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Excerpt – Mentor teacher’s summary statement from 4 th year Professional Experience Report:

I observed Natasha delivering lessons using a range of engaging teaching strategies that
included group work with a range of entry levels for students, explicit teaching accompanied by
text book exercises and cross age tutoring for STEM activities. Natasha developed respectful
relationships with students because of her quiet, consistent communication style and the
clarity of her instructions. She met the needs of all students during lessons, including students
at risk by responding with specific individual advice on mathematical problems in sensitive
ways, thus assisting students to gain confidence and persist with tasks.

Excerpt – University liason’s written feedback on a Mathematics lesson during 4th year
Professional Experience

“Whole class presentation at the start of the lesson set the expectations and the lesson goals
were clear. Very clear outcome for the lesson, supported with the ‘tools’ (formulae on the
whiteboard). Use of timer for each station was a very helpful learning tool for students, most
students continued to refer to it throughout the lesson. The use of different colours for different
learning levels was clear and was motivating for students. Simple, clear instructions on the
task cards, as well as the students’ having the ability to hold them in their hands and look at
them closely.

Excerpt - Mentor teacher’s summary statement from 3rd year Professional Experience Report:

“Natasha has good pace in her lessons and plans extensively. She is excellent at adapting to
issues in class because she has thought through her plan so thoroughly. She has tried a range
of teaching strategies over the past few weeks and has shown a critical nature when
evaluating their success. Natasha explains tasks very clearly and succinctly to students and
her slides support this understanding well. She uses exit tickets and other AFL (assessment
for learning) strategies in order to identify which learners have met her goals of the lesson.”

Excerpt – Mentor teacher’s written feedback on a Physical Education lesson during 3 rd year
Professional Experience

“Natasha made it clear to the learners what the focus of the lesson was. She described to the
learners what they had to do in order to b successful in the lesson. Natasha questioned
learners about their understanding of Diamond Cricket and what they can do to be effective
when they play. Her use of a physical diagram (she used tennis balls to explain the structure of
the game) developed learners’ knowledge and understanding. All learners clearly understood
the game and were able to be active participants.

Natasha highlighted examples of good practice from learners and also addressed learners
who were off task. The feedback learners received was clear and was accurate. Rather than
simply tell learners what they had to do better Natasha questioned learners on what they had
to do, this gave the learners ownership of their learning. For example Natasha questioned
learners on the rules of the game if they made a mistake and asked them what they should
have done. This was very effective.”

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