Grade 2 Red

P131.00 - amount of collection of Grade 2 Blue
2. the difference of the amount collected by Grade 2
Red with the Grade 2 Blue
3. subtract
4. 164.00 - 131.00 = 33.00
5. Yes, Grade 2 Red has P33.00 collection more than
the Grade 2 Blue .

4. 1. 2 - parts of a whole sandwich

20 - total number of sandwiches
2. number of whole sandwiches
3. divide or multiply
4. 20 ÷ 2 = 10 or ½ x 20 = 10
5. Yes, 10 whole sandwiches
Worded Problem Key

Grade III

1. 1. 864 - total number of chickens

241 - number of chickens that lay eggs
2. number of chickens do not lay eggs
3. subtract
4. 864 - 241 = 623
5. Yes, there are 623 chickens does not lay eggs

2. 1. 45 - distance traveled by Jomar

32 - distance traveled by Budong
2. distance traveled by the two boys
3. add
4. 45 + 32 = 77
5. Yes, both of them traveled at a distance of 77

3. 1. 110 - number of science books

140 - number of math books
90 - number of English books
450 - total number of books ordered
2. number of books received and have not arrived
3. add and subtract
4. 110 + 140 + 90 = 340
450 - 340 = 110
5. Yes, the librarian received 340 books and there are
110 books have not arrived.

4. 1. 58 red balloons
85 green balloons
2. Number of balloons remained
3. Add and subtract
4. [(58 + 85) – 118] – 5
= [143 – 118 ] – 5
= 25 – 5
= 20
5. Yes, there are 20 balloons remained.
Worded Problem Key

Grade IV

1. 1. 6 P50-bills and 5 P20-bills

2. Amount of money Dennis has in all
3. Add and multiply
4. 6(P50) + 5(P20)
= P300 + P100
= P400
5. Yes, Dennis has P400.

2. 1. 1 284 - total number of seedlings

Hidden questions: How many seedlings still left to put
in boxes?
2. Number of boxes of 12 seedlings each
3. Subtract and divide
4. (1 284 – 120) ÷ 12
= 1 164 ÷ 12
= 97
5. Yes, there 97 boxes of 12 seedlings.

3. 1. P350 000 – original amount of the house

P120 000 – amount spent for the house repair
P670 000 – selling amount of the house
2. Selling profit of Mr. Cruz
3. Add and subtract
4. P670 000 – (P350 000 + P120 000)
= P670 000 – P470 000
= P200 000
5. Yes, Mr. Cruz has a profit of P200 000.

4. 1. 189 - nails needed to make a bookcase

2 - boxes of nails containing 42 pieces each
2. number of boxes of 35 nails he must buy
3. multiply, subtract and divide
4. 42 x 2 = 84
189 - 84 = 105
105 ÷ 35 = 3
5. Yes, Victor must buy 3 more boxes of 35 nails.
Worded Problem Key

Grade V

1. 1. P50 000 – sales on the first month

P44 687 – sales on the second month
2. Amount decrease in sales
3. Subtract
4. P50 000 – P44 687 = P5 313
5. Yes, the decrease in sales is P5 313.

2. 1. P1 200 – amount solicited by each player

15 – number of players in a team
2. Total amount solicited by the team
3. Multiply
4. P1 020 x 15 = P15 300
5. Yes, the total amount solicited was P15 300.

3. 1. P8 265 – amount of donations

P95 - cost of a book
2. How many books can the library buy if a book costs
3. Divide
4. 95 8 265
- 7 60
- 665
5. Yes, the library can buy 87 books.

4. 1. P986 – selling amount of old newspapers

P158 – amount of kitchen tools per set of 3
2 sets of pots and pans
2. What is the cost of each set of pots and pans?
Hidden questions and the number phrase for each:
What is the cost of 3 sets of kitchen tools? 3 x 158
How much left after buying the kitchen tools? 986 – (3 x 158)
3. multiply, subtract and divide
4. [ 986 - (3 x 158)] ÷ 2 =
[ 986 – 474 ] ÷ 2 =
512 ÷ 2 =
5. Yes, the cost of each set of pots and pans is P256.
Worded Problem Key

Grade VI

1. 1. 985 eggs gathered in one poultry house

857 eggs gathered in another poultry house
2. Number of eggs gathered in all
3. Add
4. 985 + 857 = 1 842
5. Yes, there are 1 842 eggs gathered in all.

2. 1. 6 boxes of balloons @ 12 balloons a box

2. Number of balloons bought
3. Multiply
4. 6 (12) = 72
5. Yes, 72 balloons were bought.

3. 1. 40 – number of apples bought

P15 – amount of one apple
P20 – selling amount of one apple
7 – number of spoiled apples
2. Amount earned after selling the apples
Hidden questions and the number phrase for each:
Cost of 40 apples @ P15 each? 40 x 15
Number of apples sold @ P20 each. 40 – 7 = 33 x 20
3. Multiply and subtract
4. P20 (40 – 7) – P15 (40)
= 20 (33) – 15 (40)
= 660 – 600
= P60
5. Yes, the man earned P60 after selling the apples.

4. 1. 395 – number of crabs caught

9 + 1 = 10 – number of fishermen and the boat owner
2. Number of crabs made by the boat owner’s share.
3. Divide and add
4. 10 395 39 + 5 = 44
- 30
- 90
5 – extra crabs
5. Yes, the boat owner’s received 44 crabs share.

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