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According to Investopedia.

com (2019), they claim “Corporate culture refers to the

beliefs and behaviors that determine how a company's employees and
management interact and handle outside business transactions. Often, corporate
culture is implied, not expressly defined, and develops organically over time from
the cumulative traits of the people the company hires. A company's culture will
be reflected in its dress code, business hours, office setup, employee benefits,
turnover, hiring decisions, CORPORATE culture refers to the beliefs and behaviors
that determine how a company's employees and management interact and
handle outside business transactions. Often, corporate culture is implied, not
expressly defined, and develops organically over time from the cumulative traits
of the people the company hires. A company's culture will be reflected in its dress
code, business hours, office setup, employee benefits, turnover, hiring decisions,
and treatment of clients, client satisfaction, and every other aspect of
I feel it is important for a company to create a corporate culture. It helps to
enable employee happiness which only means a lower rate of turnover of
employees and creates a stronger performance by the company.

A company that creates a good corporate culture, will, in fact create less turnover
of employees because they are happy, and have a since of belonging somewhere.
It also these values and mission is has a Clear mission and values which leads the
employees to know them by heart. Integrated into the company’s internal and
external communications.

When you work for a company with excellent corporate culture, you not only
have colleagues but friends and a great work environment is a breeding ground
for true friendships. The professional dynamic when two or more coworkers
decide to spend time outside of work together, it’s going to be just as positive as
in the office.

Great company cultures support involvement and provide positive, fun ways for
their employees to get together for personal and professional development
activities, both within and outside normal company hours. And the success of the
company culture is indicated in the level of involvement by each employee.
Workplaces with positive cultures support a philosophy of transparency so that
every team member feels they know where they stand, where the company is
headed, and in general they feel “in the loop."

I believe that, as long as the company maintains its corporate culture, it will only
benefit the company. They not only look for the right fit regarding job, position,
experience, but they also interview for the cultural fit. The one thing I liked the
most was when Hsieh, (2010). Said “It’s about giving employees permission and
encouraging them to just be themselves,”

I believe all company’s should follow the lead because it encompasses so much
more. Zappo not only consciously created and reinforced its corporate culture, It
helps those that fit into the company culture to thrive working there. The work
environment provided for employees won't attract every job searcher, and it's
not for every employee.

The company consciously decides what the corporate culture needs to look like.

It then consciously reinforces and supports that culture through all of Human
Resources and management work systems, initiatives, and projects.

Zappos staffs Human Resources locally for success with people. The corporate
group provides company-wide services like the comprehensive employee
handbook. I believe this will be the way hiring should and will be in the future.

Hsieh, T. (2010, June 04). The happiness Culture: Zappo’s isn’t a company – it’s
a mission. Fast company, Retrieved from

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