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Geological Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, 06531 , Ankara, Turkey

Fairy chimneys formed within the Cappadocian tuft are important landforms. Some of them were
dwelled in the past and contain valuable wall paintings. However, the tuff is chemically and physically
deteriorated due to atmospheric effects. the chemical weathering of the volcanic glass of the tuft
produces smectite-type clay mineral. Assessment of the clay content of the weathered zones
developed within the tuft is essential to understand their engineering behaviour, and thus to take
necessary precautions for the purpose of conservation. In this study, the clay content of the tuft is
assessed by the "methylene blue adsorption test" using spot method. The method is based on the
replacement of the natural cations of clays by methylene blue dye. The amount of the dye adsorbed
by the clays is used to calculate first the cation exchange capacity of the tuft and then its clay content.
Based on the test results, the clay content of the tuft ranges between 2% and 14%. It is higher
adjecent to joints and lower where lichen cover exists.


The Cappadocia region is one of the most attractive touristic sites of Turkey due to its spectacular
and unique landforms, and historical heritage. Thousands of morphologically distinct earth pillars-the
so-called "Fairy Chimneys"- make this region unique throughout the world. These fairy chimneys are
formed within the Cappadocian tufts by the natural processes of weathering and differential erosion.
Typical occurrences of the fairy chimneys may be seen within Orgup, U9hisar, and Avanos triangle,
located 10 km east of Nevpehir (Figure 1). Some of the fairy chimneys, in this area, were dwelled and
inhabited during the Byzantine times. Some such dwellings contain invaluable wall paintings, which
provide historical attraction as well.
Weathering and erosion, however, are still active and these natural processes along with man-made
activities threaten the future of the chimneys. The chemical weathering of the volcanic glass of the
Cappadocian tuft produces smectitic clay mineral (Topal and Doyuran, 1994). The smectite expands
upon wetting and shrinks upon drying (Haskins and Bell, 1995). Repeated expansion and shrinkage
cause flaking and surface cracking of the tuft, allowing access of more water and thus further
deteriorate the tuft. Therefore, it is of vital importance to assess the clay content of the alteration
zones of the tuft.
There are both direct and indirect methods to assess the clay mineral content of a rock. The direct
methods such as petrographic methods, X-ray diffraction, sedimentologic analysis, determine the clay
mineral content of a rock. On the other hand, the indirect methods such as attack by hydrogen
peroxide, water soak test, ethylene glycol attack, slake durability test, deval test, attempt to trace the
influence of the clay minerals on the behaviour of the rock (Rodrigues, 1976; Haskins and Bell, 1995).
Although methylene blue adsorption test is not a direct method, it is also possible to assess the clay
content of a rock in case single clay mineral type exists in a rock and the name of the clay mineral is
In this study, the clay content of the Cappadocian tuft within the aformentioned triangle is assessed
by using methylene blue adsorption test. The field studies performed within the study area reveal that
the fairy chimneys which are partially covered by lichens and cut by joints show clear effects of
weathering. Therefore, two block samples near Ortahisar (lichen-covered) and Orgup (iron-stained,

around joints) were collected from two different locations (Figure 1). The tests are perfonned on these

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Figure 1. Location map of Orgup-Ui;hisar-Avanos area.


Methylene blue adsorption test is a reliable and simple method to obtain information on the presence
and properties of clay minerals in soils and rocks, especially in the first stages of research. If a
significant amount of methylene blue is adsorbed by the soil or ground rock material, this may
indicate the presence of swelling clay minerals, although there exist other substances that also may
adsorb methylene blue (Verhoef, 1992). Low values of adsorption generally indicate low swelling
activity (Stapel and Verhoef, 1989). In other words, low values reveal the presence of either very low
amount of swelling clay or certain amount of non-swelling clay.
Two test methods have been used in practice, namely, the "turbidimetric" method and the "spot
method". In the turbidimetric method, a suspension of finely ground soil or rock is mixed with a
solution of methylene blue, and is left over for a few days and then on a diluted solution the optical
density is measured by a spectrophotometer, from which the amount of methylene blue adsorbed by
the clay is detennined. This is done by comparing the colors of the test solution with a standard set of
solutions of varing methylene blue concentrations (Brindley and Thompson, 1970; Hosking and Pike,
1985, Verhoef, 1992).
The spot method is a simplified titration technique. A certain concentration of methylene blue solution
is added in definite volumes to a suspension of fine grained soil or ground rock particles. The total
amount of methylene blue solution adsorbed is used for the calculation of methylene blue value, and
cation exchange capacity (C.E.C.) of the soil or rock. The method is very simple, convenient, and
quick. Therefore, it is very commonly used in engineering practice (Jones, 1964; Nevins and
Weintritt, 1967; Denis et al., 1980; Steward and McCullough, 1985; Taylor, 1985; Hills and Pettifer,
1985; Bensted, 1985; Higgs, 1986; Stapel and Verhoef, 1989; Qoki;a, 1991; Verhoef, 1992). Although
the test is originally developed by Jones (1964), it is improved by French scientists at Laboratoire
Central des Ponts et Chaussees (LCPC). Atterberg limits, activity and C.E.C. of clays can also be
expressed by Methylene Blue Adsorption (MBA) values. According to LCPC (1990 in Verhoef, 1992),
MBA can also be used conveniently in soil classifications.
In this study, the spot method is used to detennine MBA and C.E.C. of the Cappadocian tuff. The
tests are performed according to AFNOR (1980). In the following sections the methylene blue
adsorption, the apparatus and reagents used during the test, preparation of methylene blue and
ground rock solutions, test procedure. and calculations of MBA and C.E.C will be presented.
2.1. Methylene Blue Adsorption

