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Daily Current Affairs for UPSC IAS Preparation

01.08.2019 sectors and the available resources in

rivers, lakes and streams.
1. Cabinet approves increasing strength
of SC judges from 31 to 34 Highlights of the Index
• The Union Cabinet approved • According to the index, Delhi,
increasing the number of judges in the Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad,
top court from the present 31 to 34, Nashik, Jaipur, Ahmedabad and
including the Chief Justice of India. Indore are among the cities facing
• At present, the sanctioned strength of ‘extreme risk’.
the apex court is 31. • Out of the 20 largest cities, 11 cities
Related Information face an ‘extreme risk’ of water stress
Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Act, and seven are in the ‘high risk’
1956 category.
• The Supreme Court (Number of
• Verisk Maplecroft plotted the index
Judges) Act, 1956 originally provided
with projected population growth
for a maximum of 10 judges
trends to rank the cities facing the
(excluding the Chief Justice of India).
biggest threat to their water
• This number was increased to 13 by
the Supreme Court (Number of
Judges) Amendment Act, 1960, and • The United Nations estimates that
to 17 in 1977. Delhi’s population will grow from 28
• The working strength of the Supreme million people to above 43 million by
Court was, however, restricted to 15 2035, a 52% rise, while Chennai will
judges by the Cabinet (excluding the grow by 47% to top 15 million over
Chief Justice of India) till the end of the same period.
1979. • Further, India is rated ‘high risk’ in the
• In 1986, the strength of the top court Climate Change Vulnerability Index,
was increased to 25, excluding the which suggests that effects of climate
CJI. change like an ‘extended dry season’
• Subsequently, the Supreme Court would make matters worse for the
(Number of Judges) Amendment Act, country’s cities.
2009 further augmented the strength Topic- GS Paper 3 –Important Index
of the court from 25 to 30. Source- The Hindu business line
• This was last amended in 2009 to 3. Cabinet approves ISRO Technical
increase the judges’ strength from 25 Liaison Unit at Moscow
to 30 (excluding the CJI).
• The Union Cabinet has approved the
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
setting up of ISRO Technical Liaison
Source- The Hindu
Unit (ITLU) at Moscow, Russia.
2. India’s large cities staring at water
crisis: Water Stress Index • It will enable effective technical
• London-based risk analytics firm coordination for timely interventions
Verisk Maplecroft lists India as the on diversified matters with Russia and
46th highest risk country in the world neighbouring countries for realization
in Water Stress Index. of the programmatic targets of ISRO.
• The Water Stress index measures the • The Liaison Officer, deputed at ITLU
water consumption rates of from ISRO provides technical
households, industries and farm information about the developments


in research and technology and inputs • The meditation scheduled to be held

arising from their meetings with at Singapore on 7th August 2019, or
researchers, government agencies at United Nations Headquarters.
and industries in the respective Benefit:
countries. • The signing of the Convention will
• They also support the ongoing boost the confidence of the investors
bilateral programmes of cooperation and shall provide a positive signal to
in space technology and act on behalf foreign investors about India's
of ISRO on the matters referred. commitment to adhere to
Benefits: international practice on Alternative
• ISRO will be able to collaborate with Dispute Resolution (ADR).
Space agencies/industries in Russia Related Information
and neighbouring countries for • The United Nations General Assembly
mutually synergetic outcomes. adopted the United Nations
• ISRO’s Gaganyaan human space Convention on International
programme 2022 requires the Settlement Agreements Resulting
development of some of the key from Mediation ("the Convention") on
technologies and establishment of 20th December 2018.
specialized facilities, which are • The Convention provides a uniform
essential to support life in space. and efficient framework for the
Related Information enforcement of international
ISRO Technical Liaison Units settlement agreements resulting from
• Department of Space has instituted mediation and for allowing parties to
technical Liaison Units, namely ISRO invoke such agreements.
Technical Liaison Units (ITLU) at • The Convention defines two additional
Washington, USA and Paris, France. grounds upon which a court may, on
• Its primary objective to liaise with its own motion, refuse to grant relief.
various Government and space • Those grounds relate to the fact that
agencies in the USA and Europe, a dispute would not be capable of
respectively. settlement by mediation or would be
• India has expanded its space contrary to public policy.
cooperation with countries near Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
Russia. Source- PIB
• This will help for extensive 5. India became the fifth largest investor
uninterrupted coordination & interface in Africa
support for the increased level of • India has become the fifth largest
international technical collaboration. investor in Africa with cumulative
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance investment at over 54 billion US
Source- PIB dollars.
4. Cabinet approves the signing of the • African Continental Free Trade Area
UNISA Agreement launched recently will
• The Union Cabinet has approved the make Africa the largest free trade
signing of the United Nations area in the world.
Convention on International • India is opening 18 new missions, of
Settlement Agreements (UNISA) which seven will be in West Africa.
resulting from mediation by the Topic-GS Paper 2–International Relations
Republic of India. Source- AIR
6. India’s fertilizer sector among the
most energy-efficient in the world


• Centre for Science and Environment • Dumping is the practice whereby the
(CSE), has found that the country’s exporting nation sells its goods and
fertilizer sector is among the best in services at a price lower than the price
the world in energy use and at which the importing nation sells the
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in same goods and services within its
his report Grain by Grain. domestic market.
Highlights of the Report • The objective of dumping is to
• Uttar Pradesh is the best, followed by increase market share in a foreign
Hazira unit of KRIBHCO in Gujarat and market by driving out competition and
Panambur unit of Mangalore thereby create a monopoly situation
Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd. in where the exporter will be able to
Karnataka. unilaterally dictate the price and
• “The Indian fertilizer industry is one of quality of the product.
the most important industrial sectors Topic- GS Paper 3 –Economics
of the country. Source- TOI
Green Rating Project
• The report - ‘Grain by Grain’ - is the 02.08.2019
complete assessment of the
environmental performance of 1. Omega 76: New molecule promises to
fertilizer industry in India is the address drug resistance
seventh rating project undertaken by • Researchers at the Indian Institute of
the Green Rating Project. Science (IISc), Bangalore have
• The Project has, earlier, rated the pulp designed an antimicrobial protein that
and paper, automobile, chloro-alkali, promises to kill multidrug-resistant
cement, iron and steel and thermal bacterium called Acinetobacter
power sectors. baumannii.
• The ratings recognise the good performers • They used a bioinformatics approach
and push the bad ones to improve. to design a protein called Omega 76.
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Important Report Experiments showed that it killed the
Source- The Hindu bacterium by breaking down its cell
7. The anti-dumping duty imposed on membrane.
purified terephthalic acid ( PTA) • Conventional drugs act by blocking
• The Finance Ministry has imposed specific pathways or processes in
definitive anti-dumping duty on all bacterial cells but bacteria evolve to
imports of purified terephthalic acid gain resistance against such drugs.
(PTA) from South Korea and Thailand. • In recent times, a class of chemical
• Purified terephthalic acid is primary molecules called antimicrobial
raw material in the manufacture of peptides has emerged as an
polyester chips, which in turn are used alternative.
in a number of applications in textile, • They promise to kill bacteria by
packaging, furnishings, consumer breaking down their membranes. The
goods, resins and coatings. new molecule belongs to this group.
Related Information Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and
• An anti-dumping duty is a Technology
protectionist tariff that a domestic Source- Down to Earth
government imposes on foreign 2. The rise of the unemployment rate,
imports that it believes are priced within various religious groups
below fair market value. • The three sets of data correspond to
the Employment and Unemployment


Surveys conducted over the 66th the task of examining the sub-
Round (between July 2009-June categorisation of Other Backward
2010) and 68th Round (between July Classes (OBCs) within 12 weeks was
2011-June 2012) by the NSSO as well given yet another extension of six
as the PLFS (between July 2017-June months by the Union Cabinet.
2018). Related Information
• The unemployment rates have been Chief Justice G. Rohini commission
disaggregated for males and females • It is a five-member panel formed
as well as urban and rural areas. under article 340 of Constitution.
• It is headed by former Chief Justice of
Delhi High Court Justice (Retd) G.
• Its report is expected to recommend
earmarking sub-quotas for the
extremely backward classes within
the OBCs.
Other reservation panels
• In 1980, the Mandal Commission was
set up by the erstwhile government.
• It estimated the OBC population at
52% and classified 1,257
communities as backward.
• It recommended increasing the
existing quotas which were only for
SC/ST, from 22.5% to 49.5% to
include the OBCs.
Related Information
• Its recommendations were
• Workers in the “usual status” category
implemented by the then government
in 1990.
(a) persons who worked for a
relatively large part of the 365 days • In Indra Sawhney case, the
preceding the date of the survey, and Supreme Court had upheld the caste-
(b) persons from among the based reservation for the OBCs as
remaining population who had worked valid.
for at least 30 days during the • At present, 27% quota in government
reference period of 365 days jobs and educational institutions is
preceding the date of the survey. given to OBCs, provided the annual
• Category (a) refers to “principal income of the family is up to Rs 8 lakh
status” and the category (b) to and those with higher earnings are
“subsidiary status” and the “usual referred to as the ‘creamy layer’ and
status” definition includes both. are not eligible for reservation.
• As such, usual status is a more Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
relaxed measure of unemployment.
Source- The Hindu
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Indian Economy
Source- Indian Express 4. KABIL Set up to Ensure Supply of
3. OBC sub-categorisation panel gets an Critical Minerals
extension for 6 more months • Recently Khanij Bidesh India Ltd.
• The Chief Justice G. Rohini (KABIL) is to be set up with the
commission appointed in 2017 with participation of three Central Public


Sector Enterprises namely, National 6. WB launches "Save Green, Stay

Aluminium Company Ltd, Hindustan Clean" awareness campaign for
Copper Ltd.(HCL) and Mineral preserving greenery and keeping the
Exploration Company Ltd. environment clean
• The objective of constituting KABIL is • The State CM launched the campaign
to ensure a consistent supply of named as ‘Save Green, Stay Clean’ in
critical and strategic minerals to the Kolkata.
Indian domestic market. • Under the campaign, the State
• It would also ensure mineral security Government will distribute more than
of the Nation. 1 lakhs saplings throughout the state
for spreading of greenery.
• It helps India to reduce greenhouse
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
gas emissions and opting a greener
mode of transportation which has the Source- AIR
pledged of India in UN Climate Change 7. India Slips to 7th Spot in Global GDP
Conference, Pairs, 2015. Rankings of 2018: WB
• According to the World Bank report,
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
India slipped to the seventh position
Source- PIB in the worldwide GDP rankings in
5. Madhya Pradesh second state to have 2018.
a plan for antimicrobial resistance • India was at 6th place in 2017.
(AMR) • India's GDP in 2018 stood at $2.7
• Madhya Pradesh State Action Plan for trillion, while Britain and France stood
Containment of Antimicrobial at $2.8 trillion.
Resistance (MP-SAPCAR) has been GDP 2018
Ranking Country
released in Bhopal. (USD trillion)
• With this, MP has become the second One United States 20.5
state in India after Kerala to develop Second China 13.6
an action plan to manage Third Japan 5.0
antimicrobial resistance. Fourth Germany 4.0
• The MP-SAPCAR focuses on a ‘One Five United Kingdom 2.8
Health’ approach to containing AMR Six France 2.8
through six key strategic priority Seven India 2.7
areas and multi-sectoral involvement.
Related Information 8. One Nation-one Ration Card scheme
implemented on pilot basis in four
• AMR is a global public health threat,
according to the World Health
• The central government has launched
Organization. Misuse of antibiotics in
the One Nation-One Ration Card
humans, animals, and aquaculture
scheme on a pilot basis in Andhra
contributes to AMR.
Pradesh, Telangana, Gujarat and
• With rising AMR, antibiotics are
increasingly becoming ineffective for
• Families who have food security cards
treating diseases in humans.
can buy subsidized rice and wheat
• If there is no timely containment, AMR from any ration shop in these states.
is likely to cause nearly 10 million • The scheme is aimed at providing
deaths by 2050 and result in freedom to beneficiaries, as they will
significant global economic losses. not be tied to one PDS shop, reduce
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance their dependence on shop owners and
Source- Down To Earth curtail corruption.


• The biggest beneficiaries will be India and said, Jammu and Kashmir
migrant workers who move to other was already a part of India much
states to seek better job before Article 370.
opportunities. Related Information
Note: Special Status of Jammu & Kashmir
• The Union Government plans to • Article 370 of the Constitution grants
extend the One nation one ration card special status to Jammu and Kashmir,
scheme to all the states by August while Article 35A empowers the state
2020 to enable the portability of the legislature to define the state’s
food security card. “permanent residents” and their
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Government special rights and privileges.
Schemes What is Article 35A?
Source- Indian Express • Article 35A, which was incorporated in
9. Indonesia: Fight against to relocate the Constitution by a 1954
the Komodo Dragons Presidential Order, gives special rights
Related Information and privileges to the citizens of
Komodo Dragons Jammu and Kashmir.
• Komodo dragons, or Komodo • It denies property rights to a woman
monitors, are the largest, heaviest who marries a person from outside
lizards in the world. the state. The provision, which leads
• They found in the Indonesian islands to such women from the state
of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, and Gili forfeiting their right over property,
Motang. also applies to their heirs.
• Komodo National Park is one of the • It disallows people from outside the
world heritage sites is in Indonesia is state from buying or owning
related to these dragons. immovable property there, settles
• They are listed as Vulnerable in IUCN permanently, or avail themselves of
Red List. state-sponsored scholarship schemes.
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment and • It also forbids the J-K government
Biodiversity from hiring people, who are non-
Source- TOI permanent residents.
What is Article 370?
05.08.2019 • Article 370 of the Indian Constitution
is a “temporary provision” which
1. Govt introduces J&K grants special autonomous status to
Reorganisation Bill 2019 in Rajya Jammu and Kashmir.
Sabha • Jammu and Kashmir have been
• The government introduced the accorded special status under Article
Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation 370 under Part XXI of the
Bill, 2019 in the Rajya Sabha. Constitution, which deals with
• It also moved a resolution revoking “Temporary, Transitional and Special
Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir. provisions”.
• Home Minister also put forth a • All the provisions of the Constitution
statement informing that Ladakh will which are applicable to other states
now be given the status of Union are not applicable to Jammu and
Territory, while Jammu and Kashmir Kashmir.
will be a separate Union Territory. Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
• The Minister asserted Article 370 Source- AIR
never helped Jammu and Kashmir join


2. NASA Satellite Discovers ‘First • QRSAM uses solid-fuel propellant and

Nearby Super-Earth’ named GJ 357 d has a range of 25-30 km.
• Scientists have characterised the first Topic- GS Paper 3 –Defence
potentially habitable world outside our Source- AIR
own solar system located about 31 4. Tigers in India face lurking threat
light-years away. from virus
• The super-Earth planet — named GJ • According to a recent study, 86
357 d — was discovered in early 2019 percent of the tested dogs around
owing to NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Ranthambhore National Park in
Survey Satellite (TESS), a mission Rajasthan carried CDV antibodies in
designed to comb the heavens for their bloodstream.
exoplanets. • A potential virus — Canine Distemper
• Astronomers from the Institute of Virus (CDV) — that can be transmitted
Astrophysics of the Canary Islands from CDV-infected dogs living in and
and the University of La Laguna, both around wildlife sanctuaries has
in Spain, announced the discovery of started to raise concern among
the GJ 357 system in the journal wildlife biologists.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. • There is a high risk of disease transfer
• With a thick atmosphere, the planet from dogs to tigers, leopards in
GJ 357 d is 22% larger than the Earth Ranthambhore National Park.
and could maintain liquid water on its Related Information
surface like Earth. Canine Distemper Virus
Related Information • Canine distemper is a contagious viral
Super-Earth disease that attacks the respiratory,
• It is an extrasolar planet with a mass gastrointestinal and nervous systems
higher than Earth's, but substantially of a wide variety of animal species,
below the masses of the Solar including dogs, coyotes, foxes,
System's ice giants, Uranus and pandas and wolves.
Neptune. • It is caused by a single-stranded RNA
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science & Tech virus of the family Paramyxoviridae
Source- Livemint (the same family of the viruses that
3. India test-fires Quick Reaction causes measles, mumps, and
Surface-to-Air Missile bronchiolitis in humans).
• India test-fired a sophisticated all- • This virus is similar to the measles
weather and all-terrain Quick virus in humans and the rinderpest
Reaction Surface-to-Air Missile virus which affects cattle.
(QRSAM) from a test range in Odisha. • The disease is highly contagious via
Related Information inhalation and also be transmitted by
Quick Reaction Surface-to-Air Missile shared food and water bowls and
(QRSAM) equipment.
• It has been developed by the DRDO • There is no cure for canine distemper
for the India Army. infection.
• It is an all-weather and all-terrain Note:
missile, which can be mounted on a • In the year 2019, over 20 lions from
truck and stored in a canister. the Gir forest succumbed to the
• The systems are equipped with canine distemper virus infection.
indigenously-developed Phased array Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
radar, Inertial Navigation System, Source- The Hindu
Data Link & RF seeker


5. Groundwater over-exploitation, state and the third one in deep north and
by state fourth in the northeast.
• Groundwater resources are over- Topic-GS Paper 3–Science & Technology
exploited in 1,186 out of 6,881 Source- TOI
“assessment units” (blocks, talukas, 7. Armoured, specialised vehicles of
watersheds etc) in the country. armed forces exempted from BS-VI
• This was as assessed in 2017. emission norm
• All these over-exploited assessment • The government has exempted the
units are in 17 states and Union armoured and other specialised
Territories. vehicles of Indian armed and
• Punjab has the highest extent of over- paramilitary forces from the vehicular
exploitation at 79 per cent of its emission norms BS-VI that will come
blocks, followed Rajasthan, Delhi, into force from April 1, 2020.
Haryana and Himachal Pradesh, each Related Information
at 50 per cent or more. Bharat stage emission standards (BSES)
• Tamil Nadu, which has the highest • These are emission standards
number of blocks, also has the highest instituted by the Government of India
number of over-exploited units. to regulate the output of air pollutants
Topic- GS Paper-1- Natural Resources from internal combustion engines and
Source- Indian Express Spark-ignition engines equipment,
6. ISRO to install telescopes & radar to including motor vehicles.
track space debris • The standards and the timeline for
• ISRO is setting up a network of implementation are set by the Central
telescopes and radar to develop its Pollution Control Board under the
own system to monitor space debris Ministry of Environment & Forests and
to safeguard its space assets. climate change.
• Currently, ISRO has 50 functional • The standards, based on European
satellites, including communication, regulations were first introduced in
navigation and surveillance satellites, 2000.
in space. • Bharat Stage IV emission norms have
• ISRO was dependent on NORAD been enforced for the entire country
(North America Aerospace Defense since April 2017.
Command) data, which is available in • In 2016, the Indian government
public domain, for keeping track of announced that the country would
space debris and monitoring our skip the BS-V norms altogether and
active and passive (dead) satellites adopt BS-VI norms by 2020.
which are sometimes not accurate. Difference between BS-IV and the new
• NORAD also keeps accurate data, BS-VI
which is exclusively available to those • The newly introduced fuel is estimated
that are members of its network. to reduce the amount of sulphur
• To get accurate data about the released by 80 percent, from 50 parts
movement of space debris to avoid per million to 10 ppm.
collision with its satellites, ISRO has • The emission of NOx (nitrogen oxides)
decided to set up telescopes and from diesel cars is also expected to
radars in four corners of the country. reduce by nearly 70 percent and 25
• First telescope setup in Ponmudi per cent from cars with petrol
(Thiruvananthapuram) and the engines.
second one in Mount Abu (Rajasthan) Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
Source- The Hindu


8. Mekong Ganga Cooperation • The projects are funded jointly by

• External Affairs Minister has MHRD and the participating Ministry in
emphasised on better connectivity the ratio of 50:50.
between India and other member • These 10 technology domains are
countries of the Mekong Ganga Health Care, Energy, Sustainable
Cooperation (MGC) bloc for Habitat, Nano-Technology Hardware,
developing a vibrant economic growth Water Resources and River Systems,
corridor during 10th Mekong Ganga Advanced Materials, Information and
Cooperation Ministerial Meeting. Communication Technology,
• It was held in Bangkok, Thailand. manufacturing, security and defence,
Related Information and environmental science and
Mekong Ganga Cooperation (MGC) climate change.
• It is an initiative by six countries – Uchhatar Avishkar Yojana (UAY)
India and five ASEAN countries, • It was also launched in 2015 with the
namely, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, objective of promoting innovation of a
Thailand and Vietnam for cooperation higher order that directly impacts the
in tourism, culture, education, as well needs of the Industry and thereby
as transport and communications. improves the competitive edge of
• It was launched in 2000 at Vientiane, Indian manufacturing.
Lao PDR. • The projects are funded jointly by
• It aims to facilitate closer contacts MHRD, participating Ministries and the
among the people inhabiting these Industry in the ratio of 50:25:25.
two major river basins. Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
Topic- GS Paper 2 –International Source- Indian Express
Source- PIB 06.08.2019
9. IMPacting Research, INnovation and
Technology (IMPRINT) and 1. Meghdoot: New mobile app launched
UchhatarAvishkar Yojana (UAY) to assist farmers
• Union Human Resource Development • The Ministries of Earth Sciences and
Minister inaugurated the TechEx – Agriculture have launched a mobile
technology exhibition at IIT Delhi. application "Meghdoot" that will
• TechEx was organized to demonstrate provide the location, and crop and
products and prototypes developed livestock-specific weather-based agro
under the two flagship schemes of the advisories to farmers in local
Ministry of Human Resource languages.
Development (MHRD) namely • It has been developed by experts
IMPacting Research, INnovation and from the India Meteorological
Technology (IMPRINT) and Department and Indian Institute of
UchhatarAvishkar Yojana (UAY). Tropical meteorology and the Indian
Related Information Council of Agricultural Research.
IMPRINT • It will also provide forecast relating to
• It was launched in 2015 with the temperature, rainfall, humidity, and
objective of providing solutions to the wind speed and direction, which play
most relevant engineering challenges critical roles in agricultural operations
by translating knowledge into viable and advisories to the farmers on how
technology (products or processes) in to take care of their crops and
10 selected technology domains. livestock.


