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International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69 – 92

High-pressure methane and carbon dioxide adsorption on dry

and moisture-equilibrated Pennsylvanian coals
B.M. Krooss a,*, F. van Bergen b, Y. Gensterblum a,
N. Siemons a, H.J.M. Pagnier b, P. David b
Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany
Netherlands Institute of Applied Geoscience TNO—National Geological Survey, The Netherlands
Received 10 August 2001; accepted 15 March 2002


In the context of research on the reduction of CO2 emissions and the production of coalbed methane (CBM), high pressure
adsorption measurements of CH4 and CO2 have been performed on dry and moisture-equilibrated Pennsylvanian coals of
different rank (0.72, 1.19 and 1.56% VRr). Adsorption isotherms of the two gases were measured up to pressures of 20 MPa
(200 bar), at 40, 60 and 80 jC using a volumetric method. Total excess sorption capacities for methane on dry coals ranged
between 11 and 14 Std. cm3/g coal. The 40 jC sorption isotherms showed a saturation behavior while the 60 and 80 jC
isotherms exhibited a monotonous increase over the entire experimental pressure range (up to 20 MPa). Methane sorption
capacities of moisture-equilibrated coals were lower by f 20 – 25% than those for dry coals and ranged between 7 and 11 Std.
cm3/g coal. No distinct maturity effect was discernible for methane adsorption on the three samples studied, neither in the dry
nor in the moist state. CO2 adsorption isotherms for dry and moist coals showed substantial differences. For dry coals the
highest CO2 excess sorption capacities were observed at 40 jC with maximum values of 70 Std. cm3/g within limited pressure
ranges. Carbon dioxide excess sorption for the moisture-equilibrated coals was usually lower than for the dry samples in the low
pressure range. All high-pressure CO2 adsorption isotherms for moist samples were bimodal with distinct minima and even
negative excess sorption values in the 8 – 10 MPa (80 – 100 bar) range. Beyond this range CO2 adsorption capacity increased
with increasing pressure. High-temperature (80 jC) sorption capacities for CO2 were very low ( < 5 Std. cm3/g) in the low-
pressure range but reached much higher levels (25 – 50 Std. cm3/g) above 12 MPa. The strong bimodal character of the CO2
excess isotherms on moist coals is interpreted as the result of a swelling effect caused by supercritical CO2 and enhanced by
water. Some extent of swelling was also inferred for dry coals. Absolute sorption isotherms for CO2 were calculated assuming a
sorbed-phase density of 1028 kg/m3 and compared with literature data. Like the excess isotherms, the absolute isotherms show a
distinct decline in the 8 – 10 MPa pressure interval. At higher pressures, however, they increase monotonously. D 2002 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: High-pressure adsorption; Excess sorption capacity; Coalbed methane; Carbon dioxide; Pennsylvanian coals; CO2 storage

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. Rheinisch-Westf älische Technische
Hochschule, Lehrstuhl für Geologie, Geochemie und Lagerstätten
des Erdöls und der Kohle, Lochnerstrasse 4-20, 52056 Aachen,
Reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in order
Germany. Fax: +49-241-80-95753. to control the overall levels of CO2 in the atmosphere
E-mail address: (B.M. Krooss). has become an international priority in the wake of the

0166-5162/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 6 - 5 1 6 2 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 7 8 - 2
70 B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92

Kyoto Protocol. In that protocol, the Netherlands document the great potential of this process for both
committed to reducing their CO2 emissions by 6% CO2 sequestration and ECBM production.
from 2008 to 2012. Despite all past and ongoing Two main advantages must be emphasised that CO2
efforts put into the development of sustainable energy storage in coal has above other subsurface sequestra-
supply, the world still depends heavily on fossil fuels tion options. Firstly, injected CO2 replaces adsorbed
and will continue to do so for years to come. For this CH4 at the internal coal surface, adsorbing firmly to the
reason, technology options are required that will allow coal at a near-liquid density. Since the process of gas
for the continued use of fossil fuels without substan- adsorption has proven its stability through geological
tial emissions of CO2. Subsurface storage of CO2 in time periods, the chances of future CO2 release from
geological systems is considered as one promising non-mineable coal are considered minimal. Secondly,
perspective, which is currently being investigated both laboratory experiments and field tests suggest that
worldwide. This concept can be defended by the basic for two sequestered CO2 molecules, one CH4 molecule
principle of closed circles: emitted CO2 originates is produced. Laboratory experiments showed that this
from fossil fuel, taken from the subsurface, and should exchange ratio of 2:1 could be even larger at pressures
therefore be returned to the subsurface. In general, the higher than 9.6 MPa, where the gaseous CO2 changes
research window for projects on subsurface CO2 to supercritical CO2 (Hall et al., 1994). This exchange
storage is slowly but surely shifting from desk studies ratio could imply that, in areas rich in coal, energy
to demonstrations. One of the options considered in plants could be developed that would have an emission
this context is the storage of CO2 in underground coal of CO2 per energy unit that is much lower than that of
seams. conventional energy plants or even approaches zero.
The injection of CO2 into coal while simultane- This would make the technology of ECBM with gas
ously producing coalbed methane (CBM) combines (CO2) injection a clean source of energy.
the production of a ‘‘clean’’, hydrogen-rich fossil fuel The exchange ratio is of specific interest, since the
(methane) with CO2 sequestration (see Hamelinck et present European perspective for ECBM is on the CO2
al., 2001). The advantages expected from injecting sequestration potential rather than on the CH4 produc-
CO2 into coalbeds are numerous: apart from the effect tion. To study this exchange ratio an experimental
of CO2 sequestration it may accelerate CBM produc- programme has been set up for adsorption experiments
tion and improve the recovery of CBM (therefore the with CH4 and CO2 on coals. This experimental pro-
term Enhanced CBM production, or ECBM). Another gram is unique because it involves experiments with
benefit of this technology is that coal seams that pressures of up to 20 MPa (200 bar; f 3000 psi).
cannot be profitably mined could still be exploited The project work comprised the measurement, eval-
for the in situ methane, making available substantial uation and interpretation of methane and CO2 adsorp-
amounts of fossil fuel that could otherwise not be used tion isotherms on three representative Pennsylvanian
for energy production. Finally, this new technology coal samples of different rank from the Netherlands.
could be used for the decentralised generation of The study aimed at the quantification and prediction of
energy in remote areas close to coal-bearing basins, gas storage capacity and expected displacement behav-
minimising the costs of energy transportation. To date, ior of methane by CO2 under subsurface conditions.
only a few experimental ECBM/CO2 field sites have The experiments were carried out on dry and moisture-
been realised worldwide. A micro-pilot field test was equilibrated coals in order to assess the effect of natural
set-up in Alberta (Canada) by the Alberta Research moisture content on the sorption of the two gases.
Council (Gunter et al., 1997, 1998), while the world’s Adsorption isotherms were determined at 40, 60 and
first large-scale ECBM pilot using CO2 injection is 80 jC.
operated by Burlington Resources in the San Juan
Basin in New Mexico, USA (Schoeling and McGov-
ern, 2000; Reeves and Schoeling, 2000; Gunter et al., 2. Samples
1998). In Europe, the first field experiment with
ECBM/CO2 is scheduled to start in 2003 in the Upper The major part of the Dutch territory lies within the
Silesian Coal Basin in Poland. The ongoing tests Northwestern European Coal Basin. The most impor-
B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92 71

