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Country : People’s Republic of China

Topic : Utilizing Education and Local Culture As Means Peace Building

Committee : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Delegates : Dhimas Tri Prastyo and Falentinoris Yubilio Wiku

China is one of the countries thet upholds education and culture. Clearly seen in the
development of human resources through the teaching of confucianism. Confucianism has been
the backbone of education in China and the rest of Asia. The Confucian Education System and
philosophy is based on the teachings of Confucius, who lived from 551-479 BC. Confuciansim
must be comprehend both as a religion and a philosophy. According to Thomas Hosuck Kang,
Confuciansim is humanist, a philosophy or attitude that involves human existence, achievement
and their attention to abstract existence and theologian problems.
Confucianism strongly emphasizes ethical values into life whether it’s on family, society, and
national life. Ethics determined how human life in society, which menas deep. Every activity is
needed by mutual agreement to avoid arising conflict that is not pleasant for both parties
Education in China:
Up until today conflict still being the biggest factor of children not being able to attend
school. China’s educational system is the largest in the world. There are 240 million students and
12 million full-time teachers in 2003. There are four major tiers in the structure-primary, junior
secondary, senior secondary, and higher education. The first two tiers provide nine years of
compulsory basic education. The great majority of graduates from the common primary school
system move on to general junior secondary schools. However, some students go to vocational
junior schools. The three years of senior secondary schooling are also divided into academic and
vocational tracks.
The general senior secondary school prepares students mainly for higher education. Others
go to specialized secondary schools, vocational senior secondary schools and skilled worker
schools that train mid-level technicians and personnel for specific occupations. Higher education
consists of degree and non-degree programs, mainly four years in duration that train professionals
in various areas. Beyond that, there are highly academic masters and doctoral programs. Public
examinations are used to screen and select students and move them from one level to the other.
There are junior secondary entrance examinations at the local and national levels respectively.
Student’s scores from these examinations are used to allocate spaces in the senior secondary

Should peacebuilding-education be integrated in national curricula? If no, why? If yes, why

and how?

In terms of religion, at first the country embraced "three teachings" or "three teachings"
namely Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucius. In general, the Chinese State upholds Education not
only in Education in general, but also in Confucian teachings. Both complement each other to form
humans who uphold ethics, values, and morals. The aim of China's national education is to prepare
students to develop themselves in the dimensions of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic
according to their field of work so that they become socialist workers who have idealism, are
educated and are cultured, have strong character and discipline.
Country : People’s Republic of China
Topic : Utilizing Education and Local Culture As Means Peace Building
Committee : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Delegates : Dhimas Tri Prastyo and Falentinoris Yubilio Wiku

Chinese leaders realized a need to develop the country’s human resources through
education and professional skill development. Deng, Zhao-ping cautiously reversed Mao Ze-
dong’s definition of human capital. To Mao, young people should rise up and challenge old and
established authority, but they did not need any special educational preparation to do so. For Deng,
the development of professional, intellectual and expert knowledge was crucial to the future
national development of China. He proposed the concept of using education as a vehicle for
developing human capital, together with science and technology.


Hinton, Samuel. 2011. “Ethnic Diversity, National Unity and Multicultural Education in China”. Eastern
Kentucky University, Richmond, USA
Country : People’s Republic of China
Topic : Utilizing Education and Local Culture As Means Peace Building
Committee : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Delegates : Dhimas Tri Prastyo and Falentinoris Yubilio Wiku

1. Every countries past action policy in order to achieve peace building
2. Implementation of local culture in education to achieve peace building

The delegates of china would like to raised a motion discussing about …… for fifteen to one
Answers: First and Last please

Honorable chairs and distinguish delegates, the delegates of China believe that ………

Memberhentikan meeting :
Is there any point of motion in the floor ? but the motion is about adjourn the meeting
Answer : The delegates of china would like to adjourn the meeting, Xie xie ni me
Country : People’s Republic of China
Topic : Utilizing Education and Local Culture As Means Peace Building
Committee : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Delegates : Dhimas Tri Prastyo and Falentinoris Yubilio Wiku

