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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2005, 40, 105–116 105

Original article
The quality of orange juice processed by coupling
crossflow microfiltration and osmotic evaporation

Mady Cisse1,2, Fabrice Vaillant1,3, Ana Perez3, Manuel Dornier1,2* & Max Reynes1
1 Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), Tropical Fruits Dept.
(FLHOR), av. Agropolis, TA 50/PS4, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
2 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Alimentaires (ENSIA), Tropical Food Dept. (SIARC), 1101 av. Agropolis, CS
24501, 34093 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
3 Centro Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a de Alimentos (CITA), Universidad de Costa Rica, Codigo Postal 2060, San Jose,
Costa Rica
(Received 28 November 2003; Accepted in revised form 15 June 2004)

Summary Crossflow microfiltration (CFM) and osmotic evaporation (OE) were implemented on a
semi-industrial pilot scale to obtain clarified orange juice concentrates at 450 and
620 g kg)1 of total soluble solids. The characteristics of the juice were then assessed and
compared with fresh juice and commercial concentrates. With CFM, most aroma
compounds and vitamin C remained in the permeate while the more apolar compounds
such as terpenic hydrocarbons and carotenoids were strongly retained by the membrane.
With OE, significant losses of vitamin C and aroma compounds occurred at first, with
losses progressively decreasing during treatment. Pre-conditioning the membrane and cold
regeneration of the brine reduced losses drastically, with the aroma composition tending
towards that of the initial juice. The quality of pulp, a blend of the CFM retentate and OE
concentrate, was high and much closer to that of the initial fresh juice than to the
commercial thermal concentrate.
Keywords Clarification, concentration, integrated membrane process, juice quality, stabilization.

Jariel et al., 1996), including those involving

osmotic evaporation (OE). Also called osmotic
The ability to concentrate is a primary requisite for distillation, OE is creating considerable interest
the fruit juice industry, principally for economic (Hogan et al., 1998; Girard & Fukumoto, 2000) in
reasons such as reduced transport and storage costs. that it concentrates juices by as much as
Nowadays, multi-stage vacuum evaporation (VE) 650 g kg)1 of total soluble solids (TSS) at ambient
is the classical technology used in the industry. temperatures. Because of the high viscosity of
However, this process always reduces the quality of pulpy juices, removing pulp before concentration
the juice. Temperatures higher than 50 C degrade often significantly improves performance. The
sensorial characteristics, leading to a partial loss of potential of OE, particularly when coupled with
the fresh juice flavour, even when the evaporator is crossflow microfiltration (CFM) is thus very
equipped with an aroma recovery system. attractive and should permit the preparation of
In order to limit thermal damage, other proces- better-quality concentrates, both clarified and
ses that concentrate juices at low temperatures, pulpy, than those obtained by classical methods.
such as freeze concentration and membrane pro- This integrated membrane process has already
cesses have been developed (Ramteke et al., 1993; been suggested for treating different pulpy juices
(Shaw et al., 2001; Vaillant et al., 2001 a; Rodri-
*Correspondent: Fax +33/4-67614433; gues et al., 2004). Nevertheless, the literature has
e-mail: little information on the product’s overall quality
 2005 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund
106 Improving orange juice quality M. Cisse et al.