tant coal-bearing deposits in The Netherlands are the Joppe-1 and coal seam VI of Hengevelde-1, indicat-
Upper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Westphalian A ing that these seams belong to the same coal layer
to Upper Westphalian C sequences, which are present (Krans et al., 1986). The third sample with a higher
throughout the major part of The Netherlands at maturity was taken from a deeper coal seam in well
various depths with a total thickness of up to 3000 Joppe-1. The three coal samples have approximately
m. The coal content of the Westphalian strata varies the same vitrinite contents (about 70%; Table 1).
between 1.5% and 5%, with thickness of individual While liptinite contents are in the same range (11.6%
layers up to a maximum of 3.5 m. Within the West- and 14%) for the Hengevelde-1 VI and the Joppe-1
phalian A and B sequences coal horizons occur with IV coals, the Joppe-1 IX coal has a very low liptinite
an average spacing of 10 m (Pagnier et al., 1987). content (1%) and a substantially higher percentage of
From a geological point of view the Dutch coal basins inertinite (30%).
are comparable to the CBM production fields of the Due to the long storage time the coal samples may
Black Warrior Basin in Alabama (US), which were be affected by oxidation. According to Mavor and
deposited in a similar depositional setting. Pratt (1993) oxidation can reduce sorption capacities
All coal deposits in the Netherlands are presently of coals by as much as 11%. Comparison of the
at considerable depth, and only accessible by subsur- analytical results from 1987 with those of 2000 (Table
face mining and by wells. Since active coal mining 1) shows a slight increase in the Rock-Eval Oxygen
in the Netherlands ceased in late 1974, the most Index and a slight decrease in the Rock-Eval Hydro-
recent coal samples from cores are from coal explo- gen Index, indicating a marginal oxidation of the
ration wells that were drilled in the mid-1980s. Coal samples. It must be noted, however, that the results
samples from these cores were taken at that time and were acquired by different analytical apparatus (Rock-
stored in sealed glass containers. The three selected Eval II and Rock-Eval VI, respectively), which may
samples (Table 1) are from the Achterhoek area (Fig. also be a cause of differences in the absolute values
1). A correlation exists between coal seam IV of (see for example the increase in the TOC value of

Table 1
Origin and properties of coal samples used in this study, for details cf. Krans et al. (1986)
Location Hengevelde-1 Joppe-1 Joppe-1
Coal seam VI IV IX
Depth (top) [m] 1106 1164 1484
Thickness of layer [cm] 72 97 57
Pure coal [cm] 57 96 57
Year of measurement 1987 2000 1987 2000 1987 2000
Liptinite (%) 11.6 16.8 14.0 15.0 1.0 4.3
Vitrinite (%) 73.6 73.3 67.5 71.2 68.4 68.6
Inertinite (%) 14.8 9.9 20.4 13.8 30.6 27.1
Moisture content (%) 4.87 3.00 1.27 0.50 n.a. 0.40
Ash content (%) 12.0 10.1 5.54 5.70 n.a. 4.40
Vitrinite reflectance (%) (50 readings) 0.72 0.73 1.19 1.18 1.56 1.53
Volatile matter (d.a.f.) 41.18 n.a. 27.25 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Fixed carbon (d.a.f.) 58.82 n.a. 72.75 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Rock-Eval Tmax 429 428 461 461 476 476
Rock-Eval S1 [mg HC/g] 2.65 3.19 3.10 2.15 3.03 4.89
Rock-Eval S2 [mg HC/g] 151.27 125.12 126.30 133.90 96.24 99.34
Rock-Eval S3 [mg CO2/g TOC] 4.25 6 1.40 2.48 2.01 3.26
Rock-Eval TOC (%) 75.68 69.71 70.16 84.20 90.44 74.18
Rock-Eval Hydrogen Index [mg HC/g TOC] 199 179 180 159 106 133
Rock-Eval Oxygen Index [mg CO2/g TOC] 5 9 1 3 2 4
Rock-Eval measurements were performed with a Rock-Eval II instrument in 1987 and with a Rock-Eval VI instrument in 2000.
B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92
Fig. 1. Location of the coal-bearing Achterhoek area in the Northwestern European coal basin. Indicated are the distribution of Pennsylvanian (Westphalian) deposits and coalfields in
Northwestern Europe. The inset shows the depth of the top of the Pennsylvanian deposits (in meters) and the location of the wells Joppe-1 (JPE-1) and Hengevelde-1 (HGV-1) and the
location of other coal, oil and gas exploration wells in the area (squares).
B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92 73

