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Advances in Organic Geochemistry 1989

Org. Geochem. Vol. 16, Nos 4-6, pp. 1221-1229, 1990 0146-6380/90 $3.00 + 0.00
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright © 1990 Pergamon Press pic

Comparative Rock-Eval pyrolysis as an improved tool for

sedimentary organic matter analysis
'Geology Laboratories, University of Louvain-la-Neuve, PI. L. Pasteur 3, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
2Labofina, Research Center of Petrofina, Chee. de Vilvorde 98, 1120 Brussels, Belgium

(Received 23 August 1989; accepted 29 January 1990)

Abstract-An improved Rock-Eval pyrolysis method is described for the global and exhaustive charac-
terization of kerogen and bitumen in rock samples. Comparative pyrolysis is derived from the original
Rock-Eval method of Espitalie et al., it overcomes some of its inadequacies and allows a better
exploitation of the pyrolysis data.
This new pyrolysis method is proposed mainly for routine analysis of bitumen in rock samples, using
a double analysis of each sample (on whole rock and extracted rock). The difference between these two
pyrolysis curves corresponds to the bitumen pyrolysis curve and is used for estimating the total bitumen
content. The bitumen yield obtained in comparative pyrolysis as a good correlation with the bitumen yield
obtained by the standard solvent extraction method with, however, some limitations due to the "mineral
matrix effect". The bitumen pyrolysis curve is further subdivided into three fractions, which allow a quick
and easy typing of bitumen products. This method has been successfully applied to basin analysis.

Key words-pyrolysis, Rock-Eval, source-rock characterization, kerogen, bitumen

INTRODUCTION products in fractions SI and S2 (Clementz, 1979;

Katz, 1983; Orr, 1983; Snowdon, 1984; Espitalie et
The well-known Rock-Eval pyrolysis method (Espi-
al., 1985/86; Peters, 1986). They have shown that, for
talie et al., 1977, 1980, 1985/86) is now widely used
rock samples rich in oil or bitumen, heavy hydro-
for the standard characterization of sedimentary
carbons and degradation products of resins +
organic matter in petroleum exploration.
asphaltenes are released in the S2 peak, at the same
For a whole-rock sample, the pyrolysis recording
temperature range as for kerogen decomposition.
of hydrocarbon generation as a function of tempera-
This may be the source of inaccuracies and lack of
ture usually shows two well-defined peaks. Espitalie
representatives, giving rise to misleading interpret-
et al. (1977) stated that the first peak (SI) represents
ations. This is particularly true for bitumen-rich
the free and adsorbed hydrocarbons already present,
source rocks, reservoir rocks and polluted cuttings.
vaporized at 300°C, and that the second peak (S2)
To overcome these drawbacks, it was first
represents the hydrocarbons generated directly from
suggested to extract the suspect samples with organic
the kerogen, by thermal cracking at 30o-500°C.
solvent before analyzing them (Clementz, 1979). In
According to them, SI is a measure of the bitumen
this way, contamination of the S2 peak by heavy
content and S2 is a measure of the insoluble kerogen
bitumen products is avoided. On the other hand
content, expressed in kg/ton of rock. The ratio
though, the potential information available for the
SI/[SI + S2] (production index, PI) is an evaluation
characterization of bitumen and hydrocarbons is
of the transformation ratio of kerogen into oil (in the
completely lost.
absence of migration). The temperature Tmax '
In the hope of solving these problems, a new
recorded at the maximum of hydrocarbon generation
technique has been developed. It is an alternative
during pyrolysis, is used in kerogen maturation rank
pyrolysis method for the global and exhaustive analy-
evaluation. The hydrogen index, HI (S2/organic car-
sis of insoluble and soluble fractions of sedimentary
bon), is used for characterizing the type and origin of
organic matter: comparative Rock-Eval pyrolysis
the kerogen.
(Delvaux, 1988).
However, since the presentation of the original
method in 1977, several authors have emphasized the
difficulty of distinguishing bitumen from kerogen on
the sole basis of thermal separation of hydrocarbon
The basic principle of comparative pyrolysis is very
*Present address: Department of Geology/Mineralogy,
simple. It comprises a double analysis of each sample
Royal Museum for Central Africa, 1980 Tervuren, by Rock-Eval pyrolysis. The first analysis is
Belgium. performed on a whole-rock sample. The second is

