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Ariel (AH-REE-EL)

1. Sit quietly and begin to chant EE-AH-OH-EH until your mind feels clear and your body is calm and

2. Gaze at the sigil and know that Ariel will bring you the money you need without you having to seek it.
Ariel will arrange circumstances in such a way that money simply flows to you with ease and others pour
out blessings upon you.

3. Say or sing Ariel's psalm:



4. Speak to Ariel and say, “Great and mighty angel Ariel! Cause money to come to me now in my time of
need. Bring to me more than enough money to fulfill my needs! Cause others to graciously pour out
their blessings upon me so that I may live a life of joy, ease, and comfort!

5. Chant the word "Pino" (PEE-NOH) for a few minutes while gazing at the sigil and feeling gratitude that
your request has been fulfilled.

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