• The app would provide information in • It would also maintain a database of

the form of images, maps and pictures material use and waste generated,
to help the farmer to have a clearer recycled and landfilled, across various
picture of what is in store. sectors and different regions and
Topic- GS Paper 3 – Science and monitor the implementation.
Technology Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
Source- Down to Earth Source- PIB
2. National Resource Efficiency 3. Resource Assistance for Colleges with
Policy 2019 Excellence: A new higher education
• The Ministry of Environment, Forests model
and Climate Change has proposed a • Rajasthan has launched a new higher
draft National Resource Efficiency education model titled "Resource
Policy 2019. Assistance for Colleges with
• It aims to streamline the efficient use Excellence".
of these resources with a minimum • The objective is the distribution of
negative impact on the environment. faculties and movable assets among
• The policy helps India to double its the government colleges at the
consumption of metallic and district level to rationalise the
nonmetallic resources by 2030. availability of resources.
• The draft policy intends to minimize • The model will also create a pool for
this inherent cost of economic growth sharing of facilities which will benefit
on the natural environment by setting the colleges lacking infrastructure and
up a National Resource Efficiency faculties.
Authority (NREA). Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
NREP, 2019 is guided by the principles of Source- Indian Express
(i) reduction in primary resource 4. Statue of Unity shortlisted for UK-
consumption to ‘sustainable’ levels, in based structural award
keeping with achieving the Sustainable • The Statue of Unity, a memorial to
Development Goals and staying within the Sardar Patel, in Gujarat’s Kevadia
planetary boundaries, town has been shortlisted for ‘The
(ii) creation of higher value with less material Structural Awards 2019’ of the UK-
through resource-efficient and circular based Institution of Structural
approaches, Engineers (IStructE).
(iii) waste minimization, • The aims of this awards programme
(iv) material security, are to increase awareness of the
(v) creation of employment opportunities important work that structural
and business models beneficial to the cause engineers do.
of environment protection and restoration. Related Information
National Resource Efficiency Authority Statue of Unity
• It draws its power from the • It is situated in the Kevadia town,
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, Narmada district Gujarat.
to provide for the regulatory • It has been built on the Sadhu Bet
provisions of this policy. Island, on the Narmada River.
• It would develop and implement • It is the tallest statue in the world with
resource efficient strategies for a height of 182 meters.
material recycling, reuse and land- Topic- GS Paper 1 –Art and Culture
filling targets for various sectors and Source- AIR
set standards for reuse of secondary 5. Section 144 of CrPC: All you need to
raw materials to ensure quality. know


What is Section 144 of CrPC? • Establishments such as markets,

• Section 144 of the Code of Criminal schools, colleges, etc. are ordered to
Procedure (CrPC) is issued in urgent remain shut, and only essential
cases of security threat or riot and services are allowed to run on prior
bars the assembly of five or more notice.
people in an area where it has been • There is a complete restriction on
imposed. traffic as well.
• The notification is issued by the Topic- GS Paper 2 –Indian Polity
District Magistrate of the area. The Source- Indian Express
section also empowers the authorities 6. Restricted use of 9 pesticides for
to block internet access. Basmati
When is Section 144 CrPC imposed? • The Punjab Agriculture Department
• When there are apprehensions of restricted the use of nine pesticides
breach of public peace and order by which are generally used for the
some people, Section 144 CrPC is put Basmati crop in Punjab.
into effect. • These pesticides are Acephate,
• Under this section, all civilians are Carbendazim, Thiamethoxam,
barred from carrying of weapons Triazofos, Tricyclazole, Buprofezin,
including lathis, sharp-edged Carbofuron, Propiconazole and
weapons or firearms in public places Thiophanate Methyl.
except for police or paramilitary or • Most of these restricted pesticides and
security forces. fungicides are not recommended by
• No order under this section can the Punjab Agriculture Department.
remain in force for more than two Related Information
months. • Punjab has over 40% of the total
• However, if the state government Basmati export of India so to meet the
considers it necessary for preventing demand; farmers use the pesticide on
danger to human life or for preventing the recommendation of pesticide
a riot, it can extend the impositions dealers.
under the sections for not more than • It is against the instructions of the
six months from the date of issuance agricultural experts and is not
of the initial order. recommended by the Agriculture
What is the punishment if someone Department.
violates Section 144 CrPC? • The use of these restricted pesticides
• Any person involved in such unlawful makes the input cost go up to Rs 2000
assembly can be booked for to Rs 4000 per season, with pesticide
“engaging in rioting”. companies making a huge profit as 25
• The maximum punishment for such an per cent of the total farmers in
act is three years. Punjab-grown Basmati.
What is the difference between Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
prohibitory orders under Section 144 Source- The Hindu
and curfew? 7. United States designates China a
• It must be noted that Section 144 "currency manipulator"
CrPC is not equivalent to a curfew. • The United States has designated
• Curfew orders are issued in more China a "currency manipulator", a
severe situations where people are move that could escalate the tense
instructed to stay indoors for a trade relations between the two
specific time or period. nations.


• After this decision, the US will engage timers of red, yellow and green lights
with the International Monetary Fund according to the traffic density at an
to eliminate the unfair competitive intersection.
advantage created by China's latest • The team also worked to develop a
actions. one-of-its-kind, real-time solution for
Related Information defending 'Green Corridors' for
• US treasury department alleged that ambulances while controlling the
"China is intent on continuing to movement of vehicles on roads.
receive hundreds of Billions of Dollars Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and
they have been taking from the US Technology
with unfair trade practices and Source- Down to Earth
currency manipulation".
• China has a long history of facilitating
an undervalued currency through 07.08.2019
protracted, large-scale intervention in
the foreign exchange market.
1. Centre approves a project to link Kosi,
Topic- GS Paper 2 –International
Mechi Rivers
Source- AIR • The Centre has approved a project
worth Rs 4,900-crore Kosi-Mechi river
8. Mohali gets a first 3-D traffic signal
interlinking project, providing a major
• In a first-of-its-kind initiative in the
lease of life to Bihar’s Seemanchal
country, Mohali traffic police have
launched 3-D Smart Traffic Signal
devised by the students of a • It is the country’s second major river
Chandigarh university. interlinking project after Ken-Betwa of
Madhya Pradesh.
• The wireless system, called
'Intelights', has been installed at the • Kosi is also known as “Sorrow of
traffic crossing near the Airport Road, Bihar.”
on a pilot project basis, and will • It will not only relieve large swathes
regulate traffic signals with a smart of north Bihar from the menace of
bird's eye view wireless sensor recurring floods but also provide
system. irrigation for a whooping over 2.14
• Intelights proposes a 360-degree lakh hectares of command areas
solution to curb the rising spread across the districts of Araria,
problem of traffic congestion. Kishanganj, Purnia and Katihar in
• Presently, the timers of traffic lights north Bihar.
display a preset value which leads to • It has the potential to usher in the
waste of time. next green revolution in Seemanchal
• For instance, consider a scenario region.
where green light of '20 seconds' is A green Project
displayed but there is no vehicle • The Kosi-Mechi interlinking project is
present at that particular intersection a green project.
- thus leading to unnecessary waste • Its environmental approval note
of time. clearly states that ‘the project
• To tackle this issue, 'Intelights' involves no displacement of
proposes an Intelligent Traffic Timer population and there is no acquisition
Control; which uses dynamic signal of any forest land.
control technology to adjust the


• No National Park, Wildlife Sanctuary, • The seven union territories in present-

Eco-sensitive areas, etc. are present day India have been created due to a
within 10 km radius of the project. number of reasons:
Mechi River o Strategic Importance - Andaman
• Mechi is an important tributary of and Nicobar Islands,
Mahananda River. Lakshwadeep
• Its basin, however, remains mostly o Cultural Distinctiveness - Dadra
deficient in providing adequate water and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu
for irrigation. and Puducherry
o Political and Administrative
• Channelling Kosi water into the
Mahananda will optimize Reasons - Chandigarh and
redistribution of the surplus waters National Capital Territory of Delhi
which will take irrigation potential in • The states of Manipur and Tripura had
the region into a different league. been made Union territories due to
the special treatment required for the
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
people residing in these regions which
Source- AIR are now come under Schedule areas
2. Parliament passes bill splitting either in Schedule V or VI.
J&K into two UTs, adopts
resolution scrapping special Centre relation with the Union
status Territories
• Parliament has approved a resolution • The Centre has powers to administer
abrogating special status to Jammu the Union territories. Hence, under
and Kashmir under Article 370 of the Article 239 the President appoints an
Constitution and a bill for splitting the administrator to act as the head the
state into two Union Territories union territory's executive.
Related Information • The administrator's position is quite
Status of Union Territories in the Indian distinct from the position of a
Union Governor of a State.
• India is a federal polity with two types • He/ She does not have the discretion
of constituent units - states and union accorded to the Governor, who is an
territories. independent position under the
• Article 1 of the Constitution of India Constitution.
says that the territory of India • The President can also appoint the
comprises three categories of Governor of a neighbouring state as
territories: the administrator of a Union Territory.
(a) States • The administrator is either called a
(b) Union Territories Lieutenant Governor or Administrator
Territories that may be acquired by in different union territories.
the Government of India at any time. • Under Article 240, President has the
• Union territories are thus, power to make regulations for the
constitutionally recognised segments peace, progress and good governance
of Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
of the Indian polity.
Lakshwadeep, Dadra and Nagar
• They are directly under the control of
Haveli, Daman and Diu and
the Centre and are thus also called
centrally administered territories.
• In the case of Puducherry, the
What is the reason behind the creation
President can make a regulation to
of present-day Union territories?


legislate only when the assembly is Source- AIR

suspended or dissolved. 4. India contributes $5 million to UN
• The Union territories, except agency working for Palestinian refugees
Puducherry and Delhi, do not have • India has contributed $5 million to the
any legislatures of their own. UN Palestine refugee agency and
• Thus, the power to make laws on any called for ensuring sustained fiscal
of the subjects under all lists support for the organisation's work.
mentioned in the Seventh Schedule Related Information
resides with the Parliament which also United Nations Relief and Works Agency
covers Puducherry and Delhi. (UNWRA)
Role of Ministry of Home affairs • It is the only UN agency dedicated to
• The Ministry of Home Affairs at the
helping refugees from a specific
Centre is the nodal ministry for all
region or conflict and is separate from
matters related to Union Territories
United Nations High Commissioner for
relating to legislation, finance and
budget, services and appointment of
• It provides education, health care,
and social services to the population it
• All the five union territories without a
legislature have the forum of Home
• Aid is provided in five areas of
Minister's Advisory Committee
operation: Jordan, Lebanon, Syria,
(HMAC) to discuss general issues
the Gaza Strip and the West Bank,
related to social and economic
including East Jerusalem;
• Aid for Palestinian refugees outside
• Under Article 239AB, in case of failure
these five areas is provided by
of Constitutional machinery in the
case of NCT of Delhi, the President can
suspend the operation of any • It also provided relief to Jewish and
provision of Article 239AA and make Arab Palestine refugees inside the
such provisions as are necessary for State of Israel following the 1948
administering the NCT of Delhi under conflict until the Israeli government
the Constitution. took over responsibility for Jewish
refugees in 1952.
• This is similar to Article 356 with
• In the absence of a solution to the
respect to states.
Palestine refugee problem, the UN
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
General Assembly has repeatedly
Source- The Hindu renewed UNRWA's mandate, most
3. Elephant population in the country recently extending it until 30 June
estimated at 29,964 as per 2017 census 2020.
• Elephant population in the country is • The United Nations Relief and Works
estimated at 29,964 as per the census Agency headquarters in Jerusalem.
conducted in 2017. Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
• The South Region accounted for Source- The Hindu Business Line
14,612 followed by North East with 5. Scientists found evidence of a ‘mega-
10,139 elephants. tsunami’ on Mars
• The census of tigers is undertaken at • A new study on the impact craters
the national level once every four found on the surface of Mars suggests
years and that of elephants at every that if the red planet harboured water,
five years. it could have experienced a “mega-
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment tsunami” that shaped the planet.


• This study focuses on the • The central government will set up a

identification of impact craters that CCPA to promote, protect and enforce
impacted into the ocean and are likely the rights of consumers.
to have produced the tsunami. • It will regulate matters related to
• The research analysed a meteor violation of consumer rights, unfair
impact site called Lomonosov, which trade practices, and misleading
is 120 kilometres deep, the same advertisements.
height as the estimated depth of the • The CCPA will have an investigation
ocean. wing, headed by a Director-General,
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science & which may conduct enquiry or
Technology investigation into such violations.
Source- Indian Express Penalties for a misleading
6. Consumer Protection Bill 2019 advertisement:
• The Rajya Sabha passed the • The CCPA may impose a penalty on a
Consumer Protection Bill, 2019 which manufacturer or an endorser of up to
will replace the Consumer Protection Rs 10 lakh and imprisonment for up to
Act of 1986. two years for a false or misleading
Key features of the Bill include: advertisement.
Definition of consumer: • In case of a subsequent offence, the
• A consumer is defined as a person fine may extend to Rs 50 lakh and
who buys any goods or avails a imprisonment of up to five years.
service for consideration. It does not Topic- GS Paper 2 –Important Bill
include a person who obtains a good Source- PIB
for resale or a good or service for 7. AERA (Amendment) Bill- 2019
commercial purpose. • President Ram Nath Kovind has given
• It covers transactions through all his assent to The Airports Economic
modes including offline, and online Regulatory Authority of India, AERA
through electronic means, (Amendment) Bill- 2019.
teleshopping, multi-level marketing or • The bill increases the threshold of
direct selling. annual passenger traffic for major
Rights of consumers: airports from 15 lakh to over 35 lakh
• Six consumer rights have been passengers.
defined in the Bill, including the right • Earlier, the Airports Economic
to: Regulatory Authority of India Act,
(a) be protected against the 2008 defined a major airport as one
marketing of goods and services with annual passenger traffic over 15
which are hazardous to life and lakh, or any other airports as notified
property; by the central government.
(b) be informed of the quality, • As per the provisions of the bill, the
quantity, potency, purity, standard Authority will not determine the tariff,
and price of goods or services; tariff structures, or the development
(c) be assured of access to a variety fees, in cases where these amounts
of goods or services at competitive were a part of the bid document on
prices; and the basis of which the airport
(d) Seek redressal against unfair or operations were awarded.
restrictive trade practices. Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
Central Consumer Protection Authority Source- AIR
(CCPA) 8. National Party Status


• The poll panel had served show-cause device named the Organic Field Effect
notices to TMC, CPI and Nationalist Transistor (OFET).
Congress Party (NCP) recently • The Organic Field Effect Transistor is
seeking explanation on why their an electronic device that works on the
national party status should not be principle that charges in the vicinity of
withdrawn after their rout in the Lok the channels of certain
Sabha elections. semiconductors can induce a current
• Under the Symbols Order 1968, a in them
party, on losing the national status, • It has the ability to detect bacteria
does not have the right to fight rapidly without the need for cell
elections using a common symbol culture and microbiological assays.
across the country. • It was developed in a bid to overcome
• Currently, there are 7 parties have the prevailing challenge of detecting
national party status in India which bacterial infection through time-
are: consuming techniques.
1. All India Trinamool Congress • The device will enable rapid detection
2. BSP of bacteria, which is important not
3. BJP only in healthcare but also help in
4. INC monitoring environmental
5. CPI-M applications.
6. Nationalist Congress Party • At present, the detection of bacteria in
7. National People's Party (India) body fluids is done in laboratories.
Conditions for Recognition as a National Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and
Party Technology
• According to the criteria set by the poll Source- TOI
panel, a party is recognised as a 2. India world’s 13th most water-
national party if any of the following stressed country: WRI
conditions are fulfilled • India placed 13th among the world's
1. If it secures six per cent of valid votes 17 ‘extremely water-stressed’
polled in any four or more states at a countries, according to the Aqueduct
general election to the Lok Sabha or Water Risk Atlas released by the
to the legislative assembly; and, in World Resources Institute (WRI).
addition, it wins four seats in the Lok • The country, followed by neighbouring
Sabha from any state or states; or Pakistan, was under ‘extremely high’
2. If it wins two per cent of seats in the levels of baseline water stress.
Lok Sabha at a general election; and • Twelve of the 17 were from the Middle
these candidates are elected from East and North Africa (MENA) region;
three states; or climate change may complicate the
3. If it is recognised as a state party in crisis, the document warned.
four states. • A region is said to be under ‘water
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Indian Polity stress’ when the demand for water
Source- Indian Express there exceeds the available volume or
when poor quality restricts use.
08.08.2019 India Scenario
• India has more than three times the
1. IIT-Guwahati builds a portable device population of the other 16 extremely
"OFET" for rapid detection of bacteria highly stressed countries combined,
• Researchers at IIT Guwahati have the WRI noted.
developed a low-cost and portable


• This implies that more than three- • The Part XXI of the Constitution
quarters of these populations facing consists of articles on Temporary,
extremely high water stress live in Transitional and Special Provision of
India. some states, other than Jammu and
• The report noted that last year, NITI Kashmir.
Aayog declared that the country is Maharashtra and Gujarat (Article 371)
“suffering from the worst water crisis • According to the Article, the Governor
in its history. of Maharastra has a special
• India’s groundwater resources are responsibility to establish “separate
severely overdrawn, largely to development boards” for regions like
provide water for irrigation. Vidarbha, Marathwada, in
• Groundwater tables in some northern Maharashtra; while Gujarat has the
aquifers declined at a rate of more power to do so in Saurashtra and
than 8 cm per year between 1990 and Kutch.
2014. Nagaland (Article 371A)
• The newly reconstituted Union Jal • In Nagaland, the Indian Parliament
Shakti Ministry too raised concern in cannot legislate in matters of Naga
the Lok Sabha about the grim religion or social practices, Naga
situation. customary law and procedure,
• Groundwater resources were over- administration of civil and criminal
exploited in 1,186 of 6,881 justice involving decisions according
‘assessment units’ (blocks, talukas, to Naga customary law, and
watersheds and others) in India. ownership and transfer of land and its
Related Information resources, without the state
World Resources Institute (WRI) Legislative Assembly’s nod.
• It is a global research non-profit Assam (Article 371B)
organization which focuses on 7 • Quite like Nagaland, The President of
areas: India may provide for the constitution
o Food and functions of a committee of the
o forests, state Legislative Assembly consisting
o Water of members elected from the tribal
o Energy areas of the state.
o Cities Manipur (Article 371C)
o Climate • The President may provide for the
o Ocean constitution and functions of a
• Its mission is to move human society committee of elected members from
to live in ways that protect Earth’s the Hill areas of the state in the
environment. Assembly for the modifications to be
• It partners with local and national made in the rules of business of the
governments, private companies, Government.
publicly held corporations, and other Andhra Pradesh (Article 371D, 371E)
non-profits organisations. • The President of India must ensure
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment “equitable opportunities and facilities
Source- Down to Earth for the people” or ensure reservation
3. Special Status to other states in the matter of government jobs,
• Article 371 of the constitution education and other schemes by the
contains special provisions for the state government.
tribal communities of the northeast
and some other states.