1222 D. DELVAUX et al.

carried out on a previously extracted sample with extracted sample from that of the whole-rock sample.
dichloromethane or chloroform. The key assumption This new curve [Fig. 1(C)] represents the bitumen
is that the difference between the two pyrolysis curves extracted by the solvent and is used for the calcu-
corresponds to the bitumen pyrolysis curve. lation of the bitumen content (4.43 kg/ton of rock in
It should be noted that this method has been the present sample).
especially designed for a rapid characterization of As a result, the bitumen pyrolysis curve gives a
kerogen and bitumen in petroleum exploration. It hydrocarbon content which is much closer to the
cannot replace the more precise but more time-con- total bitumen content of the dichloromethane extract.
suming classical methods of analysis. On the other hand, the pyrolysis curve of the ex-
The principle of the method is explained with the tracted rock represents more accurately the kerogen
aid of a source-rock sample with a high bitumen content. Now, the deficit between the bitumen yield
content of 5.44 kg/ton of rock (Soxhlet extraction in comparative pyrolysis (4.43 kg) and the bitumen
with dichloromethane, during 3 x 8 h). The Rock- yield in solvent (5.44 kg) represents only 18.6%,
Eval experiments were performed at a constant heat- which is markedly less than the previous 58% with
ing rate of 25°C/min, from 250 to 600°C, without an the classical Rock -Eval method. The remaining
isotherm. The pyrolysis curve of the whole-rock deficit may be explained by the so-called "mineral
sample [Fig. I(A)] shows an incomplete separation of matrix effect", which is known to decrease the quan-
the S1 and S2 peaks: the valley between S1 and S2 is tities of hydrocarbons expelled from the sample
far from the base line level. This separation gives the during pyrolysis (Espitalie et aI., 1980).
amount of2.25 kg HC/ton of rock for SI, and 6.89 kg Comparative pyrolysis has been applied to 53
HC/ton for S2. The same sample is previously ex- samples of various origin and bitumen content. The
tracted with dichloromethane and then pyrolyzed correlation diagrams of bitumen yield obtained by
under identical conditions. The extracted-rock pyrol- pyrolysis and that obtained by dichloromethane ex-
ysis curve [Fig. 1(B)] contains only a very small S1 traction are shown in Fig. 2. The S1 content in
peak (residual solvent ?) and an S2 peak lower than classical pyrolysis poorly represents the bitumen ex-
the one of the whole-rock sample. The potential tracted, with a correlation coefficient of 0.81 and an
hydrocarbon content of the extracted rock (S1 + S2) angular coefficient of 0.41 (mean deficit of 59%). On
is now 4.72 kg/ton of rock. As we can see easily, the contrary, the bitumen content obtained by com-
neither can the S1 content of whole rock (2.25 kg) be parative pyrolysis shows a better correlation of 0.97
correlated with the solvent extract bitumen content and a much better angular coefficient of 0.87 (mean
(5.44 kg), nor can the S2 content of whole rock deficit of only 13°,/0).
(6.89 kg) be correlated with the pyrolytic hydrocar- A sample of asphaltic sandstone with very high
bons from the insoluble kerogen (4.72 kg). bitumen yield (174.5 kg/ton of rock) was also ana-
To overcome this problem, a differential curve is lyzed. The hydrocarbon content of the bitumen py-
computed by subtracting the pyrolysis curve of the rolysis curve is 165.0 kg/ton (95% of the solvent

A B c
%HC/5° %HC/5'

