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De La Salle University-Dasmariñas

College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology

Electronics Engineering Department

Microprocessor and Microcontrollers Lecture


Submitted by:

ESPIRITU, Roschelle I.

Submitted to:
Engr. Emmanuel Longares

Date of Submission
25th June 2010

A microprocessor or Central Processing Unit (CPU) is an electronic circuit, which is capable

of making logical decisions with the help of data fed into it as input, which is processed by it to

give the output. The word "processor" is derivative of the word "process" which means to carry

out systematic operations on the data. It is the brain of any computer, which controls and co-

ordinates the various activities going on inside it. No logically enabled device can do without it.

It forms the very basis of not only computers, but also many other devices such as cell phones,

PDAs, satellites, and much other hand held devices. They are also present in modern day cars

(with MPFI engines).

History of Microprocessor

1940: Russell S. Ohl's silicon junction demonstration.  Ohl used piece of silicon with an

electrical lead at each end.  He completed the circuit by shining a light on the non-

conducting silicon between the wires. In growing silicon crystals he found that some

conducted best when their charge carriers were negative (he called them 'n' type) and some

when positive ('p' type).

1947: Shockley, Brattain and Bardeen discovered that Ohl's semiconductor could be made into

an amplifier by embedding two closely-spaced metal point contacts in a germanium crystal.

They won the Nobel Prize for the invention of the transistor.

1950's: Shockley leaves Bell Labs to establish Shockley Labs in California.  Some of the best

young electronic engineers and solid-state physicists come to work with him. These

include Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore.


1957: Shockley turns out to be a tyrant; paranoid and unpredictable.  Led by Noyce, eight of the

best engineers (all under 30) leave to form Fairchild Semiconductor, a subsidiary of

Fairchild Camera and Instrument.

1969: Intel is a tiny start-up company in Santa Clara, headed by Noyce and Moore.  Ted

Hoff joins as its 12themployee.

Federico Faggin of Fairchild invents a new kind of MOS process - silicon gate technology.

Intel adopts it. Fairchild and Motorola are large semiconductor corporations.  

Hewlett-Packard is a major manufacturer of the new electronic "pocket calculators".

Busicom is a medium-sized Japanese calculator company. It is generally recognized in the

electronics industry that it is theoretically possible to use the new MOS semiconductors to

put all the functions of a calculator onto one chip. SSI has been replaced by MSI and

industries are looking toward LSI and VLSI.

1970: Busicom place an order with Intel for custom calculator chips.  Intel has no experience of

custom-chip design and sets outs to design a general-purpose solution.  Ted Hoff and Stan

Mazor (who famously said "Never trust a computer you can't lift") work together in Intel's

labs designing a 4-bit logic chip (cpu) with ROM, RAM, shift registers and port

connections for Busicom.

1971: Hoff and Mazor have difficulty in translating architectures into working chip designs and

the project runs late.


Faggin leaves Fairchild for Intel and solves the problems in weeks.  The result is the Intel

4000 family (later renamed MCS-4, Microcomputer System 4-bit), comprising the 4001

(2k ROM), the 4002 (320-bit RAM), the 4003 (10-bit I/O shift-register) and the 4004, a 4-

bit cpu.  Unfortunately, manufacturing errors introduce further delays and Busicom demand

renegotation of the contract for a delivery which is now 12-months late, and in their

opinion, wildly overpriced.

The biggest marketing mistake of the century?  Busicom sign away exclusive rights to the

4000 series for everything except calculators. It could have owned the microprocessor.

Intel now owns their new product (they had previously expected to make their money on

the supporting memory products) and they struggle to support it.  Ted Hoff works hard to

convince the engineering community of the benefits of microprocessors.

June - Texas Instruments (TI) announce a "CPU on a chip" - it is announced "dead on

arrival" sometime later.

1972: Faggin begins work on an 8-bit processor, the Intel 8008.  The prototype has serious

problems with electrical charge leaking out of its memory circuits.  Device physics, circuit

design and layout are important new skills.  The 8008 chip layout is completely redesigned

and the chip is released.

There is a sudden surge in microprocessor interest. Microprocessor-related articles begin to

appear in electronics publications.


Intel's 8008 are well-received, but Faggin listens to customer suggestions as he works on an

enhanced version.  Users want increased speed, easier interfacing, and more I/O and


The video game industry gets underway as Nolan Bushnell starts his own company,

Syzygy, later renamedATARI.  Bushnell had studied the first 8-bit microprocessors and

uses them to duplicate an arcade version of the computer games he had used on his

University's computers.  His first attempt at a video game, Computer Space, is too

complicated and fails.  In his next attempt he decides to "build a game so mindless and self-

evident that a monkey or its equivalent (a drunk in a bar) could instantly understand it".

PONG, the electronic equivalent of Ping-pong, was a great success.

1973: There is a flood of articles on microprocessor technologies and applications, in the

electronics press.

