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Stative Verbs

What are Stative Verbs?

In English there are a series of verbs that are NOT used in their continuous form (continuous present,
continuous future ...) are verbs that describe states, situations and conditions and are called STATIVE

We say

I have a car, and I´m not having a car.

Static verbs can be grouped into several groups as they are

State Verbs: Express opinion.

agree, think, believe, disagree, feel, doubt, depend, understand, know, mean, remember, seem, look (=
seem), mind, suppose, guess, appear, matter, concern, realize

2. Verbs on Tastes

like, dislike, prefer, love, hate.

3. Verbs on Possession

have, possess, belong, own, owe, lack, include, involve

4. Verbs that express Characteristics of something

weigh, measure, consist, contain

5. Verbs that express Need

need, want, wish, deserve ...

6. Verbs related to perception

sound, hea. I like to travel to Europe .

2 .She thinks that her brother is lazy.

3 . He prefers to go along

4. I hate to wake up early .

5. They know how to sing .

6. She wants to study medicine.

7. I need to eat ice cream.

8. The car costs $ 1.000.000 .

Ver más en -, taste, see, smell, imagine, recognize,

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