4~ 4- 4-

r T ma x

2~ 2-

255 375 T'C roc
Fig. I. Principle of comparative pyrolysis: double analysis of each sample by Rock-Eval pyrolysis
(whole-rock sample and sample previously extracted with dichloromethane). Example of a rock sample
with a dichloromethane extract bitumen content of 5.44 kg/ton of rock (percent hydrocarbon evolved for
a temperature interval of 5°C, constant heating rate of 25°C/min). (A) Whole-rock pyrolysis curve:
81 = 2.25 kg/ton and 82 = 6.89 kg/ton. (B) Extracted-rock pyrolysis curve: 81 + 82 = 4.72 kg/ton. (C)
Bitumen pyrolysis curve (4.43 kg/ton), obtained by subtracting the extracted-rock pyrolysis curve (B) from
the whole-rock one (A).
An improved Rock-Eval pyrolysis method 1223

Bitumen yield: Classical pyrolysis I solvent extraction nate (Delvaux, 1988)]. In particular, the oxidation
(A) rate of the 82' fraction by a solution of potassium
• : Kerogen rocks permanganate is similar to that of the 82 peak of the
.:.:: N=57
o r -0.813 extracted rock. The 82' fraction should therefore
Y=0.06 + 0.41 X
. .. have a kerogen-like composition. Because of its solu-

... .
U bility in dichloromethane it should be composed of
J: 10
resins + asphaltenes compounds. On the other hand,
E the oxidation rate of the 81' fraction is similar to that
of the 81 peak of the whole-rock sample, so the 8 I'
fraction should also be composed of hydrocarbons.
10 20 30 X
Py-GC results show that the 81 peak contains hydro-
mg dichloromethane extract /g rock carbons up to C2o--25 and that the 81' fraction contains
hydrocarbons from C2o--25 to C40 , depending on the
Bitumen yield: Comparative pyrolysis I solvent extraction
temperature of the valley between the 81 and the
.:.:: y (8) .//
e 20 • : Kerogen rocks ~/
[81' + 82'] peaks (300-340°C).
Ol N=53 /. As a result, we propose the following assumptions:
1/ ••
:c Y=-0.08 + 0.87 X /
Ol / -81 = C l - 25 free and adsorbed light hydrocarbons,
E / :: /•• volatilized at temperatures under 300-340°C;
N 10
-81' = C 20--40 free and adsorbed heavy hydrocar-
... . ,)'.
• •
bons, volatilized at temperatures over
\ 300-340°C;
-82' = hydrocarbons generated by thermal degra-
00 10 20 30 X dation of resins + asphaltenes at temperatures
mg dichloromethane extract / 9 rock over 300-340°C.
Fig. 2. Correlation of pyrolysis and solvent extract results
for bitumen yield. (A) Classical pyrolysis (S1 = bitumen). The 81 fraction has virtually the same composition
(B) Comparative pyrolysis (Sl + Sl ' + S2' = bitumen). as that obtained by the original Rock-Eval method
(Espitalie et al., 1977).The 82 fraction of the original
extract yield). This experiment is evidence that, in the method corresponds to the sum (8I' + 82' + 82), i.e.
case of a sample with little mineral matrix effect, the not only hydrocarbons from kerogen decomposition
comparative pyrolysis method appears relatively pre- but also hydrocarbons from resins + asphaltenes de-
cise for bitumen content determination. In the case of composition and volatilized free and adsorbed heavy
a sample with a higher mineral matrix effect, the de- hydrocarbons. In comparative pyrolysis, the 82 frac-
crease in the amount of hydrocarbon released by tion only contains hydrocarbons from kerogen de-
pyrolysis should affect the whole-rock sample, as well composition. The total bitumen content is expressed
as the extracted-rock sample. Consequently, it does as the sum (81 + 8 I' + 82'), which includes free and
not seem fitting to correct the bitumen yield given adsorbed hydrocarbons as well as hydrocarbons from
by the comparative pyrolysis method, to avoid chang- the decomposition of resins + asphaltenes. The re-
ing the relative proportions of bitumen and kerogen lationships between original Rock-Eval definitions
in the results. and comparative pyrolysis definitions are presented
This method is not applicable for the analysis of in Table 1.
bitumen in coals, because of their ability to retain The definitions of kerogen and bitumen fractions in
solvent during the extraction process. comparative pyrolysis are now closer to the defi-
The bitumen pyrolysis curve represents the soluble nitions of kerogen and bitumen made by Durand
organic matter as a whole and can be further subdi- (1980); kerogen = "organic matter insoluble in polar
vided into three fractions: 81, 8 I' and 82' (Fig. organic solvent" and bitumen = "the organic matter
3 + Table I). The first separation is made by tracing soluble in these solvents".
a vertical line in the valley between the two peaks of In comparative pyrolysis, 82 represents the kero-
the bitumen pyrolysis curve. The left peak is the 81 gen content more accurately, because it is obtained
fraction, as in the classical method. A second separ- from the extracted sample. The hydrogen index, HI,
ation is made inside the right peak, by tracing a base calculated from 82 and the organic carbon content,
line from the previous valley, to the end of the right is also more precise. The same is valid for the
peak. The surface under the base line, which approxi- temperature T max of the 82 peak.
mates the tailing of the 81 peak is the 8 I' fraction and The accuracy of the subdivision of the bitumen
the surface over the base line is the 82' fraction. pyrolysis curve into fractions 81,81' and 82' has been
Various analytical techniques have allowed us to controlled for 36 samples selected from those ana-
identify their global composition [pyrolysis-gas chro- lyzed previously by comparative pyrolysis. The ex-
matography (Py-GC), selective extraction by organic tracted bitumen was separated in saturates, aromatics
solvents, selective oxidation by potassium permanga- and resins + asphaltenes fractions by medium pres-
1224 D. DELVAUX et al.