sample Joppe-1 IV). Oxidation effects thus cannot be Moisture equilibration of the samples was carried
excluded but in our opinion this will not dramatically out according to the ‘‘Standard Test Method for
affect the experimental results. Equilibrium Moisture of Coal at 96 to 97 Percent
Relative Humidity and 30 jC’’ (ASTM D 1412-93).
This modified ASTM procedure is the recommended
3. Experimental method to reproduce the moisture content under
reservoir conditions (Mavor et al., 1990). A quantity
3.1. Sample preparation of 25 g of sample was suspended in water and stirred
for 3 h at a temperature of 30 jC. After this wetting
The crushed samples were divided and aliquots period, the excess water was removed and portions of
were ground to pass a sieve size of 0.2 mm. The 5 g were transferred into a small vacuum-type desic-
moisture content of the samples as received was cator and equilibrated over a saturated solution of
determined according to DIN 51718. Between 0.9 potassium sulfate at 30 jC. Instead of an equilibration
and 1 g of coal was weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g time of 48 h required by the ASTM procedure the
and then dried for 90 min in an insulated air cabinet. samples were moisture-equilibrated for 60 h in this
The sample was then placed in a desiccator over silica study. The progress of the moisturizing procedure was
gel to cool down and weighed again. For adsorption not monitored by intermittent weighing of the sam-
measurements on dry coals, the samples were vac- ples, but the final moisture content was found to be in
uum-dried in the adsorption apparatus for 1.5 h at a the range of values reported for coals of similar rank
temperature of 105 jC. and composition by the German mining industry.

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up for gas adsorption on coals (A) and definitions for the volumetric method for gas sorption
measurements (B).
74 B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92

After moisturizing, the sample material was trans- occupied by the solid sample. This latter quantity is
ferred immediately to the adsorption cell. An ali- calculated from the molar concentration (cgas) in the
quot was used for determination of the moisture gas phase which is obtained from an equation of state
content. (EOS) of the gas for the corresponding pressure and
temperature conditions:
3.2. Experimental set-up
nsorbed ¼ ntotal  cgas Vvoid
Fig. 2A shows a schematic diagram of the exper-
¼ ntotal  cgas ðVsample cell  Vsample Þ: ð1Þ
imental set-up consisting of a stainless-steel sample
cell, a set of actuator-driven valves and a high- This approach assumes that the concentration of
precision pressure transducer (max. pressure 25 the gas is uniform up to a mathematical surface (the
MPa, with a precision of 0.05% of the full scale Gibbs dividing surface) separating the homogeneous
value). The volume between valves V2 and V3, solid and gas phases (cf. Specovius and Findenegg,
including the dead volume of the pressure transducer, 1978). The volumes relevant for the measurement and
is used as reference volume (see below) and deter- evaluation of the excess (Gibbs) adsorption are shown
mined by helium expansion in a calibration procedure. in Fig. 2B. The total amount of gas introduced into the
The powdered coal samples are placed into the system is computed from the amounts of gas trans-
calibrated sample cell. A 2-Am in-line filter is used ferred successively through the reference volume Vref
to prevent coal or mineral particles from entering the into the sample cell. The value of nsorbed depends on
valves. The sample cell is kept in a thermostate oven the precise assessment of the volume Vsample which is
(GC-furnace) the temperature of which is constant to determined by helium expansion measurements prior
F 0.1 jC of the setpoint. Due to temperature limita- to the adsorption experiment.
tions ( < 60 jC) the pressure transducer and the valves The Gibbs excess sorption method assumes a
(V1-V3) are kept in a separate thermo-regulated constant ratio of condensed phase volume and void
compartment at a different temperature (45 jC) than volume throughout the experiment and requires no
the sample cell. This temperature difference between further assumptions. Sorption will, however, result in
the two sections of the set-up is taken into account in non-uniform concentrations in the vicinity of the solid
the evaluation. The temperature gradient in the (low- surface and the formation of a sorbed phase. At low
volume) tubing connecting the sample cell with the pressures the gas phase has a much lower specific
switching valve V3 is neglected. For the high-pressure density than the adsorbed phase so that the volume of
CO2 adsorption experiments the measuring gas is the latter can be neglected with respect to the void
stored in a 150-ml pressure vessel at 45 jC in its volume of the sample cell. In high-pressure adsorp-
supercritical state. tion experiments the amount of sorbed phase
increases while at the same time the density differ-
3.2.1. Volumetric method for gas sorption measure- ence between the free gas and the adsorbed gas
ments on coal decreases.
The theoretical background and experimental pro- In order to assess the ‘‘absolute sorption’’ of a
cedures for the volumetric measurement of gas sorp- substance, the volume of the sorbed phase has to be
tion isotherms on coals are discussed in Mavor et al. taken into account explicitly. The volume of the
(1990). The process of adsorption removes sorbate sample cell is thus subdivided into the solid sample
gas molecules from the free gas phase and thus results (sorbent) volume, the volume of the sorbed phase and
in a decrease of the gas pressure within the exper- the void volume:
imental system. The most fundamental operational
procedure to quantify gas adsorption is the Gibbs Vsample cell ¼ Vsample þ Vvoid þ Vsorbed phase ð2Þ
approach. Here the amount of adsorbed gas (nadsorbed)
is defined as the difference between the total amount As the density of the adsorbed phase cannot be
of gas (ntotal) present in the system and the amount readily determined this evaluation has to rely on
occupying the void volume (Vvoid), i.e. the volume not estimates.
B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92 75

