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Cosmology: Dark matter and dark energy

Article  in  Nature · May 2009

DOI: 10.1038/458587a · Source: PubMed


29 3,858

2 authors:

Robert Caldwell Marc Kamionkowski

Dartmouth College Johns Hopkins University


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Vol 458|2 April 2009


nasa & a. Riess (stsCi)

Deep view — a slice
of the Hubble Space
Telescope’s view of
the visible Universe.


Dark matter and dark energy

Robert Caldwell and Marc Kamionkowski
Observations continue to indicate that the Universe is dominated by invisible components — dark matter
and dark energy. Shedding light on this cosmic darkness is a priority for astronomers and physicists.
What is the composition of the and in the properties of galaxies and clusters, significant amount of dark-matter substructure
Universe? that is simply not seen. in the form of clumps and tidal streams.
In terms of their contribution to the mean
energy density, the contents of the Universe Why can’t we conclude that Newton’s What is the best bet for the nature of
are approximately 75% dark energy, 20% laws break down at the distance scales dark matter?
dark matter and 5% normal (atomic) matter, of galaxies or clusters? From the vast array of proposals, the most
with smaller contributions from photons and This might have been a reasonable hypothesis a promising ideas involve novel elementary par-
neutrinos. These measurements rely on the few decades ago. However, any alternative grav- ticles. Among the candidates that have with-
validity of the hot Big Bang model, general ity theory that accounts for the observed galaxy stood long-standing theoretical scrutiny are
relativity and the cosmological principle (that and cluster dynamics must also explain the vast weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs)
the Universe is uniform on the largest scales). body of data on gravitational lensing (the deflec- and axions. WIMPs, like neutrinos, interact
The breadth and depth of experiments and tion of light from distant sources), the CMB only weakly with ordinary matter. They arise
observations that support these underlying and large-scale structures. At the same time, it naturally in extensions to the standard model of
tenets give us confidence that this model of must also satisfy a suite of precise constraints on particle physics (for example, in supersymme-
the cosmos has a solid foundation. gravity obtained within the Solar System. try or in models with large extra dimensions).
Detection of WIMPs is one of the primary goals
What is the evidence for dark matter? How much dark matter is there nearby? of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN
We can infer the presence of dark matter The orbital velocities of stars in the Milky Way near Geneva, Switzerland. The other candidate,
through indirect methods, despite not being suggest a mean mass density of dark matter in the axion, is an elementary particle hypoth-
able to see it (Fig. 1, overleaf). Newton’s laws our neighbourhood of about a third of a proton esized to explain some of the symmetries of the
state that the mass of a body can be determined mass per cubic centimetre. For perspective, this strong interactions that bind quarks in protons
by the motion of its satellites. Thus, it has been is 106 times greater than the mean density of and neutrons. There are other possibilities, so
calculated that the mass of galaxy clusters is the cosmos, but 24 orders of magnitude smaller it is necessary to keep an open mind. However,
far larger than that of their constituent galax- than the mean density of water. Because what- constraints on the strength of the interaction of
ies, and that the mass of galaxies is far larger ever objects make up dark matter move in the dark-matter particles with ordinary matter, their
than the combined mass of their constituent same Galactic gravitational potential well as stability against decay and their ‘coldness’ —
stars and interstellar gas. And there is plenty stars, we know that they must be moving with dark-matter particles today must move slowly
more corroborating evidence. Yet there is very velocities of about 200 kilometres per second. compared with the speed of light — allow the
good reason to expect that this extra ‘stuff ’ Earth’s orbit around the Sun implies that the range of possibilities to be pared down.
is not normal matter. Such an abundance of amount of dark matter incident on the Earth
normal matter would be difficult to conceal varies by about 10% from summer to winter What experiments or observations
from the prying eyes of astronomers, and (Fig. 1). Furthermore, the distribution of galac- can help?
would furthermore leave a distinct signature tic dark matter may not be smooth; galaxy Clearly, the most compelling resolution to
in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) formation is an ongoing process, and com- the dark-matter problem would be the direct
radiation (relic radiation from the Big Bang), putational studies suggest that there may be a detection of dark-matter particles. Currently,
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NEWS & VIEWS Q&a NATURE|Vol 458|2 April 2009