during processing on a semi-industrial scale. This brane Membralox IP19–40 (Pall-Exekia, Bazet,
study aimed to characterize the effect of a coupled France) with an average pore diameter of 0.2 lm
membrane process on the quality of orange juice, and a filtration area of 0.22 m2. All filtration trials
including its chemical composition, vitamin C were conducted with the juice without prior
content, aroma compounds, and on its sensorial enzymatic treatment.
characteristics. The intermediate products obtained A continuous Ôfeed and bleedÕ microfiltration
in the pilot plant after clarification by CFM and method was followed, as described elsewhere
concentration by OE were also analysed. The pulpy (Vaillant et al., 2001b). When the set volumetric
juice obtained from the membrane concentrate was reduction ratio (VRR) reached 3.5, the retentate
compared with a standard single-strength juice and was removed continuously at a specific flowrate
a vacuum-evaporated concentrate. that allowed the VRR to remain constant, while
fresh juice F was fed into the unit and permeate
(P) was collected. Crossflow velocity, transmem-
Material and methods
brane pressure and temperature were 7 m s)1,
400 kPa and 20 ± 2 C, respectively. The perme-
Raw materials
ate (P), i.e. the clarified juice, was then stored
Frozen, single-strength, pasteurized, orange juice (<1 day) at 0 C until its process by OE.
(F) and frozen, vacuum-evaporated (VE), orange-
juice concentrate (CVE
650 ) were provided by Ticofrut Concentrating the clarified juice by OE
S.A. (San Carlos, Costa Rica). Both were obtained
from oranges of the Valencia variety. The CVE650 was The OE unit (Fig. 1) and the concentration
a typical commercial frozen orange juice (FCOJ) procedure were similar to those described by
that had been concentrated to 650 g kg)1 TSS on Vaillant et al. (2001a) except that a brine evapo-
an industrial scale by a TASTE evaporator (Gulf rator was not used. The pilot plant featured a
Machinery Co., Winter Haven, FL, USA), which hydrophobic polypropylene hollow fibres mem-
featured seven effects (the temperature of the first brane with a total area of 10.2 m2 and an average
effect was 80 C) and an aroma recovery unit. pore diameter of 0.2 lm. The juice to be concen-
trated circulated inside the hollow fibres at
0.2 m s)1. The juice loop had a hold-up volume
Clarification by CFM
of 7.5 L. It was continuously fed with the clarified
Single-strength orange juice (F) was clarified, juice and the concentrate was also extracted
using a CFM unit that featured a ceramic mem- continuously once the set TSS was reached.

Clarified juice
T Concentrated juice
Membrana module

Valve Support
Flow metre


Juice pump Brine pump

Figure 1 Schematic of the pilot plant of osmotic evaporation used for concentration of orange juice.

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2005, 40, 105–116  2005 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund
Improving orange juice quality M. Cisse et al. 107

Calcium chloride solution circulated concur- the clarified orange juice was carried out in two
rently on the other side of the membrane at about stages: from initial TSS to 450 g kg)1 TSS,
0.02 m s)1. Juice conductivity was always monit- obtaining the concentrate COE 450 and then to
ored during concentration to ensure membrane 620 g kg)1 TSS, obtaining the final concentrate
integrity and hydrophobicity, and to detect poss- COE
620 . The concentration loop was continuously fed
ible salt leakage through the membrane. During with the clarified juice (P) during the first stage
the trials, CaCl2 crystals were added to maintain and with COE 450 during the second stage. The
the brine solution near saturation (at temperature of this loop was maintained at
5.5 mol L)1). The brine temperature was main- 26 ± 2 C by feeding the unit with juice or
tained between 30 and 33 C. concentrate (450 g kg)1 TSS) at 6 ± 1 C. The
Pressure and temperature values at the inlet and cleaning procedure described in Vaillant et al.
outlet of the membrane were registered with (2001a) was followed, except that, after the alka-
pressure (±2%) and temperature gauges line cleaning, an acidic step was implemented,
(±1 C). The feed flowrate was recorded with a using a citric acid solution at 10 g kg)1. The
Krohne electromagnetic flow meter (Krohne general processing set-up used in this study is
Messtechnik GmbH, Duisburg, Germany) to give presented in Fig. 2.
the average evaporation flux (Jw). At the end of
the trials, the dilute brine was recovered and
Evaluating juice quality
concentrated by heating until the salts crystallized.
The crystals were kept for reuse in further trials. We used standard methods to measure TSS
As previously suggested, to improve perform- content, titratable acidity and density (AOAC,
ance (Vaillant et al., 2001a), the concentration of 1990), and suspended insoluble solids (SIS)

Single strength
orange juice F

Crossflow microfiltration (CFM) Retentate (R)

Permeate P

Osmotic evaporation (OE) Thermal

(First stage, 450 g TSS kg–1) pasteurization

Concentrate C450OE

Osmotic evaporation (OE)

(Second stage, 620 g TSS kg–1)

Concentrate C620OE Blending R + C620OE

Figure 2 General processing flow chart.

 2005 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2005, 40, 105–116
108 Improving orange juice quality M. Cisse et al.