• Article 371E allows the establishment • The idea of dividing Jammu and
of a Central University in Andhra Kashmir into two or more parts has a
Pradesh by a law of Parliament. chequered history, tracing its origin to
Sikkim (Article 371F) the Dixon Plan of 1950.
• The Article gives Sikkim to hold a • Owen Dixon, an Australian jurist
Legislative Assembly of minimum 30 chosen by the United Nations to
members, notwithstanding anything mediate between India and Pakistan
this the Constitution. on the J&K issue, in his report of
• These members shall elect the September 1950.
representative of Sikkim in the Indian • It had proposed a plebiscite in the
Parliament. Kashmir valley.
Mizoram (Article 371G) • Dixon submitted the report. However,
• According to the Article, the it did not receive acceptance from
Legislative Assembly of AP should not India.
contain less than 40 members. Related Information
• Apart from that, similar to Nagaland • The Plan had assigned Ladakh to India
in Mizoram as well the Parliament and northern areas and Pakistan-
cannot make laws on “religious or Occupied Kashmir to Pakistan,
social practices of the Mizos, Mizo besides splitting Jammu between the
customary law and procedure, two.
administration of civil and criminal • A year later, B.R. Ambedkar, after
justice involving decisions according quitting as Law Minister from the
to Mizo customary law, ownership and Jawaharlal Nehru Ministry, had
transfer of land” unless the state suggested the formation of three
Assembly decides to do so. zones:
Arunachal Pradesh (Article 371H) (a) the area held by Pakistan
• This article vests the Governor with (b) the Valley
special responsibility for law and order (c) Jammu-Ladakh.
of the state, but he will have to Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
consult the Council of Ministers in the Source- The Hindu
state before exercise his individual 5. Japan urged to sign UN nuke ban on
judgment. Hiroshima anniversary
Karnataka (Article 371J) • The mayor of Hiroshima urged Japan
• This allows the establishment of a to sign a landmark UN treaty banning
separate development board for the nuclear weapons as the city, on
backward districts in Hyderabad- August 6, marked 74 years since
Karnataka region — similar to the being targeted in the world's first
provisions made for Maharashtra and atomic attack.
Gujarat. • Japan remains the only country to
• This board will have to report to the have experienced atomic attack --
state Assembly every year. against Hiroshima and Nagasaki, days
• It also ensures reservation for people ahead of the country's surrender on
of this region, in government jobs and August 15, 1945, to end World War II.
education. • The UN treaty on the prohibition of
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance nuclear weapons (TPNW), approved
Source- Financial Express by more than 120 nations, but
4. Dixon Plan of 1950: Idea of dividing rejected by the U.S. and other
Kashmir has a chequered history nuclear-armed countries.
Related Information


Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear • The UNSC ordered that Pakistan was
Weapons to withdraw its tribesmen and
• It is the first legally binding Pakistan nationals who had entered
international agreement to “the State for the purpose of fighting”
comprehensively prohibit nuclear and to prevent future intrusions and
weapons, with the goal of leading to prevent “furnishing of material aid
towards their total elimination. to those fighting in the State”.
• These include undertakings not to What did the UNSC order India to do?
develop, test, produce, acquire, • After the Pakistani army and
possess, stockpile, use or threaten to tribesmen had withdrawn from the
use nuclear weapons. State and the fighting had ceased,
• The Treaty also prohibits the India was to submit a plan to the
deployment of nuclear weapons on Commission for withdrawing forces
national territory and the provision of from Jammu and Kashmir and to
assistance to any State in the conduct reduce them over a period of time to
of prohibited activities. the minimum strength required for
• In order to come into effect, signature civil maintenance of law and order.
and ratification by at least 50 How did India & Pakistan react to the
countries are required as of 31 July UNSC Resolution 47?
2019, 24 nations have ratified the • Both countries rejected Resolution 47.
treaty. Topic- GS Paper 2 –Indian Polity
• However, eight nuclear weapon states Source- Indian Express
namely the US, Russia, Britain, China, 7. Fossil of the world’s largest parrot
France, India, Pakistan and North "Heracles" discovered in New Zealand
Korea along with Israel had not • The remains of a super-sized parrot
participated in the negotiations of the Heracles inexpectatus have been
treaty. discovered in New Zealand.
Topic- GS Paper 2 –International • According to a report by an
Organisation international team of palaeontologists
Source- Indian Express the parrot stood more than half the
6. UNSC Resolution 47 on Kashmir height of an average human and
• Resolution 47 of the UNSC that roamed the earth 19 million years
focuses on the complaint of the ago.
Government of India concerning the • This was the flightless bird and the
dispute over the State of Jammu and unexpected nature of the discovery.
Kashmir, that India took to the Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
Security Council on January 1948. Source- The Hindu
• In October 1947, following an
invasion by soldiers from the Pakistan 09.08.2019
Army in plainclothes and tribesmen,
the Maharaja of Kashmir, Hari Singh 1. ‘Samagra Shiksha-Jal Suraksha’
sought assistance from India and • Union HRD Minister will launch
signed the Instrument of Accession. ‘Samagra Shiksha-Jal Suraksha’ to
• After the first war in Kashmir (1947- create awareness about Water
1948), India approached the UN Conservation among all school
Security Council to bring the conflict students in the country.
in Kashmir to the notice of Security • It is a time-bound campaign with a
Council members. mission mode approach.
What did the UNSC order Pakistan to do?


• This concept of water conservation is • It is the probability that any two

essential for students so that they can people of the country selected at
understand the importance of water. random would have different mother
• The five Major Objectives Samagra tongues.
Shiksha-Jal Suraksha • The value ranges from 0 to 1; where
(a) To educate students to learn about 0 indicates no diversity (everyone has
conservation of water the same mother tongue) and 1
(b) To sensitize students about the indicates total diversity (no two
impact of scarcity of water people will have the same mother
(c) To empower students to learn to tongue).
protect the natural sources of water • India has a diversity value of 0.9
(d) To help every Student to save at
• According to UNESCO’s ‘Atlas of the
least one litre of water per day
World’s Languages in Danger’, 228
(e) To encourage Students towards
languages have become extinct since
judicious use and minimum wastage
of water at home and school level
Target under the scheme • About 10% of the languages are
• One Student - One Day- Save One classified as ‘vulnerable’. 10% are
Litre Water ‘critically endangered’.
• One Student - One Year - Save 365 • In India, 5 languages have become
Litres Water extinct since 1950 whereas 42
• One Student - 10 Years - Save 3650 languages are critically endangered.
Litres Water • The languages like Tiniguan
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance (Colombian origin) are the example of
Source- PIB an endangered language.
2. Papua New Guinea country has the Topic- GS Paper 1 –Art and Culture
most number of languages Source- TOI
• The Pacific island nation of Papua New
3. Goa Government to amend
Guinea has the highest number of
Portuguese-era Uniform Civil Code of
'living' indigenous languages in the
world (840), while India stands
4th with 453. • Chief Minister in Goa is likely to roll
• United Nations recently declared 2019 out amendments in the Portuguese-
year as International Year of era Uniform Civil Code (UCC) that was
Indigenous Languages. brought in 1870.
Related Information What does the law provide?
• Ethnologue, a directory of languages, • The Uniform Civil Code 1870 which is
lists 7,111 living languages worldwide a Portuguese-era law prohibited the
(languages that are still being used marriage of non-Goans to register
and spoken by people). their marriages in the coastal state.
• Chinese, Spanish, English, Hindi and What does change after an amendment?
Arabic are the most widely spoken • After amendment the Uniform Civil
languages worldwide when only first- Code, the non-Goans can be allowed
languages are considered. to register their marriages in the
• These five languages account for what coastal state.
is spoken by over 40% of people Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
worldwide. Source- The Hindu
• Ethnologue has also put forward a
‘Greenberg’s diversity index’.


4. UNIDO and National Institute of Mission and to coordinate research,

Solar Energy to partner for skill technology and other related works.
development program Topic- GS Paper 3-Energy
• An agreement was signed between Source- PIB
the NISE and the UNIDO to initiate a
5. India, Bangladesh to set up a
skill development programme for committee for optimum utilisation of
different levels of beneficiaries in the water resources
solar thermal energy sector.
• India and Bangladesh have agreed to
• NISE and UNIDO will engage national
set up a Joint Technical committee for
and international experts to bring the
optimum utilisation of Ganges water
best practices by developing
as being received by Bangladesh
specialized training material.
under the Ganga Water Sharing
• The agreement is part of the ongoing
Treaty 1996.
• Both the countries also agreed to
implemented jointly by UNIDO and to
prepare a framework for interim
support capacity building and skill
water-sharing agreement for eight
development of technical manpower
rivers including Feni, Gumti and
in the Concentrated Solar Thermal
Energy Technologies (CST) which are
being used to replace conventional • Both the countries also discussed
fossil fuels. issues related to pollution of trans
UNIDO (United Nations Industrial boundary rivers.
Development Organization) • The Secretary-level meeting was held
• It is a specialized agency in the United after a gap of more than 8 years.
Nations system, headquartered in • The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna
Vienna, Austria. mega-basin is the second largest
• The mission of UNIDO, as described in hydraulic region in the world.
the Lima Declaration adopted at the • Within this basin, fifty-four rivers
fifteenth session of the UNIDO cross the border between upstream
General Conference in 2013, is to India and downstream Bangladesh.
promote and accelerate inclusive and Topic- GS Paper 3-Bilateral Relations
sustainable industrial development Source- PIB
(ISID) in the Member States.
6. Ancient drop of seawater shows
• It is also a member of the United Earth’s tectonic activity began 3.3 bn
Nations Development Group. years ago
NISE (National Institute of Solar
• Recently the scientists established the
findings using the remains of a
• It is an autonomous institution of microscopic drop of ancient seawater
Ministry of New and Renewable that tectonic activity began on Earth
(MNRE), is the apex National R&D 3.3 billion years ago.
institution in the field Solar Energy.
• It was previously assumed that
• The Government of India has
tectonic activity began about 2.7
converted 25-year-old Solar Energy
billion years ago on Earth.
Centre (SEC) under MNRE to an
autonomous institution in September • To establish the new timeline, they
2013 to assist the Ministry in analysed a piece of rock melt called
implementing the National Solar komatiite — ultramafic mantle-
derived volcanic rock rich in
magnesium oxide.


• It was derived from the hottest Bulk Consumers such as hotels,

magma ever produced in the first restaurants, canteens, etc. for
quarter of Earth’s existence (the conversion, which will give
Achaean). approximately 110 crore litres of
• It is named after the type occurrence Biodiesel in one year.
in the Komati River near Barberton in • In India, the same cooking oil is used
Mpumalanga in present South Africa. for repeated frying which adversely
Related Information affects the health due to the formation
Plate tectonics of polar compounds during frying.
• Plate tectonics is the theory that • These polar compounds are
Earth's outer shell is divided into associated with diseases such as
several plates that glide over the hypertension, atherosclerosis,
mantle, the rocky inner layer above Alzheimer’s disease, liver diseases
the core. among others.
• The plates act like a hard and rigid Note
shell compared to Earth's mantle • Recently McDonald's has become the
which is called the lithosphere. first company in the food industry in
• The lithosphere includes the crust and India to recycle used cooking oil for
outer part of the mantle. biodiesel production.
• Below the lithosphere is the Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
asthenosphere, which is malleable or Source- PIB
partially malleable, allowing the 8. India signs the United Nations
lithosphere to move around. Convention on International Settlement
• It controls everything from Agreements (UNISA)
atmospheric conditions to volcanoes • The United Nations Convention on
and earthquakes. International Settlement Agreements
Topic- GS Paper 1 –Physical Geography was signed by India’s High
Source- Down to Earth Commissioner to Singapore
7. World Biofuel Day: 10th August representing the Government of
• World Biofuel Day is observed every India.
year on the 10th of August to create • 46 countries signed the treaty named
awareness about the importance of Singapore Convention on Mediation.
non-fossil fuels as an alternative to Related Information
conventional fossil fuels. UNISA
• This year the theme of the World • It has been adopted in December
Biofuel Day is “Production of Biodiesel 2018, which is resulting from
from Used Cooking Oil (UCO)”. Mediation, also known as the
Related Information “Singapore Convention on Mediation”
Used Cooking Oil (UCO) as Biofuel (the “Convention”).
• The National Policy on Biofuels, • It has been applied to international
released by the Government of India settlement agreements resulting from
in 2018, envisages production of mediation (“settlement agreement”).
biofuel from Used Cooking Oil (UCO). • It establishes a harmonized legal
• FSSAI is implementing a strategy to framework for the right to invoke
divert UCO from the food value chain settlement agreements as well as for
and curb current illegal usage. their enforcement.
• In India, approximately, 22.7 MMTPA • The Convention is an instrument for
of Cooking Oil is used out of which 1.2 the facilitation of international trade
MMTPA UCO can be collected from and the promotion of mediation as an


alternative and effective method of smooth-coated otter, small-clawed

resolving trade disputes. otter, Indian star tortoise, Tokay
• It is a binding international instrument gecko, wedge fish and Indian
which is expected to bring certainty rosewood.
and stability to the international Overview of the Proposal
framework on mediation. • For the Indian rosewood, the proposal
• It also contributes to the Sustainable is to remove the species from CITES
Development Goals (SDG), mainly the Appendix II.
SDG 16. • India is among the parties proposing
• The Convention is open for signature the re-listing of the star tortoise from
by States and regional economic CITES Appendix II to Appendix I due
integration organizations (referred to to the loss of habitat to agriculture
as “Parties”) and illegal harvesting for the pet
Topic- GS Paper 2 –International trade.
Organisation • With regard to the two otter species,
Source- Indian Express India, Nepal and the Philippines have
proposed that the listing be moved
12.08.2019 from CITES Appendix II to Appendix I
for the more endangered species.
1. Newly-Discovered Lake in Nepal • A similar proposal has been made to
Likely to Become World's Highest include the Tokay gecko in Appendix
• Kajin Sara Lake a newly-discovered I.
lake in Nepal is likely to set a new Related Information
record of being the world's highest Convention on International Trade in
lake. Endangered Species (CITES)
• It will replace Tilicho Lake which is • The Convention on International
situated at an altitude of 4,919 metres Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
in the Himalayan nation which is Fauna and Flora is an international
currently the world’s highest lake. agreement between governments.
Related Information • It aims to ensure that international
Kajin Sara lake trade in specimens of wild animals
• The Kajin Sara Lake in Manang district and plants does not threaten their
was discovered about a few months survival.
ago by a team of mountaineers. • It has the following appendix related
• It is located at Singarkharka area of to the conservation status.
Chame rural municipality in Nepal. (a) Appendix I include species
• It is located at an altitude of 5,200 threatened with extinction but the
metres. Trade in specimens of these species is
Topic- GS Paper 1 –Art and Culture permitted only in exceptional
Source- TOI circumstances.
2. At CITES, India to seek a boost to (b) Appendix II includes species not
protection status of 5 species necessarily threatened with
• India has submitted proposals extinction, but in which trade must be
regarding changes to the listing of controlled in order to avoid utilization
various wildlife species in the CITES incompatible with their survival.
secretariat meeting, scheduled later (c) Appendix III contains species that
this month in Geneva, Switzerland. are protected in at least one country,
• The proposals submitted are which has asked other, CITES Parties
regarding changes in the listing of the for assistance in controlling the trade.


Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment • Gogabeel is formed from the flow of

Source- The Hindu the rivers Mahananda and Kankhar in
3. What the new IPCC report says on the north and the Ganga in the south
land and climate change and east. It is the fifteenth Protected
• Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Area (PA) in Bihar.
Change (IPCC) released a new report • It also recommended the site as
which presents the most recent having the potential to be declared as
evidence on how the different uses of a Ramsar Site of India.
land — forests, agriculture, • On November 2, 2018, the State
urbanisation — are affecting and Board for Wildlife passed the proposal
getting affected by climate change. for notifying Gogabeel and Baghar
• It is part of a series of special reports Beel as ‘Community Reserve’ and
that IPCC called the Assessment ‘Conservation Reserve’.
Reports that are due around 2022.
• This is the first time that the IPCC has
focused its attention solely on the land Gogabeel
sector. • Gogabeel is a permanent waterbody,
Highlights of the report although it shrinks to some extent in
• The report says that if pre-production the summer but never dries
activities like cattle rearing and post- completely.
production activities like transport, • More than 90 bird species have been
energy and food processing contribute recorded from this site, of which,
as much as 37 per cent of all about 30 are migratory.
greenhouse gas emissions every year. • Among the threatened species, the
• It points out that nearly 25 per cent of Lesser Adjutant Stork is listed as
all food produced is either lost or ‘Vulnerable’ by the IUCN while the
wasted and even the decomposition of Black Necked Stork, White Ibis and
the waste releases emissions. White -eyed Pochard are ‘Near
• Land and ocean together absorb Threatened’.
nearly 50 per cent of greenhouse Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
gases emitted every year through Source- Down To Earth
natural processes in the carbon cycle. 5. 3rd Edition of Renewable Energy Investors'
• India has promised that it would Meet & Expo (RE-INVEST 2019)
create an additional carbon sink of • Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
about 2.5 billion to 3 billion tonnes by organised Curtain Raiser ceremony
the year 2032 by increasing its forest for the 3rd Edition of Renewable
cover and planting more trees. Energy Investors' Meet and Expo (RE-
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Important Reports INVEST 2019).
Source- Indian Express • The event is to be scheduled in the
4. Gogabeel is Bihar's first month of Oct-Nov 2019.
community reserve • The objective of the event is to attract
• Gogabeel, an ox-bow lake in Bihar’s the right investments in renewable
Katihar district, has been declared as energy (RE) and present India’s RE
the state’s first ‘Community Reserve’. story to the world.
• The water body was notified as a 57 Indian Commitment regarding
hectare Community Reserve and a Renewable Energy
30-hectare ‘Conservation Reserve’ on • India had set a target of 175 GW
August 2, 2019. renewable energy capacities by 2022.


