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Step 1 - To make the course recognition

Individual work

Guido Gonzalez Posada




Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería

Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas

2019 05-09

In the realization of this experience we are going to find the electromagnetic and wave
theory which is very important in the study of physics and therefore the field of
electronic engineering.
For the study of the electron, the phenomena of electric and magnetic radiation
associated with the fundamental characteristic of the electron as a particle and wave
are the object of investigation in the development of this experience.
Solution of the 5 questions

1. What is an electromagnetic wave?

2. What is electrical permittivity 𝜺 and magnetic permeability 𝝁 of a medium?
3. In a vacuum, what is the value of the electric permittivity 𝜺𝒐 and the magnetic
permeability 𝝁𝒐 ?
4. If the relationship between relative and absolute electric permittivity in a medium
is 𝜺 = 𝜺𝒓 𝜺𝒐 , what is for the absolute magnetic permeability 𝝁 and the relative 𝝁𝒓 ?
5. In the wave equation 𝐸(𝑥, 𝑡) = 𝐴 𝑠𝑒𝑛(𝑘𝑥 − 𝑤𝑡)𝑗̂ = 𝐴 𝑠𝑒𝑛 ( 𝜆 𝑥 − 2𝜋𝑓𝑡) 𝑗̂ identify the
following parameters and their unit:
- Amplitude: _A_ [m] (example).
- Frequency: ___
- Weather: ___
- Angular frequency: ___
- Wavelength: ___
- Wave number: ___
- Polarization direction: ___
- Direction of displacement: ___
What is an electromagnetic wave?

They are those waves that do not need a material means to propagate. They include,
among others, visible light and radio, television and telephone waves.

All propagate in a vacuum at a constant speed, very high (300,000 km / s) but not
infinite. Thanks to this we can observe the light emitted by a distant star so long ago
that perhaps that star has already disappeared. Or find out about an event that
happens thousands of kilometers practically at the moment of its occurrence.
Electromagnetic waves propagate through an oscillation of electric and magnetic
fields. The electromagnetic fields to "excite" the electrons of our retina, communicate
with us outside and allow our brain to "build" the stage of the world we are in.
The O.E.M. they are also support for telecommunications and the complex functioning
of today's world.
What is electrical permittivity 𝜺 and magnetic permeability 𝝁 of a medium?

In physics it is called magnetic permeability to the ability of a substance or medium to

attract and pass through it magnetic fields, which is given by the relationship between
the existing magnetic induction and the magnetic field intensity that appears inside of
said material.

The magnitude thus defined, the degree of magnetization (non-permanent

magnetization) of a material in response to a magnetic field, is called absolute
permeability and is usually represented by the symbol μ: Lesly Palma in Ig
where B is the magnetic induction (also called magnetic flux density) in the material,
and H is magnetic field strength.

The permittivity (also called dielectric constant) is a physical constant that describes
how an electric field affects and is affected by a medium. The vacuum permittivity
𝜀0 𝑖𝑠 8.8541878176 ∗ 10−12 𝑐 2 /(𝑁. 𝑚2 ).
The permittivity is determined by the tendency of a material to polarize before the
application of an electric field and thereby partially cancel the internal field of the
material. It is directly related to electrical susceptibility. For example, in a capacitor a
high permittivity causes the same amount of electric charge to be stored with a
smaller electric field and, therefore, to a smaller potential, leading to a greater
capacity of the same.
In a vacuum, what is the value of the electric permittivity 𝜺𝒐 and the
magnetic permeability 𝝁𝒐 ?