(Vaillant et al., 2001a). Carotenoids were deter- Response factors were taken as 1.0 for all
mined by spectrophotometry at 453 nm after compounds with respect to the internal standards.
solvent extraction according to Taungbodhitham Sensorial tests used the triangular test method
et al. (1998). High-performance liquid chromatog- with a panel of 25 highly trained orange-juice
raphy (HPLC) was used to determine vitamin C tasters from Ticofrut S.A. Four descriptors were
level by adopting the methodology developed by chosen: aroma, taste, acidity and colour. First,
Kacem et al. (1986) and Brause et al. (2003). to evaluate the effect of the OE process on
Sucrose, glucose and fructose were also analysed sensorial quality, the clarified juice obtained
by HPLC according to the method of Englyst & after microfiltration (P) was compared with
Cummings (1984). Results were expressed accord- COE
620 concentrate after dilution with distilled
ing to TSS to make comparisons easier between water to the same TSS (115 g kg)1). Secondly,
juices. Colour was analysed using a HunterLab to evaluate the effect of the overall integrated
DP 9000 colorimeter (Hunter Associates Labora- process (CFM + OE) on sensory quality, single-
tory Inc., Reston, VA, USA) and data were strength orange juice (F) was compared with the
expressed as luminosity (L), Hue angle (H) and clarified juice concentrate (COE 620 ) reconstituted
color purity (C) calculated from the tristimulus with water and the microfiltration retentate (R)
parameter L*, a*, b* as L ¼ L*, H ¼ tan)1 (b*/ previously pasteurized at 72 C for 30 min.
a*) and C ¼ (a*2 + b*2)1/2, respectively. Finally, this last reconstituted juice (R + COE 620 )
Viscosity was measured with an Oswald glass was compared with CVE 650 . Both concentrates were
capillary viscosimeter, and water activity with an evaluated at the same pulp content (SIS ¼
Aw-Meter AquaLab CS-2 (Decagon Devices Inc., 80 g kg)1) and TSS (118 g kg)1).
Pullman, WA, USA).
We used gas chromatography to analyse aroma
Results and discussion
compounds after carrying out quantitative liquid–
liquid extraction with dichloromethane on an
Clarification by CFM
aliquot of 50 mL of juice (v/v, replicated three
times). Before extraction, 200 lg of two internal For the operating conditions chosen, the VRR, set
standards were added to the juice. The extract was at 3.5, was reached after 2.5 h (Fig. 3). This VRR,
dried using anhydrous sodium sulphate and even- corresponding to a permeate production yield of
tually concentrated by VE at 25 C to a volume of 71.4% (w/w), was found to be the optimum for
0.5 mL before injection (1 lL). We used a Hewlett orange juice because flux density decreased dras-
Packard 5890 chromatograph (Hewlett Packard tically above this value. After reaching the set
Co., Palo Alto, CA, USA), with an HP-5 (cross- VRR, permeate flux was maintained at about
linked 5% phenyl methyl siloxane) fused-silica 62 L h)1 m)2 for more than 10 h by removing the
capillary column (30 m · 0.25 mm · retentate to keep VRR constant. As previously
0.25 lm) and a mass spectrometer as the detector. reported by Vaillant et al. (2001b), membrane
Helium was the carrier gas, flowing at fouling appeared to reach an almost steady state
1 mL min)1. when the viscosity of the retentate was kept
Injector and detector temperatures were 250 and constant.
280 C, respectively. The oven’s initial tempera- The main physico-chemical and nutritional
ture was 40 C. It was raised to 220 C at properties of initial single-strength juice (F), per-
6 C min)1, then to 250 C at 15 C min)1 and meate (P) and retentate (R) at a VRR of 3.5 are
was maintained at 250 C for 4 min. Injection was reported in Table 1. The permeate was totally
splitless. Aroma compounds were identified on the clarified (SIS ¼ 0 g kg)1) and the retentate was
basis of linear retention index, Chemical Abstracts enriched with pulp (SIS ¼ 90 g kg)1). The latter
Service (CAS) index number, and mass spectra. value remained surprisingly very close to that of
Hexanol and ethyl benzoate GC grade (Aldrich, the initial juice. As previously stated by Vaillant
Saint Quentin Fallavier, France) were chosen as et al. (2001b), we assumed that the strong shear
internal standards for compounds with retention stress being exerted on pulp fibres during constant
times below and above 18 min, respectively. recirculation could affect their swelling capacity,

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2005, 40, 105–116  2005 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund
Improving orange juice quality M. Cisse et al. 109


100 4

J (l h–1 m–2)



0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (h)

Figure 3 Permeate flux (Jp), removal flux of retentate (Jr) and volumetric reduction ratio (VRR) during CFM of orange juice
(TmP ¼ 400 kPa, U ¼ 7 m s)1, T ¼ 20 C).