• As of June 30, 2019, India has an ‘Mukhya Mantri Krishi Ashirwad

installed renewable energy capacity of Yojana’.
80.47 GW, of which solar and wind • Under the scheme, the money will be
comprises 29.55 GW and 36.37 GW directly transferred into the bank
respectively. accounts of farmers in the state.
• Biomass & small hydropower constitute • The beneficiaries having farmland of
9.81GW & 4.6GW respectively. less than one acre to five acres will get
• The Government of India allows a 100 5,000 to 25,000 rupees in their bank
per cent FDI under the automatic accounts.
route for projects of renewable power Topic- GS Paper 2 –Schemes
generation and distribution. Source- AIR
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Energy 8. India’s longest ropeway over sea
Source- PIB project — connecting Mumbai with the
6. Rotavirus Vaccine Elephanta Caves
• Union Minister of Health and Family • India’s longest ropeway project
Welfare have been decided to provide connecting Mumbai with the
Rotavirus vaccine to every child Elephanta Caves will soon clear the
across all states & UTs by September final hurdle.
2019. • The initiative is to be executed by the
• The Government is committed to Mumbai Port Trust, under the Ministry
ending morbidity and mortality in of Shipping.
children due to the diarrhoea by 2022. • The 8-km ropeway will begin from
Related Information Sewri in Mumbai’s east coast and end
Rotavirus at Raigad district’s Elephanta Island.
• Diarrhoea is one of the biggest killers • The Elephanta caves, located on the
in children and Rotavirus is one of the Elephanta Islands, off Mumbai, was
most common causes of severe declared a world heritage site by
diarrhoea in children less than 2 years UNESCO in 1987, due to which
of age. clearance will have to be taken from
• Rotavirus is a very contagious virus Archaeological Survey of India (ASI),
that causes diarrhoea. besides the Indian Navy, Coast Guard
• It's the most common cause of and the Ministry of Environment.
diarrhoea in infants and children Topic- GS Paper 1 –Indian Geography
worldwide, Source- Indian Express
• The virus is transmitted by the faecal-
oral route. 13.08.2019
• There are nine species of rotavirus,
referred to as A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
1. Invasive weed found in Haryana
and I.
wheat crop
• Humans are primarily infected by the
species rotavirus A. • The scientist has found an invasive
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and weed called Emex australis
Technology Steinh in wheat fields at villages of
Source- TOI Faridabad and adjoining districts in
7. Mukhya Mantri Krishi Ashirwad Haryana.
Yojana launched in Jharkhand • It is commonly known as ‘doublegee’,
• Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu has ‘three corner jack’ or ‘spiny emex’.
launched the Jharkhand government’s


• The invasive weed belongs to the 5. Yellow crazy ant

family Polygonaceae which is a native 6. American Bull FrogComb jellyfish and
to Australia and South Africa. Zebra mussel
• The weed prospers in conditions such Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
as drought and unseasonal rain and Source- Down to Earth
climate change help increase its 2. Sex ratio at birth: Kerala on top,
numbers. Northeast states show a decline
• According to the 4th National Family
• The weed has the potential to damage
Health Surveys (NFHS), the sex ratio
wheat crops and reduces its
at birth (SRB) has improved from 914
productivity in India.
in 2005-06 to 919 in 2015-16.
• This was first reported in India in • The sex ratio at birth (SRB) in the
Santhal Pargana division of erstwhile country, defined as the number of
united Bihar in 1984 and in Jammu & female births per 1,000 male births.
Kashmir in 1987. Highlights of the Survey
Related Information • The survey has said that the highest
• Recently, an invasive weed called improvement in sex ratio at birth was
‘Onion Weed’ or Asphodelus Fistulosus in Punjab at 126 points but its SRB
invaded onion farms in Ahmadnagar remained at 860 which was one of the
and Aurangabad districts in lowest SRB in the states.
Maharashtra. • Further, after Punjab, the highest
improvement in sex ratio at birth was
• The weed is a native of North Africa,
in Kerala at 1,047 from 925 in 2005-
Southern Europe and West Asia. It
06 which was the highest among all
looks like an onion plant.
• The weed can potentially damage • Despite the North-Eastern societies
India’s self-sufficiency in onion traditionally being matriarchal, the
production. It could also make land sharpest decline was in Sikkim where
infertile if it is not controlled in a the sex ratio at birth dropped 175
timely manner. points to reach 809, the lowest among
Invasive Species all states in 2015-16.
• An invasive alien species is a species Related Information
that is not native to a specific location,
National Family Health Survey
and that has a tendency to spread to
• It is a large-scale, multi-round survey
a degree believed to cause damage to
conducted in a representative sample
the environment, human economy or
of households throughout India.
human health.
• An alien species is a species • Four rounds of the survey have been
introduced by humans – either conducted since the first survey in
intentionally or accidentally - outside 1992-93.
of its natural past or present • The survey provides state and
distribution, however not all alien national information for India on
species have negative impacts. fertility, infant and child mortality, the
• Notable examples of alien invasive practice of family planning, maternal
species : and child health, reproductive health,
1. Water hyacinth nutrition, anaemia, utilization and
2. Zebra mussels quality of health and family planning
3. Ship rat services.
4. Small Indian mongoose Note:


• The Ministry of Health and Family • The system put in place on a pilot
Welfare (MOHFW), Government of basis in states of Chhattisgarh,
India, designated the International Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and
Institute for Population Sciences Punjab, has been successfully
(IIPS) Mumbai, as the nodal agency, running.
responsible for providing coordination Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
and technical guidance for the survey. Source- The Hindu
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance 4. ISRO's founder, Vikram Sarabhai’s
Source- TOI 100th birth anniversary: 12 August
3. Uber for tractors’: Government to • Remembered as the Father of India’s
launch the app to aid farmers Space Programme, Vikram Sarabhai
• The agriculture ministry has was born in Ahmedabad on 12th
developed a farm equipment rental August in 1919.
app for Indian farmers called Uber • He established the Indian National
for tractors. Committee for Space Research in
1962, which was later renamed as the
• The app will allow the farmers to hire
Indian Space Research Organisation
tractors, rotavator and other farm-
related machinery on rent for with (ISRO).
• He was also the chairman of the
flexible tenure.
Atomic Energy Commission.
• The farmers who wish to hire
• He is also responsible for setting up
equipment can register using their
many institutions in India including
names, addresses and mobile
the Physical Research Laboratory, the
numbers and then punch in their
Indian Institute of Management, and
the Center for Environmental Planning
• It will efficiently connect farmers with
and Technology.
custom hiring centres, just like Uber
• A crater on the moon was also named
cab service.
after him in his honour in 1973.
• The app will show farmers the custom • Recently ISRO launched its lunar
hiring centres which have the mission with the Chandrayaan-2, in
equipment available near his location. which the Vikram lander is scheduled
• The farmer can then call the CHC to touch down on the lunar surface.
(custom hiring centres) or just use the Related Information
app to book the equipment at a • For his exemplary contribution, he
specific time and location and it will was honoured with the Padma
turn up just like an Uber. Bhushan in 1966 and the Padma
• It will also help to create an invaluable Vibhushan (posthumously) in 1972.
database for policy-makers who can Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
track the use and cost of equipment. Source- The Hindu
• The system would also help to track 5. 63% panchayats join state’s star-
the usage of new technology that the rating scheme on 7 social indicators
government wants to promote such as • Two years after launching its ‘7-Star
the Happy Seeder. Rainbow Scheme’, the Haryana
• The Happy Seeder aims to prevent government has given star-rankings
stubble burning that causes air to 63 per cent of the state’s gram
pollution or solar dryers that can help panchayats based on their
farmers process and preserve their performance against seven social
produce. parameters.


• Based on the ranking, the • The regulation emphasises the

government gives financial aid to generator’s responsibility to
villages. segregate domestic waste into three
Related Information streams namely compostable,
7-Star Rainbow Scheme recyclable and non-recyclable waste.
• The scheme was launched in January • The regulation is based on the
2018. ‘Polluter Pays Principle’, under which
• Under the scheme, state government the generator has to pay a user fee or
gives star-rankings to state’s gram service charge on a monthly basis to
panchayats based on their the council.
performance against seven social • There are four Schedules included in
parameters. the regulation.
• Seven parameters under the scheme
• The first Schedule talks about the
charges and fees for solid waste
(a) Sex ratio,
(b) Education,
(c) Hygiene, • The second schedules talks about the
(d) Environment preservation, format of the application form for
(e) Good Governance and demolition and construction waste
(f) Social participation. storage permits.
• The villages would be rewarded Rs • The third schedules and fourth
one lakh for achieving each Schedules are related to; registration
parameter. application form for hazardous,
• The villages having equal or more girl industrial & e-wastes producers and
population will be given Rs 50,000 as transporters and the permit
the bonus with their reward money. application form to transport bulk
• Similarly, the villages which adopt wastes respectively.
Swachhta Mission will be given an Topic- GS Paper 2 –Environment
additional Rs 50,000 as the reward. Source- Down to Earth
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Schemes 7. Earth’s last magnetic field flip
Source- Indian Express lasted 22,000 years: Study
6. Zanzibar passes new regulation
• According to the journal Science
developed by CSE on solid waste
Advances, the magnetic field, which
protects the Earth from potentially
• Zanzibar, a semi-autonomous dangerous solar radiation, last flipped
archipelago of Tanzania, has recently some 770,000 years ago and is
passed the Urban Municipal Council named Matuyama-Brunhes after the
Solid Waste Management (SWM) scientists who discovered it.
Regulations, 2019, developed by
• The Matuyama-Brunhes took more
Delhi-based non-profit, Centre for
than twice as long to flip, while all
Science and Environment (CSE).
reversals generally wrap up within
• Zanzibar has become the first island 9,000 years.
in East Africa to have a decentralised
waste management model.
Related Information
• Zanzibar bars import, production, use • The liquid layer of the Earth called the
and sale of plastic bags. outer core is responsible for its
Major provisions magnetic field.


• As Earth spins on its axis, the iron implementation of India Enterprise

inside the liquid outer core moves Architecture (IndEA).
around and creates a field. • It will also implement a single sign-on
• Reversals of the magnetic field are for interoperability and integration
recorded in the rocks in a among e-Government applications
phenomenon called rock magnetism. throughout the country.
• Many rocks contain iron-bearing • It will help to consolidate the
minerals that act like tiny magnets. successful State-level e-Governance
• As magma or lava cools, these projects and domain-based projects
minerals align with the magnetic field with the focus on replicating them as
preserving its position and form rocks. common application software with
Impact of Magnetic flip configurable features.
• The magnetic North Pole is currently • It also ensures improvement in ease
careening toward Siberia, which of living and ease of doing business by
recently forced the Global Positioning making a big shift in the role of the
System that underlies modern Government from service provider to
navigation to update its software service enabler
sooner than expected to account for • It also agreed to take steps to
the shift. enhance the activities of the
• A reversing field might significantly Electronics Sector Skill Council in the
affect navigation and satellite and North Eastern States and explore the
terrestrial communication. possibility of opening an electronics
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and skill centre in Shillong.
Technology • It also helps promote the use of e-
Source- Down to Earth Office and move towards less paper
State Secretariats in the North
14.08.2019 Eastern States and in the district-level
1. Shillong Declaration • This will help improve the quality of
• The 22nd National Conference on e- delivery of e-Services in the North
Governance has adopted a 10 point East to fulfil the vision of improved
Shillong Declaration to improve citizen experience.
citizens’ experience with government • It was also resolved to develop India
service. as a global cloud hub and facilitate the
• The conference was organized by the development of Government
Department of Administrative applications and databases on Cloud
Reforms & Public Grievances by default.
(DARPG), Ministry of Electronics & • To adopt emerging technologies for
Information Technology (MeitY) and finding e-Governance solutions and to
the State Government of Meghalaya. promote the Digital India Projects
• The theme of this Conference was with focus on Smart Cities and Smart
“Digital India: Success to Excellence”. Villages through Startups and Smart
The 10-point declaration of Shillong Entrepreneurship were also resolved
includes: in the declaration.
• The GOI and State governments Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
would collaborate to improve the Source- PIB
citizen’s experience with government 2. Happy Seeder: A solution for crop
services by promoting the timely residue burning problem


• Recently a study found that Happy • Each UT will be governed by a

Seeder will eliminate air pollution and separate Lieutenant Governor.
reduce greenhouse gas emissions Topic- GS Paper 2 –Indian Polity
from on-farm activities by more than Source- India Today
78 per cent.
4. Army launches 'Mission Reach Out' in
• The study also found that the Happy Jammu
Seeder-based systems are on average
• The Army has launched "Mission
20 per cent more profitable than the
Reach Out" in Jammu to ensure basic
most common ‘burnt’ systems and
necessities and essential services are
almost 10 per cent more than the
available in the region post the
most profitable burning options.
abrogation of the provisions of Article
Related Information 370 and reorganisation of Jammu and
Happy Seeder Kashmir.
• It is a tractor-mounted device which Topic- GS Paper 3 –Defence
wills cuts and lifts the residue of the Source- Livemint
previous crop (in this case the rice 5. Karnataka government launches
straw) and sows a new crop (wheat) initiative “E-Step” to empower student
in its place. start-ups
• It is a direct sowing machine that is • Government of Karnataka has
capable of seeding for the new wheat introduced the "E-Step" initiative to
crop even in the presence of the rice empower start-ups of students.
straw residues on the soil surface • The "E-Step" initiative was introduced
without any tillage. by the Karnataka Department of IT,
• It will help to deposit the straw over BT and S&T through the Karnataka
the sown area as mulch. Innovation and Technology Society
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Science and
• Karnataka Government has launched
“E-Step” initiative to empower
Source- Down to Earth student start-ups.
3. Two new Union Territory's J & K & • Under the boot camps of the E-Step
Ladakh will come into effect on initiative, mentoring and coaching
31st October programs will be organized that will
• Two newly formed Union Territories cover multiple elements of
Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh will entrepreneurship.
formally come into being on October • The program is specially designed for
31, 2019 (Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's students/start-ups/ entrepreneurs to
birth anniversary). know the basics of entrepreneurship
• The President had already given from experienced trainers.
assent to newly adopted Jammu and Topic- GS Paper 2 –Government Policies
Kashmir Re-organization Act 2019. Source- Hindu business line
• Under the new Act, Union Territory 6. Iran unveils ‘Falaq ‘an 'improved'
J&K will have an Assembly, while radar air defence system
Ladakh will be Union Territory without • Iran unveiled a locally upgraded radar
a Legislature. system Falaq after a rising tension
between Iran and the United States
• The Ladakh UT will have three
Related Information
districts that are Leh, Kargil and
Ladakh while the remaining 12
• Falaq is a radar air defence system
districts will stay with J&K UT.
with a range of 400 km (250 miles)


that could help defend against cruise Kolkata (east) and Mumbai (west) to
and ballistic missiles and drones. deal with all appellate work arising out
• The Falaq is a phased-array radar of the orders/judgments of the High
system which can be incorporated into Courts.
Iran’s larger integrated air defence, Constitutional Provision
which includes an S-300 surface-to- • Article 130 is an enabling provision
air missile system. which empowers the Chief Justice of
Background India, with the approval of the
• Recently U.S. President Donald Trump President, to appoint place or places
reimposed sanctions on Tehran after other than Delhi as the seat of the
pulling out of the nuclear deal. Supreme Court.
• It makes other signatories are • Article 130 cannot be construed as
struggling to maintain as Washington casting a mandatory obligation on the
also lobbies to establish a maritime Chief Justice of India to appoint place
security coalition to safeguard or places other than Delhi as the seat
shipping in the Gulf in a related of the Supreme Court.
standoff with Iran over oil supplies. • No court can give a direction either to
Topic-GS Paper 3–Science & Technology the Chief Justice of India or the
Source- Hindustan Times President to exercise the power under
7. World's 1st museum on Sri Chaitanya article 130.
• West Bengal Chief Minister has Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
inaugurated the world’s first museum Source- The Hindu
on Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu at 9. India contributes 1 million to the UN
Baghbazare in Kolkata. Fund
• Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was the • India has contributed one million US
mystic and saint of Bengali Hindu in Dollars to the United Nations Special
the 16th century and the principal Purpose Trust Fund for the Resident
advocate of the tradition of Gaudiya Coordinator System.
Vaishnavism within Hinduism. • According to the UN information,
Topic- GS Paper 1 –Art & Culture Special Purpose Trust Fund (SPTF) is
Source- UNI a specific fund housed within the UN
8. Vice President advocates for Supreme Secretariat, established to receive,
Court Benches in distinct areas consolidate, manage all contributions
• Vice President of India has advocated and financial transactions of the new
the need to set up Supreme Court Resident Coordinator system in a
benches in different regions in the transparent and effective way.
country, including one at Chennai. Topic- GS Paper 2 –India and World
• It will help to bring the judicial system Source- The Hindu
closer to people. 10. Three new sports included in the
Related Information Commonwealth Games 2022
Law Commission report 2009 • Three new sports Women’s T20
• The Law Commission, in its report cricket, Beach volleyball and
submitted to the government in 2009, Para-table Tennis included in the
recommended that – Commonwealth Games 2022 which is
1. Constitution Bench be set up in Delhi to be held in Birmingham, England.
to deal with constitutional and allied Topic- State PCS
issues, and Source- TOI
2. four Cassation Benches in Delhi
(north), Chennai/Hyderabad (south),


16.08.2019 Cabinet Committee on Security that a

CDS, who would be five-star officer,
1. Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) be created.
• Prime Minister has announced in his • In preparation for the post, the
Independence Day speech for the government created the Integrated
creation of the post of Chief of Defence Staff (IDS) in late 2002,
Defence Staff to provide “effective which was to eventually serve as the
leadership at the top level” to the CDS’s Secretariat.
three wings of the armed forces. Note :
Related Information • The United States Chairman Joint
Office of the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC),
• The CDS is a high military office that for example, is extremely powerful,
oversees and coordinates the working with a legislated mandate and sharply
of the three Services, and to help delineated powers.
improve coordination among them.
• The Chiefs of the United States Army,
• He also acts as a military adviser to Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and
the President, and his remit extends National Guard too, are members of
to the National Security Council, the the JCSC.
Homeland Security Council, and the • All, including the CJCSC, are four-star
Defence Secretary. officers, but by statute, only the
• It provides single-point advice to the CJCSC is designated as the “principal
Executive (in India’s case, to the military adviser”.
Prime Minister) on long-term defence • However, the CJCSC is barred from
planning and management, including exercising any operational authority
manpower, equipment and strategy, over combat commanders in varied
and above all, “jointsmanship” in theatres because this authority rests
operations. exclusively with the US President.
• National Security Advisor Ajit Doval as Topic- GS Paper 3 –Defence
its chairman, and the foreign, Source- The Hindu
defence, and expenditure secretaries, 2. PM announces Jal Jeevan Mission
and the three Service Chiefs as Scheme for households
members are the present body who • Prime Minister has announced that the
advise Prime Minister on military government will launch a Jal Jeevan
matters which were created by Mission to bring piped water to
Defence Planning Committee in 2018. households.
Background Related Information
• The first proposal for a CDS came Jal Jeevan Mission
from the 2000 Kargil Review • The objective of the mission to ensure
Committee (KRC). HarGharJal (piped water supply) to all
• The committee called for a rural households by 2024 under the
reorganisation of the “entire gamut of Jal Jeevan Mission.
national security management and • Department of Drinking Water and
apex decision-making and structure Sanitation under the Jal Shakti
and the interface between the Ministry Mantralaya is the Executing Agency.
of Defence and the Armed Forces • This Mission will focus on integrated
Headquarters”. demand and supply-side
• The Group of Ministers Task Force that management of water at the local
studied the KRC Report and level, including the creation of local
recommendations proposed to the infrastructure for source sustainability


like rainwater harvesting, • Further, the report found that just the
groundwater recharge and changes in tree cover — deforestation
management of household or reforestation — was not
wastewater for reuse in agriculture. responsible for the decline in wildlife
• The Mission will converge with other populations.
Central and State Government • Other major threats were:
Schemes to achieve its objectives of o Habitat loss and habitat
sustainable water supply degradation/change
management across the country. o Exploitation
Note: o Climate change
• In July 2019 budget speech, Union • Loss of habitat due to logging,
Finance Minister announced that agricultural expansion, mining,
government has identified 1592 hunting, conflicts and spread of
Blocks (spread across 256 districts) diseases accounted for almost 60 per
which are critical and overexploited, cent of threats.
for Jal Shakti Abhiyan. • Nearly 20 per cent of threats were due
to overexploitation. Of the 112 forest-
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance dwelling primate populations, 40 were
Source- The Hindu threatened by overexploitation
3. First-ever global assessment of (hunting), the report showed.
forest biodiversity by World Wide Fund • Climate change, on the other hand,
for Nature threatened to 43 per cent of
• According to the first-ever global amphibian populations, 37 per cent of
assessment of forest biodiversity by reptile populations, 21 per cent of bird
World Wide Fund for Nature, there has populations but only 3 per cent of
been a 53 per cent decline in the mammal populations.
number of forest wildlife populations Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
since 1970. Source- Down to Earth
• The new findings were based on the 4. CORAS Of Indian Railways
Forest Specialist Index, developed
• Union Railway Minister has launched
following the Living Planet Index
Commandos for Railway Security, a
methodology — an index that tracks
special railway unit for the Indian
wildlife that lives only in forests. railways and a new establishment
Highlights of the report
manual for the Railway Protection
• The data were available for 268
Force (RPF).
species (455 populations) of birds,
Related Information
mammals, reptiles and amphibians.
Commandos For Railway Security
• Of the 455 monitored populations of
forest specialists, more than half • It is a separate Commando unit of the
declined at an annual rate of 1.7 per Railway Protection Force.
cent, on average between 1970 and • The vision of this unit to respond in
2014. situations pertaining to damage,
• While the decline was consistent in disturbance, disruption of train
these years among mammals, reptiles operations, providing safety to
and amphibians (particularly from the passengers, service during disaster
tropical forests), it was less among situations in the railway area.
birds (especially from temperate • The Commando will be deployed in
forests). Left Wing Extremism (LWE)/