there are some 20 experimental projects underground at the Gran Sasso National clue would be monoenergetic γ-rays. There is
seeking to detect WIMPs by observing the Laboratory in Italy, has reported detection of a host of ground-based, balloon- and satellite-
10–100 kiloelectronvolts of energy that would be the tell-tale annual modulation in dark-matter borne experiments looking for these clues.
deposited in a detector when a WIMP from the flux consistent with Earth’s orbit through the
Galactic halo scatters from an atomic nucleus Galactic dark-matter halo. This signal has What about the cosmic-ray
in the detector and makes it recoil. The target not been corroborated by other experiments. experiments …
nuclei in some of these experiments are located Because other experiments use different tar- In 2008, PAMELA (Payload for Antimatter
in metallic crystals; the nuclear recoil is then get nuclei, the various results can only be com- Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astro-
detected through the recoiling energy collected pared in the context of specific theories of dark physics), a satellite-borne cosmic-ray experi-
in the detector. The challenge in these and other matter. The mass of the simplest, ‘supersym- ment, and the balloon-borne ATIC (Advanced
dark-matter detection experiments is to distin- metric’ WIMPs and their couplings to normal Thin Ionization Calorimeter) experiment,
guish the signature of dark matter from the crowd matter, proposed to explain the DAMA result, reported an excess flux of high-energy cosmic-
of terrestrial-radiation backgrounds. But the have been excluded by the other experiments. ray positrons. These observations might be a
current generation of experiments is becoming consequence of WIMP annihilation, but the
sufficiently sensitive that it will soon be possible How else can we see dark matter? observed flux is higher, by several orders of
to vet some of the leading particle-physics mod- Although individual WIMPs are in theory stable, magnitude, than the simplest WIMP models
els for dark matter. The discovery of unknown pairs of WIMPs can ‘annihilate’, producing high- predict. One interpretation is that WIMP dark
particles at the LHC would greatly narrow the energy photons and cosmic rays in the form of matter is more complicated than previously
range of dark-matter candidates and boost our positrons (antielectrons), antiprotons and neu- thought. However, more prosaic astrophysi-
confidence that we are on the right track. But trinos. Detection of such particles might pro- cal explanations (such as particle acceleration
it would not eliminate the need for an in situ vide indirect evidence for dark matter. The most by nearby pulsars) must be excluded before the
astrophysical detection. likely nearby sources of these annihilation prod- anomaly can be attributed to dark matter.
ucts would be the Galactic Centre, where the
Haven’t there already been claims of dark-matter density is high, or the cores of some … and future possibilities for studying
dark-matter detection? of the dark-matter-dominated dwarf galaxies dark matter?
Yes. The DAMA experiment, operating deep surrounding the Milky Way (Fig. 1). One telling Experiments to detect dark matter directly

a b
idal stream Observed

Velocity of stars

If no da
S a g i t t ar i

rk ma
Dwarf spheroidal

Distance from
Galactic Centre

30 kpc

Milky Way

Earth orbit


Galactic plane Dark-

200 kpc

Dark-matter flux



Figure 1 | Dark matter and how it might be detected. a, b, The rotational matter that trails from the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and entangles the
velocity of its stars and gas indicates that the Milky Way is embedded in a Milky Way. c, Earth’s orbit through the Galactic dark-matter halo may
dark-matter halo extending out to a radius of about 200 kiloparsecs (kpc). produce a modulation of the dark-matter flux identified in experiments
High-energy γ-rays may be produced by the annihilation of dark-matter that aim to detect dark matter directly: a smaller (by about 10%) flux is
particles in neighbouring dwarf spheroidal galaxies and near the Galactic expected when Earth moves in the same direction as the dark-matter
Centre, where the dark-matter density is expected to be highest. The ‘wind’ from the Galactic halo (in winter) than when it moves against
dark-matter density may also be enhanced in the tidal stream of it (in summer).
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NATURE|Vol 458|2 April 2009 NEWS & VIEWS Q&a