Table 1 Composition and main characteristics of the different juices

450 COE
620 R + COE
620 CVE

pH (20 C) 3.62 (0.05) 3.45 (0.07) 3.58 (0.05) 3.59 (0.06) 3.52 (0.05) 3.49 (0.05) 4.12 (0.07)
Water activity (25 C) 0.98 (0.02) 0.97 (0.02) 0.99 (0.02) 0.90 (0.02) 0.77 (0.02) 0.95 (0.02) 0.75 (0.02)
Viscosity (25 C, mPa s) 1.1 (0.4) 1.7 (0.4) 1.2 (0.3) 7.5 (0.4) 28.2 (0.7) 1.6 (0.3) 37.3 (0.4)
Density (kg m)3) 1032 (2) 1045 (2) 1028 (2) 1187 (2) 1290 (2) 1280 (2) 1383 (2)
Total soluble solids (g kg)1) 118 (2) 130 (2) 115 (2) 450 (2) 620 (2) 118 (2) 655 (2)
Suspended insoluble solids (g kg)1) 80 (3) 90 (4) 0 0 0 80 (2) 80c (2)
Titrable acidity (g citric acid kg)1 TSS) 68 (1) 62 (2) 61 (1) 59 (1) 62 (1) 63 (1) 44 (1)
Glucose (g kg)1 TSS) 186 (1) 188 (2) 185 (2) 183 (2) 187 (2) 185 (2) 114 (1)
Fructose (g kg)1 TSS) 220 (2) 221 (2) 220 (2) 219 (2) 221 (2) 219 (2) 136 (1)
Sucrose (g kg)1 TSS) 491 (2) 494 (2) 489 (2) 490 (2) 491 (2) 48 (2) 291 (2)
Carotenoids (g kg)1 TSS) 0.38 (0.04) 0.34 (0.05) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.35 (0.05) 0.24 (0.05)
Vitamin C (g kg)1 TSS) 3.7 (0.3) 3.3 (0.2) 3.6a.3.5b (0.3) 2.9 (0.3) 3.3 (0.3) 3.2 (0.3) 2.2 (0.2)
Colour (L) 52 62 62 49; 61d 25; 61d 53 20; 28c
Hue angle (H) 88 82.3 88.3 82.4; 88.3d 38.7; 88.3 d
88 63.4; 86.4d
Colour purity (C) 30 37.3 17 30.3; 17d 25.6; 17d 29 31; 15d

Results are mean ± SD of six analyses.

After CFM.
Before OE.
After dilution to 118 g kg)1 TSS.
After dilution to 115 g kg)1 TSS.

thus skewing pulp measurements by the centri- of high pulp content in the retentate, as confirmed
fugation method. by the values for sugars and organic acids not
The TSS content was found to be higher in the being significantly different from those in fresh
retentate than in the recovered permeate, being juice, retentate and permeate. The membrane did
about 15 g kg)1. Similar results have already been not reject these solutes and the clarification did not
reported in the literature as a measurement arte- affect the sugar/acid balance of the permeate (P).
fact (Todisco et al., 1996; Vaillant et al., 1999). The vitamin C contents of the single-strengh
The refractive index was affected by the presence juice (F), the retentate (R) and the permeate (P)

 2005 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2005, 40, 105–116
110 Improving orange juice quality M. Cisse et al.

were not significantly different. Neither retention different aromatic profile than oranges grown in
by the membrane nor oxidative damage (because more Mediterranean climate.
of low temperature) affected this compound. No The oxygenated compounds (alcohols, esters,
carotenoids were noticed in the permeate. As these aldehydes and terpenols) were mainly found in the
compounds are insoluble in water and are mainly permeate, whereas the terpenic hydrocarbons were
associated with cell-wall fragments, they are largely retained by the CFM membrane. More
retained by the CFM membrane along with the than 60% of the ethanol, hexanal, decanal, benz-
pulp. As a consequence, the clarified juice was aldehyde, linalool and terpineol from the fresh
almost colourless (low colour purity C), whereas juice were recovered in the permeate, whereas
the retentate (R) was more intensely yellow than more than 75% of the limonene, terpinolene and
the initial juice (F) (Table 1). valencene were found in the retentate. The selec-
In the initial single-strength juice (F), the tivity of the membrane according to aroma
identification of aroma compounds showed the compound is clearly demonstrated with these
typical aromatic profile of Valencia orange juice results corroborating those of Hernandez et al.
(Coleman & Shaw, 1971; Radford et al., 1974; (1992) and Johnson et al. (1996).
Johnson et al., 1996; Shaw et al., 2001), although As terpenic hydrocarbons are highly apolar
the product was particularly rich in a-pinene, c- compounds, an important portion of these com-
terpinene, myrcene, decanal, octanal, hexanal and pounds could be adsorbed into the pulp, which
poor in limonene (Table 2). The same orange contains hydrophobic sites (Radford et al., 1974;
variety grown in humid tropical area may have a Hernandez et al., 1992) and subsequently rejected