Like the Gibbs evaluation scheme the computa- is in line with results of high-pressure methane
tion of ‘‘absolute sorption’’ assumes that the volume adsorption experiments on microporous adsorbents
of the solid sorbent remains constant during the (activated carbon). This phenomenon which is
measurement, i.e. no swelling or volume decrease observed when the bulk density of the gas phase starts
occurs. to rise faster than the adsorbed phase density as a
function of pressure was studied by Bénard and
3.3. Equations of state (EOS) Chahine (1997). These authors use a model based
on the Lennard –Jones interaction of methane mole-
The volumetric method for gas adsorption meas- cules adsorbed on a bidimensional hexagonal lattice
urements requires a precise knowledge of the specific of graphite planes. High repulsive forces between
density of the free gas phase under the experimental nearest-neighboring adsorption sites resist a full occu-
pressure and temperature conditions. pation of the lattice and a corresponding increase of
For methane a variety of equations of state (EOS) the adsorbed phase density.
are available describing the volumetric behavior of
this gas with good precision. The most commonly 4.2. Low-pressure CO2 adsorption on dry coals
applied EOS are the Peng –Robinson and Redlich–
Kwong equations which were also used in the initial Four low-pressure adsorption tests were performed
phase of this work. More recently, high-precision EOS with CO2 on dry Joppe-1 IV coal at 40 and 80 jC.
have been reported for methane (Setzmann and Wag- These test experiments reached maximum CO2 pres-
ner, 1991) and carbon dioxide (Span and Wagner, sures of f 5.5 MPa (55 bar). Fig. 6 shows the low-
1996). In the further course of the study a program pressure CO2 excess sorption isotherms measured at
package based on these EOS was used (courtesy Prof. 40 jC. At the final pressures of the two experiments
Wagner, University of Bochum). the excess sorption of the CO2 amounts to f 20 –22
cm3 STP/g coal. For comparison this graph also
shows the methane sorption isotherm measured under
4. Results the same conditions. At the final pressure of the CO2
isotherms the excess sorption for methane ranges
4.1. High-pressure methane adsorption on dry and around 13 cm3 STP/g and approaches a value of
moisture-equilibrated coals 16.3 cm3 STP/g between 160 and 180 bar. Plotted
in Fig. 7 are the excess sorption isotherms for CO2
The isotherms of the high-pressure methane sorp- and methane on the dry Joppe-1 IV coal at 80 jC. The
tion experiments performed on the dry and moisture- maximum sorption capacity for CO2 recorded at 55
equilibrated coal samples are shown in Figs. 3 – 5. bar is 17 cm3 STP/g and thus by approximately 20%
Usually three experiments at different temperatures lower than the corresponding value at 40 jC. At this
were carried out on the same moisture-equilibrated pressure the methane sorption capacity is 10 cm3 STP/
sample. It is evident from these figures that, while the g, while the final value at f 180 bar lies at 14 cm3
40 jC isotherms for the dry and moist coals exhibit a STP/g.
saturation behavior at high pressures, and in some
instances even a slight decrease with pressure (i.e. a 4.3. High-pressure CO2 adsorption on dry coals
maximum), the 60 and 80 jC isotherms increase
monotonously over the entire experimental pressure In the high-pressure CO2 adsorption experiments
range. This results in an intersection of isotherms on dry coals (Figs. 8 – 10) the highest excess sorption
which is consistently observed for both dry and moist capacities are observed at 40 jC with maximum
samples, i.e. at high pressures the high-temperature values of 70 Std. cm3/g within limited pressure
excess sorption capacities exceed the corresponding ranges. The adsorption isotherms have different
low-temperature sorption capacities. shapes which vary both with temperature and sample.
The occurrence of a maximum in the 40 jC The 40 jC isotherms show a sharp increase in excess
methane excess sorption isotherms on the dry coals CO2 sorption capacity between 8 and 10 MPa (80 –
76 B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92

Fig. 3. Sorption isotherms for methane on dry and moisture-equilibrated Hengevelde-1 VI coal (Rr = 0.72%) at 40, 60 and 80 jC.

Fig. 4. Sorption isotherms for methane on dry and moisture-equilibrated Joppe-1 IV coal (Rr = 1.19%) at 40, 60 and 80 jC.
B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92 77

Fig. 5. Sorption isotherms for methane on dry and moisture-equilibrated Joppe-1 IX coal (Rr = 1.56%) at 40, 60 and 80 jC.

Fig. 6. Excess sorption isotherms for CO2 and methane measured on dry Joppe-1 IV coal (Rr = 0.72%) at 40 jC.
78 B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92

Fig. 7. Excess sorption isotherms for CO2 and methane measured on dry Joppe-1 IV coal at 80 jC.

100 bar), particularly for the HGV-1 VI and the JPE-1 The 60 jC CO2 adsorption isotherms for the dry
IX samples; for the latter sample the sorption capacity coals show different patterns. In one instance (HGV-1
peaks at 70 Std. cm3/g (at f 9 MPa) and then declines VI; Fig. 8) a bimodal shape with maxima around 5
to 60 Std. cm3/g (Fig. 10). and 12 MPa and a minimum at 9 MPa is observed.

Fig. 8. Excess sorption isotherms for CO2 on dry Hengevelde-1 VI coal at 40, 60 and 80 jC.
B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92 79

Fig. 9. Excess sorption isotherms for CO2 on dry Joppe-1 IV coal at 40, 60 and 80 jC.

