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Assessment of reservoir sedimentation using

remote sensing and recommendations for
desilting Patratu Reservoir, India

Ashish Pandey, U.C. Chaube, S.K. Mishra & Dheeraj Kumar

To cite this article: Ashish Pandey, U.C. Chaube, S.K. Mishra & Dheeraj Kumar (2016)
Assessment of reservoir sedimentation using remote sensing and recommendations for
desilting Patratu Reservoir, India, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61:4, 711-718, DOI:

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VOL. 61, NO. 4, 711–718

Assessment of reservoir sedimentation using remote sensing

and recommendations for desilting Patratu Reservoir, India
Ashish Pandey, U.C. Chaube, S.K. Mishra and Dheeraj Kumar
Department of Water Resources Development & Management, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, Uttarakhand, India


This study describes the assessment of reservoir sedimentation of the Patratu Reservoir using Received 11 October 2013
Accepted 25 November
Satellite Remote Sensing (SRS). The sedimentation assessment was carried out using satellite data
and reservoir water level data from 2006 to 2012. Water spread area was analysed from satellite
data. The Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) has been used to delineate open water EDITOR
features and to enhance the presence of water surface in satellite imagery of the Patratu D. Koutsoyiannis
Reservoir. Water spread area of the reservoir at a particular elevation on the date of the passing
of the satellite was used to develop an elevation-area curve. For the present case, fluctuation of S. Kanae
water level was found to vary from 387.096 to 406.152 m. The linear interpolation/extrapolation
technique has been employed to assess the water spread area of Patratu Reservoir at different KEYWORDS
elevations. Further, these areas were used to compute the live storage capacity of the reservoir satellite data; reservoir;
between two elevations by the Prismoidal formula. From the study, it was found that due to sediment; desilting; live
sedimentation, the live storage capacity of Patratu Reservoir has reduced from 101.95 to storage capacity; Patratu
89.96 hm3, thus showing capacity loss of 11.76% in a span of 44 years. To increase the live
storage capacity of the reservoir it is proposed to adopt manual and mechanical digging
combined with flushing for desilting of the deposited sediment.

Introduction Sedimentation processes related with watershed activ-

ities, river characteristics and reservoir design are low-
The sedimentation process is very complex, especially
ering the water storage capacity and threaten reservoir
deposition in reservoirs. The sediments carried through
functionality (Bunyasi et al. 2013). It is estimated that
the fluvial system are primarily settled in a reservoir
0.5–1% of the existing storage volume in the world is
due to the lowering in velocity because of a sudden
lost each year due to sedimentation (Walling 2006).
increase in cross-sectional area of a stream. As sedi-
This phenomenon of sedimentation, progressively
ments are accumulated in the lake, its water storage
impairing the utility of the reservoir needs attention
capacity is reduced (Hasan et al. 2011). The reduction
not only at the project planning stage but also during
in storage capacity with sediment deposition in a reser-
the operation stage. Depending upon the shape of the
voir over a period of time can be correlated with the
reservoir, mode of reservoir operation, sediment inflow
reduction in water spread area at different elevations.
rates and grain size distribution, the incoming sedi-
Reservoir construction may currently exert the most
ment will be deposited in different zones of the reser-
important influence on land–ocean sediment fluxes
voir. In the Central Asian region, the primary source
(Walling and Fang 2003). The transport of sediment
for irrigation is the surface flow from rivers and man-
is a fundamental feature of the morphology and bio-
made reservoirs (Rakhmatullaev et al. 2010). Hence,
chemistry of rivers (Vörösmarty et al. 1997, 2003).
systematic sedimentation assessment during the opera-
Possible changes in the sediment transportation are
tion stage is essential to have an up-to-date knowledge
important since sediment trapping in the reservoir
of the sedimentation process going on in the reservoir,
may have large impacts on the downstream ecosystems
in order to plan reservoir operation for the optimum
(Kummu and Varis 2007). Changes in the natural
utilization of water.
sedimentation action through human activities such
In India, the Central Board of Irrigation and Power
as reservoir construction have largely changed sedi-
(CBIP) started systematic surveys in 1958 and under-
ment flow processes as well as the river morphology
took a major reservoir sedimentation surveys scheme
and ecosystem in different ways (Kummu et al. 2010).