%HC/5° Tmax %HC/5°
r T max

4- 4-

2- 2-

o- ·':-I--,-L--:------.,.--~
255 T'C
0- IL----;-L--,-_..,....-...::::>:--"""--...,.---'-.'

S1 81 S2'
Res.+ Asph.
Li ght
Vaporizable Pyrolysable
O.M. O.M.
I C'-25 Kerogen

I Resins + Resins +
Asphaltenes Hyd roc arbon s Asphaltenes
Hydrocarbon s
Kerogen C1- 40 Kerogen
C1- 40 (Insoluble)
20 30 40 10 20 30 40
Number of carbon atoms
Number of carbon atoms

Fig. 3. Definition and composition of the main fractions of hydrocarbon pyrolysis products in classical
pyrolysis (Espitalie et al., 1977)and comparative pyrolysis. The comparative pyrolysis fractions are better
representative of hydrocarbons, resins + asphaltenes and kerogen fractions. Percent hydrocarbon evolved
for a temperature interval of soc.

sure liquid chromatography (MPLC), following the -BTl, bitumen transformation index [81 + 81']/
procedure of Radke et al. (1980). [81 + 81' + 82'], representing the relative pro-
The correlation diagrams in Fig. 4 show that the portion of hydrocarbons in the overall bitumen
quantitative equivalence between the comparative content;
pyrolysis hydrocarbon fraction (81 + 81') and the -HTI, hydrocarbon transformation index 81/
MPLC saturates + aromatics fraction is relatively [81 + 8 I'] expressing the relative proportion of
good, with a slight excess of hydrocarbons in the light hydrocarbons (C2S- ) in the overall hydro-
comparative pyrolysis results. carbon content.
On the other hand, the correlation between the
resins + asphaltenes content in comparative pyrolysis The original production index, PI (81/[81 + 82)],
(82') and the MPLC is worse, with a general deficit of Espitalie et al. (1977) now corresponds to
in the yield of resins + asphaltenes in comparative 81/[81 + 8 I' + 82' + 82] and expresses only the pro-
pyrolysis. This is probably due to the "mineral matrix portion of light hydrocarbons (C2S- ) relative to the
effect" of Espitalie et al. (1980), which decreases the kerogen + bitumen content. It is, consequently, more
quantities of hydrocarbons released during pyrolysis, suitable to use the new KTI to represent the bitumen
mainly for the heavy fractions of the bitumen. proportion in whole-rock samples rather than the PI.
The BTl and HTI are useful for determination of
NEW PARAMETERS FOR BITUMEN bitumen composition. The bitumen composition can
CHARACTERIZAnON also be represented in a ternary diagram 81-81'-82',
which illustrates the relative concentration of
The proportions of the four groups of organic light hydrocarbons, heavy hydrocarbons and
components in a whole-rock sample are expressed by resins + asphaltenes (see the example in Fig. 5).
new transformation ratios: The temperature T~ax recorded at the maximum of
-KTI, kerogen transformation index [81 + 81' + hydrocarbon generation during the pyrolysis of
82']/[81 + 8 I' + 82' + 82], expressing the relative resins + asphaltenes may be used for estimating their
proportion of bitumen in the overall organic maturation rank, in a similar manner to T max' for
matter content (kerogen + bitumen); kerogen (Fig. 5).
Table 1. New parameters in comparative pyrolysis and their relation with the classical Rock-Eval parameters, as defined by Espitalie et al. (1977)