1974: The improved 8008, the Intel 8080, is released.  It is perhaps the single most important

product of the 20th century.  Faggin said "The 8080 really created the microprocessor

market.  The 4004 and the 8008 suggested it, but the 8080 made it real".

Faggin leaves Intel to start Zilog.

Motorola announced their NMOS, 5 volt, 6800.  Though bulky, and fraught with

production problems, their 6800 is a brilliant design.  Motorola was founded in 1928 and

made car radios.  They had introduced transistors in the 1950s and had decided to make a

late but serious effort in the microprocessor market.


Hewlett-Packard (HP) introduces their first scientific calculator, the $395 HP-35.  It is

followed by the HP-45 and HP-65.  Slide rules and tables will soon become obsolete.

1975: General Motors approach Motorola about a custom-built derivative of the 6800.

Motorola's long experience with automobile manufacturers pays off and Ford follow GM's

lead.  New cars today often contain many microprocessors and controllers, for example, the

BMW 325 contains 100.

An advert in Popular Electronics describes an $800 ready-to-build computer kit based on

the Intel 8080.  At this time the smallest commercial computers are selling for $30,000.

Steve Wozniak builds a computer in his garage with a $20 8-bit processor from MOS

Tech. Inc. (absorbed by Commodore in 1977).  This was the prototype for the Apple 1.

Texas Instruments (TI) had learnt from their early failure and invested in IC fabrication and

assembly.  In 1975, they bring out their first range of scientific calculators leading to the

TI-58 and the TI-59.  Though they are behind in the microprocessor market, they had

brought out a microcontroller, the TMS1000, in 1974.  They would introduce their first

DSP chip in 1982.

TI used aggressive, cost-cutting marketing strategies which destroy much of the

competition.  Prices of electronic goods fall rapidly.  Electronic calculator prices fell from

$150 to $13 in 6 years.  Digital watches were to fall from $100 in 1977 to less than $10 in

1979.  Dramatic price falls and fierce competition would continue in the industry.

1976: Intel introduces an 8-bit microcontroller, the MCS-48.  They ship 251,000 in this year.

Zilog announce their 8-bit, Z80.  Benchmark tests showed it to be better than anything

from Intel.

TI gets serious and files patents.  Intel and others are taken by surprise; they had thought

that general-purpose ICs were not something that could be patented.

Competition is fierce … patent battles, head-hunting and industrial espionage ensue.  Later,

Zilog design plans are found in National Semiconductor labs.  Zilog sues for theft of trade


1978: Intel announces the 16 bit, 16-bit bus 8086, based on the 8080; it has 10 times the


1979: There are two basic ways to improve performance; expand bus width or expand processor

instruction capacity.  It is easier and cheaper to maintain instruction sets and increase bus

width.  Motorola did this with the introduction of a 16-bit bus version of the 8-bit 6800,

the 6809.  Changes can, however, be made the other way around.  If companies want to fill

a 'hole' in their product range with a budget version of a premium part, they may elect to

cut bus width.

Motorola also announce a 16-bit 68000.  Indisputably, the best microcontroller on the

market at the time.  It would be used in the Apple Macintosh launched in 1984.

Electronics engineer, Chuck Peddle, famously worked on the 68000 at Motorola before

leaving for MOS Technology, where he headed the design of the 650x family of

processors. This included the 6502 that went on to be used in the Apple II, the Commodore

VIC-20 and the Nintendo Entertainment System. He later went on to design the Victor

9000 personal computer.

Zilog announce a 16-bit Z8000.  Another great design but Zilog struggle to provide good

support, they are inexperienced and have only a few hundred employees; Intel now has

over 10 thousand.

However, Intel are still working, after 5 years, on a huge 32-bit design.  It is ahead of its

time.  Intel look seriously at the competition, both Motorola and Zilog have better products

on the market.  They implement 'Operation CRUSH' - a huge campaign with a focused

and trained work force providing customer support, complete solutions and long-term

product support.

CRUSH proves an excellent strategy and the 8086 becomes the de facto standard.  This

success helps finance additions to their product range, one of which is the bus width

reduced 8088, a 16-bit (8-bit bus) microprocessor.

1980: Intel introduce the 8051, an 8-bit microcontroller with on-board EPROM memory.  They

ship 22 million (compared with 251,000 MCS-48's in 1976) and 91 million in 1983.

Berkeley RISC – In 1980, the University of California at Berkeley started something it

called the RISC Project (in fact, the professors leading the project, David Patterson and

Carlo H. Sequin, are credited with coining the term "RISC").


1981: IBM, having seen Apple's success recognise a new personal computer market.  They

choose Intel over Motorola and Zilog (and their own proprietary processors) because of

Intel's long-term commitment to the 8086 line.

Intel is back on top as IBM selects the Intel 8088 for their PC, introduced in August.

IBM and PC clone makers buy millions of Intel 8088 chips.

Apple condescendingly greet IBM's PC announcement with a full-page advert in the Wall

Street Journal, saying "Welcome IBM …. Seriously".

