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What are the common issues and concerns confronting both coastal and inland
Both inland and coastal ecosystem delivers wide range of ecosystem services that
contributes to
human well-being.The status of both freshwater and coastal wetland species is
deteriorating faster
than those of other ecosystems. The primary indirect drivers of degradation and loss of
inland and
coastal wetlands have been population growth and increasing economic development.
The primary
direct drivers of degradation and loss include infrastructure development, land
conversion, water
withdrawal, eutrophication and pollution, overharvesting and overexploitation, and the
of invasive alien species.
2. How are the issues and concerns linked?
Global climate change is expected to exacerbate the loss and degradation of many
wetlands and
the loss or decline of their species and to increase the incidence of vector-borne and
diseases in many regions. Excessive nutrient loading is expected to become a growing
threat to
rivers, lakes, marshes, coastal zones, and coral reefs. Growing pressures from multiple
drivers increase the likelihood of potentially abrupt changes in wetland ecosystems,
which can be
large in magnitude and difficult, expensive, or impossible to reverse.
3. How the inter-relation of issues and concerns affect coastal and inland
ecosystems function?
The projected continued loss and degradation of wetlands will reduce the capacity of
wetlands to mitigate
impacts and result in further reduction in human well-being (including an increase in the
prevalence of disease),
especially for poorer people in lower-income countries, where technological solutions are
not as readily available.
At the same time, demand for many of these services (such as denitrification and flood
and storm protection) will
increase. Physical and economic water scarcity and limited or reduced access to water
is major challenges facing
society and are key factors limiting economic development in many countries. The
adverse effects of climate change,
such as sea level rise, coral bleaching, and changes in hydrology and in the temperature
of water bodies,
will lead to a reduction in the services provided by wetlands
4. What should be done to sustain the functions of coastal and inland ecosystems?
To sustain the need of each coastal and inland ecosystem, we must know first each
function to our environment
and we’ve must take care how important it is and this is for the betterment for the next
1. Why is it important to delineate watersheds?
The first step to manage water is to be able to delineate where water drains, and to
locate the issues
and concerns from the upstream to the downstream of the watershed.
2. How are the upstream and downstream issues and concerns linked?
The upstream and downstream issues and concerns are linked together because the
river is a flowing water
that continues to flow from the head of the river to where it ends so when there is
disturbance happen in
upstream that affects the river whether positive or negative it will affect the downstream.
3. How are watersheds linked?
Watersheds are linked together because they may share the highest point in the topo-
or the other watershed meets to the other one and drains to the same water stream.

1) Considering the slope and elevation of the upstream, discuss what could be the
impact of heavy rainfall in the upstream to the downstream of the riverbasin?
The area that I choose is the Balatukan watershed. The impact of heavy rainfall in the
upstream to the downstream of the river basin on its quantity would make the amount
of water bigger and the amount of discharge than to its normal discharge is greater,
these would make the stream turbid because of the sediments that would accumulate to
the water due to the heavy rainfall.
2) What is the dominat landuse in the high elevation/upstream? Lower
The major landuses in the upstream are forest, grassland and in the downstream there
are residential area that depends on the livelihood they could get from the stream and
agricultural sector which means they uses the stream to provide for their plantation. The
forest is the one that dominates in the high elevation while agricultural sector in the
lower elevation with these we can say that human intervention is the one which makes
the landuse of an area to alter

3) Project what will happen if the landuse is dominantly:

a. Forest- If the land use is dominant in forest there would be high carrying capacity
to hold the water and would not degrade easily
b. Grassland- If the land use is dominant in forest there would be high carrying
capacity to hold the water and would not degrade easily.
It is important that grassland would become dominant because losses of the
basic functions of grassland can have dramatic impacts on regional.
c. Agri-industrial - Having agricultural land in the area would be beneficial to the
people around because it will provide livelihood to the residential
d. Residential- If there would be a lot of people that are in the area there will be a
shortage in the resource.
2) Why is it important to determine the topography and land use of the watershed?
It is important to determine the topography and land use of watershed so that we could
know the highest level of the mountains and the area that the water flows to the river
through the highest level of the mountain through topography, and it is also to determine
the land uses so that we could understand or know what are the plants found in that
area and how many water consumed by that plants that is serve as land uses.
3) How will topography and landuse affect the water quantity and quality of your
delineated watershed?
The land use within the watershed has great impacts on the water quality of rivers which
leads to runoff as well as the water quality degradation.
Anthropogenic and natural factors are the one alter the water quality and helps to
estimate the influence of watershed land use.
4. How do stream order, bifurcation ratio, drainage network and the stream density
affect the quantity and quality of water in the watershed?
Stream Order is a hydrologic system of stream classification where the series of
tributaries that drain to a single stream.
The bifurcation ratio is defined as the ratio of the series of stream tributaries of a
given order to the next higher order of the stream.
Drainage system is the pattern formed by streams or other water bodies and the
series of drainage system may refer to drainage network.
Stream density is the total length of the streams in a drainage basin divided by the
total area of the water basin
or Stream Density DS = No. of streams/ Area of the watershed and it is an indicator
whether the stream is high or low in discharge
5. Given the landuse/landcover, slope and elevation, how will the quantity and
quality of the water change from upstream to downstream?
The landuse, land cover, slope and elevation within the watershed in the upstream
and downstream has great impacts on the changes
of water quality and quantity of rivers. The slope and elevation can be a factor which
leads to the alteration of quantity of the water
runoff that goes to the streams and as well as the runoff could be the factor to alter
the quality of the water which we could refer to
the landuse or land cover. Anthropogenic and natural factors are the one alter the
water quality and helps to estimate the influence
of watershed land use.
6. How will the inland waters affect the coastal waters?
Inland water refers to the bodies of water like rivers, lakes etc. that could be found in
land areas while coastal waters are those
water where the inland water and ocean meets or the catchment for all the inland
water so therefore, what happen to the upstream
or the inland water can affect the downstream where the coastal water could be
found. An example of this is when the inland
waters are contaminated by the harmful chemicals the coastal water soon be
contaminated by harmful chemicals.

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