~ 1 -,
I Whole Rock ~ Whole + Extracted Rock


~ Whole Rock Whole + Extracted Rock I 11
II i

II s·
Volatilization of '""I
I, of Free and Sl existing 82 peak (Kerogen) o
I Tmax <:

Adsorbed HC

Light HC (Cj.-2S) B
I Tmax S2 peak (Kerogen)
U I ~
Volatilization of T II o
I o::0;-
81' existing U Tmax' 82' peak (Resins + Asph.)
II Heavy HC (C 2 0- 4 0) M
I m
Pyrolysable E e:.
I, I I H.C. from N "0
Resins + Asphaltenes o
jl (Kerogen +) I I rn
, I H.C. from KE- Kerogen-Bitumen Tr. Index
I I I 3

II S2 Pyrolysis of RO- II II (l)

Ii I Kerogen GEN II I KTI I (81+81'+82') / Whole a.M. s-

Bitumen-Hydrocarbon Tr. Index II

I ' I I PI Sl / Whole O.M. I BTl 1(81+81') / (81+81'+82')

I HI 82 / Organic C I 82 / Organic C
i I' ,
Hydrocarbon Tr. Index II
(Whole-Rock) (Extracted Rock)
HTI I 81 / (81+81')

1226 D. DELVAUX et al.

Hydrocarbons: Comparative pyrolysis / MPLC yield The first one (Fig. 5) is the same well as used by
e 15
(A) .. / Espitalie et al. (1977) for illustrating the original
Rock-Eval method. The samples collected are homo-
.~ geneous in composition (mixed type II-III source-