Table 2 Concentration (in mg kg TSS) of the principal aroma compounds in the different juices obtained

Compound of aromas F R P COE

450 * COE
620 * R + COE
620 COE

Ethanol 2356 (141) 377 (30) 2106 (147) 1558 (120) 1784 (125) 1885 (130) 1649 (115)
Octanol 29 (2) 15 (2) 20 (2) 12 (1) 13 (2) 46 (3) tr
Decanol 20 (2) 5 (1) 15 (1) 9 (1) 11 (1) 15 (2) tr
Total alcohols 2405 397 2141 1579 1808 1946 1649
a-Pinene 21 (2) 6 (1) 20 (2) 1 (1) 1 (1) 5 (1) tr
Myrcene 163 (12) 260 (25) 62 (5) 39 (4) 46 (3) 120 (20) 163 (15)
Limonene 2186 (196) 1708 (165) 1382 (134) 984 (101) 1155 (132) 1498 (155) 1432 (140)
c-Terpinene 15 (1) 9 (2) 12 (1) 6 (1) 6 (1) 8 (2) tr
Valencene 130 (11) 92 (8) 38 (2) 38 (6) 52 (6) 98 (9) 156 (12)
Terpinolene 336 (60) 501 (50) 108 (15) 108 (10) 116 (11) 378 (36) tr
Total terpenic hydrocarbons 2851 2576 1717 1176 1376 2107 1751
Decanal 15 (2) 7 (2) 12 (1) 8 (1) 9 (2) 12 (1) 13 (1)
Octanal 11 (1) 5 (1) 10 (1) 7 (1) 8 (1) 9 (1) 8 (1)
Hexanal 5 (1) 3 (1) 4 (1) 3 (1) 3 (1) 4 (1) 4 (1)
Benzaldehyde 81 (9) 28 (2) 76 (6) 53 (5) 61 (5) 68 (8) 21 (2)
Total aldehydes 112 43 102 71 81 93 46
Ethyl hexanoate 865 (80) 84 (10) 828 (78) 552 (48) 553 (50) 510 (52) tr
Butyl butyrate 625 (70) 62 (6) 665 (62) 402 (39) 452 (43) 470 (55) 338 (40)
Linalyl propanoate 320 (40) 145 (12) 302 (28) 182 (15) 211 (20) 383 (32) 206 (22)
Total esters 1810 291 1795 1136 1216 1363 544
Linalol 16 (2) 11 (1) 15 (1) 5 (1) 10 (1) 9 (1) 7 (1)
a-Terpineol 8 (1) 2 (1) 9 (2) 7 (1) 7 (1) 7 (1) tr
4-Terpineol 6 (1) 3 (1) 5 (1) 4 (1) 4 (1) 5 (1) tr
Geraniol 92 (12) 51 (4) 91 (8) 75 (6) 85 (7) 80 (12) 58 (7)
Carveol 44 (52) 85 (7) 15 (1) 11 (1) 13 (1) 36 (5) 37 (4)
Total terpenols 166 152 135 102 119 137 102

Results are mean ± SD of six analyses.

tr, traces; *Analysis on all OE concentrate recovered until collecting two hold-up volumes and obtained after pre-conditioning
the membrane.