CONTACT: Ashish Pandey

© 2016 IAHS

and 28 major reservoirs were covered (CBIP 1981). Looking to the aforementioned problems, the present
With the widespread use of remote sensing technology, study is carried out with the specific objective of the
it has turned out to be economical and convenient to assessment of reservoir sedimentation using remote
evaluate the reservoir sedimentation rate. sensing technique and a desilting plan for Patratu
Out of the methods presently in use for assess- Reservoir, Jharkhand State, India.
ment and prediction of sediment deposition in reser-
voirs such as Satellite Remote Sensing, Hydrographic
Survey, Stream flow analysis and Area Reduction Material and methods
method, the Satellite Remote Sensing (SRS) techni- Study area
que provides a relatively cost and time effective
method for assessing reservoir sedimentation during The Patratu Reservoir is located between Latitude
the operation stage. In the recent past, the availabil- 23°36ʹ13ʹʹN to 23°36ʹ18ʹʹN and Longitude 85°16ʹ50ʹʹE
ity of multispectral satellite data using remote sen- to 85°18ʹ54ʹʹE and lies in the catchment of Tenughat
sing is receiving broader application for capacity dam in the upper Damodar valley (Fig. 1). The catch-
surveys of reservoirs. Remote sensing and geographi- ment area at the Patratu Dam site is 212.38 km2. The
cal information systems (GIS) have capabilities for reservoir was commissioned in the year 1968 and its
reducing the cost, time and workload for reservoir average annual inflow is 101.95 hm3. The gross and
sedimentation studies (Rakhmatullaev et al. 2011). dead capacities of the reservoir are 110.73 hm3 (full
Remote sensing in conjunction with GIS provides reservoir level (FRL) = 406.152 m) and 8.8 hm3
temporal changes in water spread area and evaluates (minimum draw down level, MDDL = 387.096 m)
the sediment deposition pattern of a reservoir thus creating live storage of 101.95 hm3. The designed
through its spatial, spectral and temporal attributes sedimentation rate of the Patratu Reservoir is
(Goel et al. 2002, Kiruthika et al. 2011) and this 11.73 ha-m/year or 0.11733 hm3 /year and trap effi-
technology allows a fast and accurate estimation of ciency is 96%.
the live storage capacity loss due to reservoir sedi- The available elevation–capacity curve (1968) was
mentation (Jain et al. 2002). taken as base in this study and is presented in Table 1
Soil erosion leads to siltation, which is a major and Fig. 2. To date, a hydrographic survey has not been
problem for lake and reservoir management (UNEP carried out for this project. In order to study the sedi-
1994, Keller et al. 2000). Depending on the rate of mentation pattern since the impoundment of the reser-
sedimentation, the outlet works may be clogged and voir, the capacity of the reservoir in the year 2012 was
the storage of the reservoir would reduce. Reservoir estimated using satellite remote sensing data (SRS).
siltation has direct negative economic and environ-
mental consequences, since water availability for irriga-
Data used
tion, water supply and flood control is reduced (Jebari
et al. 2010).Therefore, an appropriate measure to pro- For the quantification of the volume of sediment
tect the reservoir from sedimentation is essential. deposited in the reservoir, the satellite data were used
Nalkari River (a tributary of Damodar River to extract basic information, i.e. water spread area at
upstream) flow in the monsoon season and particularly different water surface elevations. The data for reser-
flood water usually contain high sediment concentra- voir water levels were collected from project authori-
tion due to rain induced soil erosion from the catch- ties. The selection of water year for analysis is from
ment of Patratu Reservoir. If there are no effective consideration of maximum variation in reservoir levels
measures undertaken, the useful volume of the (ideally FRL to MDDL) and availability of images. It is
Patratu Reservoir will be lost. There is a strong need generally desirable to carry out remote sensing based
to limit sediment accumulation in the Patratu reservoir sedimentation analysis from the highest to
Reservoir or make a suitable plan for the removal of lowest reservoir level chronologically. In this study,
the deposited sediment in order to ensure the sustain- due to non-availability of satellite data, lower elevation
able use of reservoir. images have been taken from the year 2006–2007 while
In the past, several researchers have conducted high elevation images have been taken from the year
remote sensing based studies for reservoir sedimen- 2011–2012. This is one of the limitations of the present
tation (Manvalan et al. 1991, Gupta 1999, Jain et al. analysis.
2002, Mukherjee et al. 2007). Many studies are con- The multispectral data of IRS-P6 satellites for
ducted for modelling the soil erosion employing LISS-III Sensor (Payload: LISS-3; Swath (km) = 141;
remote sensing and GIS (Pandey et al. 2007, 2009). Spectral bands: 0.52–0.59 (Blue); 0.62–0.68 (Green);

