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How to Get Pussy: 7

Non-PC But Very

Effective Tips
By Colt Williams

Love is an incredible feeling. That

wonderful warmth you get when
you wake up and read a text from a
girl you really care about is one you
canʼt replace. The thought of her
can lift your spirits through the
struggles of day-to-day living, and
you suddenly feel like youʼre ready
to conquer the world.

Thatʼs not what this post is

about. Thatʼs not what itʼs about at
all. Sometimes youʼre not looking
for love. Sometimes youʼre not
looking for your next girlfriend.
Sometimes youʼre not trying to go
on a date.

Sometimes, as a man, your

desire for the night is quite
simple: you just want to get
pussy. You donʼt want to jump
through more hoops than you have
to; you donʼt want to make things
too complicated; you just want a
sweet slice of that panty pie.

So if you find yourself in this

position, how do you go about
finding your little head a nice home
for the night? Well if youʼre looking
to find out how to get pussy, then
this post is for you.

#1: Lower Your Standards

If you want to be able to get pussy

you must absolutely learn to lower
your standards. This isnʼt about
snatching up a model; itʼs about
having some fun, dirty time on your
own terms. But as Chase rightly
pointed out in his post about
diamonds in the rough, most
girls you think are hot arenʼt
actually that beautiful sans
assistance from Mary Kay.

Iʼve always said that, for better or

worse, women will always be
masters of deception. So much of
the time you wonʼt know what
youʼre actually getting until all is
said and done.

And as an aside: donʼt sleep with

a girl just because your friends
think sheʼs hot. This actually
happens at a surprisingly frequent
rate. Iʼll see guys who are
approached by a certain girl, and all
of their friends will say “Wow, sheʼs
so hot. You have to hook up with

And the guy himself wonʼt actually

be that attracted to the girl. He may
even complain to me or another
neutral party about how heʼs
actually not down.

But he almost always hooks up with

her anyway just to impress his

Donʼt do that. Your friends arenʼt

there in the bedroom with you. If
you arenʼt attracted to a girl, donʼt
sleep with her. If you are attracted
to a girl your friends donʼt find
that attractive, sleep with her!
Everyone has different standards,
so you should be worrying about
who you want to sleep with, not
who other people think you should
be sleeping with.

So…if you want to be successful in

your endeavor to get pussy, you
must absolutely lower your
standards. How much you have to
lower your standards will depend
on two factors:

How experienced you are

How desperate you are

A. Experienced and not very

desperate. This is the best
situation to be in when you
want to get pussy. But this
category will probably have
the lowest percentage of men.
First off, men in this category
actually donʼt often find
themselves in a position when
they need to get pussy.

These men need to lower their

standards the least. Because of
their strong process and collection
of countless experiences, they can
go out and get pussy like itʼs
business as usual.

B. Experienced and desperate.

Maybe youʼre an experienced
man and you double-booked a
date night to account for
inevitable flaking. But maybe
that wasnʼt enough and both
girls ended up flaking on you.
Maybe you had a long week of
empire-building and you cut
yourself off from meeting girls
to fully focus your efforts on
your endeavors. Maybe all of
the girls that you had in your
harem dropped off at the
same time (which is how it
always seems to happen).

Whatever the case, experienced

men can find themselves in the
occasional desperate state of
needing to get pussy. But
fortunately, when they do find
themselves in these situations,
they often have at least one or two
girls they can contact who will be
willing to come over and have some

Maybe she is someone theyʼve

been talking to for a little while.

Maybe sheʼs an old flame that they

want to rekindle for a night.

Whatever the case may be, the

beauty of getting hundreds of
reference points is that there is
usually someone you can call if you
find yourself in dire straits and in
need of some action.

And if they donʼt have someone,

they have a solid enough process
that they can go out hard and meet
an attractive girl to take home – or
at least leave everything on the
field trying.

I find that even if you do have girls

in your life, going out with the
perspective that you have no one
will motivate you to put everything
into bringing a new girl home. I
often tell myself “I have no girls in
my life” right before I head out for a
night out. Itʼs one of the most
effective mindset to pushing sets,
spiking sexuality, and putting
yourself in the best position to have
sex with a new girl.

If youʼre experienced and

desperate, youʼll have to lower
your standards a bit more than
usual, but this will only widen the
pool of girls you have the chance
to take home. And you will very
likely take home a girl whom you
are very attracted to.

C. Inexperienced and not very

desperate. If youʼre
inexperienced, maybe you
donʼt have a set level of
standards yet. Thatʼs a good
place to be. As Chase rightly
mentioned, the trap that a lot
of newer guys fall into is trying
to either impress other people
or validate themselves by
sleeping with “hot” girls. So
they set these standards that
their experience levels simply
donʼt warrant.

Iʼve talked to many a guy and

mentioned that I had slept with this
or that girl, and the response I
almost always get is a question on
where she was on the 1-10 scale.
Donʼt be that guy. Because despite
what he says, he is really thinking
to himself, about himself, is “Did
you have sex last night… or

If youʼre in this category, lower

your standards substantially. If
your true goal is to get pussy, then
lowering the bar by a decent
margin will greatly increase your
chances of achieving said goal.

