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A Successful Youth

The honorable judges respect the audiences and everyone here today, Assalammu’alaykum. First
i’d like to say thanks you almighty God who has give us some blessing so we can attend this contest.
Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be delivered to our prophet Muhammad saw who has brought
us from the darkness to this bright modern era that we live in today. And last but not least, i’d like to say
thanks to all of the judges to give me this very special opportunity to be here in this contest.

Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. My name is Tria Indrika Rahma standing here in fornt off
you all to deliver my speech. I will tell you about “A Successful Youth”. And before i start, my i ask 1
question to all of you. “Do you believe if there is a 7 years old kid who started her own business?”. Yeah i
also dont believe that but there was a little girl who became a successful entrepreneur when she was so
young. And her name is Gabrielle Jordan Williams.

From the time she was born, her parents always knew two things about her. One, a Warner
Redskins fans and two, she never wanted to work for anyone. She guess that she inherited that from six
generations of entrepreneurship. Her entrepreneurial journey began at age seven when she had adream to
start her own jewelry business. Now she has always loved drawer and she had spend hours watching
YouTube videos and looking in magazines for design ideas. When she start to wear her pices to school,
her friends would buy them right off her and that’s when she starter her own jewelry business.

Now in the beginning, she was afraid that no one would want to buy her jewelry, so her mom
give her a book called “Who Moved My Cheese?” . In the book one thing really stood out to her, it said “
what would you do if you wer not afraid?” . so she wrote this down and put it on her bedroom walls. So
she could think about whatshe need to do to overcome her fears and once she overcame her fear and move
forward and created jewels of Jordan. This is a picture of her and her first event and grand opening at age
nine. When she walked in the room, the first thing she noticed were all the adult vendors ang thought she
wasn’t going to sell anything. But suprisely, people started coming up to her and saying “Oh you did
great” . and she just thought “ Are they crazy?!” . she did horrible but what seemed like a hold adopt to
her, was inspiring to people seeing a young person going after their dreams.

Probably something that we dont se enough. She always sold completely out of everything at that
event and that make her feel like going home and working harder on her business. And now she is 19
years old, she has already accomplished more than many people who are decades her senior.Jordan has a
luxury jewelry line, a bestselling book, a podcast, and a youth mentoring istitute at very young age.

Ladies and gentlemen, the period of youth is an age of aspirations and hopes, a time to be happy.
This is time when the future of every young person comes before his eyes in the form of sweet dreams,
She begins to think, she makes programs and treasures grand abitions in his heart. However, sometimes it
also happen that a man breaks down right during the time of his youth.

Such a person is never able to achieve any of his aspirations, even until he becomes old.
Sometimes it also happen that, quite unexpectedly, a person obtains much beyond his expectations and all
of his dreams become reality. Surely one man’s succes and anothers failure are not accidental or without
reason behind them. The causes of both must be sought in the very lives of the persons concerned. We
can be sure that one who succeds has started life in a way which assures his success, and one who fails
mos probably does so due to his own mistakes.

From Jordan’s story about her achievment, we can take a conclusion that age doesn’t determine
everyone’s succes, even though she is still smalll, she can be a succesful entrepreneur. So we must
believed toour self. We must keep studying and woeking hard and don’t forget to pray to God. Of we do
lots of something, we more likely to get it. So all of us should take efforts to get result that we want.

Ladies and gentlemen, before i closed my speech, i’d like to say a quotes from Walt Disney, he
said “if you can dream it, you can do it” . I think that all of my speech today, and Wassalammulaykum.

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