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SGD 3: GENESIS OF FATIGUE Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)

- comes from the food you eat

- Phosphocreatine & glycogen (+oxidative
metabolism): substances that reconstitute ATP
- Energy comes from PO3 bonds
- 7300 cal/mole of ATP
- Role of myosin: breakdown ATP
- Sources of ATP:
1. Carbohydrates
- Aerobic & Anaerobic process
- Occurs in cytoplasm of cell through anaerobic
process of glycolysis and mitochondria through
citric acid (Kreb’s) Cycle
- First line of energy source
- Only macromolecule that can be used for
anaerobic process
2. Fatty Acid
- Uses oxygen to be broken down
- Mitochondria through beta-oxidation
Muscle fiber type is one of the factors that can affect - Used up in prolonged exercises/low intensity
muscle fatigue 3. Protein
- Requires hydrolysis to their component amino
Slow Fibers (Type I) acids and degradation of amino acids to
- More efficient in using energy compounds to Kreb’s cycle and then AcetylcoA
- Function: respond slowly and have long latency, & CO2
long, slow posture-maintaining contractions
- Extensive blood vessel system and more capillaries Energy Systems (ATP sources)
to supply extra amount of oxygen 1. Phosphagen Energy System/Creatine Phosphate/
- Increased number of mitochondria to support high Phosphocreatine/ATP-PC
levels of oxidative metabolism - ATP buffer system
- Slow myosin breakdown to create ATP - Maximal rate of power generation: 4 moles
- Myoglobin (iron-containing protein) gives its reddish ATP/min
appearance and combines with oxygen and stores it - Creatine ~ PO3- ; Phosphocreatine and ATP (d ko
until needed ito gets)
- Ex. Postural muscles (erector spinae), Temporalis - at rest, some mitochondrial ATP
breaks down
Fast Fibers (Type II) - free phosphate group now binds
- Power muscles to available creatine forming
- Function: short twitch durations and for fine-skilled phosphorylcreatine (Creatine +
movement ATP ➡️ PC + ADP)
- Has an extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum for rapid - increased formation of PC ➡️ ➡️
release of calcium ions to initiate contraction PC stores (reserved)
- more susceptible to fatigue - when needed for activity, PC is
- High glycolytic activity for energy source hydrolyzed (breaks down) at the
- Have less extensive blood supply than slow fibers junction between the myosin and
because oxidative metabolism is of secondary actin heads forming ATP from
importance. ADP
- A diameter larger than type 1 - when is phosphorylcreatine
- Type IIa - fast, oxidative; intermediate to Type I and used? during periods of high
Type IIb activity, in order to sustain muscle
- Type IIb - fast, glycolytic (anaerobic) activity
- Ex. Biceps (predominantly Type IIb) - Phosphocreatine + ADP ↔ ATP + Creatine (cycle)
- Ex. abductor digiti minimi - Provides 8,500 to 13,000 cal/mol of ATP or 10,300
NOTE: muscles are combinations of different fiber types, - End product: creatine and PO2
but there will be a predominant fiber type depending on the - Very active at start of all exercises regardless of
function; training can also influence/change the ratios intensity
- Short sharp burst of energy (<10 secs) - Glycogen provides: 3 moles/ATP
- Fastest, occurs within a small fraction of a second, - Free glucose entering the cell must be
but few or limited ATP produced phosphorylated by using 1 mole of ATP before
- Provides maximal power for 8-10 seconds (used in it can begin to split. Glucose from glycogen
short term, high intensity activities) already in the phosphorylated state without
- Ex. 100-m dash, jumping, weight lifting, diving additional expenditure of ATP
- Stored in muscles and replenished in - Maximal rate of power generation: 2.5 moles/ATP
phosphocreatine breakdown - Hard to break down
- Unlike ATP, it cannot act as a direct coupling agent - Glucose: 2 moles
for energy transfer between food and cellular - Glycogen: 3 moles
systems - Provides 60-90 seconds (1.3 to 1.6 minutes) of
- Can transfer energy interchangeably with ATP maximal muscle activity (short moderate periods of
- When extra amounts of ATP are available in the contraction in addition to 8-10 seconds provided by
cell, its energy is used to synthesize ATP-PC)
phosphocreatine. When ATP begins to be used up, - Glycogen content of muscles during strenuous
the energy in PCr is transferred rapidly back to bouts of exercise decreases and lactic acid
ATP concentration increases