Figure 1. Index map of the study area.

Table 1. Elevation–area–capacity of Patratu Reservoir. Area capacity

10 0
Elevation Elevation Difference in Area Area Cumulative
(ft) (m) elevation (m) (Acre) (km2) capacity (hm3) 20
1223 372.75 0.00 0 0.00 0.0
1240 377.93 5.18 25 0.10 0.3 40

Capacity, hm3
Area,k m2

1250 380.98 3.05 131 0.53 1.2

1260 384.03 3.05 300 1.21 3.9 60
1270 387.08 3.05 504 2.04 8.8 4
1272 387.69 0.61 553 2.24 10.1 80
1280 390.12 2.44 689 2.79 16.3 2
1290 393.17 3.05 852 3.45 25.8 100
1300 396.22 3.05 1225 4.96 38.6
1310 399.27 3.05 1567 6.34 55.8 0 120
370 375 380 385 390 395 400 405 410
1320 402.32 3.05 1932 7.82 77.4
1330 405.36 3.05 2290 9.27 103.4 Elevation (m)
1332.5 406.13 0.76 2450 9.91 110.7
Figure 2. Original elevation–area–capacity curve of Patratu

0.77–0.86 (Red); 1.55–1.70 (Near Infra-Red) were avail-

able for the analysis period and these data were used in Department, Jharkhand. After comparing the availabil-
this study. The Patratu Reservoir water spread area was ity of imageries for different dates of pass with water
covered in one scene of path 105 row 55 of IRS P6 level variation for different dates collected from the
(LISS-III) satellite. dam site, it was observed that there were few imageries
for one single year which could show the maximum
fluctuation (FRL to MDDL) in reservoir water levels.
Therefore, the imageries for the period from 2006 to
Analysis of daily reservoir water levels and 2012 were collected in order to show variation from
other field data near FRL to MDDL. It was found that the satellite dates
The original elevation–area–capacity curves and the near to FRL (406.152 m) and close to MDDL
reservoir water levels on the date of the passing of the (387.096 m) were 29 October 2011 and 22 April 2006,
satellite were obtained from the Water Resources respectively (Table 2).