insurgency/terrorism affected railway • These laws were introduced after the

areas. ratification of the Agreement on
Note: Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual
• A state of the art commando training Property Rights (TRIPS).
centre is to be established in Jagadhri, Topic- GS Paper 1 –Art and Culture
Haryana. Source- India Today
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Security 6. Jammu and Kashmir delimitation
Source- Livemint process kicks off
5. Panchamirtham’ of Palani temple • Election Commission held internal
gets GI tag discussions on the delimitation of
• The famous Palani panchamirtham, constituencies ahead of elections to
given as ‘prasadam’ at the Murugan the new Union Territory of Jammu and
temple there, has been granted the Kashmir.
Geographical Indication (GI) tag. • According to the Jammu and Kashmir
• This is the first time a temple Reorganisation Act, 2019, the number
‘prasadam’ from Tamil Nadu has been of seats in the Legislative Assembly of
bestowed with the GI tag. the UT of J&K would be increased from
Panchamirtham 107 to 114.
• It is a combination of five natural • The Act also specifies that delimitation
substances — banana, jaggery, cow will be based on the 2011 census till
ghee, honey and cardamom. Dates 2026.
and diamond sugar candies are added • The act also carries a provision for the
for flavour. introduction of reservation of seats for
• The panchamirtham is an ‘abhishega Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
prasadam’ (food that is a religious Tribes in the Union Territory of Jammu
offering), which is served in a semi- and Kashmir.
solid state.
• It is sweet in taste and one of the Related Information
main offerings for Lord
Delimitation Act, 2002
Dhandayuthapani Swamy, the
• Articles 82 and 170 of the Constitution
presiding deity of Arulmigu
of India provide for readjustment and
Dhandayuthapani Swamy Temple,
the division of each State into
situated on Palani Hills.
territorial constituencies
Related Information
(Parliamentary constituencies and
Geographical Indications Assembly constituencies) on the basis
• It is an intellectual property right of the 2001 census by such authority
which is a status accorded to a good and in such manner as Parliament
which is unique to a particular region may, by law, determine.
or area, and is originated from there. • Further, Articles 330 and 332 of the
• In India, the Geographical Indications Constitution of India provide for
of Goods (Registration and Protection) refixing the number of seats reserved
Act, 1999, along with the for the Scheduled Castes and the
Geographical Indications of Goods Scheduled Tribes in the House of the
(Registration and Protection) Rules, People and Legislative Assemblies of
2002 govern GI registrations and the States on the basis of the 2001
goods. census.
• The present delimitation of
Parliamentary and Assembly


constituencies is based on the 1971 9. New burrowing frog species

census. confirmed in Jharkhand
• It is a high power body whose orders • A new species of burrowing frog has
have the force of law and cannot be been confirmed in Jharkhand’s Chhota
called in question before any court. Nagpur Plateau.
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance • The frog was first discovered in 2015.
Source- The Hindu • It has been named as Spahaerotheca
7. The "Golden Butterfly : A variety of Magadha and will be known by the
Tea common name of ‘Magadha
Golden Butterfly Burrowing Frog’.
• The "Golden Butterfly" is a speciality Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
tea which is produced by the Dikom Source- Down to Earth
Tea Estate near Dibrugarh. 10. High CO2 emissions reducing
• These teas are made of tea buds and nutrients in rice, wheat
not tea leaves. • According to a report from the
Topic- GS Paper 1 –Art and Culture Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Source- The Hindu Change (IPCC), increased
8. Document Identification Number atmospheric concentrations of carbon
(DIN) dioxide (CO2) can reduce the
• Every communication to be issued by nutritional quality of staple foods like
the Income-Tax Department will now wheat and rice.
have a Document Identification Highlights of the reports
Number (DIN). • According to the report wheat grown
• DIN is a unique Director identification at CO2 levels of 546-586 parts per
number allotted by the Central million (ppm) has 5.9-12.7 per cent
Government to any person intending less protein, 3.7-6.5 per cent less
to be a Director or an existing director zinc, and 5.2-7.5 per cent less iron.
of a company. • Under similar levels of CO2, rice
• This intends to ensure a proper audit grains had lower protein (7.8 per
trail of such communication. cent), iron (8 per cent) and zinc (5 per
• It is an 8-digit unique identification cent).
number which has lifetime validity. • It indicated large declines in vitamins
Through DIN, details of the directors B and E, showed a meta-analysis on
are maintained in a database. rice varieties.
• It is specific to a person, which means • Further, the report states that current
even if he is a director in 2 or more farmings practices, of both crop and
companies, he has to obtain only one livestock, are unsustainable and are
DIN which would be worked in the responsible for a significant amount of
other company as well after he/she green house gas emissions (GHG) and
leaves the job. is also worsening climate change.
• It is used in whenever a return, an • Food system contributes to 25-30 per
application or any information related cent of GHG emissions.
to a company will be submitted under • This includes agriculture (10-12 per
any law, the director signing such cent), land use (8-10 per cent), and
return, application or information will storage, transport and processing (5-
mention his DIN underneath his 10 per cent).
signature. • Food wastage (from harvesting,
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Economics processing, and storage) also
Source- Economics Times


contribute 8-10 per cent of GHG lagoon in India and the second largest
emissions. coastal lagoon in the world.
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment • It was the first water body in India to
Source- Down to Earth be designated as a wetland of
11. Kondapalli toys international importance under the
• Kondapalli toys — cultural icons of Ramsar Convention in 1981.
Andhra Pradesh — are one of the most • It is also a home of endangered
sold handicrafts in India and abroad, Irrawaddy dolphins and migratory
across online, wholesale, and retail birds during winter.
platforms. Ansupa
Related Information • It is famous for its sweet water fish,
• These are the toys made of wood in especially labeo bata locally known as
Kondapalli of Krishna district in pohala.
Andhra Pradesh. • The lake was sustaining from the
• The artisans who make the toys are freshwater supply during the rainy
referred to as Aryakhastriyas (also season from the Mahanadi River.
known as Nakarshalu), who have their Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
mention in the Brahmanda Purana. Source- AIR
• It was registered as one of the 2. SUPRA: New scheme will fund
geographical indication handicraft cutting-edge research
from Andhra Pradesh as per • Science and Engineering Research
Geographical Indications of Goods Board have recently announced a
(Registration and Protection) Act, scheme called Scientific and Useful
1999. Profound Research Advancement, or
• The Kondapalli toys are made from Supra.
softwood known as Tella Poniki which • It is a part of the Modi government’s
is found in nearby Kondapalli Hills. 100-day transformative ideas which
Topic- GS Paper 1 –Art and Culture has a sole objective of funding
Source- Indian Express exploration of new scientific and
engineering breakthroughs with
19.08.2019 global impact.
• The scheme is designed to attract
1. Odisha to conserve two of its high-quality research proposals
largest lakes consisting of new hypotheses or
• The Odisha Wetland Authority has challenge existing ones and provide
approved the implementation of an ‘out-of-box’ solutions.
integrated management plan for • High Risk-High Reward (HRHR)
Chilika, country’s largest brackish Research is a scheme similar to
water lagoon and Ansupa, State’s SUPRA launched two years ago which
largest freshwater lake. was meant for conceptually new and
Related Information risky projects that are expected to
Chilika have paradigm-shifting influence
• It lies in Odisha state on the eastern Related Information
coast of India, at the mouth of the Science and Engineering Research Board
Daya River flowing into the Bay of • It is a statutory body under the
Bengal. Department of Science and
• It is Asia’s largest brackish water Technology, GOI, established by an
lagoon and has the largest coastal Act of the Parliament of India in 2009.


• The Board is chaired by the Secretary Tawlhlohpuan

to the Government of India in the • It is a medium to heavy, compactly
Department of Science and woven, good quality fabric from
Technology. Mizoram is known for warp yarns,
• The Board was set up for promoting warping, weaving & intricate designs
basic research in science and that are made by hand.
engineering and to provide financial Mizo Puanchei
assistance to scientists, academic • It is a colourful Mizo shawl/textile,
institutions, R&D laboratories, from Mizoram, is considered as the
industrial concerns and other most colourful among the Mizo
agencies for such research. textiles.
• The Board offers JC Bose National • It is an essential possession for every
Fellowship to scientists and engineers Mizo lady and an important marriage
for their outstanding performance and outfit in the state.
contributions and RAMANUJAN • It is also the most commonly used
Fellowship for brilliant scientists and costume in Mizo festive dances and
engineers from all over the world to official ceremonies.
take up scientific research positions in Tirur betel vine from Kerala
India. • It is mainly cultivated in Tirur, Tanur,
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance Tirurangadi, Kuttippuram,
Source- Live Mint Malappuram and Vengara block
3. Four New Products get GI Tag panchayaths of Malappuram District.
• The Geographical Indication (GI) • It is valued both for its mild stimulant
under the Department for Promotion action and medicinal properties.
of Industry and Internal Trade has • It has many medicinal, industrial and
recently registered 4 new GIs. cultural is considered as a remedy for
• These are bad breath and digestive disorders.
1. Palani Panchamirtham from Palani Topic- GS Paper 1 –Art and Culture
Town in Dindigul District of Tamil Source- PIB
Nadu State 4. Glyptothorax gopii and Garra
2. Tawlhlohpuan from Mizoram simbalbaraensis: New species of
3. Mizo Puancheifrom the state of freshwater fish found
Mizoram • Scientists of the Zoological Survey of
4. Tirur Betel leaf from Kerala India have discovered two new
Palani Panchamirtham species of freshwater fish from the
• They are the Prasadam; from Palani north-eastern and northern parts of
Town is one of the main offerings in the country.
the Abisegam of Lord • Both fish are hill stream fauna and are
Dhandayuthapani Swamy, the equipped with special morphological
presiding deity of features to suit rapid water flow.
ArulmiguDhandayuthapaniswamy Glyptothorax gopii
Temple, situated in Palani Hills. • It is a new species discovered from
• It is a combination of five natural Champai district in Mizoram near the
substances, namely, banana, jaggery India-Myanmar border.
sugar, cow ghee, honey and • It has been named to celebrate the
cardamom in a definite proportion. contribution of taxonomist K.C. Gopi.
• This is the first time a temple Garra simbalbaraensis
‘prasadam’ from Tamil Nadu has been • These species were found in Himachal
bestowed with the GI tag. Pradesh’s Simbalbara River.


• It takes its name from the Simbalbara Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Drugs and
River. Cosmetics Rules 1945.
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment and • Diagnostics are regulated under the
Biodiversity regulatory provisions of the Medical
Source- The Hindu Device Rules, 2017.
5. India gets its first national essential Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
diagnostics list Source- Indian Express
• India has got its first National 6. Manipur govt launches a scheme
Essential Diagnostics List (NEDL) "School Fagadaba" to improve govt
finalised by the Indian Council of schools infrastructure and overall
Medical Research (ICMR). education quality
• It aims to bridge the current • Launching the "School Fagadaba"
regulatory system’s gap that does not (Make education better) scheme, the
cover all the medical devices and in- state govt said the objective was to
vitro diagnostic device (IVD). ensure better infrastructure, quality
• India’s diagnostics list has been education and overall improvement of
customised and prepared as per the government schools to make them
landscape of India’s health care model schools.
priorities. • The biometric devices would be
• WHO released the first edition of the installed in schools in ensuring regular
essential diagnostics list (EDL) in May attendance of teachers.
2018. • In the first phase of the scheme, one
Related Information school from each of the 60 Assembly
National essential diagnostics list constituencies in the state have been
• It builds upon the Free Diagnostics selected.
Service Initiative and other • The overall objective is to improve the
diagnostics initiatives of the Health government schools conditions and to
Ministry to provide an expanded increase the enrollment of students.
basket of tests at different levels of Topic- GS Paper 2 –Government Policies
the public health system like village Source- India Today
level, primary, secondary and tertiary 7. Lemru Elephant Reserve
care. • Chhattisgarh government is setting
• It includes a group of general up of Lemru Elephant Reserve (LER),
laboratory tests for routine patient spanning over an area of 450 square
care and for diagnosis of kilometres, is aimed at minimizing
communicable and non- human-elephant conflict and
communicable diseases. destruction of property in addition to
• The inclusion of the diagnostic test on providing a permanent habitat for the
specific diseases selected on the basis wild tuskers.
of disease burden. • The reserve will be set-up as per the
• It will help India in achieving report and recommendations of
Sustainable Development Goal Special High-Power Technical
(SDG) 3.8 i.e. Universal Health Committee (SHPTC) which was
Coverage. constituted by the Government of
• In India, diagnostics (medical devices India.
and in vitro diagnostics) follow a • The report of SHPTC stated that LER
regulatory framework based on the would provide a huge protected area
drug regulations under the Drugs and for the conservation of wild elephants
where the elephants will get an


abundant amount of water, food and 20.08.2019

other facilities.
• Chhattisgarh government had also 1. India emits the most sulphur
formed Sarguja-Jashpur Elephant dioxide in the world
Reserve in 2011. • India is the largest emitter of sulphur
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment dioxide (SO2) in the world,
Source- Business Standard contributing more than 15 per cent of
8. 28th Ministerial meeting on Climate global anthropogenic emissions.
Change of BASIC Countries • The data is based on a new report by
• The BASIC countries — a grouping of Greenpeace which is based on
Brazil, South Africa, India and China hotspots detected by NASA Ozone
— held their 28th Ministerial meeting Monitoring Instrument (OMI) satellite
on Climate Change between August data.
14 and August 16 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Reason for this emission
• The BASIC group was formed as the • The primary reason for India’s high
result of an agreement signed by the emission output is the expansion of
four countries on November 28, 2009. coal-based electricity generation over
• These nations have a broadly common the past decade.
position on reducing greenhouse gas • Five of the top 10 SO2 emission
emissions and raising the massive hotspots from coal/power generation
funds that are needed to fight climate industry across the world are in India.
change. Highlights of Report
• The BASIC countries constituted one • Russia continues to be the largest
of the parties in the Copenhagen anthropogenic SO2 emission hotspot
Accord reached with the US-led in the world, followed by the Kriel area
grouping; the Accord, was, however, in Mpumalanga province of South
not legally binding. Africa, Zagroz in Iran, and Rabigh in
Related Information Saudi Arabia.
• BASIC is one of several groups of • Singrauli in Madhya Pradesh is at
nations working together to fight number five.
climate change and carry out • China reduced its SO2 emissions
negotiations within the UNFCCC. through stringent emission norms and
• Other than BASIC, there are the the implementation of technologies
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting like FGD.
Countries (OPEC), the group of Related Information
countries of Central Asia, Caucasus, Flue-gas desulfurization (FGD)
Albania and Moldova (CACAM), the • It is a set of technologies used to
Cartagena Dialogue, the Independent remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) from
Alliance of Latin America and the exhaust flue gases of fossil- fuel
Caribbean (AILAC), and the Bolivarian power plants, and from the emissions
Alliance for the Peoples of our America of other sulphur oxide emitting
(ALBA in Spanish), etc. processes
• CoP25 is scheduled from December 2- Sulphur Dioxide
13, 2019 in the Chilean capital of • Its emissions are a significant
Santiago. contributor to air pollution.
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment • Its direct exposure and exposure to
Source- Indian Express particulate matter PM2.5 (fine
particulate matter) produced when
SO2 reacts with other air pollutants to


form sulphate particles both affect • Carbon dots are fluorescent

human health. nanoparticles with very little toxicity,
• The greatest source of SO2 in the making them extremely useful for this
atmosphere is the burning of fossil application.
fuels in power plants and other • These nanoparticles were made using
industrial facilities. common ingredients such as sucrose
• Other sources include industrial and citric acid, which occur naturally
processes such as extracting metal in various fruits.
from ore, natural sources such as • Two different versions of the carbon
volcanoes, and locomotives, ships and dots were developed as part of the
other vehicles and heavy equipment research, one with the drug bound on
that burn fuel with high sulphur the surface and the other where the
content. drug was inside the dot.
Note: • The drug was bound to the surface of
• The Union Ministry of Environment, a carbon dot it was four times less
Forest and Climate Change had, for toxic without light while maintaining
the first time, introduced SO2 its cancer-killing effect in a lab model
emission limits for coal-fired power of melanoma skin cancer.
plants in December 2015. Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and
• But a Supreme Court order changed Technology
the deadline for installation of FGD Source- DD News
technology in power plants from 2017 3. Madhya Pradesh demands Legislative
to December 2019 in Delhi-NCR and Council
till 2022 for other parts of the country. • Madhya Pradesh government has
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Environment indicated that it plans to initiate steps
Source- Down to Earth towards the creation of a Legislative
2. Carbon dots: A new technique to Council.
make cancer treatment more effective, Constitutional Provisions
affordable • Article 71 of the Constitution provides
• Researchers in the United Kingdom for the option of a state to have a
have developed a new technology that Legislative Council in addition to its
could make light-based cancer Legislative Assembly.
treatment more effective and safer for • Under Article 169, a Legislative
patients. Council can be formed “if the
• Light-based or photodynamic therapy Legislative Assembly of the State
is already a clinically-approved passes a resolution to that effect by a
treatment, which uses drugs that only majority of the total membership of
work when exposed to light to destroy the Assembly and by a majority of not
cancer cells. less than two-thirds of the members
• However, many of these drugs are of the Assembly present and voting”.
frequently toxic even without light, Parliament can then pass a law to this
causing many side effects in patients effect.
and leading to treatment failure. • Under Article 171 of the Constitution,
• The researcher has developed a tiny the Legislative Council of a state shall
carbon nanoparticles called Carbon not have more than one-third of the
Dots that can deliver cancer drugs to number of MLAs of the state, and not
tumours easily. less than 40 members.
• The tenure of a Member of the
Carbon Dots Legislative Council (MLC) is six years,


with one-third of members retiring • IIT Kharagpur will steer Saraswati 2.0
every two years. — an Rs 15-crore project funded by
• One-third of the MLCs are elected by the European Union and the
the state’s MLAs, another one-third by Government of India’s departments of
a special electorate comprising sitting Science and Technology and
members of local governments such Biotechnology.
as municipalities and district boards, • The project aims to develop affordable
1/12th by an electorate of teachers technologies for the treatment of
and another 1/12th by registered wastewater and provide solutions for
graduates. its use in both rural and urban India.
• The remaining members are • Saraswati 2.0, which has been
appointed by the Governor for selected under the EU-India Joint Call
distinguished services in various on Research and Innovation for
fields. Water, follows the Saraswati project
Positive Arguments of 2012-17.
• The second House can help check • The EU will invest up to Rs 323 crore
hasty actions by the directly elected on various projects for four years.
House, and also enable non-elected • IIT KGP will steer three pilot projects
individuals to contribute to the to treat wastewater.
legislative process. • For this, three plants will be soon set
Negative Arguments up at IIT KGP: Two anaerobic
• Legislative Council can be used to digesters, one with bio-electro
delay legislation, and to park leaders chemical filter and another with
who have not been able to win an photoheterotropic bioreactor — and a
election. plant for ultrasonic treatment of
States with Legislative Council sludge.
• Currently, six states have Legislative Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
Councils which are Andhra Pradesh, Source- Down To Earth
Telangana, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, 6. Mangdechhu hydroelectric power
Karnataka and Maharashtra. plant
• Jammu and Kashmir too had one, • PM Modi inaugurated the Mangdechhu
until the state was bifurcated into the hydroelectric power plant in Bhutan.
Union Territories of J&K and Ladakh. • The Rs 4,500-crore hydroelectric
Legislative Council V/S Rajya Sabha plant in central Bhutan presented as a
• The legislative power of the Councils Bhutan-India friendship project is a
is limited. run-of-river power plant built on the
• Unlike Rajya Sabha which has Mangdechhu River in Trongsa
substantial powers to shape non- Dzongkhag district of the Himalayan
financial legislation, Legislative nation.
Councils lack a constitutional mandate • Construction of the hydropower
to do so; Assemblies can override project began on June 2012 and the
suggestions/amendments made to first of the four units of the power
legislation by the Council. plant was commissioned in June
• Again, unlike Rajya Sabha MPs, MLCs 2019.
cannot vote in elections for the Related Information
President and Vice President. • India also announced that an
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Indian Polity additional $100 million will be
Source- Indian Express available to Bhutan under the SAARC
5. Project "Saraswati 2.0"


currency swap framework to meet the • Prime Minister Modi was awarded
foreign exchange requirement. first-ever Philip Kotler Presidential
Topic- GS Paper 1 –Indian Geography Award.
Source- Indian Express • Philip Kotler Presidential Award aims
7. PM Modi to receive UAE’s highest to spread examples of individuals and
civilian award, the Order of Zayed companies who create an innovative
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi has culture for the economic, social and
been recently honoured with the technological advancements of an
“Order of Zayed” which is the highest industry or a country.
UAE civilian award. Topic- GS Paper 2 –Important awards
• It is conferred due to the Source- The Hindu
distinguished leadership of Prime
Minister for giving a big boost to 21.08.2019
bilateral relations between the two
countries. 1. 2nd giant planet found around
• Along with Narendra Modi, Vladimir nearby star Beta Pictoris
Putin, President of Russia, Elizabeth • Astronomers from France have
II, Queen of the United Kingdom and recently discovered a 2nd planet
Chinese President Xi Jinping are the called ‘Beta Pictoris c’.
other recipient of this award. • It has been discovered with the help
Order of Zayad of High Accuracy Radial Velocity
• The award is given in the name of Planet Searcher (HARPS) spectro-
Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, scope on the European Southern
the founding father of the UAE. Observatory’s Very Large Telescope in
Related Information Chile.
Other international awards received by • For the last decade, astronomers on
Narendra Modi Earth have thought of ‘Beta Pictoris b’
Order of St. Andrew award a planet as a lonely exoplanet orbiting
• It was awarded by Russia on 12 April within a huge, dusty disk around the
2019. star Beta Pictoris.
• Narendra Modi is the first Indian who Related Information
received this award. Planet ‘Beta Pictoris c’
Order of the Distinguished Rule of • It is roughly around 3,000 times more
Nishan Izzuddin massive than Earth.
• It was awarded by the Maldives on 8 • It orbits Beta Pictoris star, which is
June 2019. about nearly twice the mass of Sun
• This is the highest honour of the and lies about 63 light-years away
Maldives awarded to foreign from Earth.
dignitaries. • It is situated 2.7 times further from its
Champions of the Earth Award star than the Earth is from the Sun.
• United Nations Environment • It takes about 1,200 days to complete
Programme awarded this to award on its orbit.
October 2018. Beta Pictoris
• The Champions of the Earth Award is • It is the second brightest star in the
the annual award established to constellation Pictor.
recognize outstanding environmental • It is located 63.4 light-years from the
leaders from the private/public Solar System and is 1.75 times as
sectors and from civil society. massive and 8.7 times as luminous as
Philip Kotler Presidential Award the Sun.