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2005, 40, 105–116  2005 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund
Improving orange juice quality M. Cisse et al. 111

by the CFM membrane. The content of aroma

Main characteristics of the concentrates
compounds in the juice (F) was significantly
modified by clarification. These changes should Table 1 gives the main physico-chemical charac-
alter the aroma characteristics of the product. teristics of both concentrates (COE OE
450 and C620 )
However, for orange juice, high terpenic hydro- obtained by OE and the initial clarified juice (P)
carbon content is not generally considered essen- (i.e. the microfiltration permeate).
tial to orange flavour. Indeed, a high content of For the main solutes, a direct comparison of
terpenic hydrocarbons is often detrimental to the results expressed in gram per kilogram of TSS
stability of the juice during storage because these showed that no significant differences existed in
unsaturated compounds are very susceptible to sugar and organic acid content between clarified
oxidation. juice (P) and OE concentrates (COE OE
450 and C620 ).
The vitamin C content appeared to be lower in
the OE concentrates COE OE
450 (by 17%) and C620 (by
Concentrating the clarified juice by OE
6%) with regard to the initial clarified juice before
Figure 4 shows that, during OE, when TSS concentration (P). Vitamin C losses were mainly
increased, the evaporation flux (Jw) decreased observed during the first 3 h of concentration,
from 0.7 L h)1 m)2 at low TSS to after which the vitamin C content (expressed in
0.67 L h m)2 when TSS reached 450 g kg)1,
gram per kilogram TSS) started to increase and
and to 0.59 L h)1 m)2 when TSS reached tended progressively to reach the levels of the
620 g kg)1. Nonetheless, the decrease in evapor- initial juice (Fig. 5). We assume that this pheno-
ation flux was relatively low (only 17% difference menon is mainly due to ascorbic acid oxidation by
between initial TSS and 620 g kg)1) when com- the residual oxygen entrapped within the pores of
pared with other ÔcoldÕ concentration processes. the membrane. This oxidation was most important
Because evaporation flux was mainly correlated to for the juice that penetrated into the concentration
the TSS and did not depend on time, we can loop at the beginning of the concentration. As
assume that no significant membrane fouling residual oxygen contained in the circuit is con-
occurred during the long-term trial. The low sumed, vitamin C losses decrease during process-
decrease of evaporation flux with respect to TSS, ing and finally tend towards zero. For long-term
and the absence of fouling, allowed working at trials with continuous Ôfeed and bleedÕ operations,
different concentration stages, following a con- the concentrate COE 620 , obtained after recovering
tinuous Ôfeed and bleedÕ procedure. These results two hold-up volumes of concentrate, showed no
confirmed those obtained with passionfruit juice significant differences with respect to the initial
(Vaillant et al., 2001a). juice (P) (differences below 5%).

Second stage OE
First stage OE
700 0.8 700 0.8
600 600
0.6 0.6
TSS (g kg–1)
J (kg h–1 m–2)

J (kg h–1 m–2)

500 500
TSS (g kg–1)

400 400
0.4 0.4
300 300
200 200 0.2
100 100

0 0.0 0 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (h) Time (h)

Figure 4 Concentration in total soluble solids (TSS), water flux (Jw) and concentrate removal flux (Jc) during OE
(26 C < Tc < 28 C, 30 C < Tb < 33 C, Uc ¼ 0.2 m s)1).

 2005 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2005, 40, 105–116
112 Improving orange juice quality M. Cisse et al.

Vitamin C TSS

First OE stage (115 to 450 g TSS kg–1)

4 500
3.9 450
3.8 400
Vit. C (g kg–1 TSS)

3.7 350

TSS (g kg–1)
3.6 300
3.5 250
3.4 200
3.3 150
3.2 100
Figure 5 Evolution of the content
3.1 50 of vitamin C during the first stage
3 0 of OE concentration
0 5 10 15 (26 C < Tc < 28 C,
30 C < Tb < 33 C,
Time (h) Uc ¼ 0.2 m s)1).