Table 2. Satellite data for different dates of pass for the Patratu ● Maximise the high reflectance of NIR by terres-
Reservoir w.r.t. water levels. trial vegetation and soil features.
Date of satellite Satellite/Sensor/ Path Row Water level The NDWI value ranges from −1 to 1 and zero is the
pass Scene (m)
22 April 2006 IRS P6/LISS -III 105 55 390.876
threshold (McFeeters 1996). As suggested by McFeeters
16 January 2006 IRS P6/LISS -III 105 55 393.878 (1996) if, NDWI > 0, cover type is water and if, NDWI
14 May 2011 IRS P6/LISS -III 105 55 397.596 ≤ 0 cover type is non-water. According to McFeeters
27 March 2011 IRS P6/LISS -III 105 55 398.877
21 December 2010 IRS P6/LISS -III 105 55 400.629 (1996), “If the digital number (DN) value is near-IR
8 May 2012 IRS P6/LISS -III 105 55 403.342 spectral region, the DN value of water pixels is appreci-
2 February 2012 IRS P6/LISS -III 105 55 405.216
29 October 2011 IRS P6/LISS -III 105 55 405.902 ably less than the DN value of Band 2 and Band 3, then
it must be classified as water, otherwise not”.
In the near-IR spectral region, the absorption of
Estimation of water spread area and capacities electromagnetic radiation by water is maximum and
at different elevations using satellite data the DN of water pixels are significantly lower than
the other land uses. Even if the water depth is very
The basic output from the remote sensing analysis is
shallow, the increased absorption in Band 4 will
the water-spread area on the date of satellite pass. For
restrict the DN value to be less than Band 3 and
delineation of water-spread area, there are two techni-
Band 2. If the soil is exposed and saturated at the
ques of remote sensing data interpretation, viz. visual
surface, the reflectance will be as per the soil signa-
and digital are practised. The normalized difference
tures, which increases with wavelength. Therefore,
water index (NDWI) is a new method that has been
water pixels were clearly separated from the neigh-
adopted to delineate open water features and enhance
bouring pixels (Jain et al. 2002).
their presence in remotely-sensed digital imagery.
The original water spread areas at different levels
The NDWI makes use of reflected near-infrared radia-
were obtained from the original elevation–area curve
tion and visible green light to enhance the presence of
received from the project authorities. The submer-
such features while eliminating the presence of soil
gence area corresponding to FRL was 9.91 km2 in the
and terrestrial vegetation features. The NDWI was
Patratu Reservoir and water spread area at river bed
derived using principles similar to the normalised
difference vegetation index (NDVI). In NDVI (the level was assumed as zero. To know the capacities at
different elevations, the Prismoidal formula was
comparison of differences of two bands, red and
applied to solve simultaneous equations. In the
near-infra-red (NIR)), the presence of terrestrial vege-
tation and soil features is enhanced while the presence masks, isolated water pixels within and near the per-
iphery of the reservoir which show no hydraulic con-
of open water features is suppressed because of the
nectivity were removed. Similarly, water pixels
different ways in which these features reflect these
wavelengths (McFeeters 1996). downstream of the reservoir were not a part of the
reservoir, hence were removed. The areas of islands
The NDVI index is calculated as follows:
present in the reservoir were deducted from the total
ðNIR  RedÞ water spread area from all the imageries. After apply-
NDVI ¼ ing corrections for clouds, vegetation, islands, tail and
ðNIR þ RedÞ
discontinuous pixels, the actual water spread areas
If the equation is reversed and the green band is used were obtained through remote sensing technique and
in place of the red, then the result would also be it was compared with the original areas. The water
inverted, the vegetation suppressed and the open spread areas extracted from false colour composite
water features enhanced (McFeeters 1996). The equa- (FCC) images of Patratu Reservoir near FRL and
tion for NDWI is: MDDL are presented in Figs 3 and 4. NDWI maps of
the Patratu Reservoir near MDDL and near FRL are
ðGreen  NIRÞ also presented at Figs 3 and 4.
ðGreen þ NIRÞ After applying the above corrections, the actual
water spread area was obtained as detailed in Table 2.
The selection of these wavelengths maximises the Estimated water spread areas for different dates (dates
reflectance properties of water as follows: of satellite pass) obtained by digital analysis of satellite
● Maximise the typical reflectance of water features data corresponding to different elevations were plotted
by using green wavelengths; to generate an elevation–area curve. The
● Minimise the low reflectance of NIR by water remote-sensing technique is limited to providing
features; and water spread area mostly in a live storage zone. In the

Figure 3. (a) False colour composite of Patratu Reservoir (22 Figure 4. (a) False colour composite of Patratu Reservoir (29
April 2006) near MDDL, (b) extracted water spread areas of October 2011) near FRL, (b) extracted water spread areas of
Patratu Reservoir near MDDL (22 April 2006), and (c) NDWI map Patratu Reservoir (29 October 2011) near FRL, and (c) NDWI
of Patratu Reservoir near MDDL (22 April 2006). map of Patratu Reservoir (29 October 2011) near FRL.

present study, variations of minimum and maximum technique was used to assess these areas. The overall
water level were 387.096 to 406.152 m, respectively. reduction in capacity between the lowest and the high-
Water spread areas below MDDL and at FRL are not est observed water levels was obtained by adding the
available. The linear interpolation/extrapolation reduced capacities at all levels.