The methylene blue hydrochloride consists of an organic base in combination with an acid (Taylor,
1985). The methylene blue hydrochlodide (anhyrous) has the following formula :

C16 H18 N3 S Cl

The methylene blue molecule contains a negatively charged (Cit ion and a large positively charged
ion (Verhoef, 1992). The methylene blue replaces natural cations of clay irreversibly as indicated
below (Taylor, 1985):

Ca-Na CLAY + MB hydrochloride ---------------------> MB CLAY + Ca-Na Chloride

When a methylene blue solution is added to a watery clay mixture, the positive methylene blue ion
drives away the positive ions at the external surface of the clay. The process contiues until all the
other positive ions have been expelled. Up to that point all the methylene blue attach to the clay
mineral surfaces. Then the methylene blue ions replace the positive ions of the interlayers. From then
on, the remaining methylene blue ions stay in solution.The maximum adsorption corresponds with the

2.2. Equipments and Reagents Used During the Test

-a burette (capacity = 100 cc or 50 cc)

-filter paper (Whatman 40, 12.5 cm diameter)
-glass stirring rod (length = 100 mm, Diameter= 8 mm)
-magnetic stirrer (speed 400 to 700 rpm)
-glass container (capacity= 500 cc or 1000 cc, diameter= 100 mm)
-a balance (sensitivity = 0.01 g.)
-a chronometer
-medical quality methylene blue (MERK Art.6040 was used in this study)
-distilled water
-oven dry soil or ground rock sample (sieved through No.40 sieve, i.e., passing
425 micron)

2.3. Preparation of Methylene Blue and Ground Rock Solutions

a) Methylene Blue Solution:

The normality of methylene blue dye is determined if to be used directly for the test since it is
hygroscopic or oven-dried methylene blue dye is used to expel water. 10 g. methylene blue of known
normality is placed in a glass container, 1 It of distilled water is added, and they are mixed very well
using magnetic stirrer.

The normality of the methylene blue dye (MB) can be calculated by the following formula:

weight of MB in gram 100-X

NMB = --------------------------- x ----------
320 100

where Xis the moisture content of methylene blue dye.


b) Ground Rock Solution:

30 g. (or 7.5 g.) of ground rock sample passing 425 micron is placed in a glass container. 200 cc (or
50 cc in the case of 7.5 g. rock sample) distalled water is added and they are mixed by means of
magnetic stirrer at a speed of about 700 rpm.

2.4. Test Procedure

The methylene blue solution already prepared is put in to a burette and 5 cc of this solution is added
to ground rock solution which is continuously being stirred. To perform titration, successive volumes
of methylene blue (2 cc or 1 cc) are added to the ground rock solution. After each addition, the mixed
solution is agitated for 1 minute and a drop of the dispersion is removed with a glass rod. This is
dabbed carefully on a sheet of filter paper. Initially, a circle of dust is formed which is colored dark
blue and has a distinct edge, and is surrounded by a ring of clear water (Figure 2).
When the edge of the dust circle appears fuzzy and/or is surounding by a narrow light blue halo,
another spot test is done after 1 minute. If the halo is disappeared , more blue is added. If there is still
a halo, the test is repeated 4 more times at 1 minute intervals. If the light blue halo still exists at the
end of the spot test, this indicates the end-point and the total volume of methylene blue dye
added is recorded (Figure 2).

2.5. Calculation of MBA and C.E.C

The Methylene Blue Adsorption value (MBA) is normally expressed in grams Methylene Blue
Adsorbed by 100 grams of sample material, mostly given as g/100 g. The MBA of a sample is
calculated by the following formula:
MBA= Vcc/f'
where Vee = volume of the methylene blue solution injected to the ground rock
solution (cm3)
f' = dry weight of the sample used (g.)
Since the normality of the Methylene Blue solution is known, the net cation exchange capacity
(C.E.C.) may be calculated from the following formula:

C.E.C. = (100/f ') x Vee x Normality ; in meq/100 g.

