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What is cyber-bullying, you may ask.

Cyber-bullying, also known as online bullying is a form of harassing

and bullying via electrical means. Cyber-bullying can be done through the use of internet sites and social
media, both of which are readily available and common for teenagers these days. Harmful bullying
behavior can include spreading rumors, threats, sexual remarks, posting a victims' personal
information, or shaming them. Despite not posing a direct threat to a person’s physical health, cyber-
bullying has been known to serve as pathways, leading to fights and heavily damaging victims’ mentality.
There are a few other forms of cyber-bullying as well. Cyber-stalking is one to be aware of, this is the act
of stalking or secretly observing the victim’s daily life – which can threaten his/her safety. Internet
trolling is less harmful, but you still need to pay caution to it. This is the act of evoking a person’s
reaction, commonly anger, by constantly disrupting their experience on social media or games.

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