The reservoir capacity between two elevations was SRS Capacity Base Capacity
computed by the Prismoidal formula using the water
spread areas obtained above:
ΔhðA1 þ A2 þ A1  A2 Þ 80
ΔV 12 ¼

Capacity (hm3)
3 60

where, ΔV 12 is the volume between elevations E2 and 50

E1 (E2 > E1); A1 ; A2 are the water spread areas at 30
elevations E1 and E2 respectively; and Δh = E2 − E1. 20
Estimation of sediment deposition 370 375 380 385 390 395 400 405 410
Elevation (m)
The water spread area of the Pataratu Reservoir was
calculated using satellite data. The gross storage capa- Figure 5. Comparison of elevation–capacity curves of Patratu
city of the Patratu Reservoir was found to be 110.7 hm3
at FRL 406.152 m. In order to calculate loss in storage
and to know the sedimentation rate, a capacity survey
by remote sensing technique was carried out for the Patratu Reservoir for the base year (1968) was
years 2006–2012 in the zone of fluctuation between found to be 110.73, 8.78 and 101.95 hm3, respec-
387.096 and 406.152 m. The difference between the tively. The original live storage capacity of the
cumulative capacities of the original (base year = 1968) Patratu Reservoir (101.95 hm3) reduced to
and latest (2012) surveys gave loss in storage in the live 89.96 hm3, i.e. by 11.76% to date. In the study,
storage zone as shown in Table 3. The comparative SRS survey could be done for the available ima-
capacity elevation curves for the above periods are geries of live storage zone only. Therefore, it is
shown in Fig. 5. recommended to carry out hydrographic survey for
dead storage zone and SRS survey for live storage
zone to provide more accurate sedimentation
Discussion deposition volume and rate with an integrated
Using the Prismoidal formula, the revised capacity system.
between the maximum (406.152 m) and minimum The results show that the estimation of sedimenta-
(387.096 m) observed levels were obtained. The loss tion by remote sensing is highly sensitive in determin-
in live storage capacity since the base period (year ing the water spread area, water level information and
1968) to the recent remote sensing survey in 2012 original elevation–area–capacity table (Fig. 5). The
was 11.99 hm3, which was 11.76% of the original major constraint of remote sensing technique is that
live storage capacity. Based on the SRS survey the the sedimentation below the lowest observed level and
annual sedimentation rate is 0.4720 hm3/year and above the highest observed level cannot be ascer-
seems to be quite high against the designed sedi- tained. However, this limitation is not important
mentation rate of 11.73 ha-m/year or 0.11733 hm3. since the zone of interest of sedimentation analysis
The gross, dead and live storage capacity of the from the operation point of view is the live storage

Table 3. Patratu Reservoir capacity loss estimation due to sedimentation.

Elevation (m) Elevation WS area (106 m2) Capacity (hm3) Cumulative capacity (hm3) Sediment deposition (hm3) Remarks
difference (m) Base year 2012 (SRS) Base year 2012 (SRS) Base year 2012 (SRS) 2012 (SRS)
387.096 0.000 2.05 2.040 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MDDL
390.876 3.780 2.95 2.332 9.40 8.26 9.40 8.26 1.14
393.878 3.002 3.80 3.213 10.10 8.29 19.50 16.55 2.95
397.596 3.719 5.58 5.181 17.33 15.46 36.83 32.01 4.82
398.877 1.280 6.16 5.666 7.52 6.94 44.35 38.95 5.40
400.629 1.753 7.00 6.246 11.52 10.43 55.87 49.38 6.49
403.342 2.713 8.31 7.394 20.74 18.48 76.61 67.86 8.75
405.216 1.875 9.20 8.091 16.40 14.50 93.01 82.36 10.65
405.902 0.686 9.72 8.115 6.49 5.56 99.50 87.92 11.58
406.152 0.250 9.91 8.220 2.45 2.04 101.95 89.96 11.99 FRL
FRL: full reservoir level, MDDL: minimum draw down level, SRS: satellite remote sensing.

