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Elementary Unit 9 Audio Script

UNIT 9 Recording 1

G = Guide V1 = 1st visitor V2 = 2nd visitor V3 = 3rd visitor

G: So, ladies and gentlemen … Let’s move into the transport section now.
Could you all come over this way? Let’s look at these photos. As you
can see, these early methods of transport have two things in common
… they’re all great ideas, great ways to travel through the air rather
than on the ground … but they weren’t successful! There was a big
problem with each one.

V1: But the monorail – that was successful …

G: Well, yes and no…. Look at this photo on the left. It’s from the World
Fair in Seattle. That was in 1962. Monorails were a very popular idea in
America at that time. People wanted to leave their cars at home and go
to work by public transport. But they weren’t successful – monorails are
difficult to build and expensive to keep in good condition. So you’re
right. There are some monorails in the world … but not very many!

V2: Hey … Look at this photo. Is that a car under a plane?

G: Oh, yes. This was a very interesting idea. People wanted to fly from
Los Angeles to New York … and then drive straight into the city centre
from the airport.

V2: No way! How?

G: Well, the idea was that the car came off the bottom of the plane and
then … you got in and drove away. This was in the 1940s. Ah, yes.
Look … here’s the date: 1948. It was a nice idea – no airports or
waiting around – but it wasn’t successful.

V2: Why not?

G: There was an engineering problem … the car was too heavy and small
planes weren’t strong enough to carry them.

V3: What’s this? A helicopter in the garage?

G: Yes, indeed. We laugh at this now, but people were very serious about
it at the time. People wanted to leave home in the morning, say
goodbye to the family and go to work by private helicopter. The idea
was very popular … but of course, it was impossible. Helicopters are
very difficult to fly … and can you imagine the traffic problems in the
sky … So noisy!

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

Elementary Unit 9 Audio Script

V2: Yes. Very noisy … There’s far too much traffic these days in my

G: I agree. People should go to work by bike … or on foot. By far the best

way to travel …

UNIT 9 Recording 2

G: Look at this photo on the left. It’s from the World Fair in Seattle. That
was in 1962. Monorails were a very popular idea in America at that
time. People wanted to leave their cars at home and go to work by
public transport.

UNIT 9 Recording 3

1 There was a problem.

2 It was a good idea.

3 The photo on the left.

4 In the city centre.

UNIT 9 Recording 4

fast slow

safe dangerous

easy difficult

healthy unhealthy

green polluting

convenient inconvenient

comfortable uncomfortable

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

Elementary Unit 9 Audio Script

UNIT 9 Recording 5

1 Tourists can use the bikes.

2 Children can’t use the bikes.

3 Users have to give their credit card details.

4 You don’t have to pay for the first half hour.

UNIT 9 Recording 6

1 Look, I’m really sorry I’m late.

2 I’m terribly sorry I’m late.

3 I feel terrible about it.

4 I’m afraid my train hit a cow!

UNIT 9 Recording 7

L = Liam K = Kamal

K: Hey, Liam. Did you stay in bed too long this morning?

L: Ha-ha! It’s these trains – they’re terrible!

K: Why? What happened this time?

L: Well, first of all, the train was late leaving the station, but only about a
quarter of an hour or so. After that, it just went at walking speed – all
the way to London. Really! There was a guy on a bike on the road next
to us … I think he got to London before we did!

K: Well, you’re two hours late … and the boss wants to see you.

K: Hey, Liam. The boss wants to see you.

Whoa! What happened to you? You’re all wet!

L: Believe me, it’s a long story. First of all, I got up late because I didn’t
hear my alarm, so I only woke up at 8.30. I ran to the train station –
usually I walk – but I missed the train by two minutes! Then I waited for
the next train, the 9.15, and everything was fine until we just stopped –
just stopped – in the middle of nowhere. The guard said that there was
a signal problem. After that, the air-conditioning stopped working, so it

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

Elementary Unit 9 Audio Script

was like an oven – at least a thousand degrees! Finally, after forty

minutes, we started moving … very, very slowly. What could I do?
Uh-oh, there’s the boss.

K: Yeah. She’s not happy. Two and a half hours late, Liam … Good luck!

UNIT 9 Recording 8

1 check in

2 go through security

3 go through passport control

4 wait in the departure lounge

5 do some tax-free shopping

6 go to the departure gate

7 get on the plane

8 the plane takes off

UNIT 9 Recording 9

A = Attendant P = Passenger

A: Your meal, sir.

P: Thank you. Erm, excuse me.

A: Yes, can I help you?

P: Hope so! I’m sorry, but there’s a small problem here … I ordered a
vegetarian meal – but this is meat.

A: Oh, just a moment … I checked and we don’t have a record of your


P: What?! But I always order vegetarian. I’m a frequent flyer.

A: I understand, sir, but we don’t have any more vegetarian meals.

P: I don’t believe it! You always have extra meals in business class.
A: Yes, but this is economy class.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

Elementary Unit 9 Audio Script

P: You don’t understand. Let me explain one more time. I don’t eat meat. I
ordered vegetarian. I can’t fly to Tokyo without dinner. It’s your job to
bring me a meal. A business class vegetarian meal is fine.

A: Just a moment. Here you are, sir. A vegetarian meal.

P: Thank you … but this is already open. And it’s cold. Urm, can I speak
to the person in charge, please?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

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