1982: Motorola bring out the 68010 and the 6805 (a microcontroller based on the 6800).

Intel bring out the 16-bit 80286 for the IBM PC ATand compatible computers.  It has

critical weaknesses, most notably in virtual memory support.  The newest 'killer'

application software, Microsoft Windows, needs a more powerful processor.

IBMs service to the computer industry was to make the PC 'open', this meant clone makers

could compete with IBM-compatible PCs.  New companies such

as Compaq and Dell (both from Texas) fare well, as do South Korea's Leading Edge and

Taiwan's Acer who produce PCs with AT performance at half the price.  IBM can't keep


Intel brings out 16-bit microcontrollers, the 8096, 80186 and 80188. The project

emphasized pipelining and the use of register windows: by 1982, they had delivered their

first processor, called the RISC-I. With only 44KB transistors (compared with about

100KB in most contemporary processors) and only 32 instructions, it outperformed any

other single chip design in existence.

NS 32032 – In 1983, National Semiconductor introduced a 16-bit pin out, 32-bit internal

microprocessor called the NS 16032, the full 32-bit NS 32032, and a line of 32-bit

industrial OEM microcomputers. Sequent also introduced the first symmetric

multiprocessor (SMP) server-class computer using the NS 32032.

Intel entered the 32-bit world in 1981, same as the AT&T BELLMAC chips, with the ill-

fated 432. It was a three-chip design rather than a single-chip implementation, and it didn't

go anywhere. In 1986, its 32-bit i386 became its first single-chip 32-bit offering, closely

followed by the 486 in 1989.

1984: Motorola bring out the 68020, a CMOS 32-bit microprocessor with 200,000 transistors.

1985: Intel announce the 80386 a 32-bit microprocessor, of 275,000 transistors.  It was the

world's best performing processor at this time.

1986 Compaq are the first company to bring out a 386 PC.  IBM's 386 PC, the PS/2, does not

come out for another year.  However, IBM remains the top PC seller, only topped by

Compaq in 1994.

1987: Zilog bring out the Z280, a 16-bit version of the 8-bit Z80.  Zilog's marketing has

improved; its products are cheap ("less than the price of a Big Mac" their adverts proclaim).

Zilog identify a niche market in Z80 support, recognizing that many engineers prefer the

Z80 because they used them in college.


1989: Intel brings out a bus-reduced 32-bit, 16-bit bus 80386SX as an inexpensive way to lure

customers into the 386 market.

In April, Intel announce the $950 80486.  A 32-bit, 1.2 million transistor device with a

maths coprocessor and memory management.  It is the first microprocessor that can

properly drive Microsoft's Windows software.  However, there is a hitch.  In October, Intel

announces a 486 defect and replaces purchased chips.  The market understands …. This


1990: 386 computers are selling like hot cakes.  Intel cannot keep up with the demand and has to

ration its chips for 6 months.

1991: Intel launches the 'Intel Inside' labelling campaign.

1992: The 32-bit (64-bit bus) PowerPC 601 is announced.  It is the result of a joint venture

between Motorola, IBM and Apple.  It has 2.8 million transistors.  Apple uses it in

the PowerMac and PowerPCs eventually follow (IBMs PowerPC is delayed until 1995).

1993: Intel introduces the 3 million transistors, 32-bit, 64-bit bus, Pentium processor (a

copyrightable name).  It has five times the power of the 486 for the same price.

1994: Thomas Nicely, a Virginia college professors, has division problems and uncovers

the Pentium bug.  News spreads quickly on the internet.  Intel handles it all very badly but

is forced into rethink as users get angry.  Intel finally apologizes and offer free replacement

of all chips with no questions asked.


Differences between Microprocessor and Microcontrollers

Microprocessor Microcontroller
1 or 2 bit handling Instruction More bit handling Instruction
There is built in memory. It does not have There is having internal memory. It will have
separate memory units for code and data. separate memory units for code
and data

There in no internal timer/counter In build timer/counter

Not having WDT,ADC,Serial port There is having WDT,ADC,Serial port In


To make a computer some external accessory With out any external component can acts as a
Digital Comp
is required.
General purpose digital computer. Specific purpose digital computer.

It can be control Multiple Application. It can be control Single or Particular

eg. System Design. Application Only.
eg. Embedded systems.

A microcontroller has a combination of all this

I/O devices.
Microcontroller = cpu + peripherals + memory
A microprocessor is just a CPU. Peripherals = ports + clock + timers + uarts +
converters +lcd drivers + dac + other stuff
Memory = eeprom + sram + eprom + flash


PIC Microcontroller. Retrieved June 21, 2010, from

What is Microprocessor. Retrieved June 20, 2010, from

History of Microprocessor. Retrieved June 20, 2010, from History of



Microprocessor’s History. Retrieved June 20, 2010, from

Differences Microprocessor ad Microcontrollers. Retrieved June 20, 2010, from

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