One isotherm (JPE-1 IV; Fig. 9) shows a single 4.4. High-pressure CO2 adsorption on moisture-
maximum around 9 MPa followed by a continuous equilibrated coals
decline in sorption capacity and one sorption isotherm
(JPE-1 IX; Fig. 10) shows a monotonous increase All high-pressure CO2 adsorption isotherms for
with pressure. The 80 jC CO2 isotherms of all three moisture-equilibrated samples shown in Figs. 11 –13
samples increase monotonously up to pressures are bimodal with distinct minima in the 8– 10 MPa
between 6 and 10 MPa (60 – 100 bar) and then remain (80 – 100 bar) range. In several instances the ‘‘excess
either approximately constant (JPE-1 IX) or decrease. sorption’’ values take negative values in this pressure

Fig. 10. Excess sorption isotherms for CO2 on dry Joppe-1 IX coal at 40, 60 and 80 jC.
80 B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92

Fig. 11. Excess sorption isotherms for CO2 on moisture-equilibrated Hengevelde-1 VI coal at 40, 60 and 80 jC.

interval. The highest excess sorption values for the Std. cm3/g. The bimodal 60 jC isotherms show a
moist coals are observed in the 60 and 80 jC broader ‘‘valley’’; in one case (JPE-1 IV) excess
isotherms at pressures in excess of 12 MPa (120 sorption values become negative in the 8 –10 MPa
bar). The 40 jC isotherms show a sharp decrease in interval; all 60 jC isotherms are characterised by a
excess sorption capacity around 8 MPa (80 bar); in small sorption maximum (7– 10 Std. cm3/g) in the
two instances (HGV-1 IV; JPE-1-IX) the excess low-pressure range and a large sorption maximum
adsorption takes large negative values (  26;  14 (17 –35 Std. cm3/g) in the high-pressure range; at very
Std. cm3/g); above 9 MPa (90 bar) sorption capacities high pressures ( > 13 MPa) the CO2 sorption capacity
are positive again and reach values between 8 and 25 decreases continuously. The 80 jC isotherms are

Fig. 12. Excess sorption isotherms for CO2 on moisture-equilibrated Joppe-1 IV coal at 40, 60 and 80 jC.
B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92 81

Fig. 13. Excess sorption isotherms for CO2 on moisture-equilibrated Joppe-1 IX coal at 40, 60 and 80 jC.

bimodal with wide ranges (4– 10 MPa; 40– 100 bar) of these studies did not reach pressures higher than 10
of negative excess sorption values; the low-pressure MPa. The consistent crossover that can be observed in
sorption maxima range between 2 and 5 Std. cm3/g; at Figs. 3 –5 indicates that temperature effects are prob-
high pressures the CO2 sorption capacity increases ably more complex than so far assumed. The most
dramatically and reaches values between 25 and 45 probable explanation for this crossover is decreasing
Std. cm3/g beyond 14 MPa (140 bar). influence of the sorbed phase volume with increasing
temperature. At lower temperatures the density differ-
ence between the sorbed phase and the free gas phase
5. Discussion becomes smaller and the excess sorption evaluation,
neglecting the sorbed phase volume, is no longer
5.1. Pressure and temperature effects justified.
Temperature effects could not be clearly discerned
The methane isotherms display a normal Lang- in the CO2 experiments.
muir-type behavior up to a pressure of about 10 MPa.
Some isotherms reach a clear maximum beyond this 5.2. Coal composition and rank effects
point, which results in a deviation from the Langmuir
equation at higher pressures, since this relation pre- The effect of maceral composition on gas sorption
dicts a monotonous asymptotic approach to a limiting capacity (GSC) is still a matter of debate. Although
value at infinite pressure. The effect of pressure the role of coal type (maceral composition) on gas
increase on the adsorption capacity of coal for CO2 adsorption is not fully established, many workers have
is evaluated below. indicated that coal maceral composition influences the
The clear negative effect of temperature on the GSC of coal. An explanation for the relationship
adsorption capacity up to a pressure of about 10 MPa between composition and GSC may be provided by
is in agreement with literature data (e.g. Levy et al., the pore structure of the macerals. Clarkson and
1997; Bustin and Clarkson, 1998; Kim, 1977; Fails, Bustin (1996) found a general increase in the total
1996). It must be noted that the experiments of most number of micropores with increasing vitrinite content
82 B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92