La permeabilidad del vacío, conocida también como constante magnética, se

representa mediante el símbolo μ0 y en unidades SI se define como:
𝜇0 = 4𝜋 ∗ 10−7 𝑁𝐴−2
La permitividad eléctrica (que aparece en la ley de Coulomb) y la constante
magnética del vacío están relacionadas por la fórmula:
𝜀0 𝜇0 =
𝑐0 2

Donde 𝑐0 representa la velocidad de propagación de las ondas electromagnéticas en el

vacío, comúnmente denominada velocidad de la luz en el espacio vacío.
If the relationship between relative and absolute electric permittivity in a
medium is 𝜺 = 𝜺𝒓 𝜺𝒐 , what is for the absolute magnetic permeability 𝝁 and
the relative 𝝁𝒓 ?
Permeabilidad magnética absoluta

Para comparar entre sí los materiales, se utiliza la permeabilidad magnética absoluta

(µ) como el producto entre la permeabilidad magnética relativa ( ) y
la permeabilidad magnética del vacío ( ):


Posee las mismas dimensiones que la permeabilidad del vacío, , esto es, se mide
en T·m/A.

Permeabilidad magnética relativa

La permeabilidad relativa, denominada por el símbolo , es el cociente entre la

permeabilidad absoluta del medio específico y la permeabilidad del vacío . Por tanto
es adimensional.

Los materiales se pueden clasificar según su permeabilidad magnética relativa en:

a) Los Ferromagnéticos , cuyo valor de permeabilidad magnética relativa es muy

superior a 1. Los materiales ferromagnéticos tienden a concentrar o atraer las líneas de
campo en su interior. Son los materiales que "se pegan" a los imanes.

Esa propiedad recibe el nombre de ferromagnetismo. Ejemplos de ellos son el hierro y

el níquel.
Figura 17: Gráfica de variación de la permeabilidad en los materiales ferromagnéticos.

b) Los Paramagnéticos o no magnéticos, cuya permeabilidad relativa es

aproximadamente 1, se comportan como el vacío.

La mayor parte de los materiales que encontramos en la naturaleza son

paramagnéticos, no presentan ferromagnetismo y su reacción frente a los campos
magnéticos es muy poco apreciable.

Figura 18: Gráfica de variación de la permeabilidad en los materiales Paramagnéticos.

c) Los Diamagnéticos poseen una permeabilidad magnética relativa inferior a 1.

Los materiales diamagnéticos repelen el campo magnético, haciendo que éste pase por
el exterior del material. En general, esta acción diamagnética es muy débil, y no es
comparable (pero a la inversa) al efecto que produce el campo magnético sobre los
materiales ferromagnéticos. Un ejemplo de material diamagnético es el cobre.
Figura 19:Gráfica de variación de la permeabilidad en los materiales Diamagnéticos.

La permeabilidad relativa de todos los materiales varía con la temperatura. Son de

interés la temperatura de Curie y la temperatura de Néel. Se denomina temperatura de
Curie (en ocasiones punto de Curie) a la temperatura por encima de la cual un cuerpo
ferromagnético pierde su magnetismo y pasa a comportárse como un material
puramente paramagnético. La temperatura de Néel es la temperatura por encima de la
cual desaparece el efecto antiferromagnético en los materiales pasando éstos a
comportarse como materiales paramagnéticos. Es una propiedad específica de cada
In the wave equation 𝑬(𝒙, 𝒕) = 𝑨 𝒔𝒆𝒏(𝒌𝒙 − 𝒘𝒕)𝒋̂ = 𝑨 𝒔𝒆𝒏 ( 𝝀 𝒙 − 𝟐𝝅𝒇𝒕) 𝒋̂ identify the
following parameters and their unit:

- Amplitude: _A_ [m] (example).

- Frequency: ___f_[Hz]
- Weather: ___
- Angular frequency: ___2𝜋𝑓_ [rad/seg]
- Wavelength: ___1_[m]
- Wave number: ___2𝜋_ [rad/m]
- Polarization direction: ___
- Direction of displacement: ___ The wave moves towards the negative x due to
the positive sign in front of x.

Conclusion 1:

Electromagnetic theory is a very important phenomenon because it allows the

development of telecommunication technologies, electronics and the development of
radio, television, navigation, satellite transmissions, and even the development of the
special era

Conclusion 2:

the study of waves and electromagnetic phenomena allowed the development and
progress in the field of telecommunications giving a gigantic advance in distance

Bibliography 1:

Examples of bibliography format:

Internet video.
Retrieved from http: // ...

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