- Slightest usage of ATP by cells calls forth the - End product: lactic acid (because of lack of
energy from PCr to synthesize new ATP due to oxygeneration)
higher energy level of high-energy phosphate bond - Ex. 400-m dash, 100-m swim, tennis, soccer
in PCr to cause reaction between PCr and ADP to
form ATP ➡️You don’t only use one energy system except when it is a
short burst of energy➡️
2. Aerobic (Oxygen Energy System)
- Oxidation of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids ATP-PCr + Glycogen-lactic acid systems
in the mitochondria to provide energy - Basketball, baseball, 200-m dash, ice hockey
- Available for unlimited time or for longer athletic dashes
activity Glycogen-lactic acid + aerobic systems
- Slow production - 200-400 m swim, 800-meter dash, 1500 m skating,
- Maximal rate of power generation = 1 mol boxing, 1.5 km run, 1-mile run
ATP/min; provides 38-39 (39 if glycogenesis).
- Slow/Aerobic Glycolysis - creates 2-3 ATP REMEMBER!
- Kreb’s (Citric Acid) cycle - 2 ATP ● Exercise of short duration/maximal effort
- Electron Transport Chain - 34 ATP - Predominant anaerobic system
- Uses carbohydrates and fat in slow energy burn - Fueled by carbohydrates
- Uses oxygen to produce glycogen, glucose and - 2-3 min duration
ATP - Accumulates lactic acid in the blood (results:
- Essential in basic energy needs sore after workout)
- Byproduct is water, urea, CO2 ● Prolonged exercise/low intensity
- Slow to respond if activity requires bursts of activity - ATP-PC and anaerobic glycolysis are needed at
but ATP produced is many/unlimited the beginning of exercises >10 min
- Ex. 10,000 meter skating, marathon run (26.2 - Main fuel are carbohydrates and fat (?45 mins)
miles, 42.2 km), jogging, cross-country skiing - No lactic acid accumulation
- After the exercise, oxidative metabolism is used
to reconvert about ⅘ of the lactic acid into glucose
Duration Intensity Primary Energy System
and the remainder becomes pyruvic acid and of event
oxidized in the citric acid cycle, asl well as the
electron transport chain 5-10 s Very intense Phosphagen
3. Glycogen-Lactic Acid (Anaerobic Glycolysis)
- Energy release occurs during glycolytic breakdown 10-60 s intense Phosphagen & fast
of glucose or glycogen to pyruvic acid glycolysis
- Without use of oxygen
60-90 s Heavy Fast glycolysis
- Fast glycolysis (only about half as rapid as the
ATP-PCr); best source of energy under anaerobic 2-3 min moderate Fast glycolysis & oxidative
conditions is stored glycogen of cell
- Fast but few or limited ATP produced >3 min light oxidative
- Glucose provides: 2 moles/ATP
Muscle Fatigue - Period after exercise in which there is an increase in
- Failure to maintain the required or expected force of oxygen consumption to convert lactic acid to
muscle contraction glycogen/glucose and oxidize it to CO2 and H20,
- For prolonged periods = decrease rate of relaxation; reconvert adenosine monophosphate an ADP to
decreased contraction velocity and decrease tension ATP, to reconvert creatine and phosphate to PCr
will also cause muscle fatigue - Borrowed oxygen to convert lactic acid to glycogen
- Inability of contractile and metabolic processes of the and glucose then reconvert to ATP
muscle fibers to continue maintaining or supplying - Reason why we still have deep breaths after running
the same work output - Somewhat like a protective mechanism as a sign for
- Causes: the body to rest
- Accumulation of lactic acid
- Decline in ability of muscles to generate force ➡️Poor quality of contraction but there is still action potential
- Interruption of blood flow in muscle fatigue➡️
- Decrease in oxygen supply
- Decreased neurotransmitters Factors That Hasten Onset Muscle Fatigue
- Aging
Classifications of Fatigue - ↑ stimulus frequencies
1. Peripheral - ↑ intensities
- Impaired excitation-contraction coupling - Short resting periods
- Failure of generating muscle action potentials
- Impaired transmission of nerve impulse across SGD 4: MUSCLE STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE
myoneural junction can diminish at least a small
amount after intense prolonged muscle activity Physical Fitness Parameters
- Nerve & muscle relationship impulse 1. Muscle Strength (Type 2): ability to generate the
2. Central maximal (greatest measurable force) amount of muscle
- Failure of neural drive force in a particular exercise
- Reduction in number of functioning motor units 2. Muscle Endurance (Type 1): the ability to produce and
