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Raysa Khaalish B.

4 Aisyah Binti Abu


LION ( SINGA ) IS carnivore animal. Lion have a sharp teeth and sharp claws to eat all its preys.
Lion will be very dangerous for human when there are hungry.

WHITE TIGER ( HARIMAU PUTIH ) or Bengal Tiger has the Latin name Panthera Tigris Tigris.
Although the color of the fur is white, it does not mean the white tiger is an albino animal. He is
a white tiger can still be mated with ordinary tiger type. The white color possessed by the tiger is
caused by a recessive gene that produces a pale color. White tiger has a pink nose, a pink center,
blue-eyed, and white or yellow white, brown or gray. White tiger tend to have larger body sizes
compared to orange tigers without white genes. Adult white tigers can have a body length of 270
cm with weight reaching 221 kg.

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