in Western Canadian Cretaceous coals and stated that 5.3. Moisture effects
the composition has a definite influence on pore
structure and GSC of coal. According to Crosdale et It is generally found that increasing moisture con-
al. (1998) coal rank and composition per se do not tent results in a reduction of GSC. One possible
appear to be the critical factors in controlling gas explanation is that the accessible micropore volume
sorption, but rather the influence they exert over pore in moist coals is much less than in dry coals, due to
structure development. either a reduction of pore size due to water adsorption
Various studies report an increase in gas sorption or to swelling of the coal (Seewald and Klein, 1986).
capacity with increasing vitrinite content (e.g. Lamber- Studies of Australian and United States coals have
son and Bustin, 1993; Levine et al., 1993; Beamish and shown a linear decrease in methane adsorption
Gamson, 1993; Crosdale and Beamish, 1993), suggest- capacity with increasing moisture content. Above a
ing a prominent role of this maceral in gas adsorption certain moisture concentration, the GSC does not
on coals. The results of earlier research by Ettinger et al. decrease any further because all possible adsorption
(1966), who state that fusinites could adsorb twice as sites for water are occupied. This moisture content is
much methane as vitrinites, are probably related to the considered to be the maximum capacity of the partic-
type of fusinite analysed (Crosdale et al., 1998). ular coal for adsorption of water (Joubert et al., 1974;
Coal rank is generally considered to be the main Levy et al., 1997; Bustin and Clarkson, 1998). Accord-
parameter affecting the methane adsorption capacity of ing to Mavor et al. (1990) as little as 1% moisture may
coal (Ryan, 1992). According to Yee et al. (1993) reduce the adsorption capacity by 25%, and 5%
moisture equilibrated coals show an increase of GSC moisture results in a loss of adsorption capacity of
with increasing rank. Earlier reports on U-shaped 65% (Lama and Bodziony, 1996). Clearly, the results
trends can probably be attributed to the fact that these of the methane experiments of this study, a reduction
earlier measurements have been performed on dry of 20 – 25% for the moisture-equilibrated coals as
coals (Yee et al., 1993). One possible explanation for compared to dry coals, support these observations.
the difference in rank dependency of dry and moist The reduction of GSC by more than 20% also supports
coal is given by Levine (1991), who postulates that the the conclusions of Bustin and Clarkson (1998), who
influence of moisture on gas sorption could change the state that the role of moisture during ad-/desorption of
trend to one of increasing gas sorption capacity with coal gas is beyond that of a simple contaminant, e.g.
rank, since low rank coals have high affinities for ash content, that can be corrected for by calculating the
water. Levy et al. (1997) found a linear increase of results on a dry basis. Water competes for adsorption
GSC with increasing carbon content for moisture sites on the coal surface and may block the access of
equilibrated coals. Research of Coppens (1967), based gas to the micropore system (Yee et al., 1993; Laxmi-
on adsorption experiments, also showed that there is an narayana and Crosdale, 1999).
increase of GSC with an increase in rank in the Belgian The effect of moisture on CO2 adsorption appears
part of the Campine Basin. However, on a global scale to be even more complex, considering the differences
there are statistically no significant linear or non-linear in the shape of the isotherms of experiments on dry
correlations between rank and adsorption capacity and on moist coals. In general, it can be observed that
(Bustin and Clarkson, 1998). carbon dioxide sorption capacities for the moisture-
In the experiments reported here, the effects of equilibrated coals are usually lower than for the dry
maceral composition and of rank could not be clearly samples.
discerned within the selected set of samples. Given
the small variation in vitrinite content (Table 1), it was 5.4. Low-pressure (<6 MPa) CO2 adsorption on dry
initially assumed that rank effects would be predom- coals
inant and overprint possible maceral effects. Compar-
ison of the isotherms, for both CH4 and CO2, in this The low-pressure CO2 isotherms on dry coals
study does not reveal any distinct and systematic rank- display ‘‘normal’’ Langmuir-type adsorption behavior
dependent trends between the samples. Probably, the with increasing pressure. The 40 jC isotherm (Fig. 6)
maceral effects are larger than initially assumed. shows that, in molar units, the quantity of CO2
B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92 83

adsorbed on the dry coal at 55 bar is 1.6 times the of the Gibbs approach for a strongly non-ideal gas at
quantity of methane adsorbed, i.e. the ‘‘exchange high pressures and comparatively low temperatures.
ratio’’ (n(CO2 ads.)/n(CH4 ads.) is less than 2. At lower Up to now only a limited number of comparable
pressures this ratio approaches a value of 2. The molar high-pressure adsorption data for CO2 on coals have
sorption capacity of CO2 of the 80 jC isotherm at the been reported in the published literature. Hall et al.
final pressure level is 1.7 times that of CH4, i.e. close (1994) have conducted experiments of up to 12 MPa
to the value observed in the 40 jC experiment. In (1800 psi). Therefore, the sorption isotherms meas-
general, comparison of the experimental excess sorp- ured in the present study, at pressures of up to 20
tion data determined in this study shows that, up to a MPa, represent a unique data-set. Due to the lack of
pressure of about 6 MPa (60 bar), the adsorption of reference data, the reliability and consistency of our
CO2 is about twice the adsorption of pure CH4. This is experimental results can presently only be established
in good agreement with earlier research (e.g. Fulton et by detailed scrutiny of the experimental evaluations
al., 1980; Reznik et al., 1984; Puri and Yee, 1990; and systematic comparison of the results of the
Stevenson et al., 1991; Arri et al., 1992; Hall et al., various experiments. Due to the unexpected properties
1994; Stevens and Pekot, 1999; Wolf et al., 1999). of the CO2 sorption isotherms, particularly for the
moist samples the experimental measurements have
5.5. High-pressure CO2 adsorption experiments been thoroughly reviewed and great care has been
taken to eliminate experimental artefacts. Reproduci-
Clearly, the shapes of the high-pressure CO2 iso- bility measurements and duplicate runs have been
therms are more complex than the CH4 isotherms. conducted to corroborate the experimental results.
Especially, the negative excess sorption values in the Because experimental errors can be largely ruled
8 – 10 MPa pressure interval were unexpected but out, it is concluded that the initial assumptions sta-
could be attributed, at least partly, to the inadequacy ted above are not valid for high-pressure CO2

Fig. 14. Comparison of absolute sorption isotherms for CO2 at 40 jC on the three coals investigated in this study.
84 B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92

Fig. 15. Comparison of absolute sorption isotherms for CO2 at 40 jC on Joppe-1 IX coal with results by Hall et al. (1994) on wet Fruitland coal
at 115 jF.

