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Course Outline for Laravel

Day 1​ - Computer Programming and PHP

- What is Computer Programming ?
- What is Programming Languages ?
- Types of Programming Languages.
- About PHP
- What is Server ?
- What is Apache ?
- What is variable ?
- How to use variable ?
- What is function ?
- How to use function ?
- What is operators ?
- Types of operators.
- How to use operators ?
- Iterations
- Conditions
- Array
Day 2​ - Database
- What is database ?
- Types of database ?
- What is MySql ?
- Use of MySql ?
- Basic Queries
- Insert
- Search
- Update
- Delete
Day 3​ - Javascripts and Jquery
- What is JS?
- How important is it ?
- How to use it ?
- What is jQuery
- Uses of jQuery
Day 4​ - Git and Gitlab
- What is Git ?
- Why Git?
- How to Use it ?
- What is Remote Repository ?
- What is Gitlabs?
- How to use it?
Day 5​ - OOP 1
- What is OOP ?
- Why use OOP?
- Elements of OOP ?
- What is Class ?
- What is Object ?
- Abstraction
- Encapsulations
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
Day 6​ - OOP 2
- Namespace
- Interface
- Abstract Class
- Function Overloading and overwriting
- Magic Functions
Day 7​ - Laravel Basic 1
- What is Frameworks ?
- What is Laravel ?
- History of Laravel
- What is Composer?
- How to use it ?
- What is Artisan ?
- Installation
- What is MVC?
- Folder Structure of laravel
- What is Vendor ?
- Configuration files
Day 8​ - Laravel Basic 2
- Routing
- Conrollers
- Views
- Models
Day 9​ - Laravel Basic 3
- Template Engine (Blade)
- Middleware
- Request
- Session
Day 10​ - Database 1 - Query Builder
- Database connection
- Migration
- Data Seeding
- Use of query builder
Day 11​ - Database 2 - Eloquent ORM
- What is ORM ?
- What is Eloquent ?
- Relationships
- One to One
- One to Many
- Many to Many
- Eager Loading
Day 12​ - Basic CRUD
- Create
- Read
- Update
- Delete
Day 13​ - Project Blog 1 - Authentication
- Laravel Auth
- Custom Auth
Day 14​ - Project Blog 2 - Front End Category, Blog Display and Blog Management
Day 15​ - Project Blog 3 - Edit Blog and File Upload
Day 16​ - Project Blog 4 - Recent Blog, Blog Blog Details
Day 17​ - Project Blog 5 - Popular Blog, Blog Category, Blog Details
Day 18​ - Project Selection, Database Design and Normalization
Day 19-28​ - Final Project
- Project will cover Email sending, Ajax Request,Security, Validation etc..
- Excel Export and Import Using External Library or Package
- Pagination
- AJAX Load (Example: Drop-down Data Pulling against another Drop-down)
- File Upload
- Security - CSRF Token, XSS, SQL Injection
- Session
- Sending SMTP Mail
- Generate PDF
- Templating
Day 29​ - Advance topics
- Event
- Task Scheduling
- Artisan Commands
- etc..
Day 30​ - Career Guideline

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