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Turon Malagkit or TuRice filled with sticky rice and coated with sugar, and fried until golden

and caramelized. These

Filipino-style spring rolls are filling, delicious, and perfect as snack or dessert!

Turon is one of my favorite sweet treats, but although the classic version of saba bananas and jackfruit strips is delicious
as is. But this TuRice is also delicious and yummy!




Tips on How to Make Turon Malagkit or TuRice:

1. Allow the cooked malagkit to cool completely .

2. Do not overfill the wrappers and roll them nice and tight to keep the oil from seeping through during frying.
3. While wrapping, cover the lumpia wrappers with a damp cloth to prevent from drying out.
4. I rolled the lumpia in sugar prior to cooking to create that golden caramelized .
5. Drain on a wire rack set over a baking sheet to catch oil drips. Do not drain on paper towels as they will stick on
the caramelized sugar.

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