Konfusianisme harus dipahami baik sebagai agama maupun filsafat. Menurut Thomas Hosuck
Kang, Konfusianisme adalah Humanisme, sebuah filsafat atau sikap yang menyangkut
keberadaan manusia, prestasi dan perhatiannya yang agak lebih kepada keberadaan abstrak dan
problem-problem teologi.
Konfusius sangat menekankan nilai-nilai etika dalam kehidupan, baik dalam keluarga,
masyarakat, maupun dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Etika menentukan bagaimana
patutnya manusia hidup dalam masyarakat, yang berarti dalam setiap kegiatan diperlukan
kesepakatan bersama agar tidak timbul konflik yang tidak menyenangkan bagi kedua belah
The delegets of China is present and voting
Konfusius dalam tradisi kebudayaan China sering disebut sebagai the First Teacher (guru
pertama )
Beberapa buku yang cukup mewakili, seperti yang ditulis oleh Cheng Mo To dan kawan-
kawan dan dipublikasikan oleh Educational Publications Bureao Pte Ltd di Singapore,
berjudul Confucian Ethics Textbook Secondary Three dan Confucian Ethics Textbook
Secondary Four.
Kendati tidak selengkap yang diharapkan, buku yang dimaksudkan sebagai textbook oleh
tim yang dibentuk khusus untuk itu, paling tidak memberikan gambaran yang cukup baik.
Ada lagi sebuah buku cukup tebal, An Introduction to Confucianism yang ditulis oleh
Xinzhong Yao juga cukup memberikan gambaran.

Makna the First Teacher di dalam tradisi Konfusianisme bukan berarti tidak ada guru
sebelumnya, tetapi karena beliaulah yang menduduki ranking pertama di antara guru-guru
yang lain sebelumnya.

Jika dirunut sejarahnya, peletak dasar Konfusianisme adalah Raja Zhou (kadang ditulis
Chou). Periode Zhou ini dikenal sebagai saat berkembangnya kesatuan, kedamaian, dan
keadilan di bawah kekuasaan dan kepemimpinan pemerintah pusat
Country : People’s Republic of China
Topic : Utilizing Education and Local Culture As Means Peace Building
Committee : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Delegates : Dhimas Tri Prastyo and Falentinoris Yubilio Wiku

Untuk meningkatkan moral dan menjaga etika manusia. Tiga prinsip utama yang diterapkan dalam
pembelajaran kungfu adalah kemampuan untuk bekerja keras, disiplin, dan menghormati orang
yang lebih tua.

Murid-murid juga selalu diajarkan untuk menjadi yang terbaik dalam segala hal yang mereka
Tidak ada pandangan bahwa anak pintar adalah anak yang nilai matematikanya sempurna, tapi
semua anak pintar dalam bidangnya masing-masing.
Itulah teknik pendidikan yang diterapkan di China yang terbukti mampu membentuk karakter
anak-anak yang cerdas dan pekerja keras.

Wajib belajar 9 tahun,

6 SD
Setelah itu lanjut jenjang berikutnya, yaitu SMA
1. SMA umum
2. SMA spesialis / teknik
3. SMA vokasi / profesional

Paket-paket wisata ke Xinjiang sering menampilkan rangkaian keindahan alam yang kaya di
kawasan ini, dari perairan biru danau Karakul hingga Tianshan - sebuah Situs Warisan Dunia

Sosiolog Jerman, Max Weber

Menurut Konfusius, pemerintah dan masyarakat akan tenteram kembali jika semua pihak mau
melakukan koreksi diri dari perbuatan tercela, mengatur secara proposional dan betingkah laku
menurut kemampuan masing - masing.
Sebagai pemegang "mandat dari langit" penguasa harus bersikap bijaksana untuk panutan

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