• The Beta Pictoris system is very • It has a load-bearing capacity of 70

young, only 20 to 26 million years old. metric ton (MT).
• Beta Pictoris is the title member of the • It has been designed and developed
Beta Pictoris moving group, an on requirements projected by Army
association of young stars which for reducing Strategic Mobility time of
share the same motion through space mobilising Armoured Fighting Vehicles
and have the same age. (AFVs).
• Beta Pictoris shows an excess of • It is a portable, modular in design,
infrared emission compared to normal which can be easily assembled or
stars of its type, which is caused by disassembled which will provide
large quantities of dust and gas strategic mobility for Armoured and
(including carbon monoxide) near the Mechanised units and formations of
star. Army.
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and Topic- GS Paper 3 –Defence
Technology Source- Indian Express
Source- Livemint
2. Manufactured sand (M-sand) 4. Election Commission to revisit ‘D’
• The State government of Tamil Nadu voter criterion ahead of final NRC
will put in place an M-sand policy that Related Information
aims to promote the use of M-sand as ‘D’ voters
an alternative building material. • They are the category of voters in
• It will help to eliminate the pervasion Assam whose citizenship is doubtful or
of sub-standard products in the under dispute.
market through the regulation of • This category was introduced in 1997
trade. at the time EC was revising the state’s
Related Information voter list.
Manufactured sand (M-Sand) • ‘D’ voters continue to remain on
• It is a substitute of river sand for Assam’s electoral roll, they cannot
concrete construction. vote in an election unless their case is
• It is manufactured using technology decided by a Foreigners’ Tribunal.
like High Carbon steel hit a rock and Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
then ROCK ON ROCK process from Source- The Hindu
hard granite. 5. Punjab government brings 4500
• The sand is in cubical shape with journalists under SSBY scheme
grounded edges, washed and graded • The Punjab Government has brought
to as a construction material and journalists into the ambit of its
having a size of less than 4.75mm. recently launched flagship universal
Topic- GS Paper 1 –Geography health insurance scheme 'Sarbat
Source- The Hindu Sehat Bima Yojana' (SSBY).
3. Mobile metallic ramp • All journalists accredited to the state
• DRDO recently handed over the government or holding yellow cards
design of Mobile Metallic Ramp (MMR) will be eligible to be covered under the
to the Indian Army. scheme.
Mobile Metallic Ramp (MMR) Related Information
• It has been designed and developed Sarbat Sehat Bima Yojana (AB-SSBY)
by Centre for Fire, Explosive and • It is also known as Ayushman Bharat
Environment Safety (CFEES), DRDO’s - Sarbat Sehat Bima Yojana (AB-
premier research laboratory. SSBY) which is a flagship state health


insurance scheme for the beneficiaries • Chandrayaan-2 has been launched

of State of Punjab. from a Geosynchronous Satellite
• It will provide financial protection to Launch Vehicle Mark III, (GSLV -MK
75% population of the state of III) rocket.
Punjab. Chandrayaan-1 Mission
Core Features of the Scheme • It was launched in October 2008 and
• It is a cashless health insurance cover operated till August 2009.
of Rs 5 Lakh per family per year. • The mission included a lunar orbiter
• It is an entitlement based Scheme. and an impactor.
• Pre-existing diseases are covered and Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science &
treatment package includes 3 days’ Technology
pre-hospitalization and 15 days’ post- Source- Indian Express
hospitalization expenditure 7. What is Tardigrade, the water bear?
• Beneficiaries can avail health services • Recently the Israeli spacecraft
at empanelled private and Beresheet attempted to land on the
government hospitals of Punjab and Moon but crashed on the surface.
Chandigarh. • It was carrying a number of items —
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance including thousands of specimens of a
Source- The Hindu living organism called tardigrade.
6. Chandrayaan-2 successfully • The tardigrade, also known as the
completes second lunar orbit water bear, is among the toughest
manoeuvre and most resilient creatures on Earth.
• India’s second Moon exploration • The tardigrade can only be seen under
mission, the Chandrayaan-2, went a microscope.
through its second lunar bound orbit • Half a millimetre long, it is essentially
manoeuvre. a water-dweller but also inhabits the
• The spacecraft is now placed in the land and, a 2008 study found, can
next orbit of the Moon or Lunar Bound survive in the cold vacuum of outer
Phase 2 (LBN#2) that is 118 km away space.
from the moon’s surface at its nearest • In 2017, another study found that if
point and 4,412 km at its farthest. all other life were to be wiped out by
Related Information a cataclysmic event — a large asteroid
• Chandrayaan-2 is India’s second impact, a supernova or gamma-ray
mission to the moon which is a totally bursts — the tardigrade would be the
indigenous mission. likeliest to survive.
• It comprises of an Orbiter, Lander • The tardigrade can endure extreme
named ‘Vikram’ and Rover named hot and cold temperature levels.
‘Pragyan’. • The tardigrade derives its name from
• The orbiter will circle the moon and the fact that it looks like an eight-
provide information about its surface, legged bear, with a mouth that can
while the Lander will make a soft project out like a tongue.
landing on the surface and send out • Its body has four segments supported
the rover. by four pairs of clawed legs.
• The payloads will collect scientific Topic- GS Paper 3 –Biodiversity
information on lunar topography, Source- Indian Express
mineralogy, elemental abundance, 8. Draft National Resource Efficiency
lunar exosphere and signatures of Policy Released
hydroxyl and water-ice. • The Union Ministry of Environment,
Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC)


released a draft on National Resource 22.08.2019

Efficiency Policy (NREP) 2019.
• It aims to streamline the efficient use 1. Government launches SARAL Index
of the resources with a minimum • Union Minister of State for Power and
negative impact on the environment. New & Renewable Energy (IC) and
• The Draft National Resource Efficiency Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
Policy (NREP) envisions a future with R K Singh, launched the State Rooftop
environmentally sustainable and Solar Attractiveness Index.
equitable economic growth, resource • The State of Karnataka has been
security, healthy environment (air, placed at the first rank in the Index
water and land), and restored that evaluates Indian states based on
ecosystems with rich ecology and their attractiveness for rooftop
biodiversity. development.
• The Draft National Resource Efficiency • Telangana, Gujarat and Andhra
Policy is guided by the principles of Pradesh have got 2nd, 3rd and 4th
(a) Reduction in primary resource rank respectively.
consumption to ‘sustainable’ levels, in SARAL (State Rooftop Solar
keeping with achieving the Attractiveness) Index
Sustainable Development Goals and • It has been designed collaboratively
staying within the planetary by the Ministry of New and Renewable
boundaries, Energy (MNRE), Shakti Sustainable
(b) Creation of higher value with less Energy Foundation (SSEF),
material through resource-efficient Associated Chambers of Commerce
and circular approaches, and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM)
(c) Waste minimization and Ernst & Young (EY).
(d) material security, and creation of • It is the first of its kind index to
employment opportunities and provide a comprehensive overview of
business models beneficial to the state-level measures adopted to
cause of environment protection and facilitate rooftop solar deployment.
restoration • The index evaluates Indian states
Related Information based on their attractiveness for
National Resource Efficiency Authority rooftop development.
• It will be constituted under the • It currently captures five key aspects–
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. o robustness of policy framework
• It would be supported by an Inter- o implementation environment
Ministerial National Resource o investment climate
Efficiency Board to guide on the o consumer experience
aspects critical to its implementation. o business ecosystem
• It is also planned to offer tax benefits Related Information
on recycled materials, green loans to • MNRE has set a target of 175 GW of
small and medium enterprises (SMEs) renewable energy capacity by 2022,
and soft loans to construct waste of which 100 GW solar power is to be
disposal facilities, apart from setting operational by March 2022, of which
up Material Recovery Facilities (MRF). 40 GW is expected to come from
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance grid-connected solar rooftops.
Source- The Hindu Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
Source- PIB
2. Kerala's Tirur Vettila leaf obtains GI


• Tirur Vettila (betel leaf) of Kerala has • The training programme has been
obtained GI (Geographical Indication) included as one of the two
tag. transformative ideas from this
Tirur Vettila Department for the 100 days
• It is grown in Tirur and nearby areas programme of the Government.
of Malappuram district of Kerala. • This integrated programme aims to
• It is unique for its significantly high build the capacities of around 42 lakh
content of total chlorophyll and participants covering
protein in fresh leaves. (a) All teachers and Heads of Schools
• Eugenol is the major essential oil in at the elementary level in all
Tirur betel leaf contributing to its Government schools
(b) Faculty members of State Councils
Related Information
of Educational Research and Training
GI Tag
• It is a sign used on products that have
a specific geographical origin and (c) District Institutes of Education and
possess qualities or a reputation that Training (DIETs)
are due to that origin. (f) Block Resource Coordinators and
• In order to function as a GI, a sign Cluster Resource Coordinators in all
must identify a product as originating States and UTs.
in a given place. Related Information
GI tags – a requirement of the TRIPS Learning Management System
agreement • It is based on MOODLE (Modular
• India, as a member of the WTO, Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning
enacted the Geographical Indications Environment) have been developed
of Goods (Registration & Protection) by NCERT.
Act, 1999 has come into force with
• It will be used for registration of
effect from 15th September 2003.
Resource Persons and Teachers,
• Darjeeling Tea was the first Indian
dissemination of resources, training
product to get the geographical
gap and impact analysis, monitoring,
indication tag in the Year 2004.
mentoring and measuring the
Topic- GS Paper 1 –Art and Culture
progress online.
Source- The Hindu
3. Union HRD Minister launches Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
• Union HRD Minister has launched the 4. Sericin: This silk protein
National Initiative for School Heads • Indian scientists have discovered that
and Teachers Holistic Advancement a protein produced by silkworms can
(NISHTHA) as a part of National be used to develop a range of beauty
Mission to improve Learning and skincare products.
Outcomes at the Elementary level. • The protein, sericin, is known to
• This is the largest teachers’ training possess anti-oxidant and other
programme of its kind in the world. medicinal properties.
• These properties depend on the amino
• The basic objective of this massive
acid composition and secondary
training programme ‘NISHTHA’ is to
metabolites (polyphenols and
motivate and equip teachers to
flavonoids) of sericin.
encourage and foster critical thinking
• They vary with the source of
in students.
silkworms and their availability


depends on the length of sericin at least one of three second-line

peptides obtained during extraction. injectable drugs (capreomycin,
• It could be used for protection from kanamycin, and amikacin), in addition
oxidative damage, edema, erythema, to multidrug resistance.
sunburn, premature aging, wrinkling, • Rifampicin resistance (RR): resistance
and skin cancer. to rifampicin detected using
• Sericin was isolated from cocoons of phenotypic or genotypic methods,
three types of silkworms with or without resistance to other
(a) Bombyx mori (Mori) anti-TB drugs.
(b) Antheraea assamensis (Muga) Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and
(c) Philosamia ricini (Eri) Technology
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment Source- The Hindu Business line
Source- Down to Earth 6. Fossils show Kutch desert was once a
5. XDR TB – A deadly disease forest
• US-FDA approved a three-drug • Indian and French researchers have
regimen against the most lethal form recently said that the hot arid desert
of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis. of Kutch was once a humid sub-
XDR TB tropical forest with a variety of birds,
• XDR TB is known as the extensively freshwater fish and possibly giraffes
drug-resistant strain. and rhinos.
• It has approved ‘Pretomanid’ Tablets • Their conclusions are based on the
in combination with ‘Bedaquiline’ and discovery of a tranche of vertebrate
‘Linezolid’ for the treatment. fossils from nearly 14 million years
WHO Report ago in a geological period known as
• As per WHO, two-thirds of cases of the the Miocene.
XDR-strain are in China, India and • The fossils, consisting mostly of ribs,
Russia. and parts of teeth and bones, were
• As per WHO the XDR can be unearthed from Palasava village of
contracted in two ways. Rapar taluk in Kutch, Gujarat.
(a) It may develop in a patient who is Related Information
already receiving treatment for TB Miocene
and misuses the anti-TB drugs, or • It is the first geological epoch of the
(b) It can be contracted from a person Neogene period and extends from
who already has the disease. about 23.03 to 5.332 million years
• Ending the TB epidemic by 2030 is ago (Ma).
among the health targets of the • The Miocene was named by Sir
Sustainable Development Goals Charles Lyell.
(SDG). • The Miocene follows the Oligocene
Types of drug resistance TB epoch and is followed by the Pliocene
• Mono-resistance: resistance to one epoch.
first-line anti-TB drug only • The apes arose and diversified during
• Poly-resistance: resistance to more the Miocene epoch, becoming
than one first-line anti-TB drug, other widespread in the Old World.
than both isoniazid and rifampicin. Subdivisions
• Multidrug resistance (MDR): • The Miocene faunal stages from
resistance to at least both isoniazid youngest to oldest are typically
and rifampicin named according to the International
• Extensive drug resistance (XDR): Commission on Stratigraphy:
resistance to any fluoroquinolone, and o Messinian (7.246–5.332 Ma)


o Tortonian (11.608–7.246 Ma) • The new report has been compiled by

o Serravallian (13.65–11.608 Ma) Traffic, an NGO working in
o Langhian (15.97–13.65 Ma) conservation and currently in
o Burdigalian (20.43–15.97 Ma) partnership with the World Wildlife
o Aquitanian (23.03–20.43 Ma) Fund (WWF) and the International
Topic- GS Paper 1 –Geography Union for Conservation of Nature.
Source- The Hindu Related Information
7. E-VBAB Network Project • India has the world’s largest tiger
• E-VBAB Network Project is one of the population — 2,967 in the Tiger
10 MoU signed between India and Census released in July 2019.
Zambia. Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
• Ministry of External Affairs and the Source- Indian Express
Telecommunications Consultants 9. IIT Hyderabad scientists convert
India Ltd (TCIL) signed an agreement fly ash into waterproofing
for the implementation of e- material
VidyaBharati and e-AarogyaBharati • Researchers from the IIT Hyderabad
(e-VBAB) Network Project in 2018. have found that fly ash a waste
• It is primarily a technological upgrade byproduct of power plants that poses
and extension of the Pan-African e- a threat to the environment — can be
network Project (Phase 1) which was modified into a waterproofing
implemented in 48 partner countries material.
across Africa from 2009 till 2017. • They have converted fly ash into a
• It is a five-year duration project which waterproofing material by treating it
will provide free tele-education with stearic acid, which is commonly
courses in various academic used in soaps and shampoos.
disciplines to 4000 students every Related Information
year from African countries. Stearic acid
• The E-VBAB Network Project will be • Stearic acid is a saturated fatty acid
completely funded by the Government with an 18-carbon chain and has the
of India for its entire duration and will IUPAC name octadecanoic acid.
be open for participation to all our • It is a waxy solid and its chemical
partner countries in Africa. formula is C₁₇H₃₅CO₂H.
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance • The salts and esters of stearic acid are
Source- PIB called stearates.
8. Report on illegal global tiger trade: Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and
Highest in India Technology
• Overall, a conservative estimate of Source- Down to Earth
2,359 tigers were seized from 2000 to
2018 across 32 countries and 23.08.2019
territories globally.
• India has the highest extent of tiger 1. CITES CoP 2019: Giraffes accorded
trade in the world. protection from trade for the first time
• The top three countries with the • CITES CoP (18) was held recently in
highest number of seizure incidents Geneva, Switzerland.
were India (463 or 40.5% of total • On August 22, 2019, the Conference
seizures) and China (126 or 11.0%), of Parties (CoP) to the Convention on
closely followed by Indonesia (119 or International Trade in Endangered
10.5%). Species or CITES in Geneva passed a


resolution to place the giraffe in • The most recent of which was CoP
Appendix II of CITES. (CoP 18) in Geneva, Switzerland from
• Appendix II includes species not 17 August to 28 August.
necessarily threatened with Topic- GS-3- Environment
extinction, but in which trade must be Source- Down To Earth
controlled in order to avoid utilisation 2. Sabka Vishwas legacy dispute
incompatible with their survival. resolution scheme
• They have been listed as ‘vulnerable’ • The government has announced a
on the International Union for new scheme called Sabka Vishwas
Conservation of Species Red List since Scheme, 2019 during his budget
2016, with some sub-species speech will be operationalised from
classified as ‘endangered’’ or ‘critically September 1.
endangered’. • Businesses can now settle their
• Today, they are found only south of pending disputes relating to central
the Sahara, and occupy only a fraction excise duty and service tax within four
of their historic range as a result of months starting 1 September under
human population expansion and the terms notified by the government.
changes in land use. • The scheme offers attractive terms to
Related Information settle disputes that are at different
CITES stages and also offers amnesty to
• CITES (the Convention on those who wish to disclose any
International Trade in Endangered previously undisclosed tax liability
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, also and pay the tax amount involved
known as the Washington without any penalty or prosecution.
Convention) is a multilateral treaty • The amnesty offers an opportunity for
to protect endangered plants and the taxpayers to pay the outstanding
animals. tax and be free of any other
• It was drafted as a result of a consequence under the law.
resolution adopted in 1963 at a • It provides substantial relief in the tax
meeting of members of the dues for all categories of cases as well
International Union for Conservation as full waiver of interest, fine and
of Nature (IUCN). penalty.
• The convention was opened for Topic- GS Paper 3 –Important Scheme
signature in 1973 and CITES entered Source- PIB
into force on 1 July 1975. 3. Oxytocin Ban
• Each protected species or population • The Supreme Court referred to a
is included in one of three lists, larger Bench a batch of petitions
called Appendices. challenging a government notification
• Currently, 183 countries are a banning private companies from
signatory to the CITES. manufacturing Oxytocin.
CoP • The central government also notified
• Species are proposed for inclusion in on April 2018 under Section 26A of
or deletion from the Appendices at the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940
meetings of the Conference of the restricting the manufacture of
Parties (CoP), which are held Oxytocin for domestic use.
approximately once every three Related Information
years. Oxytocin
• It's sometimes known as the "cuddle
hormone" or the "love hormone,"


because it is released when people • A widely used definition describes

snuggle up or bond socially. microplastics as plastic particles
• It is a hormone that is made in the smaller than 5 mm in length.
brain, in the hypothalamus and it is • However, this is a rather arbitrary
transported to, and secreted by, the definition and is of limited value in the
pituitary gland, which is located at the context of drinking water.
base of the brain. Topic- GS-3- Environment
• It acts both as a hormone and as a Source- Down To Earth
brain neurotransmitter. 5. Kiren Rijiju will head the committee
• The release of oxytocin by the for 'Fit India Movement'
pituitary gland acts to regulate two • The 28-member committee headed by
female reproductive functions: Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju has been
Childbirth and Breast-feeding. set up to advise the government on
Reasons behind the ban are: the "Fit India Movement."
• It is misused by dairy owners on milch • The Committee is composed of public
animals to artificially extract milk. authorities, members of the Indian
• Oxytocin is also used to increase the Olympic Association (IOA), national
size of vegetables such as pumpkins, sports federations, private bodies and
watermelons, eggplants, gourds, and fitness promoters.
cucumbers. • The aim of the Fit India Movement is
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance to encourage people to inculcate
Source- Hindu Business line physical activity and sport in their
4. WHO released its first-ever report on daily lives.
the presence of microplastics in drinking • Prime Minister Narendra Modi will
water launch the "Fit India Movement" on 29
• The WHO released its first-ever report August 2019.
on the presence of microplastics in Topic- PCS Exam
drinking water on August 22, 2019. Source- AIR
• WHO said microplastics were present 6. Culture Minister launched the book '
in drinking water, but the levels were The Diary of Manu Gandhi'
not alarming. • Culture Minister Prahlad Singh Patel
• The UN health agency, however, said has launched the book - ‘The Diary of
there was lack of “enough research” Manu Gandhi’ at a function in New
and “reliable and conclusive data” on Delhi.
the subject. • The book has been brought out by
• This WHO assessment reassures the National Archives of India, on the
consumers of drinking water that risk occasion of 150th anniversary of
of microplastics (in it) is low. Mahatma Gandhi in collaboration with
• There exist significant gaps in existing Oxford University Press.
research studies on the presence of • The Diary of Manu Gandhi
microplastics in drinking water. (Grandniece of Mahatma Gandhi)
• Microplastics can easily lodge originally in Gujarati has been edited
themselves in the human body, but and translated by Dr Tridip Suhrud, a
this doesn’t necessarily translate into well-known scholar engaged in
a health risk, according to the WHO. understanding the Gandhian
Related Information Intellectual tradition.
• There is no consensus on the exact Topic- PCS Exam
definition of microplastics. Source- AIR


