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Count and Write to 8

Your Name: Camille Mazloomian

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Objective: Students will count 8 objects to 8 and write the number 8 using correct formation

Standards: Counting and Cardinality- K.CC.3: Write numbers from 0-20. Represent a number of objects
with a written numeral 0-20

Procedures: 3 small group centers (5 students in each group/20 minutes per center)
1 Center: Independent/Digital Content
- Students will be using individual iPads on the ST Math application to learn and practice mathematical
learning standards throughout the year.
2nd Center: Hands-on
- Students will be using 8 double sided counters to find and make pairs of 8. My instructional assistant
will be monitoring this station to assist students with correct number formation and for those who need
extra guidance with the concept.
3 Center: Mini Lesson with the Teacher
Opening: I will have students guess what number I am thinking of and that we will learn to write by giving
them hints (number 8). “I am thinking of a number that is 2 less than 10, one greater than 7, etc.” I can also ask
them to hold up all their fingers and take 2 away.
Show students the correct way to form the number 8. Ask students to draw the letter “S” and “close it up.”
Relating the letter 8 to a previously taught and mastered concept brings student’s background knowledge to the
new concept.
Body: Guide students to count objects up to eight and write the number 8 with correct formation through a Go
Math worksheet. I will observe students use of one-to-one counting and how they write their numbers as they
work. I will also be pointing out different number pairs that make 8 referring to the objects sorted on their
Closing: Students will show what they know about the number 8. Writing the number and drawing 8 objects. I
will ask students to tell me what they know about the number 8 to confirm their understanding. They will give
me a number pair, tell me what number it comes after the number 8, draw 8 objects, or show me 8 on their

- I will be using a highlighter to assist students writing the number 8 on a student’s worksheet for students
who have difficulty writing the number 8 independently
- For more advanced learners, I will ask them to write the number word “eight” and write number
sentences that match the set of objects on their worksheets.

Assessment: I will informally assess students of their knowledge from observation throughout the lesson.
I can formally assess student understanding by evaluating their completed worksheets.

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