o / • ,K"oO" wok, rock), from 500 to 2500 m. Only the 2770m sample

;I is of type III kerogen. They cover a wide range of

0' 10
E 119X
maturation rank, from the very immature to the
5 ..
• lit mature oil rank. There has been little expulsion
during thermal evolution, so that the bitumen pro-
.1. duced was kept in place. The comparative curves
10 20 x depict the progressive appearance of soluble products
mg saturate + aromatics / 9 rock as a function of depth. At 500 m, only resins and
asphaltenes are present (inherited directly from living
Resins + asphaltenes: Comparative pyrolysis / MPLC yield
organic matter ?). The resins + asphaltenes content
y (S)
increases with increasing depth and reaches its maxi-
:; 15 • : Kerogen rocks
u N~36
mum at the beginning of the oil zone. Hydrocarbons
e r~O.839 appear progressively while the kerogen content de-
.!!? Y~0.51 + 0.49 X
creases. The maturity indicators PI, KTI, Tmax and
J: •
~ .. T:nax show increasing values with depth. The compo-
sitional evolution of bitumen is illustrated by the
... 5
SI-S I'-S2' ternary diagram.
(J) •
The second borehole from Lower Zaire (Figs 6 and
10 20 X
7) is an example of a geochemical log plotted from
mg resins + asphaltenes /g rock
comparative analysis, performed mainly on cuttings.
Fig. 4. Correlation of comparative pyrolysis and MPLC Three zones are of petroleum interest: IABE type II
results for the yield of hydrocarbons (A) and resins + immature source-rock; VERMELHA reservoir rock;
asphaltenes (B) fractions of the bitumen from 36 samples. and BUCOMAZI mature type I source-rock. The
IABE immature source-rock contains bitumen in
Comparative pyrolysis also provides curves for very small quantities and proportion but is relatively
further geochemical characterization. The S2 and S2' rich in resins + asphaltenes and heavy hydrocarbons.
curves are the basic recordings for kinetic analysis of The BUCOMAZI mature source-rock contains bitu-
kerogen and resins + asphaltenes (Delvaux et al., men in noticeable quantities, but in low proportion,
1990). and is composed mainly of resins + asphaltenes and
Comparative pyrolysis parameters are significant light hydrocarbons. The VERMELHA reservoir rock
for rock samples with total hydrocarbon content mostly contains migrated oil, depleted in resins +
(SI + SI' + S2' + S2) >0.2 kg/ton of rock and total asphaltenes.
organic carbon > 0.2%.
For rock samples satisfying these conditions, with
a bitumen content > 3 kg/ton of rock, we have found CONCLUSIONS
standard deviations of 1.2-6.8% for KTI, BTl and
HTI parameters. Comparative pyrolysis bitumen Comparative pyrolysis is an improved Rock-Eval
content shows a standard deviation between 1.9-6%, analysis method. It can be easily performed with the
depending on the bitumen richness. The latter result existing Rock-Eval device. With a double analysis of
is nearly as good as the standard deviation for each of the samples, the analytical performance is
dichloromethane extract (2.4-4%). For rocks ofbitu- strongly increased.
men content < 3 kg/ton of rock, standard deviations Comparative pyrolysis allows for a better
are between 6.9-22.7% for KTI, and for BTl and distinction between kerogen and bitumen in a
HTI between 6-25% for comparative pyrolysis bitu- rock sample. This is particularly useful in the case
men yield. of: (1) very immature source-rocks with inherited
Therefore, we estimate that, in a first approach, the bitumen; (2) nearly mature or mature source-
comparative pyrolysis results are sufficiently con- rocks; and (3) reservoir rocks. It offers new possibil-
venient to be used for the rapid characterization of ities for:
insoluble as well as soluble sedimentary organic
matter. -estimation of bitumen content;
-description of global bitumen composition;
-characterization of resins + asphaltenes;
TO BASIN ANALYSIS -more precise kerogen analysis.

The comparative pyrolysis technique has been ap- With the original method of Espitalie et al. (1977)
plied to the study of two boreholes. this information was not directly available. It was
An improved Rock-Eval pyrolysis method 1227

Tmax (oG) • PI 5,/(51+51'+52'+52)
o KTI'(51+5(+52')/(51+5(+52'+52)


Resins. Asphallenes

-I-.-- ~
Immature Zone - '
1- Je • \I

I. elf
Malure Zone-, ,_.LJ /•••.•• "'"/

I .. I


cl'o ~ Sf
Heavy He

Fig. 5. Characterization of source-rock maturity and bitumen composition by comparative pyrolysis [for
comparison, see Espitalie et al. (1977)]. The new transformation index KTI is a better indicator of bitumen
generation than PI. The temperature T~ax of the S2' peak may be used as an indicator of the thermal
evolution of resins + asphaltenes, as is the temperature Tmax of the S2 peak for kerogen. The ternary
diagram illustrates the global bitumen composition.

unavoidable to have to extract relatively large quan- mation can be obtained by kinetic analysis of the 82'
tities of rock and to perform MPLC analysis on the curve, following the method of Delvaux et al.
bitumen solution. These time- and sample-consuming (1990).
operations may now be avoided by comparative The comparative method has, however, some limi-
pyrolysis. Because the bitumen itself is not analyzed, tations which are mainly due to the "mineral matrix
only the sample quantity necessary for the pyrolysis effect". This method has not been designed for
has to be extracted. Thus, several samples may be a precise determination of bitumen quantity and
extracted simultaneously in the same device. This quality but it is sufficiently accurate for a rapid
reduces the length of the analytical procedure. characterization of bitumen in routine analysis. This
The maturity of resins + asphaltenes is con- method is of great interest in petroleum exploration,
veniently given by the temperature T~ax, but their for the rapid analysis of a large amount of rock
type cannot be obtained directly. However, this infor- samples.
Tmax HI 82 81+81'+82' KTI BTl HTI
Temperature Index Hydrogen Index Kerogen Content Bitumen Content Bitumen/Whole a.M. H.C'; Bitumen Light H.C./H.C.
Formations ::-
g- E (T'C) ( g HC/Kg Org. C) (Kg HC/ Ton of rock) (Kg HC/Ton of rock) (81+81'+82')/( .. ) (81 +81") / (81 +81'+82') 81/(81+8,')
0- 400 410 420 430 440 200 400 600 800 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 ,2 4 .6 .8 ,2 .4 .6 .8 2 .4 .6 .8
500 ....
- i-
(Tertiary) f--


