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Date and Time Related Controls: Data Binding

Date and time related controls can be bound to an OData service.

According to the OData Version 2.0 specification, the following date and time related
primitive data types exist:
1. Edm.Time - represents the time as, for example, PT17H15M, which corresponds to

2. Edm.DateTime - represents the date and time as, for example, 2001-12-21T12:00,
which corresponds to 12:00 PM on Dec 21, 2001.

3. Edm.DateTimeOffset - represents the date and time as an offset in minutes from GMT,
with values from 12:00:00 midnight, January 1, 1753 A.D. through to 11:59:59 P.M,
December 9999 A.D. For example, 1999-01-01T23:01:00Z corresponds to 11:01:00
PM on January 1, 1999.

OData Version 2.0 Binding Types

Binding of time values to TimePicker

1. With a dedicated Edm.Time:
<TimePicker displayFormat="short"
value="{ path: 'EntryTime', type:

The sample shows how to bind time values at the backend \(for example
PT11H33M55S for 11:33:55\). Note that there is a dedicated data binding type
that recognizes the `Edm.Time` format and can handle time conversions in both
directions - from and to the backend. When you are working with this data
binding type and you choose a value using the `TimePicker` control, the same
value will be sent to the backend, that is, no timezone conversions will be
applied to the value.

2. As a string:
<TimePicker value="{EntryTimeString}" valueFormat="HH:mm:ss"/>

In the above example, the apps give the `TimePicker` information about the
exact format with which the time values are stored in the backend. The whole
coding is string-based \(the data field is a string, and the EDM type is an
`Edm.String`\) and no conversion is done.

With the introduction of the property `support2400` in version 1.54, this

option may be used also if the apps need to differentiate between the
beginning of a day \(00:00:00\) and the end of a day \(24:00:00\). For more
information, see the [API
Reference]( and the

Binding of date values to DatePicker

<DatePicker value="{
path: 'EntryDate',
type: 'sap.ui.model.odata.type.DateTime',
constraints: {
displayFormat: 'Date'
}" />

If you have date values at the backend, you should bind them as shown in the sample
above. When exposing its database field (EntryDate) via OData, date values can be exposed
both as Edm.DateTime and Edm.DateTimeOffset. The syntax for binding the DatePicker
value property is the same in both cases.
Above you can see an example of the displayFormat constraint. It specifies if the given
value should be interpreted as Date or DateTime (default). If Date is specified, the binding
type performs the UTC conversion, which is always on. In other words, any local date
chosen by the end user will be considered as a UTC date and sent as a UTC date to the

Binding of date and time values to DateTimePicker

value="{ path: 'EntryDateTime', type:
'sap.ui.model.odata.type.DateTime' }"/>

In this example, the binding type specifies that the backend data will be interpreted as a
date and time field.
Note: JavaScript provides only one object for working with dates and times – Date, which contains both date and
time information. Currently, all dates that are API properties in the DatePicker, TimePicker,
DateTimePicker, PlanningCalendar and Calendar controls use local time. For example, if a user
chooses 19.02.2018 as a date from the DatePicker, the app developer calls the getDateValue() method.
In this case they will get 19.02.2018 00:00:00 local time. The disadvantage here is that by default this value will be
sent to the backend in UTC, which may change the date by +/- one day.

Binding of date ranges

1. With a dedicated EDM type (Edm.DateTime, Edm.DateTimeOffset):
<DateRangeSelection value="{parts: [{path: 'EntryDate'}, {path:
'EntryDateTimeOffset'}], type: 'sap.ui.model.type.DateInterval',
formatOptions: { UTC: true, format: 'yMd' }}" />

If you have two dates in the backend represented as `Emd.DateTime` and/or

`Edm.DateTimeOffset`, you can bind them to the `DateRangeSelection` control
as shown above.

2. As a string:

If you have the date range provided with a single date formatted string field in the
backend (for example, July 29, 2015 - July 31, 2015), use the value property in the
following way:

value="{path: 'EntryDateRange', valueFormat: 'MMM d, y’}"/>

Note that you need to tell the DateRangeSelection the format of the dates stored in the
backend. The format should denote the format of a single date. If the delimiter is different
than “-”, you need to additionally specify it in the property delimiter.
Related information
Primitive Data Types in the OData Documentation
Formatting, Parsing, and Validating Data
Step 10: Property Formatting Using Data Types

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