Even if the colour of the concentrate became During OE, mass transfer depends on (a) the
darker when the TSS increased because of pigment initial concentration of the compound in the juice,
concentration, after dilution to the same initial (b) its relative volatility, (c) its diffusivity in liquid
TSS, no significant difference in colour was phases and, finally, (d) its diffusivity in air
noticed for either OE concentrate (COE OE
450 or C620 ), entrapped within the membrane pores (Courel
when compared with the initial clarified juice (P). et al., 2000).
Table 1 shows that the low temperatures achieved Nevertheless, using sensorial analysis, no signi-
during OE (<28 C) preserved the colour of the ficant difference (at 95% confidence level) was
juice when comparing L-value, Hue angle (H) noticed between the initial clarified juice (P) and
and colour purity (C) of both concentrates with the clarified concentrate at 620 g kg)1 TSS (COE 620 ).
respect to the initial juice P. Thus the Maillard The effect of OE on the aromatic quality of the
reactions in particular were avoided. juice was not significant, at least from the sensorial
Nonetheless, to better characterize losses of the
Aromatic qualities of the concentrates
volatiles, the transfer kinetics of the aroma com-
On comparing the composition of the initial pounds were assessed during the OE process
clarified juice (P) with both concentrates collected (Fig. 6). The concentration of all groups of aroma
after 10 h of continuous extraction, loss of aroma compounds decreased as TSS levels increased
compounds was seen to occur during the two during the first 3 h of concentration, and then
concentration stages (Table 2). The losses evalu- increased slightly for both concentration stages.
ated for all aroma compounds were higher in the These results can be explained by both the
first stage ()31%) than in the second stage reduction of the driving force versus time and
()22%). This trend was confirmed for all aroma the adsorption phenomena on the membrane.
compounds, whether considered individually or as During OE, water transfers were always accom-
chemical class. The decrease in aroma concentra- panied by the weak transfer of some aroma
tion was always more prominent in the concen- compounds through the membrane (Ali et al.,
trate at 450 g kg)1 TSS (COE 450 ) than in the 2003). Because the brine was not regenerated by
concentrate at 620 g kg)1 TSS (COE 620 ). evaporation but maintained saturated by adding
Within each class of compounds, not all the CaCl2 crystals, the concentration of the aroma
volatiles were affected at the same intensity. For compounds in the brine progressively increased.
each compound the transfer flux was different. The driving force for the transfer of aroma

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2005, 40, 105–116  2005 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund
Improving orange juice quality M. Cisse et al. 113

Alcohols Esters TSS Aldehydes Terpenols TSS

First stage OE Second stage OE
2500 500 120 700
Ca (mg kg–1 TSS)

Ca (mg kg–1 TSS)

2000 400

TSS (g kg–1)
TSS (g kg–1)
100 600
1500 300
1000 200
80 500
500 100
0 0 60 400
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time (h) Time (h)

Figure 6 Example of the concentration kinetic of some classes of aroma compounds (Ca) during OE concentration of orange
juice (26 C < Tc < 28 C, 30 C < Tb < 33 C, Uc ¼ 0.2 m s)1).

compounds through the membrane thus de- classes excepted for aldehydes. For concentrate
creased, continuously reducing the transmem- collected after 3 h of the second OE stage, losses
brane flux. The large membrane area used were reduced respectively for alcohols and esters,
(10.2 m2) and the strong affinity that these com- from 35 to 13% and 55 to 25% (Table 3). As the
pounds have for hydrophobic polymers like poly- brine was not regenerated by evaporation during
propylene are also highly favourable for the trial, membrane adsorption alone must have
adsorption phenomena to take place, as already been responsible for 63 and 54% of the losses of
described by Ali et al. (2003). This adsorption may alcohols and esters, respectively, during the first
also contribute to aroma compound losses at the 3 h of OE concentration. Losses of aroma com-
beginning of the processing. pounds can thus be drastically reduced by imple-
Complementary trials were carried out to dis- menting a stage of pre-conditioning the membrane
cover how to limit the loss of aroma compounds to limit adsorption phenomena on the hydropho-
to adsorption on the membrane during the initial bic membrane. The other losses, caused by the
phase of OE. Clarified juice was first circulated driving force for aroma transfers to the brine,
inside the membrane for 3 h, then discarded and a decrease with time during the trial as the brine is
new concentration trial was carried out immedi- not thermally regenerated. Analysis of concentra-
ately after draining without rinsing and using tion of aroma compounds done on the concentrate
brine that had been thermally regenerated before- COE
620 collected at the end of the trial (after having
hand. collected two hold-up volumes of the concentrate),
Table 3 shows that pre-conditioning the mem- showed that the concentrate present insignificant
brane slows down the loss of aroma compounds. losses of the aroma compounds with respect to the
Losses were strongly reduced for all aromatic initial juice P (Table 3).

Table 3 Comparison of the aroma

concentration (mg kg)1 TSS) in (a) COE
620 without (a) COE
620 with (b) COE
620 with

orange juice collected after 3 h (a) pre-conditioning pre-conditioning pre-conditioning

or at the end of the trial (b) during P (%) (%) (%)*
OE concentration with and
Alcohols 2141 1379 1857 2097
without pre-conditioning of the
Aldehydes 102 86 80.5 97
Esters 1795 824 1341 1556
Terpenics 1717 1047 1408 1579
Terpenols 135 96 103 112

*Samples collected after recovering two hold-up volumes of the concentrate.