adsorption on coal. The evaluation of the high- 14. Evidently, even the explicit consideration of the
pressure CO2 adsorption experiments in terms of sorbed phase volume does not remove the distinct
excess sorption (Gibbs sorption) reveals substantial decline in the adsorption isotherms in the 80 –100 bar
deviations of the isotherm from the ‘‘normal’’ shape pressure interval. It is also obvious that the extent of
indicating a strong volumetric effect. This effect this decline is not directly related to the rank of the
could be due to the formation of a voluminous coals nor to the maceral composition. On the other
adsorbed phase at high pressures or/and to swelling hand, a tendency of increasing absolute CO2 sorption
of the coal matrix. Given the differences in the CO2 capacity with coal rank is observed both in the low-
sorption isotherms for dry and moist coals, water and the high-pressure region.
appears to play an important role by enhancing Fig. 15 shows a comparison of the 40 jC absolute
either the formation of a voluminous (low specific sorption isotherm for the moist Joppe-1 IX coal
density) sorbed phase or the swelling process of the measured in this study with the 115 jF (46.11 jC)
solid coal. corresponding isotherms for wet Fruitland coal by
In order to examine the influence of the effect of Hall et al. (1994). While the isotherms from these
the adsorbed phase, absolute sorption isotherms have two studies show nearly perfect agreement in the low-
been computed for CO2 adsorption on the moist coals. pressure range, they deviate strongly beyond f 7
Following the approach of Hall et al. (1994) the MPa. The decline in adsorption isotherms observed
specific volume of the adsorbed CO2 phase was taken repeatedly in the present study is not evident in the
as the van der Waals co-volume of 42.8 cm3/gmol, results of Hall et al. (1994). Furthermore, the absolute
corresponding to 1028 kg/m3. The 40 jC absolute CO2 sorption capacity of the wet Fruitland coal
sorption isotherms for the three moisture-equilibrated increases in a much smaller pressure interval than
coals resulting from this evaluation are shown in Fig. the sorption capacity of the Joppe-1 IX coal and the
B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92 85

other Pennsylvanian coals studied in our laboratory. range. Beyond this range CO2 adsorption capacity
Further investigations are required to reveal in more increases with increasing pressure. High-temperature
detail the high-pressure CO2 sorption behavior of (80 jC) sorption capacities for CO2 are very low ( < 5
coals of different rank and maceral composition. Std. cm3/g) in the low-pressure range but reach much
In conclusion, the CO2 sorption behaviour appears higher levels (25 – 50 Std. cm3/g) above 12 MPa.
to be very sensitive to small variations in the exper- The fact that the distinct decline in the CO2 excess
imental conditions and the sample properties (e.g. sorption curves is only observed for moisture-equili-
moisture content) in the high pressure regime ( P > 6 brated coals and does not or only marginally occur in
MPa). The variability of the observed CO2 adsorption the dry coal experiments is considered as a strong
curves indicates that a quantitative prediction of the argument against systematic experimental errors.
sorption capacity of moist coals for this gas is prob- The experimental results for the CO2 adsorption on
lematic. It is expected that, with an increasing exper- the moist coals, and to some extent on the dry coals,
imental database, an improved appreciation and indicate the occurrence of an important volumetric
understanding of the various types of experimental effect in the pressure range from f 80 to 120 bar (8 –
curves will emerge so that the observations can be 12 MPa). Apart from the formation of a voluminous
related to specific properties of the coals and the sorbed phase this effect is likely to be due to coal
underlying physico-chemical processes. swelling. The volume increase of the condensed phase
(solid coal + adsorbed CO2) was estimated to amount
to more than 20% of the initial coal volume in certain
6. Summary and conclusions pressure intervals.
Evaluations of the experimental data for CO2
A comprehensive data-set for methane and carbon adsorption on moist coals in terms of absolute sorp-
dioxide adsorption on dry and moisture-equilibrated tion were performed assuming a constant specific
Pennsylvanian coals from The Netherlands up to 20 density of 1028 kg/m3 for the adsorbed CO2. While
MPa has been obtained during this study. While the these evaluations show good agreement with literature
results of methane sorption tests on dry coals essen- data (Hall et al., 1994) in the low-pressure range (up
tially confirmed earlier experimental work, the exten- to f 8 MPa) and for total CO2 sorption capacity at
sion of the experiments to moist coals and to high pressures, the anomalies (decreasing and nega-
supercritical carbon dioxide revealed an increasing tive sorption values) in the 8– 12 MPa pressure range
complexity of the gas sorption behavior. Pilot meas- persist, underlining the importance of the volumetric
urements of CO2 adsorption at low pressures ( < 6 effect. It remains to be examined whether this phe-
MPa) on one dry coal (Joppe-1 IV, dried at 105 jC) nomenon observed in this study on the powdered coal
yielded maximum adsorption capacities of 21 and 17 equally affects solid coal. This might have important
m3 STP/g coal at 40 and 80 jC, respectively. implications for ECBM and CO2 sequestration tech-
The high-pressure CO2 adsorption isotherms for niques.
dry and moist coals show strong differences. For the One further important issue of direct relevance for
dry coals the highest CO2 excess sorption capacities CO2 storage in coals is the investigation of the
are observed at 40 jC with maximum values of 70 sorption behaviour of methane and carbon dioxide
Std. cm3/g within limited pressure ranges. Particularly mixtures which involves direct competition of the two
the excess sorption curves recorded at the lower molecules for the available sorption sites. The effects
temperatures (40 and 60 jC) exhibit distinct structures of moisture content and coal composition on the
with local maxima while the 80 jC isotherms are selectivity of CO2 adsorption have been studied
usually less structured. recently by Clarkson and Bustin (2000).
Carbon dioxide sorption capacities for the mois-
ture-equilibrated coals are usually lower than for the 6.1. Units and conversion factors
dry samples in the low pressure range. All CO2
adsorption isotherms for moist samples are bimodal The adsorption capacities in this paper are ex-
with distinct minima in the 8 – 10 MPa (80 –100 bar) pressed in standard cm3 per gram of coal (Std. cm3/
86 B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92