7. Nitrate exposure in infancy impacts Source- Down to Earth

Indian women’s height 8. Government approves proposal to
• In a new World Bank report that looks declare ocean energy as Renewable
at the impact of water pollution Energy
worldwide, one aspect covered is the • Ministery of New and Renewable
long-term impact of nitrate exposure Energy has approved a proposal to
experienced during infancy. declare ocean energy as Renewable
Highlights of the report Energy.
• Across 19 districts of the state, Nitrate • The Ministry of New and Renewable
levels in groundwater aquifers in India Energy has clarified to all the
exceeded permissible levels in more stakeholders that energy produced
than 50 %. using various forms of ocean energy
• While short-term exposure to nitrates such as tidal, wave, ocean thermal
has an almost negligible effect on energy conversion among others shall
adult height, cumulative exposure be considered as renewable energy.
over the first 3 years of life has • They shall also be eligible for meeting
considerable impact. the non-solar Renewable Purchase
• An infant girl who has been exposed Obligations (RPO).
to nitrate levels above the safety Related Information
threshold in the first three years • According to Ministery of New and
experiences a 1-2 cm decrease in her Renewable Energy, the total identified
adult height. potential of tidal energy is about
• Given that female adult height in India 12,455 MW, with potential locations
has increased by approximately 4 cm identified at Khambat & Kutch
over the last century, a 1-2 cm loss regions, and large backwaters, where
means that nitrate exposure in barrage technology could be used.
infancy can wipe out almost half of
• The total theoretical potential of wave
this gain in height.
energy in India along the country’s
Related Information
coast is estimated to be about 40,000
Nitrate Pollution
MW – these are preliminary
• Nitrate pollution is caused by the
overuse of nitrogenous fertilisers
which, while boosting yields, can be • Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
harmful if they leach into water or air. (OTEC) has a theoretical potential of
• In India, the Green Revolution of the 180,000 MW in India subject to
1960s kick-started the use of suitable technological evolution.
synthetic fertilisers, the report notes. Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
Methemoglobinemia Source- AIR
• It is caused by overtaking of nitrates. 9. Rajasthan’s free medicine scheme
• In Methemoglobinemia, the blood gets the first rank
shows elevated levels of • The National Health Mission has given
methemoglobin. the first rank to Rajasthan among 16
• Methemoglobin is a form of States in the implementation of its
haemoglobin that contains the ferric flagship free medicine scheme.
[Fe3+] form of iron.
• The performance of States was
• The affinity for oxygen of ferric iron is
assessed on the basis of parameters
such as stock of drugs, the value of
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and
drugs about to expire and compliance


with the drugs and vaccine Wellness centres and National Health
distribution management system. Protection Scheme (NHPS).
Related Information Tamil Nadu Model
• In the year 2011-12, the Rajasthan • Tamil Nadu introduced a free
government had announced a scheme medicines model in 1995 consisting of
to provide commonly-used essential a highly effective system of drug
medicines free of cost to patients procurement, quality checks and
visiting government healthcare supply and distribution centred on
institutions. government hospitals.
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
• The scheme consists of two
Source- Hindu
components free medicine and free
• To implement the scheme, Rajasthan
Medical Services Corporation Limited
1. Amazon forest fires
(RMSCL) was incorporated in 2011, as
• AS FIRES rage in the Amazon
a Public Limited Company.
rainforest, alarming the world.
Other similar initiatives in India • The implications are immense as the
rainforest contributes 20% of the
National Health Mission oxygen in the atmosphere, stores
• In 2018 Union cabinet has announced over 450 tonnes carbon per hectare,
the National Health Mission (NHM) and plays a vital role in the global
which would have a “special focus” water cycle.
with “intensification of initiatives such • There has been an 84 per cent
as National Health Mission Free Drugs increase in the number of fires
and Diagnostics Services. compared with the same period in
Jan AushadiKendras 2018. Most of these fires have been in
• Union government has set up medical the Amazon region.
dispensaries under Jan Aushadi • In the region, the number of fires this
Yojana to provide medicines at 50-90 year is 35% higher than the
per cent cheaper than branded drugs corresponding eight-month average
available in the market. since 2010.
• This scheme aims to make healthcare • Most of the fires are on agricultural
affordable and encouraging Ease of land where the rainforest had already
Living. been cleared.
Ayushman Bharat Yojana or National • The most affected country is Brazil.
Health Protection Scheme Related Information
• It is a centrally sponsored scheme Amazon Rainforest
launched in 2018, under the • It is a moist broadleaf tropical
Ayushman Bharat Mission of MoHFW rainforest in the Amazon biome that
in India. covers most of the Amazon basin of
• The scheme aims at making South America.
interventions in primary, secondary • This region includes territory
and tertiary care systems, covering belonging to nine nations.
both preventive and promotive • The majority of the forest is contained
health, to address healthcare within Brazil, with 60% of the
holistically. rainforest, followed by Peru with 13%,
• It is an umbrella of two major health Colombia with 10%, and with minor
initiatives namely, Health and amounts in Venezuela, Ecuador,


Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance

Guiana. Source- PIB
• The Amazon represents over half of 3. Fedor: Russia first humanoid robot
the planet's remaining rainforests and into space
comprises the largest and most • Russia has launched an unmanned
biodiverse tract of tropical rainforest rocket carrying a life-size humanoid
in the world. robot learning to assist astronauts on
Topic- GS-3- Environment the International Space Station.
Source- BBC About the robot
2. ‘San-Sadhan’ Hackathon • The robot, named Fedor – short for
• It is being organized jointly by the Final Experimental
Ministry of Jal Shakti and the Demonstration Object Research
Department of Empowerment of also known as Skybot F850 is the
Persons with Disabilities, in first-ever sent into space by Russia.
collaboration with Atal Innovation • In order to test a new emergency
Mission, NITI Aayog. rescue system, the robot was the
• It is an initiative to ease the lives of Soyuz rocket's only passenger.
Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) • Fedor copies human movements, a
by making toilets smarter, more key skill that allows it to remotely help
accessible, and easier to use. astronauts or even people on Earth to
• In this hackathon, the government is carry out tasks while the humans are
looking for smart, scalable and strapped into an exoskeleton.
innovative solutions for economical • Such robots will eventually carry out
toilets for individual and community dangerous operations such as
use in rural and urban contexts. spacewalks.
Related Information Topic-GS Paper 3–Science & technology
Department of Drinking Water and Source- Livemint
Sanitation, Ministry of Jal Shakti 4. Russia launches a floating nuclear
• The Department of Drinking Water reactor in the Arctic
and Sanitation manages the Swachh • Russia launched the world's first
Bharat Mission Grameen (SBM-G) and floating nuclear reactor called
is the coordinating department for the Akademik Lomonosov in the Arctic
overall SBM. region despite environmentalists
• Since the launch of the SBM, India’s warning of a "Chernobyl on ice."
rural sanitation coverage has Akademik Lomonosov
increased from 39% in 2014 to over • It is a non-self-propelled power barge
99% as of August 2019, and the to be operated as the first Russian
Mission is on track to achieve its goal floating nuclear power station.
of an ODF India by 2019. • The reactor will be the northernmost
• It also manages rural drinking water nuclear plant in the world.
supply, and is responsible for the Jal • Floating nuclear power plant is
Jeevan Mission, aiming at providing basically a mobile, low-capacity
piped water supply to all rural reactor unit operable in remote areas
households. isolated from the main power
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) distribution system or in places hard
• It is a flagship initiative of the to access by land.
Government to promote a culture of • They are designed to maintain both
innovation and entrepreneurship in uninterruptible power and plentiful
the country.


desalinated water supply in remote Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and

areas. Technology
• It will also power the extraction of Source- Indian Express
natural resources in the Arctic region. 6. CVC constitutes a panel to examine
Chernobyl incident bank fraud
• The accident is referred to the 1986 • CVC has constituted the Advisory
nuclear power plant meltdown which Board for Banking Frauds (ABBF) to
released large levels of radiation into examine bank fraud of over 50 crore
the atmosphere forcing thousands to rupees and recommend action.
flee their homes and sparked long- • The panel in its previous avatar called
term fears of health and the Advisory Board on Bank,
environmental repercussions. Commercial and Financial Frauds.
Topic-GS Paper 3–Science & Technology • The ABBF headed by former Vigilance
Source- Indian Express Commissioner T M Bhasin has been
5. Gravitational Lensing formed in consultation with the RBI.
• Using NASA’s James Webb Space • It will function as the first level of
Telescope as a sort of time machine, examination of all large fraud cases
researchers plan to investigate how before recommendations or
new stars are born when it launches references are made to the
in 2021. investigative agencies by the
• For this, they will take the help of a respective Public Sector Banks.
natural phenomenon called • The four-member board's jurisdiction
“gravitational lensing”. will be confined to those cases
• Gravitational lensing is a natural involving officers of General Manager
phenomenon that magnifies light level and above in the PSBs in respect
around galaxies which NASA plans to of an allegation of fraud in a borrowal
use it to study how Sun formed. account.
• The phenomenon occurs when a huge Topic- GS Paper 3 –Indian Economy
amount of matter, such as a massive Source- AIR
galaxy or cluster of galaxies, creates 7. Development Financial Institution to
a gravitational field that distorts and fund infrastructure
magnifies the light from objects • The government has proposed to set
behind it. up a development financial institution
• These large celestial objects will to fund infrastructure projects.
magnify the light from distant • It is expected to solve the
galaxies that are at or near the peak infrastructure financing needs of the
of star formation. country as banks do not have the
• The effect allows researchers to study long-term funds to finance such
the details of early galaxies too far projects and also help in reviving the
away to be seen otherwise with even economic growth of the country.
the most powerful space telescopes. Related Information
• Under the programme called Development financial institution (DFI)
Targeting Extremely Magnified • The first Development financial
Panchromatic Lensed Arcs and Their institution was the Industrial Financial
Extended Star Formation, or Corporation of India (IFC) which was
TEMPLATES NASA is planning to look set up in 1948.
billions of years into the past in order • They are specialized institutions set
to understand how our Sun formed. up primarily to provide development


Project finance, especially in Sterile Insect Technique for

developing countries. Dengue Control.
• They help to provide sector-specific • A team of experts from WHO-FAO and
loans to various sectors namely to IAEA arrived in Dhaka to discuss the
industry, agriculture, housing, feasibility of this technique.
infrastructure, export finance among Related Information
others. Sterile Insect Technique
• The IDBI, NABARD, EXIM Bank, • In the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT)
SIDBI, NHB are the other major DFIs. radiation sterilised male mosquitoes
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Economics are released in areas with dengue
Source- PIB causing female Aedes aegypti
8. 7 new species of insects that can walk mosquitoes turning them infertile.
on water discovered • This is an environmentally friendly
• Scientists of the Zoological Survey of method to control mosquitoes as no
India have discovered seven species pesticide is used.
of water treaders, semi-aquatic • This technique has been tested
insects that can walk or run on the successfully at two sites in Guangzhou
surface of the water. in China.
• The newly described species belong to Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and
the genus Mesovelia whose size Technology
ranges from 1.5 mm to 4.5 mm and Source- AIR
are equipped with hydrophobic setae 10. Gujarat ranked first in composite
(bristles) on their legs. water management index 2.0
• The combination of hydrophobic setae • To supplement the efforts of Jal Shakti
and water surface tension prevents Ministry, NITI Aayog has prepared the
them from sinking. Second Round of CWMI 2.0.
• Among the new discoveries, • NITI Aayog first launched and
Mesovelia andamana is from the conceptualized the Composite Water
Andaman Islands, M. bispinosa and M. Management Index in 2018.
isiasi are from Meghalaya, M. occulta • It is an important tool to assess and
and M. tenuia from Tamil Nadu and M. improve the performance of States
brevia and M. dilatata live both in and Union Territories in the efficient
Meghalaya and Tamil Nadu. management of water resources.
• These bugs are hemimetabolous • This has been done through a first of
insects without having larval stage its kind water data collection exercise
i.e., they go from egg to nymph to in partnership with,
adult. o Ministry of Jal Shakti,
• They are found in freshwater bodies o Ministry of Rural Development
such as ponds, lakes, pools, streams, o All the States/ Union Territories.
rocks with moss and sometimes on • CWMI 2.0 ranks various states for the
estuaries. reference year 2017-18 as against the
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment and base year 2016-17.
Biodiversity • The Index comprises nine themes
Source- The Hindu with 28 different indicators.
9. Mosquito fights mosquito technique:
for Dengue Control Highlights of the index
• Bangladesh considering 'mosquito • Gujarat is the highest performer in the
fights mosquito technique’ also called reference year (2017-18), followed by


Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, • The European Union is also

Goa, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. represented within the G7.
• In North-Eastern and the Himalayan • Russia was also a part of the group
States, Himachal Pradesh has been and it was known as G-8.
adjudged number 1 in 2017-18 • However, Russia was removed after it
followed by Uttarakhand, Tripura and annexed Crimea from Ukraine, which
Assam. was seen as a violation of Ukraine’s
• The Union Territories have first time sovereignty and territorial integrity.
submitted their data and Puducherry Topic- GS Paper 2 –International
has been declared as the top ranker. Organisation
• In terms of incremental change in Source- PIB
index (over 2016-17 level), Haryana 2. UN conference on Combat
holds the number one position in desertification
general States. • Indian Prime Minister will address
• Uttarakhand ranks at first position 14th session of the Conference of
amongst North Eastern and the Parties (COP-14) of the United
Himalayan States. Nations Convention to Combat
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Important Index Desertification (UNCCD) in September
Source- PIB 2019.
• India, for the first time, will be hosting
27.08.2019 United Nations Convention to Combat
Desertification COP at Greater Noida.
1. G7 pledges millions to fight Related Information
Amazon fires United Nations Convention to Combat
• The G7 countries have agreed to Desertification (UNCCD)
spend €20 million on the Amazon, • It is a legally binding international
mainly to send firefighting aircraft to agreement linking environment and
tackle the huge blazes engulfing many development to sustainable land
parts of the world’s biggest rainforest. management, was adopted in Paris in
• However, Brazil has rejected aid from June 1994.
G-7 countries to fight wildfires in the • India became a signatory to this
Amazon. convention in 1994 and ratified it in
Related Information 1996.
G7 Summit • UNCCD seeks to work towards
• Recently G7 summit was held in maintaining and restoring land and
Biarritz, France. soil productivity and mitigating the
• Although India is not a member of the effects of drought.
G-7 grouping, Indian Prime Minister • The COP is the supreme decision-
has been personally invited by the making body of a Convention.
French President Emmanuel Macron. • All States that are Parties to the
• The G-7 was created in 1975 as an Convention are represented at the
annual gathering of political leaders to COP, at which they review the
discuss and exchange ideas on a implementation of the Convention.
broad range of issues including the India’s Scenario on land Degradation
global economy, security and energy. • According to 2016 report by the ISRO
• The Group of 7(G7) consists of found that about 29% of India’s land
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, (in 2011-13) was degraded.
Japan, the United Kingdom and the • Recently, the Environment Ministry
United States. has launched a flagship project on


enhancing capacity on forest • It is a pest-resistant and can help

landscape restoration and Bonn combat malnutrition rates, especially
Challenge in India with the help of the in children.
International Union for Conservation • Bt cowpea faced opposition for years
of Nature. in Nigeria due to fears of an adverse
• There will be a pilot phase of 3.5 years impact on health.
implemented in the States of • It contains the transgene Cry1Ab.
Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, • The activists claimed that the
Maharashtra, Nagaland and transgene Cry1Ab which is there in Bt
Karnataka. cowpea can be toxic for human liver
• It aims to develop and adopt best cells and can also alter the immune
practices and monitoring protocols for systems of lab animals.
the Indian states and build capacity Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
within the five pilot states on forest Source-Down to Earth
landscape restoration and Bonn 4. Sri Krishna temple in Bahrain
Challenge. • Prime Minister launched $4.2 million
Bonn Challenge redevelopment project of the 200-
• It has been established in 2011 with a year-old Sri Krishna temple in
global effort to bring 150 million Manama, the Bahraini capital.
hectares of the world’s deforested and Related Information
degraded land into restoration by Sri Krishna temple
2020, and 350 million hectares by • It is estimated to have been
2030. established around 1817 and was
• Later it has endorsed and extended by built by Thathai Bhatia Hindu
the New York Declaration on Forests community.
at the 2014 UN Climate Summit. • It is considered to be one of the oldest
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment temples in the Gulf countries.
Source- Indian Express • It will also have a special facility to
3. Nigeria first to approve Bt cowpea host Hindu weddings.
• Nigeria has become the first country Topic- GS Paper 1 –Art and Culture
to approve open cultivation of Source- AIR
genetically modified (GM) Bt cowpea. 5. RBI to transfer Rs 1.76 lakh cr as a
dividend, the surplus reserve to govt
Related Information • RBI has decided to transfer 1.76 lakh
Cowpea crore rupees as dividend and surplus
• The cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is an reserve to the government.
annual herbaceous legume from the • RBI informed that this amount
genus Vigna. includes over 1,23,000 crore rupees
• Due to its tolerance for sandy soil and of surplus for the year 2018-19 and
low rainfall, it is an important crop in 52,637 crore rupees of excess
the semiarid regions across Africa and provisions identified as per the
Asia. revised Economic Capital Framework.
• It requires very few inputs, as the • RBI’s Central Board has accepted the
plant's root nodules are able to fix recommendations of a high-level
atmospheric nitrogen, making it a panel headed by former RBI Governor
valuable crop for resource-poor Bimal Jalan on the transfer of excess
farmers and well-suited to reserves to the government.
intercropping with other crops. • It adds that the Central Board has
Bt cowpea in Nigeria finalized RBI’s accounts for 2018-19


using the revised framework as • While this helps in clicking the retinal
suggested by the Jalan committee to image of the patients, the mobile app
determine risk provisioning and helps in sharing and receiving
surplus transfer. information related to the eye
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Indian Economy condition.
Source- AIR • The clicked images are uploaded to
6. McrBC: IISER team’s find may help the app for the doctor to access and
fight drug-resistant infections analyse them.
• A team of scientists at the Indian • There is a provision in the app for the
Institute of Science Education and doctor to note details about the eye
Research (IISER) able to determine condition, provide tips and if required
the atomic structure of McrBC. refer them to hospitals.
• McrBC is a complex bacterial protein Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and
which helps prevent viral infections in Technology
a bacterial cell and functions like Source- The Hindu
molecular scissors.
• This is the first report of the high- 28.08.2019
resolution structure from India
determined using electron 1. Union Textile Minister launches
cryomicroscopy, commonly known as "Project SURE"
cryo-EM. • The Union Ministery of Textiles
• McrBC-like molecular scissors prevent launched Project SU.RE which is a
viral infections of the bacterial cell, move towards sustainable fashion.
the design of such ‘inhibitors’ will be • SU.RE stands for 'Sustainable
facilitated by their 3D structures. Resolution' - a firm commitment from
• It helps in ‘phage therapy’ and could the industry to move towards fashion
help combat drug-resistant infections that contributes to a clean
in the future. environment.
Note: • The SU.RE project is a commitment by
• Phages are groups of viruses that India's apparel industry to set a
infect and kill bacterial cells and sustainable pathway for the Indian
phage therapy is the therapeutic use fashion industry.
of bacteriophages to treat bacterial Related Information
infections. • According to the UN report, the
Topic-GS Paper 3–Science & Technology fashion industry, including the
Source- The Hindu production of all clothes which people
7. iNethra: an app to make eye screening wear, contributes to around 10% of
affordable global greenhouse gas emissions due
• A team of four engineering students to its long supply chains and energy-
from a college affiliated to JNTU, intensive production.
Hyderabad, has developed a device • The industry consumes more energy
and mobile app "iNethra" to make than the aviation and shipping
vision screening easy, accessible and industry combined.
affordable too. • In March 2019, the UN Alliance for
• iNethra, the product, comprises a Sustainable Fashion was launched at
handy, stick-like device with a lens on the UN Environment Assembly to
one end and connected to a improve collaboration among UN
smartphone camera on the other side. agencies by analyzing their efforts in
making fashion sustainable.


Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance • It has twenty-four indicators.

Source- PIB
2. “Janaushadhi Sugam”: A Mobile
• Union Ministery of Chemicals and
Fertilizers has launched a mobile
application “Janaushadhi Sugam”
which will enable people to search for
Janaushadhi generic medicines.
Related Information
Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi
• It was launched by the Department of
Pharmaceuticals in November 2008
under the name Jan Aushadi
• Bureau of Pharma PSUs of India
(BPPI) is the implementation agency
for PMBJP.
• The stores have been set up to Highlights of the Index
provide generic drugs, which are • Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh
available at lesser prices but are and Puducherry topped in the index.
equivalent in quality and efficacy as • Meghalaya, Jharkhand and Madhya
expensive branded drugs. Pradesh featured at the bottom of the
• The Vision of PMBJP is to bring down list.
the healthcare budget of every citizen • This report provides insights on
of India through providing Quality health, nutrition, education,
generic Medicines at Affordable sanitation and child protection.
Prices. • The report highlights the multi-
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance dimensional approach towards
Source- PIB measuring child well-being — going
3. Child well-being index beyond mere income poverty.
• Recently the Child well-being index • Children have the potential to
has been released by the NGO World transform the country, but if
Vision India and research institute neglected, they will exacerbate the
IFMR LEAD. burden of poverty and inequality.
• The India child well-being index is a Topic- GS Paper 2 – Social Issues
crucial report that can be mined both Source- The Hindu
by the government and civil 4. Govt rolls out the scheme to screen
organisations to achieve the goal of all children below 18 for leprosy, TB
child well-being and we will use this • The Union government has rolled out
report effectively. a programme for universal screening
• It is also a tool designed to measure of children below 18 years for leprosy
and track children’s well-being and tuberculosis (TB).
comprehensively. • It will cover the children of 0-6 years
• The dimensions of the index include at Anganwadis and children of 6-18
healthy individual development, years enrolled in government and
positive relationships and protective government-aided schools.
contexts. Related Information


Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram Nepal, and Bangladesh to prohibit

• It is an initiative aiming at early commercial international trade in a
identification and early intervention species of otter native to the
for children from birth to 18 years to subcontinent and some other parts of
cover 4 ‘D’s viz. Defects at birth, Asia.
Deficiencies, Diseases, Development • The Conference also accepted a
delays including disability. separate proposal by India, moved
• It is important to note that the 0-6 together with the EU, the US and the
years age group will be specifically Philippines, for the inclusion of a
managed at District Early Intervention species of gecko lizard found widely in
Center (DEIC ) level while for 6 -18 South and Southeast Asia, the US,
years age group, management of and Madagascar.
conditions will be done through • The other proposal that was passed
existing public health facilities. was to include the Tokay gecko
• District Early Intervention Center will (Gekko gecko) in CITES Appendix II.
act as referral linkages for both the Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
age groups. Source- Indian Express
• Once the child is screened and 6. Feroz Shah Kotla Stadium of Delhi will
referred from any of these points of be renamed after Arun Jaitley
identification, it would be ensured that • Delhi & District Cricket Association
the necessary treatment/intervention (DDCA) has announced that the Feroz
is delivered at zero cost to the family. Shah Kotla cricket stadium will be
Leprosy renamed Arun Jaitley.
• Leprosy, also known as Hansen's • The decision was taken to honour Mr.
disease, is a chronic infectious disease Jaitley, who served as President of the
caused by Mycobacterium leprae. DDCA (from 1999 to 2013).
• The disease mainly affects the skin, • The renaming of the stadium will take
the peripheral nerves, mucosal place on 12 September 2019.
surfaces of the upper respiratory tract Topic- Important for PCS Exams
and the eyes. Source- AIR
• WHO’s have targeted to eliminate 7. Shaheen VIII: Pakistan-China aerial
Leprosy by 2020. exercise
Tuberculosis • Pakistan and China conducted joint
• It is a disease caused by bacteria that bilateral aerial exercise Shaheen VIII
are spread through the air from (Eagle VIII) in the Chinese city of
person to person. Holton.
• The National Strategic Plan (NSP) • It was eight editions of this aerial
2017 - 2025 is the plan produced by exercise, which is conducted since
the government of India (GoI) which 2011.
sets out what the government Topic- GS Paper 3 –Defence
believes is needed to eliminate TB in Source- AIR
India. 8. Government constitutes GoM on
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance Jammu and Kashmir
Source- PIB • The government constituted a Group
5. International protection for ‘cute’ of Ministers (GoM) to look into the
otters issues concerning Jammu and
• In recently held CITES COP18 Kashmir which has been bifurcated
conference in Geneva, Over a hundred into Union Territories after the
nations approved a proposal by India,


abrogation of provisions under Article supporting Secretariat Office in New

370. Delhi.
• Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad,
Social Justice and Empowerment Related Information
Minister Thawar Chand Gehlot, International Coalition for Disaster
Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Resilient Infrastructure
Tomar and Minister of State in the • It is proposed to be launched at the
PMO, Dr Jitendra Singh are part of the UN Climate Action Summit in New
group. York, USA on 23rd September 2019.
• The GoM will suggest various • The establishment of the Secretariat
development, economic and social of the CDRI as a Society under The
steps to be taken for the two UTs Societies Registration Act,1860.
which will come into existence on • It will serve as a platform where
October 31st. knowledge is generated and
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Government Policies exchanged on different aspects of
Source- AIR disaster and climate resilience of
9. Peacock Parachute Spider infrastructure.
• Recently researchers have sighted a • It will bring together technical
species of tarantula for the first time expertise from a multitude of
beyond its known habitat in the stakeholders.
Eastern Ghats. Topic-GS Paper 3 –Disaster Management
Related Information Source- PIB
Gooty Tarantula 2. Shagun: An Integrated Online
• These spiders are commonly known junction for School Education
as the Peacock Parachute Spider or • Union HRD Minister Shri Ramesh
Gooty Tarantula (Poecilotheria launched an Integrated Online
metallica). junction for School Education
• These are the Old World species of ‘Shagun’.
tarantula and known to be endemic to • It is an over-arching initiative to
India. improve the school education system.
• They found at the degraded forest • This will be achieved by creating a
between Nandyal and Giddalur in the junction for all portals/websites
Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh. relating to various activities of the
• The International Union for Department of School Education and
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Literacy in the Government of India
categorised it as Critically and States/UTs.
Endangered. • This website cover Kendriya
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment and Vidyalayas, Navodaya Vidyalayas,
Biodiversity 18000 other CBSE affiliated schools,
Source- The Hindu organisations affiliated with NTCE
among others are integrated with
29.08.2019 Shagun.
• Report cards of 15 lakh schools all
1. International Coalition For Disaster over the country will be available on
Resilient Infrastructure the newly created junction.
• The Union Cabinet has approved the • The website also provides vital
Establishment of an International information relating to the availability
Coalition for Disaster Resilient of nearby schools.
Infrastructure (CDRI) along with its Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance


Source- PIB • Economic capital framework refers to

3. Eastern Economic Forum the risk capital required by the central
• Prime Minister of India has been bank as a counter against unforeseen
invited as the chief guest of the risks or events or losses in the future.
Eastern Economic Forum in Key recommendation
Vladivostok by Russian President • The committee has recommended a
Vladimir Putin on September 5, 2019. review of the Economic Capital
Related Information Framework every five years.
Easter Economic Forum • However, in case of a significant
• The Eastern Economic Forum was change in the RBI’s risks and
established by Russia in 2015. operating environment, an
• It takes place each year in intermediate review may be
Vladivostok, a city in Russia for the considered.
purpose of encouraging foreign • The committee has also suggested
investment in the Russian Far East. that an interim dividend to the
• Over the years, it has emerged as an government must only be made in
international platform for discussing exceptional circumstances.
the strategy for developing political, • The Committee has recommended the
economic and cultural ties between alignment of the financial year of RBI
Russia and the Asia Pacific. with the fiscal year of the government
• It is considered as the biggest for greater cohesiveness in various
international communication platform projections and publications brought
for cooperation between business out by RBI.
leaders and senior government • The panel has also suggested a
representatives from Russia, the clearer distinction between the two
Pacific Region and the ASEAN. components of economic capital
Topic- GS Paper 2 –International namely
Organisation (a) Realised equity
Source-The Hindu (b) Revaluation reserves
4. Review capital framework every five • Realised equity is a form of a
years: Jalan Committee contingency fund for meeting all risks
• RBI had constituted a panel on the or losses primarily built up from
economic capital framework to retained earnings which are also
address the issue of RBI reserves called the Contingent Risk Buffer.
which was headed by Bimal Jalan ex- • Revaluation reserves comprise of
governor of RBI. periodic marked-to-market notional
• Recently RBI decided to transfer a gains or losses in values of foreign
record high surplus reserve of Rs currencies and gold, foreign securities
1,76,051 crore to the government and rupee securities and a
after approving all the contingency fund.
recommendations of the Bimal Jalan- • The panel has given a range of 5.5-
led expert committee. 6.5% of RBI’s balance sheet for
• The RBI also gave its nod to transfer Contingent Risk Buffer.
a sum of Rs 1,23,414 crore of surplus • Hence, the RBI has decided to set the
for the year 2018-19 and Rs 52,637 CBR level at 5.5% of the balance
crore of excess provisions identified sheet.
as per the revised Economic Capital Topic- GS Paper 3 –Economics
Framework (ECF). Source- Economics Times


5. ICFRE-ICIMOD’s REDD+ Himalayan Highlights of the Recommendation

programme extended till 2020 • The task force has recommended
• The Reducing Emissions from retaining the long-term capital gains
Deforestation and Forest Degradation (LTCG) tax and the securities
(REDD+) programme being carried transaction tax while abolishing the
out in the Himalayan states jointly by dividend distribution tax.
Indian Council of Forestry Research • The proposed move to withdraw the
and Education (ICFRE) and dividend distribution tax would help
International Centre for Integrated encourage investments by addressing
Mountain Development (ICIMOD) has multiple taxation of income and by
been extended till July 2020. bringing down the effective tax rate
• ICFRE-ICIMOD’s REDD+ Himalaya: on companies.
Developing and using experience in • Dividend distribution tax is the tax
implementing REDD+ in the Himalaya imposed by the Indian Government on
programme was launched in January Indian companies according to the
2016 in Mizoram to address the dividend paid to a company’s
drivers of deforestation and forest investors which is 15 % at present.
degradation in India's Himalayan • The securities transaction tax is a
states. direct tax payable on the value of
• The project is supported by the taxable securities transactions done
environment, nature conservation through a stock exchange.
and nuclear safety ministry of • Long term capital gains(LTCG) tax
Germany, was implemented in four refer to the gains made on any class
countries of the Hindu Kush of asset held for a particular period of
Himalayan region— Bhutan, India, time which in case of equity shares, it
Myanmar and Nepal. refers to the gains made on stocks
• The REDD+ programme was initiated held for more than one year.
by the United Nations in 2005 to • The high-level panel also
mitigate climate change through recommended slashing the corporate
enhanced forest management in tax rate to an even rate of 25 per cent
developing countries. It aimed to for both domestic and foreign
create incentives for communities so companies.
that they stop forest degrading Topic- GS Paper 3 –Important
practices. Committee (Economics)
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment Source- Business standard
Source- Down To Earth 7. India Launches World's First-Ever
6. Direct Taxes Code panel for status Facial Bio-Metric Data-Based Seafarer
quo on LTCG tax and STT Identity Document
• Recently the committee headed by • India has become the first country in
Akhilesh Ranjan submitted its report the world to issue Biometric Seafarer
to the government which works on to Identity Document (BSID), capturing
draft a new direct tax law to replace the facial biometric data of seafarers.
the existing Income Tax Act, 1996. • The project was launched by Shipping
• The committee was also constituted to and Chemical & Fertilizers.
look into the direct tax system • The new document will give foolproof
prevalent in various countries, identification to our seafarers which
international best practices, the will facilitate their movement, provide
economic needs of the country, and ease of getting jobs and help in
other related matters.


identifying them from any location in • The approval of this fund is under the
the world. provisions of the Forest
• The new card is in confirmation of the (Conservation) Act, 1980.
Convention No. 185 of the o The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
International Labour Organisation on (FCA) governs diversion or use of
BSID. forest land for non-forest purposes
• India ratified the Convention in such as industrial or infrastructure
October 2015. projects.
• It will make the identification of the o A company diverting forest land must
SID holder more reliable & efficient provide alternative land for taking up
while protecting their dignity & compensatory afforestation.
privacy. Salient features
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and • Establishment of the National
Technology Compensatory Afforestation Fund
Source- TOI under the Public Account of India, and
8. PM launches Nation-wide 'Fit India' a State Compensatory Afforestation
Movement Fund under the Public Account of each
• PM Modi launched the 'Fit India' state.
Movement on the occasion of National • The payments into the funds include:
Sports Day (29 August- Hockey (a) Compensatory afforestation,
Wizard Major Dhyanchand Birth (b) Net Present Value (NPV)
Anniversary). (c) Any project-specific payments.
• The Fit India movement is aimed at • The National Fund will get 10% of
encouraging people to inculcate funds collected and the remaining
physical activity and sports in their 90% will go to respective State Fund.
day to day life. • The collected funds will be utilized for:
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Government Policies (a) Afforestation,
Source- AIR (b) Regeneration of forest ecosystem,
(c) Wild life protection and
30.08.2019 (d) Infrastructure development
• Levies are imposed on development
1. Union government releases ₹47, 436 projects that seek land inside a
crores for compulsory afforestation in Reserved Forest or a Protected Area
states (PA) in a sanctuary or a national park.
• Ministery of Environment, Forest and • Establishment of National and State
Climate Change release over Rs.47, Compensatory Afforestation Fund
436 crores of CAMPA funds to various Management and Planning Authorities
states achieve the objectives of the (CAMPA) to manage the funds.
Nationally-Determined Contributions Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
(NDCs). Source- The Hindu
• The CAMPA was created as National 2. By 2027, India population to cross
Advisory Council under the China’s: UN
chairmanship of the environment • According to "World Population
minister for monitoring, technical Prospects 2019" released by the UN
assistance and evaluation of Department of Economic and Social
compensatory afforestation activities. Affairs, India is projected to surpass
Related Information China as the world’s most populous
Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, country.


• According to estimates in a new Source- Livemint

United Nations report released, India 4. Government allows 100% FDI in coal
is also expected to add 273 million mining
people by 2050 and will remain the • Union govt. announced the approval
most populated until the end of the of 100 per cent Foreign Direct
century. Investment (FDI) in coal mining and
• India is expected to remain the associated infrastructure.
world’s most populous country with • In the coal sector, for sale of coal, 100
nearly 1.5 billion inhabitants, followed per cent FDI under automatic route
by China at 1.1 billion, Nigeria with for coal mining, activities including
733 million, the United States with associated processing infrastructure
434 million, and Pakistan with an will attract international players to
estimated population of 403 million. create an efficient and competitive
• The report stated that in 2019, India coal market.
has an estimated population of 1.37 • The govt. also increased FDI to 100
billion and China 1.43 billion and by per cent in contract manufacturing
2027, India’s population is projected and to 26 per cent in digital media
to surpass China’s. companies.
• The global population is projected to • On FDI in single-brand retail, the
increase by another 2 billion people by Cabinet expanded the definition of
2050, from 7.7 billion in 2019 to 9.7 mandatory 30 per cent domestic
billion thirty years down the line. sourcing norm.
Topic- GS Paper 1 –Demography Related Information
Source- Indian Express FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)
3. Safe Cities Index (SCI) 2019 • A foreign direct investment (FDI) is an
• According to the Safe Cities Index investment in the form of controlling
Report, 2019 released by Economist ownership in business in one
Intelligence Unit, Mumbai has been country by an entity based in
ranked as the 45th safest city on the another country.
Safe Cities Index (SCI), while Delhi • There are two routes by which India
stood at the 52nd position. gets FDI.
• Cities in the Asia-Pacific (Apac) region (1) Automatic route- By this route,
made up six of the top-10 safest cities FDI is allowed without prior approval
with Tokyo taking the top spot. by Government or Reserve Bank of
• Along with Tokyo, Apac cities India.
dominated the SCI 2019. (2) Government route- Prior
• Singapore and Osaka came second approval by the government is
and third, while Sydney and needed via this route. Foreign
Melbourne also made it to the top-10 Investment Promotion Board (FIPB)
cities list. which was the responsible agency to
• The Safe Cities Index (SCI) 2019 oversee this route was abolished on
ranks 60 countries worldwide across May 24, 2017.
five continents and measures the Topic- GS Paper 3 –Indian Economy
multi-faceted nature of urban safety, Source- Down To Earth
with indicators categorised as digital, 5. Odisha government has decided to
infrastructure, health and personal extend the benefit of MAMATA scheme
security. • Odisha government has decided to
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Economic extend the benefit of MAMATA scheme
Development to all pregnant women of particularly


vulnerable Tribal group (PVTG) and is one of the world’s fastest

communities for any number of live sinking cities.
births for another five years. (c) Traffic congestion and air pollution
Related Information in Jakarta.
Mamata Scheme • Currently, 54% of the country’s nearly
• It is a flagship conditional cash 270 million people live on Java, the
transfer maternity benefit scheme of country’s most densely populated area.
the government was launched in Topic- Important for PCS Exam
September 2011. Source- Indian Express
• The objective of the scheme to reduce 7. Talks on global plan to protect
the infant and maternity mortality biodiversity begin in Nairobi
rate by improving the health and • Government officials, experts and
nutritious status of pregnant and activists from at least 100 countries
lactating women and their infants. began talks in Nairobi, Kenya to move
• It intends to partially compensate towards a new global framework on
wage loss for working women to help biodiversity, post-2020.
them take adequate rest and • The 196 Parties of the United Nations
nutritious diet during pregnancy and Convention on Biological Diversity are
post-pregnancy period. expected to adopt the new framework
• Under the scheme, Rs. 5,000 is during their 15th Conference of the
directly transferred to the accounts of Parties (COP 15), scheduled for
the beneficiaries in two tranches October 2020 in Kunming, China.
covering various stages of their • The ‘global framework’ represents the
pregnancy for their health and global plan to halt the alarming trends
nutrition and their babies. in the state of nature.
• It will cover all pregnant and lactating • United Nations (UN) Convention on
women of 19 years of age or above Biological Diversity (CBD): framework
except the state and central aims to set the world on the path
government employees will get towards living in harmony with nature
benefit under the scheme Tirumala. by 2050.
• The Pregnant women of PVTG Related Information
communities in Odisha to receive the • Recently, scientists have proposed a
benefit under Mamata scheme for time-bound, science-based policy,
their first two live births. titled “A Global Deal for Nature
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Important Scheme (GDN)”, to save the diversity and
Source- UNI abundance of life on Earth.
6. Indonesia to move the capital from Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
Jakarta to East Kalimantan • It was signed at the 1992 Rio Earth
• Indonesia’s president announced that Summit which is dedicated to
the country’s capital will move to East promoting sustainable development.
Kalimantan province on Borneo • It has 3 main objectives:
Island, known for rainforests and a) conservation of biological diversity
orangutans. b) sustainable use of the components
• The reason for shifting the capital is of biological diversity
(a) To ensure a more equitable c) fair and equitable sharing of the
development amid environmental benefits arising out of the utilization of
concerns genetic resources
(b) Jakarta is prone to annual flooding Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
Source- Down to Earth


8. Fund for study check antibiotic (sewage and industrial) in the river
resistance in Ganga and threat to human health (antibiotic
• The government has commissioned a resistance surge) they possess.
₹9.3 crore study to assess the • It would seek to identify sources of
microbial diversity along the entire Eschericia coli- a type of bacteria that
length of the Ganga and test the lives in the gut of animals & humans.
microbes that may promote • According to the 2014 study, cultural
“antibiotic resistance. activities such as mass bathing in
• The fund is released under the Ganga during religious mass
National Gang Mission (Namami gathering occasions, levels of
Gange). resistance genes that lead to
• The project will be undertaken by “superbugs” were about 60 times
scientists at the Motilal Nehru greater than other times.
Institute of Technology, the National Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment
Environmental Engineering Research Source- The Hindu
Institute (NEERI), and Sardar Patel
Institute of Science & Technology.
• The main aim of the project is to
indicate the type of “contamination”



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