- Decreased frequency of activation of each motor sustain muscle force over a sustained period of time at
unit submaximal level; resistance to fatigue
3. Metabolic
- Prolonged muscle activity = depletion of ATP Types of Muscle Contraction
supply 1. Isometric (static strength)
- Interrupting blood flow may also lead to a complete - Ability of muscle to produce force without changing
muscle fatigue because of loss of nutrient (oxygen) length, only tension changes
supply - Static strength is used for stability
- Accumulation of products of biochemical reaction - Cannot increase muscle strength because there is
(lactic acid) no displacement (no work done)
- Prolonged and strong contraction of a muscle also - Multiple angle Isometric - resistance at different
leads to muscle fatigue angles (there is displacement, thus can contribute
- Directly proportional to depletion of muscle to muscle strength)
glycogen - Ex: dynamometer; use of machines/devices
- Lack of energy source 2. Isokinetic/Isotonic (dynamic strength)
- Visible change in length of muscle
What happens to the skeletal muscle/body or to the person - In the experiment, 1-RM is used to check dynamic
if there is fatigue? strength
● Decrease in function and ability to move a certain - Repetition Maximum: continuous increase in load
part or muscle with rest
● Local muscular fatigue: depletion of muscle glycogen - Ex: push ups, biceps curl
● Dehydration: sweat, increased body temperature a. Concentric
● Boredom and physical beating - Shortening contraction of muscles
● In anaerobic exercise: limited blood supply due to - Against a lod or gravity
strenuous muscle activity and lactic acidosis: >60-70 - The faster, the weaker (fatigue)
gm Lactic Acid in muscle and blood - Inversely proportional in terms of speed
● In aerobic exercise: low blood glucose = decreased and force generation
glycogen stores in liver - ➡️speed, lower tension
- ➡️ load, lower repetition
Oxygen Debt Phenomenon - Ex: standing up
b. Eccentric Factors that could affect strength and endurance
- Lengthening of muscle - Muscle fiber type = Type 1 is resistant to fatigue (➡️
- Controlling and muscle is trying to slow cross sectional area ➡️ strength)
down - Arrangement of muscle fibers (➡️ motor units ➡️
- The faster, the stronger strength), feather-like arrangement is stronger (i.e
- Directly proportional in terms of speed and deltoid)
force generation - Gender: men have more testosterone than women
- ➡️speed, ➡️ tension
Resistance Training
Load repetition relationship - To improve muscle strength
- 60-100% 1RM —> strength training zone - Can prevent fractures due to increase in mineral
- To strengthen a patient = high repetitions, light loads content
OR few repetitions, heavier loads - No change in cardiovascular
- Increase in ligament & tendon strength
- Muscle or cell enlargement Women’s LE strength = 30% of Men’s
- 6-8 weeks; 3 weeks is the earliest indication of Women’s overall strength = 64% of Men’s
change in muscles Women’s Upper strength = 50% of Men’s
- No visible work in isometric
- Advantage: needed for stability Pennate muscles (Deltoid) can produce higher muscle force
- Disadvantage: only in one area does it strengthen than parallel muscles (sartorius)
- Actin & Myosin increases -> Myofibril increases in
size Load Repetition Relationship
- A. Starts with microtear
- B. Fiber hyperplasia

- Increase in sarcomere
- Increase in number of cells
- Satellite-basement membrane
- Dormant myogenic stem cells that proliferate
when there is remodelling

Physiological Stuff of Hypertrophy

1. Hypertrophy occurs to a greater extent when the
muscle is loaded during contractile process
2. Myofibrils increase in size and split
3. Connective tissues, enzymes, and nutrients Load (1RM)
4. Increased stored energy
- Inversely proportional
Neural Adaptation
- 60%-100%: optimum maintenance or training zone
- Recruitment of nerve is more efficient
for strength
- The muscle is used to carrying a load
- 10% to 50%: maintenance
- Motor unit is most excitable part of muscle
- ➡️CNS activation, ➡️ motor unit excitability, ➡️ motor
unit synchronization

Muscular Adaptation
- Microtear leads to more myofilaments
- Increased muscle size
- Increase number of muscle fibers
- Lower capillary density for powerlifters
- Lower mitochondrial density for strength training
- Higher intramuscular storage
- Higher connective tissue strength


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