g coal) corresponding to standard m3 per ton of coal Appendix A. Experimental errors and
(Std. m3/t coal). Here ‘‘standard conditions’’ refers to reproducibility
a temperature of 15 jC (288.15 K; 59 jF) and
atmospheric pressure (101 325 Pa; 1.01325 bar; 14.7 Experimental errors and reproducibility problems
psi). The molar volume (Vm) of an ideal gas at these of the adsorption measurements can be expected to
conditions is 0.02364 m3/mol (0.835 ft3/mol). Con- arise from errors in temperature and pressure record-
version into mass units can be accomplished using the ings. Generally, the calibration measurements con-
following factors: ducted repeatedly during this study showed a good
reproducibility. Thus, the variation in the volumes of
1 Std. m3 CH4 = 0.677 kg the reference-cell and the measuring-cell determined
1 Std. m3 CO2 = 1.86 kg in the calibration tests was in the range of 1.5%. In the
following section the potential effects of errors in
Acknowledgements temperature and pressure measurements are evaluated
for the methane and carbon dioxide sorption iso-
This project has been performed under Programme therms.
number 234.1 with NOVEM BV, the Netherlands
Agency for Energy and the Environment (see Hame- A.1. Temperature effect
linck et al., 2001). We thank Prof. W. Wagner of
Ruhruniversität Bochum for providing the EOS Temperatures of the oven accommodating the
software for methane and carbon dioxide. Furthermore, measuring-cell and the thermostated chamber contain-
we gratefully acknowledge the support by Dirk Prinz ing the reference-cell varied by no more than 0.2 jC.
and Roland Gaschnitz in experimental matters and In order to demonstrate the effect of temperature
design of the evaluation procedures. The final manu- variations on the results of the adsorption experi-
script benefited from thorough reviews by J. Close and ments, evaluations were carried out with temperature
C. Clarkson who provided helpful information and values deviating by F 0.5 jC from the measured
suggestions on theoretical and technical aspects. values. This temperature variation was performed

Fig. 16. Effect of error in temperature measurement (measuring-cell) on the excess sorption of methane. Experimental temperature: 40 jC.
Isotherms calculated for 39.5, 40 and 40.5 jC.
B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92 87

Fig. 17. Effect of error in temperature measurement in the reference-cell on the excess sorption results of methane, assuming F 0.5 jC

both for the temperature in the reference-cell and in possible influence of errors in the pressure measure-
the measuring-cell. ments the measured pressures were varied by F 0.5 bar.

A.2. Pressure effect A.3. Methane isotherms

As stated in the Experimental section the precision The results of the analysis of temperature and
of the pressure transducers used in these experiments is pressure errors for a methane adsorption experiment
0.05% of the full scale value (25 MPa), corresponding on dry coal are shown in Fig. 16 (variation of
to 0.0125 MPa (0.125 bar). In order to assess the measuring-cell temperature), Fig. 17 (variation of

Fig. 18. Effect of error in pressure measurements on the excess sorption results of methane, assuming F 0.5 bar deviation.
88 B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92

Fig. 19. Effect of error in temperature measurement (measuring-cell) on the excess sorption of carbon dioxide. Experimental temperature: 40 jC.
Isotherms calculated for 39.5, 40 and 40.5 jC.

reference-cell temperature) and Fig. 18 (pressure var- in the sorption isotherms reach approximately F 10%.
iation). Evidently, a temperature variation of F 0.5 jC The shapes of the sorption isotherms remain essen-
(i.e. substantially larger than the expected experimen- tially unchanged.
tal variation) results in significant variations of the A F 0.5 bar pressure variation results in variations
methane sorption isotherms only above 60 bar. When of the methane adsorption isotherms of approximately
approaching the final pressure ( f 200 bar) the errors F 5% over the entire pressure range.

Fig. 20. Effect of error in temperature measurement in the reference-cell on the excess sorption results of carbon dioxide, assuming F 0.5 jC
B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92 89

Fig. 21. Effect of error in pressure measurements on the excess sorption results of carbon dioxide, assuming F 0.5 bar deviation.

A.4. Carbon dioxide isotherms impact on the excess sorption values reaching up to
F 20% in the high-pressure region. Errors in the
The effects of errors in temperature and pressure measuring-cell temperature and in the pressure record-
measurements on the carbon dioxide excess sorption ing result in significantly smaller errors in the excess
isotherms are shown in Figs. 19 –21 for the moisture- sorption values. It is important to note that the overall
equilibrated Joppe-1 IX coal. It is evident that errors in shape of the excess sorption curves is unaffected by the
the temperature of the reference-cell have the strongest errors in temperature and pressure measurements,

Fig. 22. Cumulative amounts of CO2 in the measuring-cell with void volumes of 4.0549 and 3.662 cm3, respectively, during blind experiments
(no coal) at 40 jC. The corresponding curve for an intermediate void volume of 3.8066 cm2 was calculated by linear interpolation.
90 B.M. Krooss et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 51 (2002) 69–92

Fig. 23. Cumulative amount of CO2 in the measuring-cell determined in the coal adsorption experiment and for the ‘‘no-sorption’’ case. The
excess sorption represents the difference between the sorption and the no-sorption curve. Evidently, the subtraction yields a positive excess
sorption in the high- and low-pressure regions while negative values occur in the 80 – 100 bar range.

indicating that the observed effect of declining and ing-cell was recorded as a function of pressure over
negative excess sorption values in the 80– 120 bar the entire experimental pressure range (Fig. 22).
pressure range is not primarily due to experimental (2) Based on these two curves another curve
errors. corresponding to the void volume of the subsequent
coal adsorption experiment was calculated by linear
A.5. Investigation of causes for unexpected CO2 interpolation. This curve, shown also in Fig. 22 (for a
excess sorption isotherms void volume of 3.8066 cm3), represents the ‘‘no-
sorption’’ case.
The high-pressure excess sorption isotherms for (3) The ‘‘no-sorption’’ curve was then compared
carbon dioxide, particularly on moisture-equilibrated with the cumulative CO2 curve measured in the coal
coals, measured during this study showed unexpected adsorption experiment (Fig. 23). Subtraction of the
excursions in the 80 –120 bar pressure range. These ‘‘no-sorption’’ curve from the coal adsorption curve
observations gave rise to concerns about the exper- yields the excess sorption. As evident from Fig. 23
imental procedure and prompted us to perform a this subtraction yields negative values in the 80– 100
number of tests to substantiate the findings. In order bar pressure range.
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