9 8cc
7 cc

6 cc
lOcc e
s cc 10 cc
10 cc
10 cc

Figure 2. Spot tests for finding end point and total volume of methylene blue added.


The methylene blue adsorption test is performed to obtain information on the presence and properties
of clay minerals in the lichen-covered and iron-stained samples. The spot method proposed by
AFNOR (1980) is used during the test. The methylene blue adsorption value (MBA) and the cation
exchange capacity (C.E.C.) of the lichen-covered and iron-stained samples are presented in Tables 1
and 2. In order to compare the test results, the MBA values of some common minerals and C.E.C.
values of some clay minerals are compiled from the existing literature and are given in Tab. 3 and 4.

Table 1. MBA and C.E.C. of the lichen-covered sample.

Sample Sample Depth MBA C.E.C. Sample Sample Depth MBA (g./100 C.E.C.
No (cm)_ ~./100g . ) _(m_~/100...21 No 1cm1 Jt) lmeq./100Jt)
1 0.0-0.5 1.33 3.0 33 16.0-16.5 2.00 4.6
2 0.5-1 .0 1.60 3.6 34 16.5-17.0 2.13 4.9
3 1.0-1.5 1.87 4.3 35 17.0-17.5 2.00 4.6
4 1.5-2.0 2.00 4.6 36 17.5-18.0 2.13 4.9
5 2.0-2.5 2.13 4.9 37 18.0-18.5 2.13 4.9
6 . 2.5-3.0 2.00 4.6 38 18.5-19.0 2.27 5.2
7 3.0-3.5 2.00 4.6 39 19.0-19.5 2.13 4.9
8 3.5-4.0 2.13 4.9 40 19.5-20.0 2.13 4.9
9 4.0-4.5 2.13 4.9 41 20.0-20.5 2.13 4.9
10 4.5-5.0 2.27 5.2 42 20.5-21 .0 2.00 4.6
11 5.0-5.5 2.27 5.2 43 21.0-21 .5 2.00 4.6
12 5.5-6.0 2.27 5.2 44 21 .5-22.0 2.13 4.9
13 6.0-6.5 2.13 4.9 45 22.0-22.5 2.00 4.6
14 6.5-7.0 2.13 4.9 46 22.5-23.0 2.13 4.9
15 7.0-7.5 2.27 5.2 47 23.0-23.5 2.27 5.2
16 7.5-8.0 2.13 4.9 48 23.5-24.0 2.13 4.9
17 8.0-8.5 2.27 5.2 49 24.0-24.5 2.00 4.6
18 8.5-9.0 2.00 4.6 50 24.5-25.0 2.00 4.6
19 9.0-9.5 2.27 5.2 51 25.0-25.5 2.13 4.9
20 9.5-10.0 2.40 5.5 52 25.5-26.0 2.00 4.6
21 10.0-10.5 2.13 4.9 53 26.0-26.5 2.13 4.9
22 10.5-11 .0 2.27 5.2 54 26.5-27.0 2.13 4.9
23 11 .0-11 .5 2.40 5.5 55 27.0-27.5 2.13 4.9
24 11.5-12.0 2.13 4.9 56 27.5-28.0 2.00 4.6
25 12.0-12.5 . 2.13 4.9 57 28.0-28.5 2.00 4.6
26 12.5-13.0 2.13 4.9 58 28.5-29.0 2.13 4.9
27 13.0-13.5 2.00 4.6 59 29.0-29.5 2.13 4.9
28 13.5-14.0 2.13 4.9 60 29.5-30.0 2.00 4.6
29 14.0-14.5 2.00 4.6 61 30.0-30.5 2.00 4.6
30 14.5-15.0 2.00 4.6 62 30.5-31.0 2.13 4.9
31 15.0-15.5 2.13 4.9 63 31.0-31 .5 2.13 4.9
32 15.5-16.0 2.00 4.6 64 31.5-32.0 2.14 4.9

Table 2. MBA and C.E.C. of the iron-stained sample.

Sample No Sample Depth (cm) MBA (g./100 g.) C.E.C. (meq./100 g.)
1 0.0-0.5 4.93 11 .2
2 0.5-1 .0 4.40 10.0
3 1.0-1 .5 4.13 9.4
4 1.5-2.0 4.00 9.1
5 2-3 3.87 8.8
6 3-4 3.87 8.8
7 4-5 3.73 8.5
8 5-6 3.60 8.2
9 6-7 3.47 7.9
10 7-8 3.33 7.6
11 8-9 3.33 7.6
12 9-10 3.20 7.3
13 10-11 3.33 7.6
14 11-12 3.20 7.3
15 12-13 2.93 6.7
16 13-14 2.93 6.7
17 14-15 2.67 6.1
18 15-16 2.80 6.4
19 16-17 2.80 6.4
20 17-18 2.67 6.1
21 18-19 2.53 5.8
22 19-20 2.67 6.1
23 20-21 2.40 5.5
24 21 -22 2.27 5.2
25 22-23 2.27 5.2

Table 3. Methylene Blue Adsorption (MBA)

values for some minerals (From Stapel and
Verhoef, 1989, and Bensted , 1985).