zone. Further, if sedimentation assessment is required Excavation can be planned to start after the mon-
for the whole reservoir, then the hydrographic survey soon season. Water level in the reservoir is at its
for the water spread area at the lowest observed eleva- highest level (near to or equal to FRL) at the end
tion can be accomplished. of the monsoon season. Then it gradually decreases
exposing areas along the periphery. As the water is
withdrawn from the reservoir for the thermal power
Measures against reservoir sedimentation
plant and other purposes, more and more reservoir
There is a strong need to limit sediment accumulation area is exposed to drying up. Thus instead of waiting
in reservoirs in order to ensure their sustainable use. until the start of the summer season, excavation
Several measures against reservoir sedimentation have work can start much earlier.
been proposed in the past but not all of them are Dredging is an ancient art and has been practised to
sustainable, efficient and affordable. Sediment manage- maintain waterways and reclaim land. In the year 2012,
ment is not limited to the reservoir itself; it begins in Water Resource Department, Jharkhand had a propo-
the catchment areas and extends to the downstream sal to the Drinking Water and Sanitation Department
river (Asthana et al. 2007). to carry out desilting of Getalsud Dam. Excavation
As suggested by Asthana et al. (2007), generally two work can be done manually or mechanically. The
methods, hydraulic and mechanical, are used for Patratu Reservoir is located in an under-developed
removing deposited sediment from reservoirs. region of Jharkhand state. Central and state govern-
Hydraulic methods comprise flushing and siphoning ments are implementing several social welfare pro-
and mechanical methods comprise excavation and grammes in under-developed regions all over the
dredging. Sometimes combinations of the two types country; such as food for work programme, drought
are used to improve efficiency. area protection programme, rural area development
works, etc. Therefore it is suggested that the local
work force be involved in manual excavation work
Recommendation for desilting of Patratu
and paid for in cash or kind. Coal and/or electricity
can be provided to the labourers at a subsidized rate for
Satellite-based reservoir sedimentation study of the the manual labour done. The excavated material can be
Patratu Reservoir revealed that the amount of silting mechanically transported to a safe disposal place down-
which has occurred in the live storage zone is about stream. During the flood season, loose material can be
12 hm3. It is proposed to de-silt the reservoir by adopt- flushed downstream through sluices. There is plenty of
ing the following measures: monsoon runoff in Patratu River as compared to the
(a) Mechanical/manual excavation, transportation and capacity of the reservoir. Sluices can be effectively
dumping of the excavated material to low lying utilized to flush the excavated material along with the
areas downstream of the dam and the distance of flood runoff. The Drinking Water and Sanitation
transportation shall be about 1 km. It is assumed Department, Jharkhand was of the view that desiltation
that 50% of the 12 hm3 silt deposit shall be exca- is the only way to save the water bodies from becoming
vated and transported to the downstream by dum- completely dry even before the onset of summer.
pers. Manual excavation work will provide
employment to the local workforce.
(b) Mechanical/manual excavation, dredging of the
material to deeper portion near sluices (within the From the satellite remote sensing survey of Patratu
reservoir) for hydraulic flushing during flood per- Reservoir, it was found that the live storage capacity
iod. It is assumed that 50% of the 12 hm3 silt of the reservoir was reduced to 89.96 hm3 from 101.95
deposit shall be excavated and hydraulically flushed hm3 showing an 11.76% loss in its original capacity. On
through the sluices. the basis of analysis of a SRS survey, the sedimentation
Manual and mechanical digging combined with rate in the Patratu Reservoir seems to be on the higher
flushing is recommended for the desilting of the side. Moreover in order to get true picture of sediment
Patratu Reservoir. Earlier digging and flushing opera- deposition in the reservoir, an integrated survey by
tions in Kundah Palam Reservoir in Tamil Nadu carrying out a hydrographic survey below MDDL and
(India) were employed to remove the deposited sedi- multispectral analysis from MDDL to FRL would be
ment (Stephen 1999). During non-monsoon season, more appropriate. Manual and mechanical digging
the deposits are mechanically excavated and dozed in combined with flushing is recommended for desilting
the deep pool near the scour sluices in the dam. of the Patratu Reservoir.

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by the PFC Consulting Limited, New Delhi. Regional Remote Sensing Service Centre, Project report
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