aim to exploit the dark-matter WIMP ‘wind’ electromagnetic effects (whereby distant
(Fig. 1) and isolate the characteristic annual supernovae are artificially dimmed; Fig. 2), or
modulation in the WIMP flux from other some other flaw in our fundamental assump-
background signals of terrestrial origin. Mean- tions (such as the statistical homogeneity and
while, Gaia, a satellite mission set to launch isotropy of the Universe on the largest length
in the near future, aims to chart the position scales). The current state of observations does
and motion of about 109 nearby stars; this Type Ia
not favour one of these alternatives, but we
map will be used to trace out the gravitational supernovae must keep an open mind.
field of the Milky Way, and thereby infer the
dark-matter distribution in its dark-matter What recent observations have helped
halo. A variety of experiments, including that to refine the dark-energy problem?
using the recently launched Fermi Gamma- The observations of ‘baryon acoustic oscilla-
ray Space Telescope, will look for γ-rays from tions’ have been used to corroborate and
WIMP annihilation. And high-energy neu- refine the evidence for cosmic acceleration.
trino telescopes, such as IceCube at the South erating These cosmic ripples made by primordial
Pole, will look for neutrinos produced by the sound waves are imprinted on the CMB and
annihilation of WIMPs that have accumulated acceler
ating on the distribution of galaxies. By measuring
Magnitude Non-
in the Sun and Earth. how the wavelength of the ripples varies with
the distance from Earth, one can chart the
What about dark energy? history of the cosmic expansion.
The observation that the expansion of the
Universe is speeding up (Fig. 2), instead of What experiments can help to
slowing down owing to the mutual gravita- Recessional velocity determine the nature of dark energy?
tional attraction of matter, indicates that there is There is a decided absence of compelling
much more to the Universe than we understand theoretical explanations for the physics under-
at present. The leading interpretation is that Figure 2 | Cosmic acceleration and dark lying cosmic acceleration, so the approach
the Universe is filled by something — dubbed energy. Type Ia supernovae, which result from to date has been to gather more of the same
the explosion of white-dwarf stars, are thought
dark energy — that ‘antigravitates’. Whereas type of data in the hope that some clue will
to be standard candles (objects of known
the possibility for gravitational repulsion does brightness). This property allows astronomers pop out. Apart from using supernovae and
not exist in Newtonian gravity, it does exist in to determine how far away such supernovae are, baryon acoustic oscillations, other meth-
general relativity. The equivalence between based on their apparent brightness as observed ods that measure the rate at which normal
matter and energy means that gaseous pres- on Earth — the dimmer the object seems to be, and dark matter cluster under the influence
sures caused by thermal molecular motions the higher the value of its magnitude and the of gravitation in an accelerating Universe
can be a source of gravitational fields. The farther away it is. The observation that these are also progressing. One promising tech-
gravitational field of a fluid with sufficiently supernovae are dimmer than expected, at a given nique uses gravitational lensing in the ‘weak’
negative pressure is repulsive. Although it may recessional velocity, has led to the conclusion that regime to set constraints on dark energy; in
be difficult to imagine how molecular motions the Universe’s expansion has been accelerating this regime, instead of the strong bending of
over approximately the past 5 billion years,
can give rise to a negative pressure, it has been before which the expansion was decelerating.
light that results in highly distorted images
realized that some of the quantum fields that The cause of this cosmic acceleration is widely in the form of elongated arcs, the images of
arise in elementary-particle theory allow for attributed to dark energy. distant sources are only weakly stretched and
fluids with negative pressure. Dark energy is magnified by foreground matter (the ‘lenses’).
thus simply the negative-pressure fluid that is Another technique uses X-ray emissions of hot
postulated to account for cosmic acceleration. of variations in the laws of gravitation on gas in galaxy clusters to determine the depth of
cosmological length scales. A Pandora’s box their gravitational potential wells. But despite
What is the best bet for the nature of of gravitational theories has been proposed the promise of these methods, it may be dif-
dark energy? to explain the accelerated cosmic expansion. ficult to determine the underlying physics
The simplest candidate for dark energy is But it is proving surprisingly difficult to tinker of cosmic acceleration. On the other hand,
Einstein’s cosmological constant, which denotes with gravity without running up against the this seems to be the only way to tackle such a
a perfectly uniform fluid with negative pres- precision constraints in the Solar System, and challenging and fundamental problem. ■
sure that is associated with the lowest energy so far there are no compelling alternatives. Robert Caldwell is in the Department of Physics
(vacuum) state of the Universe. However, the and Astronomy, Dartmouth College, Hanover,
observationally required value of the cosmo- Could dark matter and dark energy be New Hampshire 03755, USA. Marc Kamionkowski
logical constant is 10120 times smaller than the related? is at the California Institute of Technology,
theoretical expectation. Alternatively, dark It seems reasonable to consider the possibility Pasadena, California 91125, USA.
energy might be due to a fluid of unknown of a ‘dark sector’, beyond the standard model e-mails:;
particles, similar to the axion but much smaller of particle physics, containing a dark-matter
in mass — quantum theory predicts that such particle and a dark-energy field. Both seem
particles could supply the requisite negative to require unknown sources of gravitational Caldwell, R. & Kamionkowski, M. the physics of cosmic
pressure to accelerate the cosmic expansion. fields, one attractive and the other repulsive, acceleration. Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. (in the press);
but there have been no convincing proposals preprint available at
How reliable are the known laws of that unify the two phenomena. (2009).
Frieman, J. a., turner, M. s. & Huterer, D. Dark energy and the
gravitation on cosmological scales? accelerating Universe. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 46,
General relativity works. It has been extremely Could cosmic acceleration be caused by 385–432 (2008).
well tested in the Solar System, and it is used any other phenomena? Hooper, D. & Baltz, e. a. strategies for determining the nature
of dark matter. Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 58, 293–314
to make sense of a vast catalogue of astro- One might consider new forms of gravitation (2008).
physical and cosmological observations. (whereby normal matter produces the same Hogan, J. & Brumfiel, G. Unseen Universe. Nature 448,
These successes do not preclude the possibility antigravitational effect as dark energy), new 240–248 (2007).

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