Mineral MBA (g / 100 g)

Biotite 0.15
Chlorite 0.6
Feldspar 0
lllite 2.5
Kaolinite 1.4-2.4
Montmorillonite 4.7-23
Quartz 0

Table 4. Cation-exchange capacity of clay

minerals (From Grim, 1968).

Mineral C.E.C. (meq./100 gr)

Kaolinite 3-15
Smectite 80-150
lllite 10-40
Chlorite 10-40
Vermiculite 100-150

Since the methylene blue dye is hygroscopic and the normality of the methylene blue solution is not
included in the methylene blue adsorption value (MBA), the MBA is not used for the evaluation of the
test results. Instead, the cation exchange capacity (C.E.C.) of the samples are used because the
normality of the methylene blue solution is included in the calculation of the C.E.C. of the bulk
The test is performed at every 0.5 cm of the lichen-covered sample from the surface to 32 cm depth
horizontally (total 64 samples). The C.E.C. values of the lichen-covered samples are plotted with
respect to depth in the horizontal direction (Figure 3). According to the test results of the lichen-
covered samples, the C.E.C. of the bulk samples is very low. Near the surface where lichens exist (0-
0.5 cm), the C.E.C of the sample is 3 meq/100 gr. At a depth of 0.5-1 cm from the surface, the C.E.C.
increases to 3.6 meq/100 gr. At a depth of 1-1.5 cm, it increases to 4.3 meq/100 gr. The C.E.C. of the
samples at deeper depths, however, fluctuates between 4.6 meq/100 gr and 5.2 meq/100 gr. Slightly
higher C.E.C. value (5.5 meq/100 gr) is obtained on the sample taken from 11-11.5 cm depth. The
low C.E.C. values within the first 1.5 cm from the surface indicate that this zone has a relatively low
clay content. Considering the fact that smectite is almost the only clay mineral found in the samples,
the very low C.E.C. (see Table 4 for comparison) indicate very low clay content. If we assume that
the minerals other than smectite do not adsorb the dye, the C.E.C. values of the lichen-covered
samples suggest that the tuff has 2-7% smectite.

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

Dept h (cm)

Figure 3. Variation of the cation exchange capacity of the lichen-covered samples with depth.

The methylene blue test is performed on 25 samples recovered from the iron-stained sample. Four
tests are performed at every 0.5 cm from the joint surface to a depth of 2 cm. Between 2 cm and 23

cm, the test is performed at every 1 cm. A plot of the C.E.C. values of the iron-stained samples with
respect to depth is depicted in Figure 4.

(Jl 10
0 8
(Jl 5

u 3
u 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Depth (cm)

Figure 4. Variations of the cation exchange capacity of the iron-stained samples with depth.

The C.E.C. values of the iron-stained samples are high compared to those of the lichen-covered
samples. Adjacent to the joint, the C.E.C. of 11 .2 meq/100 gr is attained. The value decreases away
from the joint surface. At a depth of 22-23 cm interval, the C.E.C. value of 5.2 meq/100 gr is
obtained. This suggests that the weathering is very effective near the joint. The iron-stained sample
also has only smectite-type clay mineral. Therefore, the use of above-mentioned assumptions reveals
the presence of approximately 7.5-14% smectite near the joint surface. The clay content decreases to
3.5-6.5% at a depth of 22-23 cm.

Considering the fact that the test provides a rough estimate of the C.E.C. and that during the test
flocculation of the smectite-type clay minerals may occur, slightly lower C.E.C values may be attained
for soils and rocks (Qokc;a, 1991). Therefore, the actual C.E.C. values of the tuft samples, and thus
the clay content, might be slightly higher than the above calculated values.


The chemical weathering of the volcanic glass of the Cappadocian tuft produces smectite-type clay
mineral. The clay content of the lichen-covered and iron-stained Cappadocian tuft is assessed by the
methylene blue adsorption test using spot method. The estimated clay content within the lichen-
covered tuft is about 2%-7 %. On the other hand, the iron-stained tuft has a clay content ranging
between 7.5% and 14%. These values suggest that the clay content of the tuff near the joint is much
higher than those of the other parts of both lichen-covered and iron-stained tufts.


This study is financially supported by METU Research Fund Project (AFP).


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