 2005 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2005, 40, 105–116
114 Improving orange juice quality M. Cisse et al.

According to the sensorial tests, no significant

Comparing the processed pulpy juices
differences (at 95% confidence level) could be
To evaluate the benefit of coupling CFM and OE, noticed between single-strength orange juice (F)
OE concentrate (COE 620 ) was collected at the end of and concentrated clarified juice previously recon-
the trial (after collecting at least two hold-up stituted with pasteurized retentate and water
volumes of concentrate) and reconstituted with the (R + COE 620 ). The process used had no significant
microfiltration retentate (R) previously pasteur- effect on the sensorial quality of the juices. On the
ized to give a pulpy juice (R + COE 620 ). The contrary, the juice reconstituted from CVE
650 and the
chemical composition of the mix (R + COE 620 ) was R + COE 620 juice were significantly recognized as
compared with the single-strength juice (F) and different (twenty right answers out of twenty-five
commercial concentrate FCOJ (CVE 650 ) (Table 1). panellists) according to aroma (40%), taste (30%),
The composition of R + COE 620 was very close to acidity (20%) and colour (10%). All the tasters
that of the single-strength juice (F). No significant agreed that the juice reconstituted from OE
difference was found for carbohydrates and acid- concentrate presented a better Ôfresh orange juiceÕ
ity. Only 14% of vitamin C was lost. The colour of aroma profile.
R + COE 620 was not significantly affected by the
processing as can be seen in Table 1. Thus the
integrated process minimizes heat-induced chem-
ical reactions, particularly the Maillard reactions. Orange juice can be microfiltred reasonably easily
We noticed important modifications in the through a 0.2 lm ceramic membrane at an average
composition of the commercial concentrate flow rate of about 62 L h)1 m)2 at a VRR of 3.5.
obtained by VE (CVE 650 ). Significant differences with The permeate would contain solutes at a level very
respect to sugar content and acidity were found, close to that of fresh pulpy juice. The modifications
probably as a result of thermal damage. Indeed, of chemical composition observed were not signi-
vitamin C content is 41% lower in the concentrate ficant, except for the carotenoids, which were
650 ) than in fresh juice (F). The strong decrease completely retained by the membrane, and some
in colour purity (C), and luminosity L (colour aroma compounds, mainly terpenic hydrocarbons,
measurement after dilution) indicated an import- which were partially rejected by the membrane
ant browning of the commercial FCOJ (CVE 650 ). The because of their apolar properties and association
chemical composition and nutritional quality of with the insoluble solids found in the retentate. The
the fresh juice were thus clearly less affected by the clarified orange juice (permeate) could then be
membrane processes than by thermal evaporation. concentrated at low temperatures by OE to as much
The contents of all classes of aroma compounds as 620 g kg)1 TSS in two stages, with an average
in the pulpy juices CVE OE
650 and R + C620 were lower evaporation rate of about 0.6 L h)1 m)2.
than those in fresh juice (Table 2). Nevertheless, The quality of the concentrate obtained was
important differences were found between the two very similar to the initial clarified juice. The OE
processed products, with the losses of aroma process did not modify sugar and acid contents.
compounds being much higher in the vacuum- Small losses of vitamin C were noticed at the
evaporated juice. Depending on chemical class, beginning of the concentration process, probably
losses between 31 and 70% was recorded for CVE 650 , because of oxidation phenomena. Nevertheless,
whereas losses between 17 and 25% were obtained the vitamin C content of the concentrate progres-
for R + COE 620 . Furthermore, some volatiles (octa- sively increased towards the levels found in the
nol, decanol, terpinolene, c-terpinene, ethyl hex- initial juice. The colour of the product was
anoate, a-terpineol and 4-terpineol) were totally unchanged.
removed in CVE 650 . Some losses of aroma compounds occurred
Even if the aromatic profile of the raw juice was mainly during the initial hours of concentration.
slightly modified, the aroma quality of the integ- These losses could be drastically limited by pre-
rated-membrane-processed juice remained closer conditioning the membrane with the clarified juice
to that of the fresh juice than that of the thermally from CFM and by avoiding thermal regeneration
treated juice. of brine during concentration. OE then allowed

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2005, 40, 105–116  2005 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund
Improving orange juice quality M. Cisse et al. 115

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