D. Inexperienced and
desperate. This is the least
desirable category to find
yourself in, but probably will
have the highest percentage
of guys in it. No problem (and
no judgment) at all – all the
writers here have been there –
thatʼs probably why youʼre
reading this post to begin

If youʼre in this category, youʼll

have to greatly reduce your
standards. Thereʼs just no way
around it. If you want to get pussy
on the double, you need access to
the biggest pool of women
possible, and you need to hit that
pool as hard as you can.

So now you know that youʼll have to

reduce your standards by various
degrees, you should…

#2: Reach Out to Old Girls

and Prospects First

Why make the hunt to get pussy

harder than it needs to be? If you
donʼt have to go out and find a girl
and can just booty call her to
come over instead, life will be all
the better. Itʼs a good feeling to be
able to have a short text exchange
with a girl and have her shortly
appear in your living room or invite
you over to her place.

The protocol for contacting an old

girl who youʼve already slept with
will be a bit different from
contacting a new prospect. If you
are a good lover, old girls are more
likely to come through for a night of
fun at the drop of a hat. But if
youʼve made a good impression on
a few new girls, itʼs definitely
possible to bring one of them over
as well.

My favorite line to text old

girls is:

“Hey [name]! I saw [or heard] [x

thing] that reminded me of you
today. And then I realized that I
actually hadnʼt talked to you in a
while. Howʼs it going?”

You get 100 bonus points if the text

is about something sexual.
Mentioning something sexual will
set the tone for the entire text
exchange, make her remember you
in a sexually nostalgic frame, and
fully establish your expectations for
a potential sexual re-encounter.

But whatever you end up picking,

this is a very effective rewarming
text to send to an old girl. And if
sheʼs up for expressing her
horizontal desires, then all you
have to do is decide on a place and
close the deal.

My favorite line to text a

prospect is:

“Hey [name]! So I was going

grocery shopping today and got a
bunch of stuff I needed. But…I then
realized that there is a serious
shortage of [name] in my life!
Whatʼs a man to do?”

I usually maintain a very playful

dynamic with the girls in my life, so
this text is always a great way to
put myself at the forefront of their
consciousness. I then follow up
with saying that Iʼm planning on
going on an adventure, but I canʼt
do it alone.

If sheʼs in, then sheʼs in, and all I

have to worry about is logistics
and execution. If sheʼs excited but
busy, then I know that I can follow
up another day. If she gives me a
smoke screen like “Maybe next
time!” or just plain says no without
offering an alternative… then itʼs on
to the next one.

Using out-of-the-ordinary methods

like this is a good way to quickly
sort out which girls are open for a
potential meet-up (or even
interested in you at all), and which
ones are just spinning their wheels
or using you for validation.

But sometimes you canʼt contact

old girls or prospect (and
sometimes you donʼt have any to
contact in the first place). So letʼs
keep moving with other strategies.

#3: Go Out (Hard)

I know what you do when you go

out. Before you leave you talk with
your friends about how youʼre
going to get really drunk and hit on
really hot girls. Then you hit the
bars and clubs, get a few drinks in
you, and then just stand around.
Maybe you drunkenly dance to a
few of your favorite songs. Then
you talk to one or two girls who are
put off by your inebriated,
uncalibrated approach, and it
stings enough that you give up on
talking to girls for the rest of the

Then at one point, a drunk girl will

walk up to you and strike up a
conversation, because thatʼs what
drunk girls like to do. You spend
10-15 minutes talking to her. Maybe
you dance with her for a minute or
two. Then she steps back, tells you
how nice it was to meet you, and
walks away, never to be seen or
heard from again.

Then you rehash with your friends

all night about how you “almost
had her!” Then you all complain
about how
hy all of the girls in the venue are
and spend the rest of the minutes
until closing time just shooting the
shit, and coming down off of the
adrenaline high that you started the
night with. And then you go home –
drunk, slightly depressed… and

Does that sound familiar? I bet it

does. But if you want to know how
to get pussy tonight, it starts with
this: you canʼt do your usual

You must, I repeat, you must step

out of your comfort zone. You
have to talk to more girls in one
night out than youʼve talked to in an
entire month.

“But Colt, youʼre being

unreasonable. How can you expect
me to talk to that many girls?” you
might say.

My answer: start small. The

problem that most guys have – the
problem that prevents most guys
from being able to get pussy – is
that they give up too early. They
talk to one or two girls and then
give up when things donʼt go well.
But you have to keep pushing
through. Warming up and getting
your momentum going is one of
the most important concepts you
must embrace for a successful
night out.

Do LeBron or Messi just walk into a

championship game at the starting
whistle and just start playing? Of
course not. They take an hour to
warm up and prepare themselves
for the real challenges of the game.
And you should look at going out
in the exact same way.

Youʼre not going to be your best

self at the beginning of the night.
You should just accept that now.
But, if you continue to stack up
interactions, your energy and
confidence will snowball naturally.
So you must take advantage of this
compounding effect.

Follow a pattern like this:

^. Smile at a random girl

_. Wave to a different girl from a


`. Ask a girl what time it is

a. Ask a girl where the most fun

place is

b. Compliment a girl on her


c. Take a 5 minute break

d. Tell a girl you love her hair. Ask

this girl where sheʼs from.
Have 5 minutes of small talk

e. Move to a different girl. Tell

the girl that she needs to do a
silly dance with you. Dance
with her. Flirt with her.
Disengage after 10 minutes

f. Talk to your friends and joke


^g. Grab a drink

^^. Approach a new girl. Joke

around with her. Ask for a sip

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