b to---

1000 :-- t--- Immature l- t---

(Cretace - I--- t--- l- I---

t-- J
t--- t----

,....- ~ ,...---
LAWENDA I--- I-- f--
f-- I-- ~

1500 -
Source-Rock f-- I--- >
t--- I---
Nearly I OIL I l-- ~
I-- I-- t--
~ J I- ~
.- Reservol.r
I--- f--

- - ]JI


- ..... l--- ]JI


(Halite) Very Good
Source-Rock Retained
2500 in



" -===- #
I ~

Fig. 6. Example of a geochemical log plotted from comparative pyrolysis performed on a well from Lower Zaire.
An improved Rock-Eval pyrolysis method 1229

Resins + Asphaltenes

l rn m at u r e
Source Rock
Source Rock

Reservoir Rock

81 0'0 0
Light He

Fig. 7. Bitumen characterization in a ternary diagram and typical comparative pyrolysis curves for the
same well as in Fig. 6.

Acknowledgements-This issues from a Ph.D. thesis pre- Espitalie J., Deroo G. and Marquis F. (1985/86) La pyrolyse
sented by D. Delvaux and sponsored by the Labofina Rock-Eval et ses applications. Deuxieme partie. Rev. Inst.
Company (Petrofina's Research Group). We thank the Fr. Per. 40, 563-579, 775-784; 41, 73-89.
Petrofina and Labofina Companies for permission to pub- Espitalie J., Madec M. and Tissot B. (1980) Role of mineral
lish this work. matrix in kerogen pyrolysis: influence on petroleum gen-
eration and migration. Bull. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. 64, 59-66.
REFERENCES Espitalie J., Laporte J. L., Madec M., Marquis F., Leplat
P., Paulet J. and Boutefeu A. (1977) Methode rapide de
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on source-rock pyrolysis. Bull. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. 63, petrolier et de leur degre d'evolution. Rev. Inst. Fr. Per.
2227-2232. 32, 23-42.
Delvaux D. (1988) Etude geochimique de la matiere or- Katz B. J. (1983) Limitations of Rock-Eval pyrolysis for
ganique sedimentaire par pyrolyse. Caracterisation des typing organic matter. Org. Geochem. 4, 195-199.
roches a kerogene et des bitumes par pyrolyse compara- Orr W. L. (1983) Comments on pyrolytic hydrocarbon
tive et analyse cinetique. Application au secteur petrolier yields in source-rock evaluation. In Advances in Organic
du Bas Zaire-Angola. Ph.D. thesis, University of Geochemistry 1981 (Edited by Bjorey M. et al.), pp.
Louvain-la-Neuve. 775-787. Wiley, Chichester.
Delvaux D., Martin H., Leplat P. and Paulet J. (1990) Peters K. E. (1986) Guidelines for evaluating petroleum
Geochemical characterization of sedimentary organic source-rocks using programmed pyrolysis. Bull. Am.
matter by means of pyrolysis kinetic parameters. In Assoc. Pet. Geol. 70, 318-329.
Advances in Organic Geochemistry 1989 (Edited by Radke M., Willisch H. and Welte D. H. (1980) Preparative
Durand B. and Behar F.). Org. Geochem. 16, 175-187. hydrocarbon group determination by automated medium
Pergamon Press, Oxford. pressure liquid chromatography. Anal. Chem. 52,406-411.
Durand B. (1980) Sedimentary organic matter and kerogen. Snowdon L. R. (1984) A comparison of Rock-Eval pyrolysis
Definition and quantitative importance of kerogen. In and solvent extract result from the Collingwood and
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