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Parent-Teacher Team Conference

Student Progress Tracker

Name: __________________________
Accountability & Responsibility 3rd Grade R.I.S.E Score
Language Arts ________
Math pages ___ out of ___ is ___% Math ________
HW packets ___ out of ___ is ___% Goal
Reading minutes: _________ Fluency: _____ _____
(Goal is 3,000 plus minutes) Accuracy: _____ _____
__ Comp.: _____ _____
Time on task: ___% AVG___% MAZE _____ _____

Reach for Reading GVCs

Unit Test no.____ District Avg.
Reading Comp ____ out of ___ is ____% _____% ____________________
Vocabulary ____ out of ___ is ____% _____%
Writing, revising, & editing ____ out of ___ is ____%_____% Writing

Attendance - School Avg. ______
Student’s Current: Absences ___ Tardies ____
Goals: 2x2 Multiplication


Long Division


Multi-Step Word Problems


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